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20x40 - The Pain of Living

Posted: 07/22/22 07:50
by bunniefuu
Itachi's Story - Light and Darkness: The Pain of Living We'll discuss this again later.

Returning from a mission, Itachi?
We haven't walked together like this in a while.

Well, I'm a genin now and have I missions.

Oh, I see!
That's right.

Since the Uchiha moved here GRADUATE'S INFORMATION SESSION three years have passed.

We were pushed to the outskirts of the village, and the upper echelons took away our authority Many still voice strong dissatisfaction towards their methods.

You're aware of that too, right?
We want to regain our power one day and step out from the darkness into the light Father, look!
What's so funny?
Sorry, Father You're the face of the Uchiha.

I'm proud to be able to walk alongside you.

Enough flattery Should we get your favorite snack on the way home?
DUMPLINGS SOLD OUT TODAY DUMPLINGS It can't be helped if they're all sold out I'm sorry, Itachi.

Are you sure I didn't interrupt you and your dad?
Yeah It's okay.

DUMPLINGS - It's been a while.

- Yeah.

It's the first time since you became a genin.

That's right!
I'm sorry I didn't get you anything for your promotion I didn't even congratulate you.

I'm really sorry!
You don't have to apologize so much This doesn't really qualify as a gift.

But if you don't mind, won't you have one?
My mom loves the tri-color dumplings from that shop.

But I guess someone like you who's brilliant and who excels in ninjutsu and taijutsu and whizzed through the Academy wouldn't have a sweet tooth.

Sorry for just assuming Well, since I opened them I guess I'll eat them all myself.

Don't tell me Do you want one?
Is it strange?
Oh no, it isn't that.

I've known you for quite some time, but I didn't know what your favorite foods were.

Rank and gender have nothing to do with what someone likes to eat.

Yeah, that's true.


I'm sorry It's because, Itachi You looked so ready to use your Sharingan.

It was funny.

Okay, I won't laugh anymore.

Sorry, Itachi!
Sorry, sorry!
Let me make it up to you.

Is there anything you want?
"Anything I want"?
That's right.

She's Yeah I thought so.

But that's something I can't give you.

We have another mission Stop flirting.

We are not flirting!
Itachi I can't give them to you But I'll pray for you I hope that your Sharingan awakens really soon.

And when it does, I'll congratulate you!
How was the kunai you bought the other day, Itachi?
Yes, it was quite amazing.

"Quite" amazing, eh?
You're good with words.

It's lightweight and has a sharp edge.

You couldn't get it anywhere else for that price.

Father also extends his thanks.

I don't need your thanks How about a discount on the price of this next request, Captain?
That and this job are two separate things.

I understand that, but All right, so we have a mission.

Do you understand the specifics?
I don't get it, Minazuki Sensei!
We just have to find a cat, right?
So why do we have to wear this?
Tenma, as always, you're so sassy.

What did you say?
You got a problem?
Pipe down!
You'll wake Tamaki!
I'm not asking you to find a mere lost cat.

It's a search for a Ninja Cat.

What's more, you'll be going into the Den of Cats, where cats congregate.

That explains this Ninja Tool.

We need this Cat Tool which allows us to understand cat language meow?
Still If it's only intel work, why Huh?
Wow That really looks great on you.

You graduated at the top of the class at the Academy!
Have you no shame?
Appearance has no place in undertaking a mission, does it?
Okay, no fighting.

This is the picture of the Ninja Cat that we're looking for.

This cat is Meow, meow, meow!
Aww, don't say that, you're super cute!
Meow, meow.

You're wearing that thing, so cut it out with the cat-talk.

It's even harder to understand, especially with your heavy accent.

It's a mission, so it can't be helped!
That being said, this is an embarrassment to my clan You say that, Hey Shinko!
What's so funny?
but it looks so cute on you!
All right!
All right!
First, let's gather intel.

We'll split into two teams.

Itachi and me, and Tenma with Shinko.


WHITE RESTAURANT WHITE RESTAURANT Let's rendezvous with Tenma and Shinko.

All right.

I'll go get them.

So what's the matter?
It's nothing No, there's something This current mission Rather, that Ninja Cat.

It seems that cat is pretty special.

Since when are you a cat expert?
I'm not!
The leader of our clan I mean, my dad's sick The medicine for his treatment calls for some of that Ninja Cat's whiskers.

Then you should take some, right?
It's okay, right?
I dunno.

Keep me in the dark.

If you take it without my knowing, it's okay.

Just don't tell you-know-who!
Talk about being a coward!
Are you that jealous because Itachi, who's way younger than you, skipped a bunch of grades and graduated first in class?
If it wasn't for him What?
You'd be ranked at the top?
I didn't say that!
Yeah, yeah Anyway, Itachi sure is awesome There's no point in competing with him.

I'm not competing with him!
And it has nothing to do with being top-ranked!
We've found out the location of the Ninja Cat.

Please regroup with Minazuki Sensei.

Ah, rejected again!
CATNIP LIQUOR And the clan just keeps harping on about me getting married So he was chasing around some female cat and ended up here of all places Seems like it.

It seems as though our mission is complete, but Okay, I'll go.

Everyone, hang back here.

What do you want?
I just overheard your story and I sympathize, so I wanted to talk.

Can you even understand the feelings of a male cat who's been rejected meow?
I do!
I do understand that feeling!
So you're not popular with the ladies either.

Uh yeah, that's it.

Well, have a drink meow.

They just don't understand a male's charm.

That's why ladies just don't have perspective or rather a discerning eye Don't insult her!
Looks like there's a breakdown in communications.

Damn it!
We should have done this from the start!
What's going on meow, you brats?
I'll take you on meow!
You're not getting away!
Damn it, he's going on ahead?
His pawfluffyfluffy He's pretty good.

We have to do something about his mobility first He's balancing himself with his tail.

But that's not all Those whiskers enhance his spatial perception.

In that case!
What are you aiming at meow?
You're pretty good with the kunai, but you've still a ways to go, meow.

Yeah, you're right.

I thought I could have managed five millimeters more Things went well here But will it be in time?
Don't underestimate Speedy Tenma!
This may end up causing more than just a scratch I'm glad we were in time for both!
Idid it!
Thank you for your help.

I did tell him to hurry up and settle down But I never expected him to fall in love This one has good skills, but no eye for judging females.

I just wanted to find the best bride for the sake of our clan.

The most important thing is that you're okay.

You fulfilled the mission just as I requested is what I'd like to say But what happened to his whiskers?
To keep the fighting to a minimum, there was no choice.

So you cut them?
Well, it's my fault for not giving you a heads up on his skills You didn't bring them back?
No they blew away in the wind.

Well, I guess it can't be helped.

Thank you for your efforts.

Itachi Next time you come, I'll have you take care of the debts the Uchiha have racked up.

Good thing you got what you needed, eh?
Well, yeah Cheer up, will ya?
The fate of your clan rests on it, right?
It's not that critical!
But If this cures my dad, my clan will be secure.

That Ninja Cat And those grownups They're all thinking about their clans You'd better not be thinking that you saved me.

The thought hasn't crossed my mind.

Even if you didn't end up helping me What are you doing?
Why are you still saying stuff like that?
He's your friend!
Of course, he's going to help you!
His friend?
I was just fulfilling my mission.

You stop being so difficult as well!
All right!
Isn't there something you want to say to Itachi?
I swear I'll make it up to you for this!
Why can't you just say thank you?
Shinko, that hurt too much!
Friend, huh?
Big Brother!
What is this?
This isfrom that time Life is born, and life dies But life is saved again Wait When I saved him back then, I didn't think too deeply about it.

He's your friend!
Of course, he's going to help you!
A clan grows A village is born And bonds are made If that's what friends are We were friends, no doubt about it.

We formed a bond That's why that happened We had a bond I swear I'll make it up to you for this!

I didn't understand back then What real pain was.

The pain of losing a life I felt it for the first time after losing it No, I was made to realize it The feeling of not wanting to lose something precious.

Big Brother!
Your eyes!
Will the day come when you'll possess these eyes too?
The day when you come to know what sadness is?
All right, I'll be going.

Big Brother!
You promised we'd play today!
That's right!
But I have a mission.

Forgive me, Sasuke Next time.

Sorry about that, Sasuke.

I'm going to borrow your brother for a little bit.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Shisui's Request" Sasuke was glaring at me too!
Itachi's Story - Light and Darkness: Shisui's Request Tune in again!