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20x51 - Ninshu: The Ninja Creed

Posted: 07/22/22 08:00
by bunniefuu
My name is Hagoromo As the founder of Ninshu, the Ninja Creed I am also known as The Sage of the Six Paths.

You're The Sage of the Six Paths?
Indeed I am.

Right now, Naruto and Sasuke have taken on Ashura and Indra's souls and are battling my mother Kaguya Ashura?
You just called me the "previous reincarnate"?
Yes Ashura and Indra are my two sons.

And Kaguya, the one who's fighting right now, is my mother.

So Ashura and Indra's souls are connected to you too.

Their souls have transmigrated over and over again.

The soul of Ashura was previously inside you, and Indra's soul was inside Madara.

Inside of me?
Mother took advantage of their souls, and after an extraordinary length of time, she was resurrected.

Right now, I know everything, even the intentions of the one called Zetsu, my mother's third son who possessed Madara.

In order to save Naruto and Sasuke, you, too, must know everything that has occurred.

Before I talk about Ashura and Indra, I must first explain the origin of Ninshu, the Ninja Creed.

It was a few thousand years ago My younger brother Hamura and I, sealed our mother Kaguya and the Ten Tails in the moon.

Hamura went to the moon as well, so he could watch over Mother.

Ninshu: The Ninja Creed Thank you for your help, Gamamaru.

Without the Sage Power that you taught me, we couldn't have defeated Mother.

You insist on leaving, sibling?

There is something I must do.

What are you going to do?
My journey will have two purposes.

The first To find a dwelling place for each of the nine Tailed Beasts that I extracted from the Ten Tails.

I want to make sure they don't fight amongst each other and that people don't use their powers for evil.

I intend to choose their homes very carefully.

The second purpose is to restore this ravaged land.

In our battles against Mother, we caused terrible damage to the land.

I must atone for this crime.

I see.

Yes, that might be good to do.

But the road ahead will be difficult.

I am aware of that.

You know, I had a dream last night.

A dream?
Toads rarely dream.

When they do dream, it always comes true.

Because a toad's dream is destiny.

What did you dream?
Far into the future, a blue-eyed youth will appear, who will amuse himself with the names of the nine beasts.

I dreamed that he will call forth a miracle.

Does that mean there will be another age of discord?
I do not know.

Will everything I do from now on, be meaningless?
Don't worry.

Fate is something you cannot escape.

Go on your way.

And if fate wills it, our paths shall cross again, sibling.


I guess this is my first test.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!
What are you doing?
I'm going to fix the bridge.

Why do something uncalled for?
How is it "uncalled for"?
The bridge is essential to everyone.

Everyone needs it.

That's why it's a problem for me if it's there.

Oh An interesting comment.

Listen, because the bridge is broken, everyone stops right here.

That's where I come in.

I go over to the guy and take his belongings and offer to help him cross.

Then, without a moment's hesitation, I make my getaway with his stuff.

I may not look fast, but these legs never fail me.

This is what I do for a living.

I see.

So you're a thief that uses this broken bridge to make a living.

That's right.

So just leave well enough alone.

But it only benefits you.

It's a hardship for everyone else.

I said leave it alone.

Do you understand me?
Why are you going through all that trouble?
This is to atone for my sins.

So are you a criminal?
Something like that.

Oh man, I guess can't cross the bridge.

Mister, you seem to be in a bind.

Leave it to me, I'll take you to the other side of the river.

- Oh!
- I wouldn't, if I were you.

That man's a thief.

Don't take me for a fool!
Hey, you!
Quit messing with my business!
I'm not moving until I fix this bridge.

You should go find another bridge.

Don't be stupid!
Thieves like me have our own territory I can't just go somewhere else.

Well then, why don't you help me?
I'll leave once the bridge is finished.

Quit messing around!
I see.

Then there's nothing more to say.

You can wait until the bridge is fixed.

Damn it!
Fine, I'll just get in his way That bastard Just where does that brute strength come from?
Damn it!
Get it together!
We've got to work fast or the logs you went to great lengths to gather will just get washed away.

You're going to help me?
I just want you to go away as soon as possible.

And once the bridge is done, I'm gonna destroy it.

My name is Hagoromo.

And I'm Futami.

Nice to meet you, Futami.

What are you doing?
Can't you tell?
I'm building a bridge!
You're a thief, right?
Doing that won't make all the bad stuff you did go away!
Shut up!
Get lost, brat!
Now, you're just like me.

I'm not like you.

I'm not doing this for atonement.

When it's done, I'm gonna destroy it.

All that work and we're only one-third of the way done Breaking it apart is easy, but building it back up is backbreaking work.

Something this sturdy won't be easy to break.

That's true.

If we make it too sturdy you'll break your bones for sure when you try to destroy it.

Hey you!
Don't touch those logs!
We're using 'em to fix the bridge!
We'll help you.

Since we're going to be the ones using the bridge.

You gotta be careful.

Just grab a smaller one.

It's finished!
We did it!
We did it!
The bridge is finished!
This is awesome!
It's done, eh?
A bridge worth the effort to destroy.

Are you kidding me?
After all the work we put into it, there's no way I'd destroy it.

You did a good thing.

And it's time for me to move on to a new place.

Take care of yourself, Futami.

Hey, wait up!
I'm coming with you!
I thought that bridge was where you lived.

With an awesome bridge like that, my business is shot to hell!
When you do a good deed, people are grateful and it's a good feeling.

And because it feels good, you do more good deeds.

That's the cycle of goodness.

When you put it that way you're right.

You have a way with words.

By the way, I didn't ask you before, but Who are you anyway?
I once wreaked havoc upon this world.

Several years ago, there were many occurrences of giant tsunami and volcanic eruptions here and there.

Don't tell me you caused them?
Come on, there's no way one person could've done that!
Besides, if you were that strong, you could've fixed that bridge in an instant, instead of working and sweating so hard.

I decided never to use excessive power again.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to understand how people feel.

Put your hand out.

What is this?
I feel power surging into me.

I just passed my power to you.

Yes Or maybe I should say chakra.

It is, so to speak, the power to connect people to each other.

That's the kind of power I want it to be.

And you passed it on to me?

But it's not something I can give to just anyone.

I've come to feel very close to you.

You have learned what a good heart is.

What are you doing?
Please, make me your apprentice!
My apprentice?
I feel something very special in you I've lived a meaningless life.

My entire life's been worthless!
But you're different.

You're someone who can do great things!
Soif I stay with you, maybe my insignificant life will start to show a little value.

So you want to be helpful to others now?
When we finished that bridge All those happy people and their smiles I've never been prouder in my whole life.

I'll never forget the look on their faces!
I'm positive that that's the bond that you spoke of I mean, Master Hagoromo.

You just taught me something very important.

I think my journey has found another important purpose.

A third purpose.

People bonding through chakra.

Mister, hey Mister!
You in a bind because the bridge is broken?
I can help you cross to the other side What are you doing here?
This is my turf!
We're going to rebuild this bridge!
What the hell are you saying?
Listen up!
From today, you're gonna become a good person!
Did you hit your head or something?
In time, albeit slowly I found people who understood my way of thinking.

And some among them joined me on my journey to help people.

From around this time, I made them my apprentices and passed on my chakra.

I named this bond "Ninshu, the Ninja Creed.

" I trained with my apprentices and continued to ponder What is life?
What is love?
What is power?
We believed that someday, this bond with people through chakra NINSHU would lead to world peace.

We continued our travels for a long time.

Restoring places that were nearly destroyed for no reason And when we found a place in those areas where we could release the Tailed Beasts, we built a shrine for the purpose of guarding them.

Many of my pupils scattered to different regions to repair the land in my place.

And in this manner, Ninshu, the Ninja Creed, spread to each corner of the world.

And later, on my deathbed, I sent the Tailed Beasts that had been inside me to their respective lands.

Praying that they would be able to spend their days in peace I will not live much longer Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei, Gyuki, and Kurama Even if you are far apart, you will always be together.

And eventually, there will come a time when you will be united again.

Each of you with a unique name and a different form than before.

And unlike when you were inside of me, you will be guided down the right path.

I hope you learn what true strength is before that time But as you know, contrary to my hopes Throughout this long history, men appeared one after another, with the desire to use Tailed Beasts for evil purposes which turned the Tailed Beasts against mankind.

Anyway, back to my story.

We continued our long journey.

When at last, I fulfilled my three goals, I returned to my village and made it the headquarters of Ninshu.

I married and fathered two sons.

They were Indra and Ashura.

Their mother had a difficult recovery after giving birth to Ashura and she passed away shortly after.

But my two sons grew up strong and healthy.

They were close siblings.

The older one was especially caring and the younger one was always chasing after his brother.

But at the time, I didn't realize that a dark force was already at work trying to manipulate my sons At the time, my Ninshu did not have a practical application for fighting yet.

My original intent for it was to help bring souls together.

But due to Indra's innovations, the course of Ninshu was drastically changed.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Ashura and Indra" He was one who was worthy of being called the "Genius of Ninshu.

" ASHURA AND INDRA Tune in again!