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02x24 - Smurfs at Sea

Posted: 07/22/22 10:49
by bunniefuu

good night lazy

ah good night hefty good night clumsy

goodnight lazy oh uh good night grouchy

i hate good nights good night smurfette

good night grouchy good night rainey

good night smurfette and remember early

to bed early to rise makes a smurf good



good night


decorating our village to make it the

happiest place in the whole world



what's this all about smurfette i have

something to show you

well smurfette it had better be good

it's more than good it's super

smurftastic see

i decided to decorate our village and

make it the happiest place in the whole



you like it papa smear well smurfette of

course i what's that noise

dozens of them hundreds of them let's

get out of here


go away oh not the face go away



they're just doing what bees do

naturally but we have wood to chop and

pictures to pants and goodies


oh i wanted this to be such a happy day

but i've just made every smurf miserable

i'll never try anything new again it

isn't worth it you're absolutely right

smurfette i always say stick with the

tried and true better safe than sorry it

is my view that nonsense brainy just

because smurfette's idea didn't turn out

as planned doesn't mean that she was

wrong to try

why i remember the same thing once

happened to dreamy smurf

if you recall dreamy set out on an

adventure that didn't turn out his plan

oh i remember oh yes we love that story

tell it again popple smurf yeah what

story pops

well it all began a long long time ago

long before

hey that clown looks like the great oak

and that one's just like a big piece of



there's one that resembles an incredibly

handsome smurf

who shall remain nameless and that one

looks like a sailing ship

if only i were the captain

a vasty smurf lovers land holes



that's it

come on smurfs how can you lie around

like this when you could be sailing the

ocean blue


but we could be heroes boldly smurfing

where no smurf has smurfed before what

for i have everything i need right here

me too who wants to smurf to all that

trouble just relax

but vanity there's nothing like salt

spray to put color in your cheeks really

and really you could discover exotic new

foods i could


and lazy the waves would rock you to

sleep every night yeah so what are we

waiting for yeah let's go i'm cursing



over the bounding


in all my days this is the smurfiest

sailing ship i've ever seen

thanks papa smurf greedy the ceremonial

sarsaparilla please

hey it's empty

sorry all i talk about salt water made

me thirsty

no matter

i now present thee the sea smurf



couldn't drag me on that tub

i certainly admire their spirit of

adventure uh exactly what i was thinking

puppets were exactly what i was thinking

if only i could go but alas my many

duties keep me land found there are

those that explore and those that use

their minds and those that


well welcome aboard brainy i'm glad you

changed your mind


now you too will go down in smurf

history don't say go down don't say go





isn't it as smurfy as i promised

let the wink


and i haven't

eaten a single


the only color this trips put into my


it is green

cheer up my merry crew every adventure

has its ups and downs i hate downs

when the hoe went home

a beautiful




step for smurf one giant leap for smurf


solid rock

it's alive

some island dreamy

yeah stop island

well any smurf can make a mistake and

our mistake was listening to you yeah

that's right you smurfed it

i say we head for home no we can't give

up now don't you want to be heroes no

don't you want to boldly smurf where no

smurf has no


now look what you did we're doomed we

will never see home again doom dude


what else could possibly go wrong



it looks like land



see things aren't as bad as you thought

things are worse than we thought

well dreamy at least you kept one

promise we certainly have smurf where no

smurf has smurfed before

now let's un smurf right out of here

now's our traps here we go full smurfs





if only there was a way to keep the

world's mouth open a little longer there

is a way but we'll have to tear our bone

apart to do it okay

okay no

sorry dreamy but it's our only hope of


then what are we searching for

here it is dreamy let's hope it works

all right crew smurf it with all you've




faster hurry up



cheer up my very crew

it won't be long now

you mean till we get home

do you please till we get some sleep

no he needs to try dreamy i mean until

we discover an exotic new land full of

smurfy things that no smurf oh no you

don't dreamy smurf we're heading for

home with or without you hey yeah he's

right that's right

hey what's happened where are we

i knew it we're lost at sea a hundred

miles from land a thousand miles


one small step for smurfs one giant





this isn't land it's a fishing net

at last i finally caught something oh

and beauties they are

oh thank goodness tonight for the first

time in weeks my family will fill their

bellies with all the fish they can eat

now i won't have to sell me wooden ring

to pay for bread




what's a pirate you got me

this is another fine smurf you've gotten

us into dreamy smurf maybe they haven't

seen me maybe i can slip away and ready


play to where you are mate or you'll

find out why they call me captain keel


well shiver me timbers what have we here

please sir i have to feed my family ah

that's to find a catch to waste on a

bunch of runny nosed tykes right mates


and what might this be

it's my wedding ring isn't that sweet


don't worry we'll take extra special

good care of it won't we mates

oh gosh they don't play fair at all


if only i was bigger if only i was


so long friend and have a pleasant

journey home bone boys


ah there's nothing like pirating to pep

up your day hey mates


we'll fry up these fish as soon as we

finish our game


there's our way out

how do we climb up there

hurry clumsy you don't have all day

coming brady


what was that in that trap didn't it

only be the howling of a wind that were

no wind it sounded like a a ghost well

what do you know that big brave captain

is afraid of ghosts that gives me a

smurfy idea forget it your ideas got us

into this and now they're gonna get us

out come on

i'm sure there are no ghosts in here

captain hey no ghost to top


no good ghosts say or what's that


prepared what you have shown





we're sorry ghosts don't hurt us don't

curse us

into the net here here you can have it

all back everything we ever took just

don't harm us please don't harm us i

should have listened to my dear old

mother she never wanted me to be a

pirate in the first place i i don't

believe my eyes

my wedding ring oh and enough golden

jewels to care for my family the rest of

their lives

it's a miracle a wonderful miracle


oh this is my lucky day yesterday my

lucky day

it's a miracle we got out alive no

thanks to you dreamy and when we get

back i'm gonna tell papas for everything

what a smurf catastrophe this trip has

been you said we were gonna be heroes ah

we've been no help to anybody especially

ourselves do you have any threesome i

hate threes

oh gosh captain dreamy i hate to

complain but we're running out of food

and we're running out of water we're

starving we can't smurf up much longer

what are we gonna smear

a cookie a cookie my smartphone for a


through thorough research and personal

experience i have come to the conclusion

that smurf does not live by salt water

alone in fact a diet of pure salt water

can cause rickety scurvy and severe

weight loss

on the other hand the little splash now

and then could be very refreshing i know

i'll catch us something

oh yeah

me too


sure hope i catch something smurfy

me too pal


it can't be bigger than mine pal it's a

super lopper


well let's spur for my hand


a wise decision

like i always say united we smurf



well we said we'd catch something smurfy

didn't we


i'd give anything for a crusted bread to

feed my starving crew


captain dreamy

fancy meeting you here



a couple of starfish have invited us

down for dinner won't you join us


oh wait for us papa wait for us have you

lost your mind dreamy who and smurf are

you talking to pop the smurf and

smurfette don't you see them oh that's

only a mirage

look an island made of cookies

no no it's made of rocks and it's the

smurfiest looking paradise i've ever

seen okay it looks just like a big

feather bed

it looks like a pizza no cookies a great

big trumpet endless cans of paint


ah it was only a mirage

i hate mirages

boy am i hungry there's nothing to eat

on this island but sleeves i proclaim

one small step





what an experience well i'll never

recommend this place to my friends

oh my four little spurfs what could have

happened to them they should have been

back days ago we must organize the

search build a ship oh papa

our merry adventurers have returned home



tell us what beautiful places did you


none but what wonderful surprises did

you bring back none

i'm afraid the trip was a failure you

can smurf that again

uh all we found was trouble and a few

ouch bye and some dumb sleeves

one small flop for smurf one giant flop

for smurf kind

with those little seeds the smurf

thought were worthless took root and

blossomed into the very first smurf

berry bush in the whole forest

oh what a wonderful story yeah i love

s'more fairies oh yeah

well what do you know the bees are gone

but they didn't go far

well perfect your idea turned out just

smurfy after all yes our village really

is the happiest place in the whole

