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02x31 - Return of the Clockwork Smurf

Posted: 07/22/22 11:28
by bunniefuu





hate the singing of those happy peasants

life may be a bowl of cherries for

them but for me it's the pits

all because of that simple good-hearted

nephew of mine king gerard yes mr

leopold but as prime minister you can do

nothing king gerard refuses to let me

raise taxes rents duties it just isn't


i don't know what you mean

what a glorious day to wake up to don't

you agree clockwork smurf

oh ever since handy smurf made you i've

had the best friend a king could ask for

let's see

maybe i should wear blue today what do

you think

i know it's your favorite color mrs

sowerberry i want some more eggs oh i'm

sorry sire but you used up all your

royal allotment king gerard says the

palace must share equally with the


he does does he well i'm the prime

minister and i want more eggs even if i

why good morning your majesty good

morning uncle leopold have you had

breakfast yes your majesties

dessert your majesty fresh eggs ooh

thank you mr sowerberry and for me

darling clockwork smurf a big bowl of

his very own favorite sardine oil

must your adorable little doll eat with

us every day

oh yes uncle clockwork smurf is my best


besides you of course and like you he's

also invaluable as an advisor which

reminds me uncle i'd like your opinion

of my new program to aid the poor do you

know what that will cost we could use

the money to redecorate my rooms uh be

the palace or hire more soldiers to wage

w*r on weaker kingdoms what do you think

of uncle leopold's ideas clockwork

clockwork thinks it's more important to

help the poor and so do i

sorry uncle but the matter is settled ah

i shall never have the king's ear so

long as clockwork smurf has his heart


we love you sire bless your sire for the

food my good people this saturday shall

mark my first anniversary as king

i'm having a big celebration

and you are all invited

a party more money wasted on these lowly


my nephew gerard is much too nice to

make a good tyrant nothing's gone right

since that clockwork smurf's been around

that's it

you know

the only way i'll ever get gerard to see

things my way is to get rid of clockwork


oh come little fishes all pretty and wet

come to peewee and his big white net

you're driving the fish out of the water

they're easier to catch that way sire


peewee watch what you're doing me

you ruined my net

easy peewee let his majesty fish in

peace all right all right i won't say

another word

a bite at last your majesty a carrier


kiwi quiet you promised i've got it

i've got it i've got it

peewee you made me lose that fish and my

fishing pole


don't worry sire i got the moon

i really caught one didn't i i certainly


it's addressed to princess sabina why

don't you go deliver it pee wee the

sooner the better

you see how much you've accomplished

today sabina without those rascals johan

and peewee to disturb you yes dame

barbara now it's time to work on our

tapestry a proper art for a proper

princess of course team barbara unlike

archery fencing and that other

foolishness those two boys are always

trying to get you involved in yes team



what was that oh oh probably nothing

barbara you want to get sabina's

attention johan allow me it better not

be those scabs johan

heyway oh i got the wrong person's

attention wait till i get my hands on


sorry to disturb your lessons princess

but we have a message for you you best

bring it up here dean barbara is on her

way down well i'm in no hurry game

barbara doesn't scare me when i find

that peewee what i do to him will not be


it's from my cousin king gerard he's

having a big celebration and i'm invited

where is that little pest

accidents do happen

of course you and peewee will accompany

me to gerard's castle wonderful did you

hear that peewee peewee


goodbye have a safe journey

say hello to king gerard for me give him

my best

right your best

remember driver we must proceed at a

stately dignified apace dignified case

then we'll never get there for dinner

but he you just ate i know that's what

reminded me yeah


move along little horses please pick up

your feet the sooner we get there the

sooner we eat

how's that for a dignified pace game

barbara oh you little

sabina a prophet princess does not enjoy

wild ride yes dean barbara

another peaceful night in our peaceful

kingdom i think i'll leave the window


i'm glad you like the fresh air too


pleasant dreams

another disgustingly peaceful night

thanks to that goody-goody nephew of


but if a little accident should happen

to his little doll i have a list of

accidents right here sire good

very good


i've made a list of things we'll need

for your celebration your majesty

oh dear i must have left it in my room

don't bother uncle clockwork will get it


go get him

not me him


what's going on here

those are my slippers

you sorry sir but i uh

the dog got away and

come on clockwork play time is over did

you get the parchment

yes orson play time is over

your majesty i think it's time we got

rid of these silly flower gardens and

added on a new dungeon


i was thinking of tearing out the

dungeon and planting more flower gardens

why a

after all we have no prisoners or


clockwork are you all right

i told you sire these old gardens are a

hazard we should tear them out

and i want music and dancing at my

celebration my people love that don't

they clockwork


see uncles very well

i will hire more musicians


clockwork oh dear




clockwork clockwork

oh no clockwork

allow me sire perhaps i can revive him


oh so sorry forgive me

i'm afraid he's waterlogged your majesty

clockwork speak to me speak to me it's

no use your majesty the poor little doll




my poor clockwork smurf


it's so sad

i feel your loss as if it were my own

i i hate to bother you at such a sad

time lord but the people are waiting to

hear you speak

alas i cannot face them now

uncle will you speak to them on my

behalf don't worry my lord i will be

honored to appear in your place anything

to help oh thank you uncle

oh clockwork

there were so many things i wanted to

ask you


life will never be the same without you

my friend

my good people as of today

all taxes shall be doubled

all free food for the poor abolished and

all wages decreased by 50

taxes doubled how can this be my family

was surely starved i too were surprised

good people but these are the new laws

of the land as decreed by your king

gerard the first i am truly sorry


oh i love to sing and dance and soon

i'll get the chance to make the people

laugh to make the people cry

just you wait and see

you mind i'm singing

easy pee wee that's a king's herald yes

i bring a message from king gerard the

king has ordered all guests to return

home at once then is the celebration

called off yes madam


huh the nerve of that king gerard i say

we press on don't listen to that

impudent squire a proper princess must

obey a king's orders is a matter of move

along little horses please pick up your

feet the sooner we get there the sooner

we will hey


no trespassers in the realm of king

gerard hey do you know who we are

they don't know who we are i am princess

sabina my party and i have an efficient

invitation for my cousin the king oh

sorry your highness please forgive me

but didn't the herald tell you i'm

telling you let us pass or else

sorry madam

open the gates


i don't understand

last time i was here this kingdom was

filled with love and laughter now it's

filled with sadness and tears

i'm sorry you have traveled so far

princess sabine but king gerard

celebration has been cancelled well as

far as i'm concerned the party's still



he's tired from the long journey and i'm

sorry he has a long journey back uh but

i'm sure you'll find an in along the way


so good to see you please come up as i

was saying you must spend the night here

that's more like it uh where's the

kitchen uh i'm afraid i did not catch

your name fair maiden oh i am dame

barbara the royal governess


what a lovely name may i be so bold as

to request the honor of your presence at

dinner tonight well i'm not sure that's

proper on such short notice but

i accept to kind sir

oh what will i wear


sabine to

my dear dear cousin these are my friends

johan and kiwi we're here to find out

why you canceled the party forgive me

but you see i've been in no mood to

celebrate since

my poor little clockwork smurf had his

accident without his advice and counsel

i've not been much of a king

luckily my uncle leopold has been

tending to matters of state on my behalf

putting them in a worse state oh poor

clockwork smurf perhaps i can help if my

music cannot revive him nothing can

wake up and you shall hear the most

beautiful voice of the year oh

is that singing i hear


yes did i

i just dropped by to tell you you will

all have to manage without me tonight i

have a dinner engagement


i'm afraid singing won't help clockwork

smurf peewee his gears are all rusted

there seems to be no hope there's always

hope your majesty the only one who can

fix clockwork is the fellow who created

him handy smurf but the smurf village is

so far away i could never find it again

but we can the smurfs are our friends

and they love my singing let's


what a go


i can't tell you what a nice change this

is you know being a governess consumes

all of my time especially when

when you're trying to educate a princess

to behave properly

she's a fine young girl

if they repair clockwork smurf all will

be ruined stay here and finish the

dinner responsibility

don't you agree

no i do

i most certainly do

you will follow the king he must not

arrive at his destination count on us


hey we should have found him by now i am

the headless horseman who prefers to

ride a goat kiwi


a goblin


forgive me for losing my head your

majesty how did you know we'd be

followed johan i'll bet kiwis luke that

your uncle sent them no those men were

robbers not palace guards besides i

trust my uncle leopold what do you think

clockwork oh

i keep forgetting

oh johan poor cousin gerard has no

confidence in himself and too much

confidence in that sneaky uncle of his

we can't be far from the smurf village

now papa smurf papa smurf papa smith

hello my friends johan lewie

princess hello

hello smurfette king gerard what brings

you to this smurf of the woods

sad news i'm afraid my poor clockwork

smurf has had an accident he's

i was hoping smurf might might do

something your majesty i know handy will

be happy to help follow us

clockwork smurf

handy this poor broken doll needs the

tender smurfing care only you can give

i'll smurf my best papa smurf



it's worse than i thought

this will be a very delicate operation

clockwork oh boy let's hope i haven't

lost my touch





oh will it be all right handy i don't

know if i can just rebuild these rusted


nut bolt springs

do you want large springs or small

springs because i've got all kinds of

springs and i'm not sure

well i wouldn't want to make a mistake

now for the hard part repairing

clockwork's heart of gold what are his

chances handy it's too early to tell

papa smurf the heart needs to be buffed

polished dried and steamed

i'm afraid the operation may take some

time your majesty perhaps we should

return to the castle sire

yes we can await the results there your

country should not be without its king

whatever you think is best sabina my

poor cousin is just not himself without

clockwork papa smurf don't worry sabina

andy is the best

your majesty back so soon

oh hello uncle

was everything all right my absence

fine for me not so good for you take

them but but uncle i don't understand i

do do he was a scoundrel your majesty

well if it isn't the headless horseman

without his goat


can't you take a joke i'll take you


villainous scoundrels


a proper princess shouldn't use such


don't worry peewee there's always the




always the window huh

team barbara you too

oh i should have known

johan don't you have a plan off hand

pee-wee no

if only clockwork smurf were here he'd

know what to do you're the king gerard

you must decide what to do on your own

well somebody better decide what to do

then fast you can't let leopold get away

with this gerard think of your poor

people you're right i am the king and i

will find a way out there used to be a

secret tunnel hidden behind our block in

the wall





we made it

thanks to you your majesty and now i

must rally my people and overthrow my

traitorous uncle leopold it will not be

easy you little soft-hearted fool

uncle i too knew about the dungeon

secret tunnel men put these knaves in

chains we must fight for our freedom

johan i'm right beside you king gerard

oh mama smurf won't king gerard be happy

to see clockwork smurf as good as new i

know he will wait what's smurfing down

there it's the king and our friends

under att*ck

come back you need to rest clockwork

you're well again


i say he's better than new

we'll see how a proper princess and her

governess look in chains


everything's going wrong i must escape

before going somewhere uncle leopold

your majesty

let's not do anything hasty after all i

am your uncle

gets them every time


thanks to you my friends i'm back on my

throne but more important i've learned i

can make decisions on my own


clockwork knew it all along then i guess

this means the celebration is on your


me me me oh i love to sing and dance now

i finally get the chance to make people

laugh and make people cry


doesn't anyone appreciate fine music

don't despair peewee i know some people

who would love to hear you sing

i'll make

everybody now this is what i call a

c*ptive audience and when i reach the

end i'll sing my song again


i'll make the people laugh

i'll make the people cry

just you wait and see

everyone will love me