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01x04 - A Forger's Love

Posted: 07/22/22 16:30
by bunniefuu
On the day we decided to depart,
we b*rned down our house.

Al, are you sure you're okay?

Leaving the village, I mean.
You don't have any regrets?

What are you talking about, Brother?

We decided to do
this ourselves, you know.

Actually, I think you're the one who
will miss it more, don't you, Brother?

I'm all excited. After all, I'm going to
become a State Alchemist! Me!

I feel the same way. I'm going to
get your body fixed, after all.

That's all right. You just
need to worry about yourself.

Still, how do we get
to be State Alchemists?

What kind of training does it take...?

If they have performed human transmutation, and were able to escape with their lives, then I am more interested in them.

They could make fine State Alchemists.

Anyhow, we're going to go
meet this Roy person.

Who knows? With a talent as abundant
as mine is, it'll be a piece of cake!

Are you concerned about Winry?

Nothing we can do about it.

It's something those two
have set their minds to.

I'm sure they'll be back
once they grow up.

Ed... Al...

Man cannot obtain anything
without first sacrificing something.

In order to obtain anything,
something of equal value is required.

That is alchemy's Law of Equivalent Exchange.

At the time, we believed that
to be the true way of the world.

Brother, do you know which train
we're supposed to transfer to?

Yeah, it's at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Until then, let's get some sleep.

My bag!


That was a cinch!

Kids, huh? Off to bed with you,
now, like good boys!


Why don't you give it
a rest there, instead!?

Nicely done!

That was something else!
Was that strange power just now alchemy?


To think that boys your
age could be alchemists!

In these parts, Majhal would have
to be the only alchemist around.


Sure. It's said that he has helped
others out many times with his alchemy.

He's quite well respected.

Where is this person?

Ah, the next village over.
But you'd better not go there now.

There's this ominous rumor going around.

The rumor says that dead people are coming back
to life in that village, and attacking the villagers.

Do you know about this Majhal person, brother?

No, but I saw that same name
among all those letters of his.

You mean Dad's?

If I remember, he wrote
about human transmutation.

If it's the same person, it couldn't hurt to meet him, right?

Yeah! This looks like it's going to be a good trip.

You sure seem unusually happy.

Well, we did catch that purse-snatcher,
and everyone congratulated us.

I'm not sure how to say this, but I'm happy
that our alchemy was able to help others out.

Brother, are you all right?

No, I'm not! That seat was hard,
and bounced around something awful.

Weren't you bothered?


I'll tell you what,
those are some incredible decorations.

Is there some festival going on?

Yikes! That one went toward the village!

What are you doing here!?
This place is off-limits!

We're in the middle of a
fireworks rehearsal here!

What are you talking about!?

The fireworks for the festival,
of course!

I've never seen your
faces before, have I?

What's with this guy?
He's got on a strange outfit!

Cut it out!

Let's get them. Should be fun.

We got them!

They're weak!

What are you doing?

Are you Majhal?

Wow, this is amazing.

An impressive spirit bonding.

H-he knows about me, Brother!

Just what you'd expect of Hohenheim's sons.

Apparently, you've inherited his great talent.

Now then, what can I do for you?

I can't very well turn down the
request of the sons of a dear friend.

We wanted to ask about the human transmutation
you wrote about in the letter you sent him.

Human transmutation? You do know
that it is forbidden by law, right?

Maybe so... But I want to return Al back to normal.

The costs accompanying a human
transmutation are altogether too great.

I know how you must feel, but such an act is
something that only God is allowed to perform.

Then, why did you correspond
with him about human transmutation?

Youthful enthusiasm...
I guess you would call it.

Majhal, I made some rose jam,
if you'd like some...

I'm always grateful, Levi. Thanks.

Not at all...

Was there something else?

N-no. E-excuse me...

Okay then, take care.

Come to mention it, there's a
festival happening soon, right?

Yeah, the Requiem Festival.

The spirits of the dead are sent up
on fireworks, to return them to Heaven.

I've heard rumors about this village.

They say the dead are coming back to life, and attacking
people here. Does that have anything to do with it?

That's just a silly, baseless rumor.

My, my, I'm certainly having
a lot of visitors today.


Come on, Clause!
Majhal, I'm really sorry about this.

Why do I have to apologize!?

It's their own fault for
being so weak, isn't it!?

For boys, anyhow!

- Brother, control yourself!

- What!?

Clause, I know that you're upset about your sister dying.

But you were once
such a gentle little girl.

What would your late sister
think if she saw you now?

Shut up!

Nobody knows how I feel!

My sister didn't just die...

...she was k*lled when that lady came back to life!

Came back to life...?


Hey, hold up!

You guys... are alchemists?

It's been half a year
since my sister d*ed.

We didn't know the cause.

One of the passing villagers found her, looking
like she was asleep, but she was dead.

And then, on the night of her funeral...



Dad said that she was a woman who
lived in this village a long time ago.

You know, right? The dead woman
came back to life and k*lled my sister!

And not only her!

It's all because of her!

Look, if you're alchemists,
then avenge her for me!

I've asked Majhal, but he won't do anything!


It's only natural that Majhal wouldn't do anything.

That's because your story is unbelievable.

Besides, I'm not too wild
about taking any revenge.

What are you talking about?
You guys are really just scared, aren't you?

And you call yourselves alchemists!

You're just a pipsqueak
and an armor-otaku!



Don't you call me a pipsqueak!
I'm still going to grow up ultra-big!

You're a pipsqueak now, aren't you?

Pipsqueak! Pipsqueak!

Shut up!

What about you!? If you're a girl, why don't
you at least dress a little like one!?

None of your business!

Karin? Yes, she did live here.

She made a living by raising flowers.
She was a beautiful woman.

It must be twenty years ago now.

She succeeded in cultivating
a very difficult blue rose.

Her smile at the time was simply...


while she was riding in a carriage,
shipping her blue roses to the city...

...she fell down along the
mountain roads, and d*ed there.

But they say that this Karin is attacking the villagers.

There's no way that could be.

The dead do not come back to life, after all.

And besides, even if she were to come back to life, it's
inconceivable that she would att*ck the other villagers.

What do you think, Brother?

It's true, dead people don't come back to life.

But, supposing that someone were to
perform a human transmutation...

The only person in this village who
would be capable of that is Majhal.

Did you hear that just now?


We're really going to do it?

Yeah, we're going to catch this
Karin zombie with our own hands!

What, are you afraid!?

Someone else is probably going
to get k*lled if this keeps up!

Y-yeah, but...

Geez, what are you doing, old lady?

I'm sorry.

- I don't need your money, just go, would you?

- Anyhow, we make our move tonight.

- You can't just stay here all day over one bowl of soup.

- Got that?

Brother! Wait up!

What's wrong, Al? Are you scared?

It's not that. There aren't really
any zombies around, right?

Don't be ridiculous.

If the rumors are true, then it could
only be by human transmutation.

It's worth checking out.

We did it!

We caught her!

You're hurting me, Al...!

Oh, you guys...!

O-over there!

You... took my sister...!


That sound...!

The alchemist Majhal...
Second-rate after all, I guess.

That's Majhal for you!

Yeah, Majhal, I knew you would
put down that zombie for sure!

What's the matter, Brother?

That was neither a zombie, nor
was it a human transmutation.

It was the same sound that I heard that other time...

Majhal will be cross with you,

wandering around his residence
on your own like this.

And what about you?


W-what's all this...?


Brother, are you okay?

So, you're awake?

It appears that you have seen something
which you were not to have seen.

Yeah, I saw... the identity of that zombie.

This is your doing!

Yes, spirit bonding.

I take a mannequin, who is the perfect likeness
of Karin, and bond one of the village girls to it.

By doing so, they were supposed to
have come near to a living Karin.

But you failed!

Spirits do not tend to bond to
vessels that are unlike them.

You may think they are bonded, but
ordinarily, they are not functional.

There were even those who slipped out of here
on their own, and wandered around the village.

Do you realize what you have done!?

Why the hell would you do this!?

Karin was the only woman I ever loved.

No matter how many years pass since
Karin's death, my scars will not heal.

I made up my mind that I would bring
Karin back to life through alchemy.

However, it was impossible for me
to perform human transmutation.

That being the case, I wanted to at least
create something that was close to Karin.

That's what I thought.

You're sick!

No! I just love Karin!

You're going to assist me now,
in a spiritual bonding for my love.

No way.

Indeed. You're just as stubborn as Hohenheim was.

Um, I wanted to thank you...

You foolish girl.


Please stop, Majhal!
Do not do this any more!

Shut up! This has nothing to do with you!

Hey, do something fast!

Just a little more...!

A blue... rose...?

Receive this girl's spirit, and smile upon
me this time without fail, Karin!

No! Stop!

Stop, Majhal!
You don't understand a thing!

What you were seeking has been right next to you!

What are you talking about?

Karin didn't die!

After the accident, she lost her memory,
and lived from then on someplace else!

And then, twenty years later,

Karin got her memory back,
and came straight back to you.

But you didn't realize it was her!


Impossible... Are you saying that this woman is Karin?

Karin was more beautiful than
any other woman!

Like a rose...!

Face reality!

Flowers wither. But Karin's feelings
towards you have not changed!

Silence! Say one more word, and I'll k*ll you!

Majhal! Majhal!

N-no... You are not... Karin...

There's no way... you could be Karin...

What are you moping about, Al?

I was thinking that alchemy
can also delude people.

Yeah, you're right.


I'm sorry about everything.
You really are terrific alchemists, huh?

That may be so, but who are you?

Don't tell me you're... Clause!?

What do you mean, "Ehhh!"?

You definitely look better in those clothes!

See ya!

Fullmetal Alchemist!

Episode 5: "Dash! Automail"

You wanted power too, didn't you?

That's what the man with the
mechanical arm said to me.