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01x08 - The Philosopher's Stone

Posted: 07/22/22 16:35
by bunniefuu
If ever there was a devilish act committed in this world, this incident would definitely have to be it.

The devil, huh? We, State Alchemists, are human weapons in the service of the m*llitary.

Whenever something comes up, we are called upon, and if ordered to, we must dirty our own hands From the point of doing this or that with other people's lives, there's not a huge difference between the position we're in and the actions that Tucker took.

That is the reasoning of an adult.

But those children are still so Brother Brother, the Lt.

Colonel It's a wasted effort.

It is not possible to reconstruct a living creature once its life has been lost.

Not for any alchemist.

Who is it going to please to bring an abortive Chimera back to life? There will be even greater suffering and anguish than this, waiting for you further down the road you have chosen.

As such, you must keep moving forward, even if you have to force yourselves to accept this.

Accept this, you say!? There is some purpose you are trying to accomplish, right? Do you have time to just stand still? For crying out loud! I won't even be able to get in a good bath with my daughter.

Here? From here on, this is a job for the Investigations Department.

Stand aside! This is something awful.

Is this the work of that serial k*ller? That guy specializes in young ladies, right? What's more, this one hasn't been carved up.

It's almost as if they were blown up from the inside or something, from the look of it.

Man cannot obtain anything without first sacrificing something.

In order to obtain anything, something of equal value is required.

That is alchemy's Law of Equivalent Exchange.

At the time, we believed that to be the true way of the world.

That's a pretty serious look on your face.

For some reason, it feels like I'm at my wit's end.

And here I thought I was through wavering all over the place So then, what are these orders? This.

Sort out the materials here and organize them, and make yourself completely familiar with the results of Tucker's research.

Are you telling me to take over Tucker's research? He went about it the wrong way, but there were portions of Tucker's research that have merit for the m*llitary.

Then you can let Tucker take care of it, can't you? He's dead.

Apparently, his guilt was obvious, so at the discretion of the higher-ups, he was ex*cuted.

You mean this was covered up! How can they!? Pledge your loyalty to the m*llitary.

That's the main principle governing State Alchemists.

Say, it looks like Tucker was also doing research on the Philosopher's Stone.

Oh? That's nice.

How long are you going to sulk like this, Brother? The Philosopher's Stone is the ultimate secret to us alchemists, you know.

It increases your faculty without bound, and makes transmutation beyond principles possible.

In other words, the things that we weren't able to do could be That thing is just a legend! It's a fairy tale! But if Tucker, a State Alchemist, was doing research on it, then Who gives a damn about his research!? Al, have you forgotten about Nina!? I cannot permit it.

Why not? That serial k*ller might have done Nina in like that, right? I'll help out in finding him! And the work you were ordered to do? What about analyzing Tucker's research? I don't want to.

I'll investigate on my own, then.


In that case, leave that here.

I intended to.

Brother! Just a minute! You're not the only one who is upset over not being able to do anything for Nina, Brother! We're alchemists, right? Catching criminals is not something that we can do.

We do research, so that if ever another girl like Nina comes along that we can save You! You you're the guy from the library.

If you were able to come and go at the first branch, does that mean you are a State Alchemist? At the time, yeah.

But not any more.

Is that right? You're better off.

You're better off, that is assuming you don't want to be destroyed by this arm.

Ed and Al sure will be surprised! They'd never expect me, Winry, to come all this way and congratulate them! All righty! Excuse me, Lt.

Hawkeye? That's all right.

But then, I don't know much about the Philosopher's Stone, either.

At least, I've never heard of it actually existing.

I thought it was just a legend.

I see However, I think you'd be better off not paying any interest in such a thing.

It's said that bad things happen to anything that gets close to the Philosopher's Stone.

Oh, you're interested in the Philosopher's Stone, are you? Who is this? T-this gentleman is You want to obtain the Philosopher's Stone, do you? Yes For what reason? For human.

I mean, I want to recover something that my brother has lost.

Oh? You must think highly of your brother, huh? I don't know any particulars myself, but there are a lot of people who believe in the Philosopher's Stone.

What's more, once in a while, I hear stories about alchemists who have succeeded in creating a Philosopher's Stone.

Such rumors naturally have a way of gathering around the m*llitary.

There should be a number of records about it in the first branch of the central library.

Really? But then, only State Alchemists are allowed to make use of it.

So, a State Alchemist could verify whether the rumors are true or not.

Fuhrer, why would you listen in on something like that? It's good for the youth to pursue their dreams.

Don't you think so, Lieutenant? Sure See, I'm right! You think she's cute too, don't you? Y-yeah, I guess What do you think? You think she takes after me? What can I say? Everyone says so! Don't bother me, Pops! There's no need for that kind of talk.

Not when I've been showing you the classified analysis of the serial k*ller.

You owe me two, one for the train, and one for your wife's delivery.

Oh, yeah? Well, in any case, we're at a standstill.

The crimes happen within the city, but there are no witnesses.

The bodies are outright sliced up, but nobody believes that he could do it all in such a short time.

Could he have k*lled them, and then brought the bodies around? How much time has passed from the time of death? Not even the investigators are clear on that very often.

But between the m*llitary and police, we've opened up and checked the trunk of every car coming into the city.

There must be some sort of blind spot.

A car that can hide the bodies, or something Or maybe it's the work of an alchemist Alchemists are not murderers! Er, are you Edward Elric? Yes.

There's a visitor to see you at the Headquarters reception desk.

A visitor? Howdy! Thanks, as usual! It's all right.

They held the state certification exams again, right? Y-yeah.

Oh, did you hear? This time, there was a 12-year old who passed the test.

I hear he just does this with his hands, and just like that, he can transmute.

Really? There, the blond one.

And he's just a child, too Oh, come to think of it, watch out for that one guy.

They say he only cuts up the pretty ones.

Oh my, are you worried about me? Sure.

I sure hope they catch him soon.

You bet.

So, about these incidents Have you heard anything else? How long is Ed going to keep me waiting? That's a refrigeration unit! Central sure does have the latest cars.

How nice! I sure would like to dismantle it! I'm afraid having it dismantled would put me out.

I'm sorry! Is this your truck? That's right.

This my food shop's delivery truck.

Is something the matter? If you like, would you care to look inside? Huh? I can!? Thanks so much! Huh? I told her to wait right here.

That's strange Elric? Is this? Winry? Huh? Was there a car stopped here? Yeah, there are always refrigerated trucks stopping here, whose dealers serve the m*llitary's cafeteria.

Refrigerated truck? Something that could hide a body? It couldn't be! Elric!? Hey, are you all right!? Were you kidnapped, too? Over there, there's someone else.

There is? Okay, let's take them and get out of here, quick! I'll be here with you, so don't worry-! Good morning, junior.

Why, you! I heard that you can transmute without using transmutation circles.

So just to be safe Let me introduce myself.

I'm the shop's owner, Barry.

A man? As a reward for making it this far, let me show you something you'll like.

Winry! I'm about to craftily dissect this little girl.

Be sure to watch closely now, State Alchemist Stop! Why are you doing this!? Why? Well now, because I enjoy it, I suppose.

The first person I k*lled was my wife.

We were having some petty argument, you see.

Then, without meaning to, I k*lled her.

But then, she cut up so neatly, you know? After that, I started wanting to cut people up even more neatly.

I wanted everyone to see.

How can one person k*ll another for something like that!? Oh, but they can! Given just the slightest opportunity, a person can k*ll another.

Stay back! If they go off to w*r, it's even easier for one person to k*ll another.

Why do you suppose that is? I-I don't know.

It's because people want to k*ll each other.

On the b*ttlefield, I saw a State Alchemist just like you k*ll other people with ease.

Splat! Just like that.

No! No!! Why, you! What? Damn it! Don't! It will take more than that to k*ll me.

They're in here! Don't move! Al Brother does that hurt? I thought I was going to get k*lled.

I really thought that I might die I was scared.

Terribly terribly scared Thanks to Hughes-san realizing that trucks from this same food shop had passed inspections many times, we somehow managed to get there in time.

Afterward, the case of Barry the Chopper became famous, and it would be spoken of as Brother's first distinguished achievement.

Brother The Philosopher's Stone might really exist.

But, in order to search for it, you have to be certified as a State Alchemist.

Since I don't have a body I can't really feel the terror you felt, thinking you were going to be k*lled, Brother.

I'm sure it must have been lonely and painful Sure, I want my old body back to be human again, once we find the Philosopher's Stone.

Even if it means having to go against the flow of the rest of the world, as though nothing will ever come of it Having nearly been k*lled, I realized something All I could do was scream.

My mind just went completely blank.

I couldn't even bring myself to think there would be anyone to save me.

For all that we are able to do, we'll have our hands full just trying to get our own bodies back.

To that end, whether it means being a dog of the m*llitary, or cursed as the devil, I don't care But then, we really aren't devils, much less gods.

We're only human! Tiny, insignificant humans, who couldn't even save Nina A condition, you say? I will obey my duties to the m*llitary.

As such, I would like to be told all information there is about the Philosopher's Stone.

When I have no other duties, permit me to search for the Philosopher's Stone.

Are you sure you want it to get out that you committed the sin of human transmutation? Your brother will be brought into the laboratory as an extraordinary example of transmutation.

At least, that's the way I could pressure you to make sure you stay in line.

Okay, very well.

But you will report to me everything you find out about the Philosopher's Stone.

You have been given a title from the Fuhrer.

It's quite an ironic title, though We give the name "Fullmetal" to thee, Edward Elric, in the name of.


Fullmetal? State Alchemists are given a silver watch, as well as a second name.

The second name that you will bear is "Fullmetal".

The Fullmetal Alchemist.

I like it.

It has an oppressive feel to it.

Sure, I'll take on that name! To celebrate, you're going to treat me to all kinds of delicious things! You've got it backwards, don't you? I fixed your arm, didn't I? Brother, I heard that the serial k*ller didn't have anything to do with Nina.

No, he seems to have an alibi for that night.

Then, I wonder who it was that wiped out Nina like that Fullmetal Alchemist! Episode 9: "The Dog of the m*llitary's Silver Watch" I knew what it would mean to become a State Alchemist from the very beginning, Al