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01x03 - City of Heresy

Posted: 07/22/22 17:27
by bunniefuu
Alchemy is a science where one understands the structure of matter, breaks it down, then rebuilds it.

However, it is not an all-powerful technique, as one cannot create something out of nothing.

If one wishes to gain something, one must present something of equal value.

This is the concept of equivalent exchange, the fundamental basis of alchemy.

However, there is a taboo in alchemy.

Human transmutation.

One must not commit this act.

To you, children of God, who live on this earth, pray and believe, and you shall be saved.

The Sun God Leto shines light upon you to show you the way.

Are you guys street performers or something? Where in the world did you get that idea? Am I wrong? Thanks for the meal.

Hey now, sir! Sorry about that, we'll fix it.

"Fix", you say? Well, just watch.

Well then, here I go! How's that? Now that's quite a surprise.

You're able to perform miracles, as well? What the heck are you talking about? We're alchemists.

That's the first time I've seen anything like that.

You've never heard of us, the Elric Brothers, before? "Elric"? Actually, I have.

The Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric! Oh, so you're that rumored genius alchemist.

Ah, I get it! Your other name is "Fullmetal" because of this suit! No You have the wrong person Huh? That little guy over there? Who are you calling a pea-sized runt?! Pray and believe So, what the heck is this broadcast? I-It's the High Priest Cornello He came here a few years ago and preached to us about the path of God.

"God will grant eternity to the living and resurrection to the dead.

" And proof of it all are the miracles that he produces.

"Resurrection to the dead", eh? Sounds fishy to me.

That's what they were talking about, huh? What do you think? It's pretty obvious from that transmutation response that it's alchemy.

But he's totally ignoring the concept of equivalent exchange.

It's a rule that you can only produce something from matter of equal value.

He changed a flower to a mineral, too.

Brother, could it be Yeah.

It could be Bingo.

God please listen to my wish Please bring back- Ah, so this is Mr.


Are you interested in the religion of Leto? Nah.

Unfortunately, I'm an atheist.

That's not good.

Believing and honoring God, and living in gratitude and hope How glorious.

If you believe I'm sure you'll grow taller! What did you say?! She didn't mean it in a bad way! "Resurrection to the dead" Do you seriously believe something like that? Yes.

Water, 35L.

Carbon, 20kg.

Ammonia, 4L.

Lime, 1.


Phosphorus, 800g.

Salt, 250g.

Niter, 100g.

And others.

What? Those are the ingredients that make up an average adult human body.

We know this from our advances in science, but there haven't been any reports of successful human transmutations.

You really think that praying would solve something that even science couldn't solve? "Pray and believe, and your wishes shall be.

" And by the way, you can buy these basic ingredients at the market with a kid's pocket money.

Humans are made pretty cheaply, aren't they? People are not things.

Those words are blasphemy to our creator.

You'll suffer divine punishment for that.

Alchemists are scientists, after all.

We don't believe in creators or the existence of a God.

Looking for the solution to the creation principle of this world and pursuing the truth.

It's pretty ironic we're the closest things to God in a sense, even though we have no need for him.

Are you saying you're on the same level as God? How arrogant! Arrogant, huh? I remember this from a mythical tale.

"The hero who gets too close to the sun shall have his wax wings plucked and be dropped to the earth.

" Brother.

Lady, will Mr.

Leto save a scientist like me? Even though I was thinking something like that? Of course.

He will accept reformers at any time.

High Priest, there are people who wish to have a meeting with you.

Two of them.

A child and a man in a suit of armor.

They call themselves the "Elric Brothers".

I'm busy.

Dismiss them.

Actually, wait Did you say the Elric Brothers? Yes, that's what they said This is going to be trouble.

It's the Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric.

The man in the armor?! Yeah, probably.

What is a State Alchemist doing here? Could it be that our plan has been Those dogs of the m*llitary must have a good sense of smell.

This way, please.

The High Priest is a very busy man, and he usually cannot find time for such matters, but You folks are lucky.

Sorry for the trouble.

I'll try to make it quick.

Yeah, let's get this over with as quickly as possible.

Priest, what are you doing?! Rose, these people are heathens who are trying to ensnare the High Priest.

They are evil.

No, that's So let's get this over with quick! Strike! So noisy! Welcome to the holy order, Fullmetal Alchemist.

Sir Cornello! Looks like some of us were rather hasty.

I apologize for their rudeness.

It really doesn't feel like an apology when you're looking down at us from a high place like that.

Are you here for our dogma? I have a lot of things I want to learn from you say, a method for tricking your followers with petty alchemy.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I can't have you putting my miracles and alchemy on the same level.

How's this? Can this be achieved through alchemy? That's precisely what I'm concerned about.

For some strange reason, you can perform transmutations while clearly ignoring the rules.

Which is why it isn't alchemy- So I was thinking If you had the legendary amplifier that allows alchemists to perform the impossible, it would be possible in your case.

What? Yep.

Frankly, the Philosopher's Stone.

Isn't that what your ring is made of? That was a long search.

This is just an ordinary ring.

God has allowed me to perform miracles.

Still gonna play dumb? Guess I'll have to get my hands on you and ask your body for the truth.

You seem to be an incorrigible heathen.


Y-Yes? Pick up that p*stol.

Yes, sir Now sh**t the Fullmetal Alchemist.

I can't do that My words are God's words.

This is God's will.

Rose, sh**t him.

What's wrong? Who was the one who rescued you from your despair after you lost your love in an accident last year? It was you, Sir Cornello That's right.

It was I who rescued you.

And what did I promise you? That you'd revive him! Umm I'm not the one you're supposed to be aiming at I'm the Fullmetal Alchemist, got it?! Wait, you're the one?! Sorry I have to.

He's a swindler.

No, he isn't! He's going to revive him with his miracles! Then sh**t me.

Al! Good work.

God is rejoicing.

Now, sh**t the other.

Man, you make your followers do terrible things.

What?! What's going on?! As you can see this is how it is.

An empty suit of armor! This, itself, is evidence of their evil! They must be eliminated! Is this your first time seeing a chimera? So you made something like this with your Philosopher's Stone, too, eh? I should probably arm myself Without a transmutation circle?! I guess your title of "State Alchemist" has to come with something! But How do you like those claws that cut through iron?! Just kidding.

Unfortunately, my leg is a bit special.

Bite him to death! What's wrong, stupid cat? Get a good taste of it! That arm and a brother without his body Ah, I see now.

Fullmetal Alchemist you You've done it, haven't you?! Get down here, third-rate! I'll show you the difference in our skill! Get down here, third-rate! I'll show you the difference in our skill! Rose, these guys have committed the greatest taboo alchemists can commit.

Human transmutation.

They tried to revive the dead.

"The hero who gets too close to the sun shall have his wax wings plucked and be dropped to the earth.

" No way This is the body of a sinner who encroached upon God's territory.

Rose, are you really prepared to be like this? Edward Elric.

And you call yourself a State Alchemist? You make me laugh.

Shut the hell up! You can't do anything without the Philosopher's Stone, third-rate! High Priest, please give us the stone before you get hurt.

How ridiculous! Fools who stepped into God's territory! I'll send you to his side, once and for all! Nah, God seems to hate me, so he'll probably send me back even if I went.

Al! What are you doing?! After them! They are heathens who bring evil to the order! Catch them! Stop right there! What do you think you can do unarmed, kid? Just give up before you get hurt.

Don't let your guard down just because he's a kid! Out of the way! Get it now, Rose? Cornello sh*t at us, even though you were with us.

But that's because you two Is that story true? We just wanted to see Mom's smiling face again.

But the transmutation failed.

It didn't even look human.

We learned our mistake the hard way.

People cannot be revived even our mom.

That's not true because The fundamental basis of alchemy is the concept of equivalent exchange.

The price we paid for the human transmutation was huge.

Brother lost his left leg, and I lost my body.

Can you see it? Brother drew it with his blood.

It must have been painful for him, after having his left leg taken away.

But Brother affixed my soul to this suit and gave up his right arm as compensation.

I want to fix my brother's body.

Brother wants to get my body back, too.

But we may die trying.

That's the path we've chosen.

But, Sir Cornello could Rose Even if you two can't, he could He could do it! He will! You brat! You'd better be prepared! Old man, let's have a heart-to-heart talk.

I just want to know the secret behind that stone.

Or should I call for the army to mobilize? To inspect the stone, that is.


What do you plan to do with the Philosopher's Stone? You don't need that pitiful order if you have the stone, do you? The order will produce followers that will joyfully give up their lives for me! They would be an undefeatable army that does not fear even death.

Just watch.

I'm going to be stripping this country away in a few years.

By using the Philosopher's Stone and my stupid followers! I guess I could share some of the leftovers with you.

What's so funny?! This is why I called you third-rate.

Y You didn't There are no such things as miracles.

They were all thanks to the power of the Philosopher's Stone.

Y-You When did you flip on that switch?! When?! From the very beginning.

It's all been leaked, now.

What have you done?! You brat!!! Too slow! Told ya.

We're on totally different levels.

I'm invincible! R-Rebound! I'm not giving up yet! I'm I'm God's hand!!! My words are God's words.

This fist is God's fist! "God's fist", you say?! If you like it so much, I'll let you have a taste of it! Shut up! Now give me the Philosopher's Stone! It broke? What does this mean? How could the Philosopher's Stone break? It's supposed to be a perfect substance! I I don't know! I didn't hear about this! P-P-P-Please don't hurt me! Please! I was wrong! So it was a fake? I can't do anything without the stone! Please, have mercy!!! I finally thought we'd be able to get our bodies back, and it's fake U-Umm, what about me? Go wherever you want!!! Yes, sir! What about the Philosopher's Stone? It was a fake.

I see And I thought we'd finally be able to get your body back Give me the Philosopher's Stone! Rose Didn't I just say that it was a fake? And in any case, it broke on its own.

That's a lie! You're planning to keep it for yourselves, aren't you! To fix your bodies right?! And you want to meet your mother again, too Shut up! The dead cannot be revived Never Never.

But he said that he'd be able to bring him back He said that if I prayed, it would come true.

That a miracle would occur What am I supposed to cling to from now on?! Tell me! Hey Decide that for yourself.

Get up and take a step.

Walk forward.

You've got two fine legs on you.

You don't need to cling to anything.

What's going on?! Let us see the High Priest! Were you guys tricking us?! Open this door!!! My plans ruined by a brat like that Seriously.

What a mess.

All you had to do was to wreak a bit of havoc.

You Hey, Lust? Can I eat this guy? No, Gluttony.

If you eat something like that, you'll get a stomachache.

How dare How dare you all make fun of me! You're not needed anymore.

It was just starting to liven up, too.

I guess we have to start over.

Father will get mad at us.

Now, I wonder what we should do next Ed and Al visit East City, home of Eastern Headquarters, to report the incident in Lior.

And they meet Shou Tucker, the Sewing-Life Alchemist, and his daughter, Nina.

Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 4, An Alchemist's Distress.

An encounter.

Is that the beginning of suffering?