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01x12 - One is All, All is One

Posted: 07/22/22 17:34
by bunniefuu
We're almost at Dublith, Brother.

Were you dreaming? Yeah.

A dream about him.

We're finally here, aren't we? Yup.

I hope the Master isn't home Yeah H-Hi It's been a while Welcome.

You've gotten bigger.

I-I'm going to shrink Hi It's me, Alphonse.

It's been a while.

You've really gotten bigger.

That's the first time I've been patted on the head since I became like this.

Izumi, the Elric runts are here.

Think you can get up? I'm fine.

I'm not feeling too bad today.

I guess she was lying down because she wasn't feeling well.

Has her body not healed yet? You're one idiot of a disciple! What's this I hear about you becoming a dog of the military?! Master! W-Well about this Al! Look at how much you've grown! You haven't changed much either, Mast- You've slacked on your training! Oww I thought you weren't feeling well? Forget about that! I'm out of bed like this because I heard you guys were here Don't push yourself.

You're worried about me, Dear? I don't know much about the Philosopher's Stone.

Because I'm not interested.

I see We met an alchemist in Central who knew a lot about the stone, didn't we? What was he like? I think his name was Hohenheim.

What's the matter? So he's alive You know him? He's our father.

So the one who left a long time ago That bastard! It's his fault Mom died.

Because of him Oh! What are you doing up so early? Al said he needed to pee Oh, so you were taking care of Al.

Thank you, Ed.

Mom, where's Dad? He left.

When's he coming back? Tickle tickle tickle! Tickle tickle tickle! He'll be back in no time.

Hurry and finish your meal, now.

Mom Mom.

Mom! Mom!!! So did Dad say anything about the stone? He looked happy, saying something about his wish from long ago will finally be coming true soon.

Ow! Time to eat! Okay You aren't going to eat, Al? N-No! I ate too much on the train Hey Al, tell them about how we witnessed childbirth over at Rush Valley! Oh yeah! Master, we helped a baby being born! Idiot, that doesn't count as "helping".

I learned that people are born because everyone in the family works together, the mother risks her life, and because the person receives so many blessings from everyone.

That's right.

That's how you two were given life, too.

Be proud that you were born.


Hm? Master hasn't changed at all, has she? Nope.

She hasn't changed at all since we first met her.

Hang in there! Bring over some more! It's going to collapse! The levee's going to break! Run for high ground! Brother, look! Hey, it's dangerous! This should last for a while.

W-Who are you? A passing housewife! Will you please be our master, old lady?! Please, old lady! I couldn't catch exactly what you said Mind repeating it? C-Correction! Please be our master, Miss! No! Why not?! I don't take students.

And besides, we're in the middle of a trip! Please, accept us as your students! God, you're so persistent! Do you even have permission from your parents?! The thing is those boys don't have any parents.

I'm so soft when it comes to things like this Survive on your own! Huh? That's the preliminary round.

If you pass, we'll get to the real training.

And you're not allowed to use alchemy during this preliminary round.

What? "One is All, All is One.

" Find the answer to that within a month.

If you can't, I'm sending you back to Resembool.

Later! Huh?! What the heck?! So hungry I want to sleep in a bed, geez What part of this is alchemy training?! So hungry I wonder if those kids are all right? They say there's no substitute for real-life experience.

That is the best way to pound the courage portion of alchemy into them.

If they don't learn anything from this, it just means that's the extent of their talents.

They'll have to give up learning from me.

What I'm worried about is the safety of their lives.

I was thrown out to Mt.

Briggs in the middle of winter for a month during my training! Don't put yourself and ordinary people at the same level.

There's so much to eat on that island; they'll live.

We did it! How do we eat this? Hmm We cut it apart.

Cut it apart I don't want to do it! You do it! I did the catching; you do the k*lling.

You always try to make me do all the things you don't want to do! Get back here!!! Baby foxes Forget meat let's try for some fish.

How do we catch one?! We don't have a rod, line, or a needle! No food, no fire, no nothing Don't say that! Geez! What was that for, Brother?! Brother? Sour! I'm alive.

Eating ants and living.

Eating life and living.

Living We're not going to die here! Right! Sorry about this You're almost there, Brother.

We did it! Looks like tomorrow's the end of the month Hey Brother, did you ever find the answer to "One is All, All is One"? I've been thinking about it for the longest time, but I only kind of understand it.

I'm not positive, but Remember when I ate ants when we were starving and out of it? You did? Yep, I did.

They were so sour.

Then, a thought came to my mind.

If I hadn't eaten them and eventually died, foxes and ants would eat me.

I'd return to the soil and become grass.

And that's what a rabbit would eat.

The food chain, right? Yeah.

But that's not all.

Even this island could have been underwater in the ancient times.

And tens of thousands of years in the future, it could be a summit of a mountain.

Everything is connected? Everything is within a large stream that can't be seen.

I don't know if that stream should be called the universe or the world, but from the point of view of something that big, you and I are like ants.

A small individual within a stream.

We're just "one" within the "all".

But only when those "ones" gather together, can an "all" exist.

It's the promised day.

Let's hear your answer to "One is All, All is One".

"All" is the world! And "One" is me! Good! We can start the real training now.

All right! A basis of a transmutation circle is the power of the circle.

The circle displays the circulation of power, and by sketching the construction symbol in it, it becomes possible to activate its power.

This is also a circulation of power.

It's best to experience it for yourself.

Now Review it until lunch is ready! Okay, so The circle displays the circulation of power, and by sketching the construction symbol in it, it becomes possible to activate its power.

But you were transmuting by just slapping your palms together, weren't you, Master? Do you not need to sketch the construction symbols? I am like a construction symbol.

What do you have to do in order to do that? You might be able to do it if you ever reach the truth.

Master has also seen the truth And? What did you want to talk to me about? W-Well As I thought, you can transmute without a construction symbol! Additionally, Alphonse is an empty suit of armor! You've got automails for an arm and leg! How did you know, Master?! I can tell from just sparring with you! You saw it, didn't you? Am I right?! Y-Yes, ma'am! Both master and pupil, making the same stupid decisions.

Master, you Because you saw that thing We had a hard time conceiving a child.

Just when we thought we were having a baby, I fell ill.

Because of that, our child wasn't born into this world alive.

So I committed taboo.

Thanks to that, all sorts of organs were taken from me.

I'm such an idiot.

I should have told you sooner.

It must have been tough.

N-No! It's something we did to ourselves.

We don't particularly find it tough I think about what to eat when I get my body back.

It's quite the opposite; it's more of an anticipation! Right, Brother? Yeah! That's exactly it! You morons No need to force yourselves.

Forgive us We're sorry Forgive us We're sorry Forgive us We're sorry Forgive us This world is flowing while abiding by a great rule that's unimaginable.

Learning about that flow, breaking it down, and rebuilding it.

That's what alchemy's all about.

And it's also what living is about, too.

The basics of alchemy, breaking something down and rebuilding it That's almost like the food chain.

If you eat a rabbit, you break down its meat and rebuild it into your own body.

And even that rabbit rebuilds the grass it ate into its own body.

Alchemy is life itself.

A man who enjoys his own desires.

His name is Greed.

Whether he be friend or foe, the figure that stands before Ed and Al is a body made for fighting.

Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 13, The Beasts of Dublith.

A powerful figure appears before the two.