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01x20 - Of the Shape of Hearts and Humans

Posted: 07/23/22 15:16
by bunniefuu
Like a cruel angel

Become a legend, young boy

When a blue wind
Knocks on the door to your heart

You just gaze back at me
And smile oh so gently

So eager for something
You touch so softly

Those innocent eyes
Know nothing of the fate that awaits

But one day, you will realize
That upon your back

You have wings
You can fly to the faraway future

The cruel angel's thesis

One day, you'll take off through a window

If your overflowing pathos

Leads you to betray your memories

Then embrace the heavens and shine bright

Become legend, young boy

It's eating the Angel...

It's using brute force
to break free of our control.

We humans can no longer keep
that Eva under our control.

The awakening and liberation of Unit 01...

Seele won't take this lying down.

The Eva series aren't meant to be able
to generate an S2 Drive on their own.

Who could have predicted an Eva could
assimilate an S2 Drive in such manner.

This turn of events is in no way
part of Seele's scenario!

Compensating for this
will be no small task.

Perhaps entrusting Nerv
to Gendoh Ikari, to that man,

was a mistake in the first place.

But if it were not for that man, we could
not have set any of our plans in motion.

Ikari, what are you thinking?

It's begun, hasn't it?

Yes. It all starts now.

The damage to the two Evas
is well beyond the Hayflick limit.

It's going to be a while before things
get back to the way they were.

Fortunately, the Magi System
is designed to be transferable.

We can start work as early as tomorrow.

But this place is a total loss.

It's only a matter of time
before they decide to condemn it.

I agree.

In the meantime,

we'll have to make do with this, the
backup Secondary Command Center.

Even without the Magi?


We'll dust off the cobwebs
and get down to work this afternoon.

The chairs are hard,
and the sensors aren't responsive.

We can't be as productive
as we were before.

This place's layout is identical to
our old First Command Center, but still...

Yes, it feels off somehow.

All that matters now
is that it's operational.

The big question
is whether or not Unit 01 is.

Will restraining it
using the cage be enough?

We're not detecting any thermal,
electrical, EM,

or chemical energy readings
from inside it.

The S2 Drive is completely inert.

That hasn't stopped Unit 01 from
coming to life three times in the past.

We can't fiddle around with it
based only on what we can see.

There's no telling what it might do to us
if we start poking at it blindly.

Just like you, Major Katsuragi.

Sorry, ma'am.

Unit 01 isn't our only problem, though.

Indeed. Units 00 and 02
are severely damaged.

Nerv headquarters, partially destroyed.
The Central Dogma lies exposed.

This damage is catastrophic!

There is no telling how much time
and money this has cost us.

This happened because there is
no bell around Ikari's neck.

-We put one there. It just didn't ring.
-A bell that doesn't ring is meaningless.

We'll make the bell take action next time.

My, my. This is certainly
an unexpected development, isn't it?

How are you going to explain this
to the Council? To Seele, rather.

At the time,
Unit 01 was not under our control.

This was an unfortunate accident.

As such, Unit 01 is grounded.
Until further orders from the Council.

An appropriate response. However...

Is your son still absorbed into it?

No luck, ma'am. It's not accepting
the plug ejection signal.

-The backup and simulated signals?
-Also rejected, ma'am.

Direct control circuits
won't connect, either.

I've patched into
the plug's visual circuit.

Putting it on the main screen.

What in... the heck?

This is what a synchronization rate
of 400% looks like.

What do you mean?!
What the heck happened to Shinji?!

He's been assimilated into Eva-01.

What's that even mean?
What the heck are the Evas?!

They can only be described as objects
similar in shape to a human

that was created by humans.

"Created by humans"?

All you did was copy something
you found in Antarctica!

Don't even try to claim they're originals.

They're not just a simple copy.
They've been given human will.

-You're saying this is somebody's will?
-Perhaps the Eva has--

Fix this, d*** it!

You built the things, didn't you?!
Whatever it takes, make this right!

The government and Home Ministry
both officially deny

any involvement in the incident
at the Spratly Islands.

In other news, today marks one month

since the Tokyo-2
t*rror1st att*ck by a leftist,

and the SSDF briefed the press
on a mop-up operation to...

I'm still alive.

Fine, so she was alive!

I don't need you to call
and bother me with that crap, Misato!

I couldn't... I couldn't do
a d*** thing to stop it.

That Idiot Shinji upstaged me again!

I hate this!

A salvage operation to recover Shinji?

Yes, the lifeform that we call
"Shinji" still exists.

Is that respect for human life I hear?

Losing Shinji now is out of the question.

I'll just bet. It's not Shinji's life
that Nerv is interested in.

They don't want to lose Unit 01 as a tool.

I won't deny that.

We hypothesize that Shinji's body
has lost its ego boundary delineation

and he's drifting in the entry plug
in a quantum state.

You're saying that Shinji's
been transformed into a state

that we can't detect visually?

Yes, ma'am.

The makeup of the LCL in the entry plug
has undergone a chemical change.

It's now very similar
to seawater on primitive Earth.

The primordial soup, huh?

All the matter that comprises Shinji
is still preserved within the plug,

and what can be called his soul
is also still there.

The proof is that his mental self-image
is manifesting a facsimile of his suit.

So by "salvage operation,"
we mean reconstituting his body

and affixing his psyche inside it.

-Is that even possible?
-With the Magi's support, yes.

Theoretically, you mean.
You won't actually know until you try.

What is this? Where am I?

An entry plug? Unit 01's.

But there's nobody in it. I'm not in it.

What is this?

I don't understand.

Who are these people?

Oh. These are the people I know.
The people who know me.

Oh, I get it. This is everything
that makes up my world.

What's this?

This is supposed to be my world,
but I'm not sure what this is.

A projection from outside.
A projection I don't like.

Oh, right! It's an enemy!


Our enemies! Things we call Angels
that bear divine names.

The Evas' target... Nerv's target!

The things that k*lled Misato's father!

Why am I fighting them?
When it means going through this...

Don't be an idiot!

Those freaky things are attacking us!

When you're att*cked,
it's only natural to defend yourself!

Maybe we don't need a reason.
Maybe I shouldn't think about it.


They're all my enemies!

Anything that threatens me is an enemy!
Anything that threatens us!

She's right! What's wrong with
defending yourself? Defending ourselves?


My enemy!

D*** you!

You hurt Tohji! You m*rder*d Mother!


Why do you hate your father?

Why wouldn't I hate a father like him?

Don't you know your father?

How could I? I hardly ever see him.

-Is that why you hate him?

He doesn't want me! He abandoned me!

Am I your substitute?

Yes, you are! That has to be it!

I was cast aside because he has you!

You were the one who decided to run away.

Shut up!

It's all Father's fault!

I came to Nerv that day
to tell him that I hated him!

Are you saying to get into this and have
terrifying things happen to me, Father?


No, I don't want to do that!
What are you saying?!

I thought you left me
because you didn't need me!

I do now, so I sent for you.

But why me?!

Because it's impossible for anyone else.

It is for me, too. I've never seen
or heard of this thing before.

I can't possibly do it!

No, I recognized the Eva.

That's right! I recognized this Eva!

And on that day, I ran away!
From Father and Mother!

LCL temperature holding steady at 38°C.
Oxygen levels are green.

Radiated EM pulse function, nominal.
Wave pattern is Bravo.

All monitoring instrumentation
is functioning normally.

A salvage operation outline...

Only you could have put this together
in just one month, Senpai.

I wish I could take the credit,
but it's not my proposal.

This data is from experiments
conducted ten years ago.

Something like this happened before?
During the Evas' development?

It happened before I joined Nerv.

My mother witnessed it firsthand,
but I only know about it from our files.

What happened
when they tried the procedure?

They failed, apparently.

So much kindness... It's so warm.

Is this what human warmth feels like?

I had no idea.

What does "lonely" mean?

I never understood it before,
but now I think I do.

What does "happy" mean?

I never understood it before,
but now I think I do.

Are they kind to you? Other people?

-Why is that?

Because I'm an Eva pilot.

They take care of me
because I pilot the Eva!

That's what lets me stay here.
It's the only reason they put up with me.

-That's why I need to pilot the Eva.
-And then what?

And fight. Right, I need to fight
the things they say are our enemies!

And then what?

I need to win.

Right, I can't lose...

I have to do as I'm told
and pilot the Eva.

I have to do as I'm told and fight!

That’s the only way... people will say...

-Keep it up.
-Do your best.

What are you doing? Get your act together!

Kick some a**!

Keep it up!

Well done, Shinji.

Ms. Misato and Ms. Ritsuko and Asuka

and Tohji and Kensuke and Father,

they all praise me!

They praise me when I pilot the Eva!

They all tell me to pilot it!

I’m going to impress Father.
The Father that abandoned me!

Keep it up.

I'm trying! I'm trying my hardest...

So, somebody, be kind to me...

I've fought so hard!
I'm fighting as hard as I can!

So take care of me! Be kind to me!

I am kind to you.

Shinji? Do you want to become one with me?

Do you want to become one, body and soul?

It's something that feels
really, really good.

I’m ready, Shinji.
I’m always ready for you.

Hey, Idiot Shinji. Do you want
to become one with me?

Do you want to become one, body and soul?

It's something that feels
really, really good.

This is me who's asking, okay?
So get your butt over here.

Shinji, do you want to become one with me?

Do you want to become one, body and soul?

It's something that feels
really, really good, Shinji.

Do you want to become one with me?

Do you want to become one, body and soul?

It's something that feels
really, really good.

Come on, relax. Just let your heart go.

All probes now inserted.

EM wave pattern has been fixed
at zero minus three.

Connection to ego boundary pulse complete.

Roger. Commence salvage procedure.

Roger that. Now sending signal one.

Eva is receiving signal.
No sign of rejection.

Proceeding with transmission
of signals two and three.

Subject cathexis shows normal.

No signs of destrudo detected.

Roger. Transfer subject to stage two.


Idiot Shinji!


'Sup, Shinji!

Hey, Shinji!



-Idiot Shinji!

-'Sup, Shinji!
-Hey, Shinji!


It's not working!
His ego boundary is trapped in a loop!

Try broadcasting the full waveform
spectrum in all directions!

It's not getting through. Our signals
are being trapped in Klein space.

-What does that mean?
-It means we failed.

Abort intervention. Reverse tangent graph!

-Return offset value to zero.
-Yes, ma'am!

Destrudo readings in primitive
cortical area! Pattern Sepia!

Core pulse is also fluctuating!
It's gone to plus 0.3!

Our top priority is maintaining
its current state.

-Prevent a backflow!
-Yes, ma'am!

Plus 0.5, 0.8... This is strange!
I can't slow it down!

What? Why?

Don't you want to come back, Shinji?

I don't know.


What do you wish for?

What do you wish for?

What do you wish for?

What do you wish for?

Eva is rejecting signal!

The LCL's self-assembly is breaking down!

Pressure climbing inside plug!

Abort all operations! Cut the power!

It's not working!
The plug is beginning exit sequence!


-Where am I?
-Inside the Eva.

Inside the Eva? I got into it again?


You aren't going to pilot the Eva anymore?

I promised myself that I wouldn't
get into the Eva again.

But you did get into it.
Into Evangelion Unit 01.

Shinji, you're here right now
because you got into the Eva.

You're the person you are now
because you piloted the Eva.

You can't reject that.
The fact that you piloted the Eva.

You can't reject your past
or who you were.

What you need to do is think hard
about what you want to become.

And choose for yourself.


What's the point of science
if it can't save one person?! Just one!

Give Shinji back! Give him back to me!

A smell? The smell of a person...

Ms. Misato? Ayanami?

No, it's someone else.

Oh, I know... It smells like Mother.

Will our baby have to grow up in
the aftermath of the Second Impact?

In this hell?

Oh, as long as you have the will to live,
you can turn anywhere into paradise.

After all, you're alive.

Opportunities for happiness
can be found everywhere.

Yes, of course. You're right.


Have you decided?

Shinji if it's a boy. Rei if it's a girl.

Shinji... Rei...



Repairs on Unit 01 will be finished
the day after tomorrow.

So, in the end, we humans will use
even the power of God as a tool.

I wonder. I heard the Council is
thinking about grounding Unit 01.

Evangelion, the artificial human...

For something we created, don't you think
they have way too many unknowns?

Well, I guess the important thing
is that we managed to save Shinji.

I had nothing to do with it.
I think that was all your doing.

Hey, it's been a long time.
Want to get a drink?

-Sorry. I have plans tonight.


The instant she knows Shinji's safe,
she runs off for a secret tryst...

I suppose I'm not one to talk.

I bet Ritsuko is looking down
her nose at me

right about now, thinking I'm indecent.

You're truer to the human condition
when you indulge in carnal desires.

The deception should hold for a while.

Against who, Nerv Intelligence?
Or Commander Ikari or Ritsuko?

Or do you mean me?

No, yourself.

"Others," don't you mean?

You're not all that interested in others,
but you always feel lonely.

You really are like my father.

I didn't know you still smoked.

Only after doing this.
So you're the only one who knows.

Goodness, I'm honored.

So, tell me... How far along is
the Human Instrumentality Project?

If it can destroy humanity, why are
we keeping Adam in our basement?

Is that why you hook up with me?
You want info on that stuff?

That's part of it, to be honest.

I'm deeply honored to be exploited
by a fine lady such as yourself...

but I can't talk about that here.

Right now, I just want you
to know what I want.

What are Nerv
and Commander Ikari really after?

I want to know that myself.

Hey, buster,
you can't distract me by doing that...

Hey! Watch what you're sticking in there!

You're messing around now? What is that?

A present from me.
The first one in eight years.

Maybe the last I ever give you.