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01x13 - Fullmetal VS Flame

Posted: 07/23/22 16:01
by bunniefuu
We're here...

Yes, we are.

What's the matter, Brother?

What do you think it is?

Once again, I'm going to have to hear the
Colonel's long-winded, snide remarks.

"You struck out on the Philosopher's Stone at Liore, huh?"

"Just how much of the military's budget are you going to spend on this fool's errand before you're satisfied?"

"Uh-oh, I don't see Edward around."

"I'm right here!"

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't see you there
behind my paperwork. Ha ha ha ha!"

But then like you said, we're here
now, so I guess I've got no choice.

Let's go, Al! Huh? Al...?


Sorry, sorry!

What are you up to?


Man cannot obtain anything without
first sacrificing something.

In order to obtain anything,
something of equal value is required.

That is alchemy's
Law of Equivalent Exchange.

At the time, we believed that
to be the true way of the world.

What's the matter, Breda?

H-Havoc, watch out!

O-over there! Over there!

What do we have here?

I believe it's a dog. A carnivorous canine. The scientific name is-

That's not what I was asking,
Warrant Officer Falman.

I beg your pardon, Lt. Hawkeye.

I'm terribly sorry.
I found him this morning.

Sergeant Major Fuery...!

You're keeping him?

I wish I could, but as I'm sure you know, Lt. Havoc, animals are not permitted in the dormitories.

You can't keep him here in the
office because of that.

He was shivering out in the rain, and I felt so
sorry for him. Will anyone else keep him?

I'm in the dorms, too.

No way. I hate dogs.

Well, I guess I'll take him. I do like dogs, after all.

Thank you so much, Lieutenant!

I hear they're good when stir-fried.

Out here in the eastern country, they raise them
for food. The redder ones in particular-

Let's look for another master.


I'm kidding!

Um, are you busy?

Edward, Alphonse, are you back?

Was that...?

Why, you...
Al, come here!

Edward, your report...!

I'll go see the colonel directly!

We don't have capacity nor the conditions to keep him.

You can't just go picking up animals.

But he was shivering out in the rain.

I can keep him, right?

No!! Go and drop him off
where you found him.

Brother, you idiot!
You're not human!

Don't run! Think about the poor cat!

I know! I know!

It sounds like you really did
quite a number on all of this.

The town of Liore?

You're the one who gave me the information
on the fake Philosopher's Stone, right?

But I never told you to drive the
minister from his position.

As a result, the town has come under the rule
of the Eastern Command Center, right?

Hey, don't tell me that's what
you were after in the first place!

I heard that in Xenotime, the great landowner Mugwar
has gone missing, and that his mansion has collapsed.

Yeah? Where was this Xenotime again?

I wonder if I could get you to submit
a report on the red water, too.

There was also an inquiry from the police
in the tourist resort of Aquroya.

Is it true that Psiren's unmasked face is beautiful?

What you're trying to say is that you
can tell everything we do, right?

Fullmetal, why don't you try settling down already?

Are you telling me to become one of your toadies?

We, ourselves, have a purpose.

The Philosopher's Stone, huh? But it has been
three years, and you haven't found it.

I'll find it, no matter what!

Colonel, do you know the name Marcoh?

He's a doctor and an alchemist that
showed up in Xenotime five years ago.

Apparently, he cured the poisoning
caused by the red water,

something no one else could cure,
with some kind of alchemy.

I figured that the military would at least
know the name of someone that skilled.

I don't recall it, but I will check it out.


This is an unexpected pleasure, Brigadier General.

As of today, we will be using this office as
a temporary Central Command Center.

Temporary Central Command Center...?

What a hassle this must be! There, at ease, at ease.

Fuhrer, your Excellency!

Henceforth, His Excellency the Fuhrer,

and the chief command personnel under
him, will be observing the eastern region.

Look at all those chains!

Those are the sliver watches that show
that they are State Alchemists.

Which means that everyone here is a State Alchemist?

Look, look! Elicia can ride a tricycle now!

She follows me around everywhere like this!

You're the same as ever, Major.

I've got more. Wanna see?

Ah, no. But you know, if you're going to come see us,
you could have said something ahead of time.

But I wanted to see the surprised
look on Mustang's face!

Oh, and I'm a Lt. Colonel now. I'm in charge of
investigations at the Court-Martial Office.

Then you should be in Central, shouldn't you?

What can I do?

All of the prominent bigwigs are
trying to run away from Central-

I mean, eh, never mind. Er, how have you been
doing with the Philosopher's Stone?

We might be getting closer.

Right now, I'm searching for a man named Doctor
Marcoh. But the colonel won't tell me anything.

Are you sure he just doesn't know?

Nah, that bastard is definitely hiding something-

You just said "Marcoh", didn't you?

Brig. Gen. Grand...

The Iron Blood Alchemist...

By "Marcoh", do you mean
the deserter Marcoh?

Six years ago, many State Alchemists were
called up to the Eastern Rebellion.

However, Marcoh deserted the b*ttlefield before it
came to an end, and has been missing ever since.


Don't know him.

Doctor Marcoh...
Doctor Marcoh... Damn...

Sure enough, all records of
him have been erased!

At this point, I guess I'll just have to flatten the colonel and beat it out of him!

Flatten him, Brother?

Are you still...?

Well, you know, it hasn't stopped raining yet...

Yo! I forgot to mention something important earlier.

What is it!?

W-well... because of the situation,

this year's assessments will temporarily
be held here, rather than at Central.


You mean the assessments to renew
certifications for State Alchemists?

I'll let you know later about
the provisions and such-

Hang on, Major.

That's Lt. Colonel!

In that case, I have a way I'd like to
try handling the assessment.


Battle assessment?

Is there such a thing?

The alchemist conducts a mock battle, and
the contest itself is what gets assessed.

And Edward himself requested to do this?

And what's more, he nominated
the colonel to go against?

Still, if they went at it seriously, which
one do you think would be stronger?

That'd be the colonel, wouldn't it?

Nah, you can't take Fullmetal
too lightly, either.

But when you think about the stories of the colonel's activities during the Eastern Rebellion...

Why would Edward propose such a thing?

I heard that he gave the condition that if he
won, the colonel would have to keep a cat.

A cat? Well, I guess we can't have
the colonel take this guy, huh?


A dog.

How nice!


Of course!

They are loyal above all else! They follow
their master's orders unconditionally!

Treat them cruelly, and they still don't
complain! And they don't require a salary!

Indeed, they are servants to mankind!

How nice! I love dogs!

By the way, Colonel, are you going
to accept Edward's challenge?

I can't very well go all-out against a child.
It will be a shame that I cannot display my true valor.

Sounds interesting.

I will permit this battle assessment.


You can use the entire parade grounds.

That way, we won't have to worry about
damage to the surrounding area.

It's not as though you weren't sure of yourself.

Go on, fight the Fullmetal Alchemist.

For now, I will dutifully obey their words.

At least until I achieve the rank of Fuhrer, and
gain absolute power over the military.

I think you might want to be more discreet
about such inappropriate declarations.

Still, what could your purpose be in
saying something so presumptuous?

That's a stupid question.

Once I become Fuhrer...

all female military personnel,
will wear miniskirts!!

Colonel! I will follow you
for the rest of my life!

All right!

What pleasure!

Ladies and gentlemen!

Welcome to the Eastern
Command Center Festival!

And incidentally, this is... daughter, who turned 3 this year!

Elicia! Elicia!

And now, we'll move directly
to today's main event!

In the red corner,
the Flame Alchemist,

Roy Mustang!

You ogre!

Only get yourself promoted, will you?

Return my girlfriend!

In the blue corner,
the Fullmetal Alchemist,

Edward Elric!

Huh? Where? Where?

Wow, he's so small!

Is he a grade-schooler?

Good luck, bean sprout!

Small!? Don't call me small!

Calm down, Brother.

Fine, then. Today is a great day, when I bust the
colonel's pompous mug in front of everyone!

But Brother, we're indebted to the colonel.

He's overworked me, saying he'd let our secret out!

So, what's your strategy?

Pop him with my fist!

The assessment doesn't matter to me. If I win, you're
giving me your information on Doctor Marcoh.

That, and you're taking care of the cat.

Very well, then...



You're too slow!

Give me some warning, damn it!

"A soldier favors foolish
haste above cleverness."

That means you have to press
the battle and end it quickly.

Those flames are coming up out of nowhere!

Ah, this is the first time you've seen the colonel do that?

His right glove is made of a special
fabric, called ignition cloth.

If you rub it hard, it creates sparks.

Then he just needs to adjust the
density of oxygen in the air, and...



Now, then...

It sure is hard to hit such a small target!

Don't call me small!

"If opponent is short-tempered, seek to irritate him."
Don't fall for the enemy's taunts.

You've gotta be kidding!

Perhaps I overdid it a bit.

There you are!

Oh, no!

Now you can't sh**t any more flames!

You're mine!

"All w*r is deception." Even sneak att*cks
make for worthy strategy, Fullmetal.

Do it!

You need not even ask.

That's far enough!

That was a magnificent fight!

We are honored by your words of praise!

Hold on! We're not through yet!

Mm-hmm, but if you go any further...
It will be tougher to tidy up afterward, won't it?

They've got no choice. Both of them
were ordered to fix everything.

This is why I didn't want to do this.

Colonel, why did you hold back?

Your last shot - you should have had the timing for it.

This goes back many years now, but there
was something called the Ishbal Rebellion.

In the east, when the Ishbalans
clashed with the military.

I saw... many unpleasant things...

Doctor Marcoh, who deserted the b*ttlefield,
was the most sensible man among us.

I still think so, even now.

Is that why you kept quiet about him?

But then, perhaps you ought to see Marcoh.

He's alive!?

Colonel, I still haven't heard the reason
why you stopped on that last shot.

Nah, never mind.

If there are no other
candidates to keep him...

I will take him.


Now, now, just because you're relieved...

My discipline is strict.

Come on, come on, the bathroom is
over here. Got that, Black Hayate?

Black Hayate?

About the town of Liore, in Ed's report...

Did you know that General Hakuro's
detachment had been dispatched there?

I hear there's a terrible civil w*r going on.

Ed wrote that the minister had fallen, and that
the people would likely open their eyes.

The minister is doing fine.

I understand he's inciting the citizens
to wage w*r against the military.

I'm not sure whether it's the same minister
that Ed defeated or not, though.

Are you going to send Ed to investigate again?

He believes he's saved a town.

We can let him believe that.
He'll find out on his own sometime.

We've gotten the information on
Marcoh from the colonel.

We can't very well ask him to take care of this, too.

It would go against the principle
of equivalent exchange.

Yes, it would.

Sorry, but right now, this is all we can do.

Isn't it about time you told me?

You're not here to observe us.

The bigwigs conned the Fuhrer into fleeing here.

In Central alone, five State Alchemists
and staff have been k*lled already.

East City...

Fullmetal Alchemist!

Episode 14: "The Right Hand of Destruction"

Even if all of the State Alchemists are your enemies,

I won't allow you to k*ll Brother!