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01x20 - Soul of the Guardian

Posted: 07/23/22 16:14
by bunniefuu
Nice of you to come.

I welcome you.

You don't look very welcoming.

I am he who was entrusted to guard this place. For
the time being, you may call me Number 48.

Number 48?

It's been so long since I was able to
go against someone so capable.

You have run out of luck by coming up against me.

Do not think ill of me, kid.

And you, don't think ill of me for
being the kid that defeated you.

Nice. You move well, for being
so big. That's more like it.

Who are you!?

I should respond, when asked who I am, huh?

My name is Number 66. Although, that's
just what they call me at work.

Number 66?

Yes. I do have my own, proper name as well, but if you
heard it, you'd be so surprised you'd wet yourself.

I'll tell you when I finish you off.

His reflexes...!

Why, you...!



He has...

...the same kind of armored body as Al!?

Man cannot obtain anything without
first sacrificing something.

In order to obtain anything,
something of equal value is required.

That is alchemy's
Law of Equivalent Exchange.

At the time, we believed that
to be the true way of the world.

I knew it. Just as I thought, you're hollow.

Surprising. You've done well to realize it.

I spar against someone like you all the time.

I could tell by the way you moved.

Oh, there's someone like me in
the outside world, is there?

It bugs me to think that there's some idiot besides me
who thought of bonding a soul to a suit of armor.


Allow me to reintroduce myself.

My "Number 48" is the label I had
as a condemned prisoner.

Officially, I'm supposed to have
been ex*cuted two years ago.

A condemned prisoner?

Which means that, sure enough, there's a connection
between the 5th Laboratory here and the prison next door.

When I had a flesh and blood body,
I was called "The Slicer".

I was a mass m*rder*r, who caused
many public disturbances.

Nowadays, my skills have been called upon, and
I am the immortal watchdog over this place.

No, you're not immortal.


Your bloodseal!

The iron within the blood is attuned
with the metal of your armor,

and that is what keeps your
soul bound to this world.

If that seal is broken, you will die.

It appears that after all this time, I've met someone with a
backbone. This should prove to be an interesting fight.

Your weak spot has been exposed.
If you're going to give up, now is the time.

I don't care! I'm the type that seeks a little tension in battle, you see...

Now then...

...we go!

What was that? Just now there was
something strange in my shoulder...

Since it's less heavy, it's strength has dropped as well,
so make sure you don't do anything reckless.

I have to finish this quickly, or I'm in trouble!

Just like a monkey, aren't you?

Hey, what did you say!?

It's been so long since I've had such
responsive prey. I'm so happy.

However, judging by your wound and your
exhaustion, the end of this battle is in sight.

As you can see, my body knows no fatigue.

Give up. Right now, my companion is
disposing of your partner outside.

You can't rely on him to help you.

Hey, is this companion of yours strong?

Yes he is, although not to the same extent as myself.

What's so funny?

In that case, I don't need to worry.

I've been fighting with him a long
time, but I've never beaten him.

Why, you...!

Hold still so you can get cut up!

You miserable behemoth!

I'm going to hurt you for all you're worth!

So you tell me...


I'm taking a shoulder roast!

Now you've gone and done it.

My head fell off.

Your body...!

Yeah. Thanks to certain circumstances,
I've wound up with this body.

You can't tell who I used to be like this, can you?

You can't tell me you've forgotten.

Thanks to me getting caught by you guys, I
was made a condemned criminal, after all.

Number 66 was my label on death row.

When I still had a flesh and blood body,
the name people called me by was...

...the serial k*ller, Barry the Chopper!

Barry the Chopper?

Barry? You mean, from back then!?

That's right!

After being caught and ex*cuted, I've come back from
the depths of hell to take revenge against you!

You don't say.

Don't "you don't say" me!

People do get surprised when an ex*cuted
prisoner is still alive, you know!

And what's more, when a suit of armor that has lost its
head still moves around, you should be more like...

..."Gyaah!" or like "Waah!" or like "What's
the deal with your body!?" or like...

Gyaah! What's the deal with your body!?

That's awful. You'll hurt my feelings, you know.

Are you a fellow ex*cuted prisoner, too?

I'm no criminal!

Even so, now that I know, this fight is all
mine. I know what your weakness is!

If I destroy the bloodseal within that
armor someplace, you will die.

Brace yourself!

The same goes for you too, right?

Yeah, but you don't know where
my bloodseal is, do you!?

And you don't know where mine is, do you?

At this point, I'll just have to slice you up
and find out where your bloodseal is!

What's with him? Geez...

B Block and C Block have both turned up nothing.

He must still be in the area somewhere!
Find him, whatever it takes!

Yes, sir!

He's pretty bold, to be staging an attack
on a military facility like this.

Still, why is Scar so preoccupied
with coming after Edward?

So then, where are the Elric brothers?

Uh, yeah, well, you see... it's like this...

You're acting suspiciously!

Major Armstrong!

With the Major's authorization, could
I have the forces here relocate?

What do you mean?

The Elric brothers are currently at
the Central 5th Laboratory.

Tell me more.

What's wrong? Your movements are growing poorer.

Are you through already, Pee-Wee?

Who are you calling too small to even see, who
doesn't even make for a good target!?

At least your spirits are high. But I wonder
how much longer that will last!

Not the automail again...!

You leave yourself open!

You hold me in too low a regard.

Did you think you could best me from
a spear's distance? Ridiculous!

You've done well to have fought this long.
However, you have reached your limits.

Resign yourself. There is no way you can win now.

We'll see about that.

You're forgetting that I am not alone.

Now, Al!

When did you get in here!?


Not fair!

All's fair in battle.

What's wrong? My bloodseal is not yet broken.

If your soul is in your head, then once I cut
it off, your body is just a hunk of iron.

There's no reason to fight you any longer.

Never mind that, there's something
that I wanted to ask you.

The Philosopher's Stone?

If you've come to investigate this place,
there is little else you could be after.

In that case, we can cut to the chase. Why don't
you tell me everything you know about it?

I can't tell you.

What!? Hey hey, beaten dogs don't get to
show me up. I'll break your bloodseal!

I haven't lost yet.

That's... impossible...!

One set of armor isn't necessarily
limited to one soul, you know.

The body has a bloodseal, too...?

Are you okay, my older brother?

Yeah, just barely, my younger brother.

Younger brother?

Did I forget to mention that the mass m*rder*r, the
Slicer, was a pair of mass murdering brothers!

An independent head and body, huh?

That reeks of foul play!

Who was it that said "All's fair in battle"?

How dare you injure my brother!

You're going to pay for that, Pipsqueak!

Don't call me Pipsqueak!

Don't you take me so lightly!

Whoa, I'm not giving you any time to transmute!

I'm losing too much blood...

I'm seriously starting to get lightheaded...

This is serious trouble.

Am I going to die here?

Damn it! If I die here...

If I die here...

...who's going to return Al back to normal!?

How dare you do that to my brother!

I can do that, too!

I won't give you enough time to transmute!

I just remembered that nasty fellow...

What is this!?

He didn't perform transmutation, just
the decomposition technique?

Sorry about that.

I can't die just yet.

- Damn it! Now you've gone and done it, you dirty brat!

- Gross...

Why, you...! Damn it! I deserve better than this!

Damn... Brother...!

Much as it pains me, we've lost, Brother.

You're not about to tell me that there's
actually three of you brothers, right?

- No, no.

- No, no.

Well done, kid. This time, you truly have won.

Well then, this time, tell me everything you know.

I cannot say.

Now, destroy us, at once.


Nothing remains for the defeated
except death. That is our rule.

I'm not about to k*ll anyone.

Hmph! You're far too generous!

With our bodies like this, can you
possibly call us "someone"?

I didn't tell you to k*ll us.
I told you to destroy us.

Come on!

If I were to concede that you aren't people...


I'd have to concede that my brother,

Al, is not a person, either.


Damn it!

Can we call it a fight, already?
I'm concerned about Brother.

Brother? That pipsqueak alchemist is your brother?

Brother gets angry if you mention his height.

Ah, I see...


So it was your brother that gave you that armored form!

That's right. He risked his life to transmute me.

That's rich!

What's so funny!?

Oh, how rude, how rude.
Brotherly love is so beautiful...

Even if it is false affection.


That's right! False love!

That's not so! My brother loves me for real!

What a perfectly naive fellow you are.

Suppose you were an imitation.
What would you do then?

Suppose your personality and memories were implanted in you as it suited your brother. What would you do then?

T-that just isn't so!

I am, without question, a person,
whose name is Alfonse Elric!

As a spirit - something indefinite, which cannot be
seen with the eye. How are you to prove that?

Your brother, and the people around
you, could all be deceiving you.

That's... that's not...

My brother is a person, and you guys are people too.

I don't want... to k*ll you...


Quite amusing.

For as long as I can remember, me and my
brother have made our lives by stealing,

breaking, k*lling, and being looked
down upon as fiends and brutes.

Now that we have abandoned our bodies, it's like a miracle, to think that, for the first time, we are being treated as people.

It's so amusing!

I'm a person! I'm Alphonse Elric!

Do you have any proof that you ever
really existed? Where is your body?

Well, it's...

It can't be...

For all of it to be false... that couldn't possibly be...

Listen, Al...

There's something I've been meaning
to say to you for a long time...

...but I've been too scared and
I haven't been able to say it.

What is it? What was Brother trying to tell me?

What was it that he was too scared to...

...too scared to tell me?


Fullmetal Alchemist!

Episode 21: "Red Glow"

If there is a color to people's lives...

...that's probably the color it would be.