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01x28 - All is One, One is All

Posted: 07/23/22 16:42
by bunniefuu
For crying out loud What is she telling us to cool our heads here for a while for? Leaving us alone in a place like this won't be any trouble for us any more.

Being forbidden to use alchemy, it's like when we were training here that one time, huh? Do you think that maybe Sensei doesn't feel like we've made any progress at all? That couldn't be it.

Just a minute! Al! Ed! Don't get so upset.

You'll fall in.


What do you mean by doing this? That is a good question.


Don't just "yeah" me! I don't understand the reason why you're leaving the two of them on an uninabited island all of a sudden! It's a good question.


Geez! What on earth are you thinking!? This is good to do once in a while.

It's good to stop and think things over once in a while.

It's something those two need to do right now.

Man cannot obtain anything without first sacrificing something.

In order to obtain anything, something of equal value is required.

That is alchemy's Law of Equivalent Exchange.

At the time, we believed that to be the true way of the world.

- Al Let's run away.

We can't! After all, I can't swim! Come to think of it, neither can I.

That's right.

We're not the same as we used to be.

Not us.

This is fun, huh Brother? Sure is.

It's been a long time since we have been out sightseeing like this.

Sightseeing? That's rich! Here, take this.

A knife? This is an uninabited island, after all.

No electricity, no wells, no houses to hide in from the rain, and no wild animals at least, probably not.

For one month, you two are to survive by yourselves on this island.

Oh, and during that time, the use of alchemy is prohibited.

- What is this!?!? I'll pick you up in one month.

J-Just a sec! One is all, all is one.

If you don't find the answer in one month, then I'm sending you back to Resembool.

See ya! One is all, all is one.

We understand it now, but at the time Yeah.

We didn't have any clue what she was saying not at the time.

One is all, all is one.

Good grief, that auntie has given us homework that doesn't make sense.

One is all, all is one What could it possibly mean? Is it a riddle? I don't get it at all.

But unless we give her an answer in a month, we won't get any real training.

Aw, geez! How is this supposed to be alchemy training!? That auntie tricked us! Let's sleep.

How about we get up early tomorrow and go to find some food? Mm-hmm.

Al? You going to the bathroom? What is it, Brother? You can use the bathroom by yourself You idiot! Open your eyes! Get out! You've gotta be kidding! If we run, then our training will be Brother! Damn! Al! Damn! Al! Run! Now what? Don't get lost on me Al.

I won't taste good if you eat me! Brother, it's me! Al! Thank goodness! I thought I had lost you! It's a fox.

Ah, there's two of them.

How did it go? Wow! We've got dinner! Make sure to dry off, Al.

You'll rust.

Right! Who was that man!? I'm scared! I'm scared to death! And she said there were no wild animals here! There's something even worse than wild animals here! What should we do? What can we do? It's another month before they're coming for us.

For the time being, we can't fight on empty stomachs.

You did it! We've got food! We can catch it with the right kind of trap! So How do we eat it? We stick it! We stick it? You'll have to do it.

No! Brother, you do it! I have never k*lled an animal before.

Neither have I! That's not fair! You always force me to do the things you don't want to! I what!? - Hold it! You're not getting away from us! Brother! Are you okay? You're hurt pretty bad! Why, that fox! Where did he go? That bastard! Brother! It has children.

I wonder if she's their mother.


Let's give up on meat and go for fish I wonder if you can eat fox? Take it easy.

- Got one! - Fire! - Food! - We humbly partake.

Brother What's the matter? Yow! Just come with me.

What is this? Don't give me "what is this"? Just because you're hungry, you shouldn't be eating like this.

It wasn't me.

But your handprint is right here.

Look closer.

This is a right hand.

Sure enough, someone's here.

Here? You don't mean It's possible that Sensei brought them here for the same reason.

Brother, where are you going? Let's go check around.

We will look for something to eat, too.

There's no way we're giving up! Only 28 more days! Say What did we come here for, again? Beats me What would happen if we died here? No way Winry and Grandma would grieve for us.

There's still a lot of things I want to do.

All of this what does it have to do with alchemy!? I've had enough! I want to go home! Where is he? This guy? I found some food for Brother.

Brother! Look! Look! Brother? I wonder what's the matter You called, Al? Brother! Then, who was that just now? Why, you! A cicada? I get it, it's dead.

Death When you die, this is what happens.

Let go of Al Let go of Al! We talked about what would happen if we died here, remember? Mm-hmm.

Everyone would grieve.

Um, that's the subjective part.

Looking at it objectively, if I died, the world would keep on going as if nothing had happened.

Your existence is a tiny one.

Don't call me small! Ee-yow! Well, if I, with my small existence, was to die, my body would still remain.

Water, carbon, ammonia, lime, phosphorous, saltpeter, salt, sulfur, magnesium, fluorine, manganese, and aluminum, right? Correct.

That and a handful of other elemental compounds are all that I am, right? My body, I mean.

After all, I'm fated to be broken down by bacteria and become nourishment for plants.

But then, those plants will raise grazing animals.

And the grazing animals will feed carnivorous animals.

Without even being aware of it, we naturally go on circulating.

I'm sorry about this.

There's a giant flow that we can't see with our eyes.

Whether you call it the universe, or the world, I don't know.

Al, you and I are one little part within the larger flow.

One within all.

But then, all of the ones have to come together for the all to exist.

The world follows the flow of greater laws that we can't even imagine.

We learn that flow, break it down, and reconstruct it.

- And that's alchemy.

We've got breakfast! It is the appointed day.

One is all, all is one.

Let's hear your answer.

ALL is the world! ONE is me! Very well.

We'll move on to real training.

- Alright! I guess that guy isn't here after all.

That's okay, isn't it? We more or less got what Sensei was trying to tell us.

Back then, we arrived at the answer.

But still, that alone wasn't enough.

The truth is that back then we should have realized that transmuting Mom was a mistake.

It could be that everything we're about to do is, as well.

I'm sure Sensei would agree.

Have you remembered? - Yes.

Do you realize it? Um, Sensei, what you're trying to tell us is It's true that we did try to transmute our mom.

The way we are now is the outcome of that.

However, that is precisely why we want to get everything back.

You intend to get back through error that which you lost through error? Maybe it is wrong of us But, if that's the case, what are we supposed to do? We're going to move forward.

We are still alive.

And that's enough? - Yes! In that case Is someone there? What are you talking about? Hasn't someone been living on this island since long ago? Do you think it's that masked man from before? That couldn't be.

The reason being, that was me.

What do you mean!? Just in case, I had him keep watch, since I couldn't let you die on me.

- S-So then! Apparently, that doesn't seem to be the case here.

Fullmetal Alchemist! Episode 29: "The Undefiled Child" Brother, I saw it The old scar he has on his shoulder.