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01x37 - The Flame Alchemist, The Bachelor Lieutenant & The Mystery of Warehouse 13

Posted: 07/23/22 16:55
by bunniefuu
Roy Mustang observation journal What is this? As it turns out, I've been ordered by Internal Affairs to inspect my superior officer.

"In order that we may understand how your days are spent, those who are most suited to the task are to conduct a top-secret inspection.

" So, Lt.

Havoc, you're inspecting Col.

Mustang? Yeah.

But I can't investigate him all on my own.

I want all of you to help me.

"Saturday, 0946 hours: Col.

Mustang bluntly calls the documents before him that are due at noon to be a pain.

" "Similarly, Saturday, 1026 hours: The colonel attempted to feed Lt.

Hawkeye's dog.

" "Also, 1103 hours: The colonel suddenly began to clean the window.

Will he be able to meet his deadline?" "1147 hours: The colonel begins signing the documents as he makes a fuss about not having enough time.

"But he did have time.

" "In the afternoon, the colonel conducted an inspection of the fire-fighting facilities around town.

"At this time, the colonel received a letter from the woman working at the flower shop.

" "It appears that the letter is an invitation to a date.

"Have witnessed tickets to a play.

" "The colonel readied to leave, saying he was gathering municipal intelligence, and would go directly home afterward.

"Judging by his face, he is clearly going on a date.

" "Just a minute! The woman at the flower shop! You mean Grace!? "I thought her attitude toward me had cooled off lately.

Is that what's going on!?" "What's this, Lieutenant? You were seeing that girl?" "You're out of luck against the colonel.

" "'I'm sorry to hear that.

Please give up on her.

" "Stop making light of it!" "How could you guys know how I feel!?" "It's your fault you got dumped, no question.

" "Shut up, you big dope!" - "No, you are!" - "What did you call me!?" "Attaway, get him, get him!" "Don't be so rough on each other.

Let's all get along.

" I quit! I quit! How am I supposed to do this investigation!? Man cannot obtain anything without first sacrificing something.

Here at the Central Command Center, there are brave soldiers who have no trouble sacrificing whatever it takes, in order to achieve peace.

These are the tales of love and courage of the Flame Alchemist, Col.

Roy Mustang, and his men.

Yo, Black Hayate.

Sure must be nice for you, not having any concerns.

What's the matter with Lt.

Havoc? He must have had his heart broken again or something.

That was sharp.

You can't get much time off when you take on m*llitary duties.

It must be hard finding a woman who will go out with you.

He's pathetic.

If he was a man, he'd find a way to handle both his work and women.

It's your fault! Still, as things are, it's interfering with his duties.

Hey, somebody introduce a woman to Havoc.

Please don't ask the impossible! I want someone to introduce me! Colonel, why don't you share one of yours!? What? - Nothing.

- Nothing.

- Nothing.

Does anyone know what kind of woman Havoc likes? Uh, the other day, when I was out drinking with Havoc, he complained to me, "aren't there any cheerful, well-adjusted beauties out there?" All right, Warrant Officer Falman, secure a cheerful, well-adjusted beauty at once.

Introduce her to Lt.


You want me to!? Remember, you're on a mission.

There's a mission for me? All the materials on Brig.


Basque Grand, Doctor Marcoh, and Shou Tucker.

Also, put together all the records on the 5th Laboratory and 2nd Prison.


Does that include the items lost in the Central Library fire? Do not ask me the obvious.

That is why I called on you.

If this can get me into the Court-Martial Office again, I might be able to more closely investigate the incident involving Brig.


Hughes What is your answer? Yes! Understood! A mission, he says.

I haven't had any training in flirting.

What's the world coming to? I beg your pardon! Are you all right!? Sheska? Warrant Officer Falman! Long time no see.

Have you been getting along okay? Yes more or less.

I know Sheska, I'm looking for a cheerful, well-adjusted beauty right now.

Do you know anyone like that? Do I know anyone? So what you're insinuating is that I'm not a cheerful, well-adjusted beauty, huh? Ah, it's not like that! Under the colonel's orders, I have to introduce Lt.

Havoc to a new girlfriend.

Girlfriend? Do you have anyone in mind? Oh, in that case, I have a grand idea! Maj.

Armstrong's sister? Yes.

He said that she is of marrying age, but is so shy that she cannot find a boyfriend.

Incredible I think I'd better go This is the chance of a lifetime for you! If she starts talking about getting married, you'll be taking one wealthy wife! You'll be on easy street! But I haven't even met her yet.

From what Maj.

Armstrong says, she has the same good looks that he does.

The major's sister looks just like him? That's it, I'm leaving! Thank you for coming, Lt.

Havoc! We've been waiting for you! Well, good luck! Over the span of 180 years, the Armstrong family has been involved in enterprises that are deeply tied in with the political and economic affairs of this land.

For generations, it has been a noble family, which has served in the m*llitary government, and has been a pillar of support to this nation.

I myself have served in the m*llitary government Every time I hear Father tell the story, it is marvelous.

Oh my, Dear, are you boasting to the guests again? Oh, Mother Mother? Thank goodness! The mother is quite normal She's huge! She's not at all normal! Hold on a minute, now.

The father is wide and fat, and the mother is long and tall.

Add them both together, and their son would sum up like this.

Which means, when it comes to their daughter Catch me if you can! No, both parents' features don't always necessarily get passed down.

There's a chance that she leans more toward one side Now then, Lieutenant, allow me to introduce my sister.

Come along, Catherine, don't be shy.

Come in here.

Which is she!? Does she take after her father!? Does she take after her mother!? I couldn't stand it either way, but between the two of them, at least let her take after her mother! Um er Nice to meet you I'm Catherine L.


Hooray for mutations!! Well? Isn't she beautiful? She looks just like me.

Which part!? Her lower eyelashes, and such.

You don't say.

Come now, Catherine, don't be shy.


So, Catherine-san, what are your hobbies? Let's see a little piano How cute! There's no way this girl is the major's sister! I lift a little piano What is the matter, Lieutenant? I take that back.

She is But then again, if you take away her monster strength, there's her looks her style her assets her influence Does that make it all okay? Is this the prime of my life? Catherine-san Yes? If it's all right with you, would you allow me the chance to go out with you? Havoc-san Yes? I I I prefer men who are more like my brother.

Havoc-san, you are not my type, so let's pretend we never spoke of this.

That is too bad.

Oh? What's the matter, Lieutenant? Okay, 30,000 sens says they call the whole thing off.

That doesn't make for much of a wager, you know.

- That's right! - That's right! - That's right! Why did I even come here? "The Mystery of Warehouse 13" Well, Maj.

Armstrong is exactly the kind of man I figured him for.


Hawkeye, can you put out a dragnet? Yes.

I'm so hungry.

I've had to go without lunch ever since I lost that bet.

I won, so I've been eating my fill.

Warrant Officer, please buy me something! If I did that, the bet wouldn't mean anything, would it? Aren't those fixed yet? I sure do hate this.

The whole area is creepy.

There are even stories of ghosts appearing here.

What's that sound? It couldn't be - There it is! - There it is! No Don't do that You're tickling me Geez Wait! Sit! Shake! The other one! Lie down! All right.

- Good morning, Lieutenant.

- Good morning, Lieutenant.


Hey, seriously? Yes, seriously.

The stories are true! Give me a break! I won't be able to go out walking at night anymore! Has something happened? They say they saw the 13th warehouse.

What nonsense.

It's not nonsense, Colonel! That's right! We really are scared here! The 13th warehouse? m*llitary warehouses are only supposed to go up to the 12th warehouse.

They say that there's a 13th one that appears! In fact, they say that the location where it stands was an execution ground a long time ago! When night falls, the 13th warehouse appears in the place where there should only be 12 of them! And the ghosts of those who were ex*cuted there long ago can be heard to scrape scrape digging up the ground, looking for their own bodies! Ha! That's ridiculous.

You look at things in a state of fear, so you're just imagining the things that you're afraid of.

You must have just mistook it for something else.

Colonel, aren't you afraid? Of course not.

Alchemists are scientists.

It's our job to always look at things with a logical mind.

But we're not the only ones who saw it.

There are stories all over the command center.

This is pathetic.

You call yourselves soldiers? I'm going to reveal the reality of the situation to those who would spread these kinds of stories! Really!? Everyone, rejoice! The colonel said he was going to join our operation tonight! That's our colonel! He thinks about his men! Thank goodness! With the colonel along, there's nothing I'm afraid of! Just a minute! What are you talking about? You know, tonight's operation to uncover the truth about the ghostly phenomena.

You're going to show us the reality of it, right Colonel? I did say that, but I'm afraid to go home to the dorms at night.

Please help us, Colonel! For crying out loud, why do I have to tag along on their little test of courage!? They all adore you, Colonel.

Why should I be pleased over being adored by men? How can men serve as soldiers against flesh-and-blood men, when they're afraid of something they can't even see? I didn't tell you to stop.

You looked like you wanted to stop.

Oh, Col.

Mustang! Sorry to drop in on you so unexpectedly.

I was just in the neighborhood.

My, thank you for taking the trouble to see me.

Go on, Elicia, can you say hello? Hey there, Elicia.

How are you? Well, come on inside.

I'll put on some tea.

No, I still have some work to attend to, so I'll be leaving.

Like I said It's much more frightening to take on a live person.

Indeed, this is perfect.

There's nothing in here about it.

There aren't any more documents that Hughes left behind, right? Yes, nothing more.

Fine, then.

Dispose of all of these materials.

Don't even leave ashes.

But these are official m*llitary documents I don't care.

The 5th Laboratory had been shut down.

It's only natural that there wouldn't be any records, wouldn't it? But there are too few of them.

Even if it was shut down, it seems unnatural for there not to be any administrative records of installation maintenance.

Someone was neglecting their duties.

You mean Brig.


Grand? What are you trying to say? That it wasn't a mishap with the records, but that there are no records.

This is evidence that there was a m*llitary directive to cover it up.

Though I couldn't imagine that the Fuhrer was aware of this.

Chimeras that were formed from humans Amplification of alchemic powers by means of a Philosopher's Stone Both would be powerful m*llitary assets in battle.

You do know that those techniques are forbidden, right? Science is the result of trial and error.

Failing to utilize the mistakes of the past by learning from them, and abandoning them as being too dangerous would be foolish, would it not? Right now, I have Zolf Kimbly and Shou Tucker under me.

All I would need is the Fuhrer's order.

There's a rebellion starting up again in Liore.

There is also intelligence that Scar is in hiding.

How would you like to test your powers there? Yes, sir.

For Pete's sake For grown men to all g*ng up over some ghostly disturbance But we really are frightened.

Colonel, having you along will be a great help.

Let's just investigate this quick and go home! From here on, the streetlights are out, so there's no light.

What is Maintenance up to!? This is dereliction of duty! That should do it.

It's just your shadow, you idiot! Sgt.

Fuery, if you do this, you can make shadows fun! See? It's a cute doggie.

Woof! Woof! Stop being so scared by everything! That's easy for you to say.

We really are scared! I want to go home.

You call yourselves my men!? Come on! I'll prove to you that there are no ghosts! Don't leave us behind, Colonel! Here is Warehouse 12.

Beyond it is just an empty lot.

Look! Where do you see Warehouse 13? Maybe it's hiding, because there are a lot of people here.

Enough already! C-Could it be that they mean that, when they say 13? The letter "B" from the alphabet.

It looked like the number 13.

It's true, you could mistake it for that.

So in the dark and out of fear, what you did was misread it.

Geez, you're such a scaremonger.

Look! Once you realize what you're dealing with, that's all there is to it! So, what about the ghosts? They don't exist! Thank goodness! Now I can relax walking past here tomorrow.

Now that you know, we're done here.

Let's go home! Now that I can relax, I'm feeling hungry.

Once we get back, how about some supper? You guys are buying tonight.

Huh? I don't have any money! That's what you get for scaring us.

Hold it.

What is it? Look at this.

What is it? Looks like something was dug up here.

It couldn't be Falman! Right.

What's this? A bone.

Sure enough, it's the ghost of an ex*cuted prisoner! It's really here! Calm down! Even if this was an execution grounds, they wouldn't be burying them here too, you know! This is a case of someone dumping a body.

A body illegally dumped in a place said to be a former execution grounds.

There aren't any criminals who would come all the way onto a m*llitary base just to bury this.

Which means you're saying that this is an incident internal to the m*llitary? It's highly possible.

It's also possible that this bone belongs to a soldier.

Establishing the identity of the victim is our top priority! Do not overlook anything! They won't necessarily be buried in just one spot.

Dig up anywhere that looks suspicious.

- Roger! - Roger! - Roger! Hey, would you mind if I told you what I'm thinking? Who's the one who put us up to this nonsense!? Has something happened? - Never mind.

- Never mind.

- Never mind.

Yes? Colonel, the tiger is on the move.

I'm looking forward to hearing good things from you.

Excuse me! What is it? Request permission to go along with the dispatch eastward.

I have requested Maj.

Armstrong to oversee combat on this trip.

The major is staying off the front lines, due to the injuries he sustained in the recent fighting in Ishbal.

I question whether the major, who has not particularly distinguished himself in battle, should be given command of the forces on the front line.

I also have a responsibility to this case, having once been stationed at the Eastern Command Center.

Please allow me to go along with them.

I have no objections.

Very well.


Roy Mustang, I hereby order you to go along with the eastern suppression detachment.

I humbly accept your order! Fullmetal Alchemist! Episode 38: "With the River's Flow" Whenever I fought whenever I fought with Brother, I would always hunch down on the bank of the river.