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01x48 - Goodbye

Posted: 07/23/22 17:06
by bunniefuu
How long are we going to stay here?
I thought we were going to the border.

How should I know?

There will probably be many soldiers who
will be confused, and won't follow orders.

It will mean some sporadic fighting,

but we will keep the
casualties to a minimum.

We are now going to return to Central.

With the troops we have at present, we will
take control of the Central Command Center.

You're planning to stage a revolt!?

You'd rebel against the Fuhrer!?

The Fuhrer and those around him have used
the country for their own purposes,

and led us down the wrong path!

We'll take control of the Assembly
at the same time.

But this is all so sudden,
and without any evidence...


Here is your evidence!

There isn't a single flaw
in this well-trained body of mine.

This is my evidence that my words are true!

Go on, go on, look at it!
Touch it! See for yourself!

Go on, go on.

Go on!

The Philosopher's Stone.

Those who obtain it are set free
from the Law of Equivalent Exchange.

There is no need to pay a price
in order to obtain something, either.

We sought it, and found it.


I restructured your water into ethanol.

It vaporizes at room temperature.

Well done...

Make sure you tidy up
when you're finished...

Ed, Al...


What's wrong? Did something
happen in the village?

I came because I was concerned.

You finally took care of her, huh?

You're not her...

Al, you're the one I really love!

This is where it ends.

It's no use. I'm the Philosopher's Stone.

So I hear.

Well then, shall we try this out?
If you've become the Philosopher's Stone,

then you should still be perfectly
fine if I destroy this here.

Stop! Don't you touch Al!

You don't have to worry. I'm just going
to carry him to You-know-who's place.


The one Lust was talking about?
The one who controls you,

and for whom you're searching for the
Philosopher's Stone to make immortal?

Maybe so, although it's not as though
you have absolutely nothing

to do with that person.

By any chance, is the person above you
the one who deliberately enticed our mom,

and did those things to her?

It couldn't be! There's no way
Dad would do those things!

Okay, let's go.

Hey, you've got the wrong guy!
Go slow him down!

That guy can do anything, right?

You're not allowed to touch him.

I can use him to bring Mama back,
isn't that right!?

Enough already!


This is your fault.

It's your fault that Mama is gone!


Mama's gone! Mama's gone! Mama's gone!

She was your mama, too!


I don't have anything to do with you.

I'm the one you want to k*ll.

You're not my mama!

I've got nothing to do with you!


Are you okay?

He cried...

I couldn't bring myself to cry.

And yet, he did.

It's as if he was doing it for me.

You've had enough.
Right now, it's about Al.

I should be of some help,
such that I am. That's why I'm here.

Brother, we need to get going.

Hold on, hold on!

That's Central for you.

There are lots of books here
I've never even seen!

They've even got this!?

I can't wait to see Ed and Al.

And this, too!.

Don't you have enough?

Uh-oh, if I pick these up, we won't
be able to afford a room tonight.

But if I don't get them now, there's
no telling when I can get them again.

On my tab?

No, sir. This shop specializes
in books for our regular customers,

the State Alchemists.

You couldn't understand
what you'd read in these anyhow.

On... on my State Alchemist's tab.

To tell you the truth...


Is this him?
Edward Elric?

Yes, he definitely identified himself
as the Fullmetal Alchemist.

W-Wait a minute! I was just
joking around! I'm really...

Tell us all about it at the command center.

There are orders to place you in custody
as soon as you are found.

Brother, what's going on?

Keep back, Fletcher!

It's his brother! The younger
Elric brother is here!

Hold it!

Come on!

Don't struggle!


Huh? Was the younger
brother the shorter one?

Well, of course he is!

What did you do, Brother?

Central is a scary place.


You sealed the Homunculus?

It wasn't me.

It was probably...

In any case, that means
there are four of them left.

The child, the one that eats everything,
the one who can transform into anything,

and the Fuhrer.

And the one who's over them.

Who's there!?

Nina, say hello.

What's the matter?
Are you bashful? I see...

Her soul didn't come back, then?

Nina, shall we play?
I know, where's Alexander?

Where did Alexander go?

What are we going to
do with him? Right, Nina?

Are you sure about this?

She's a soulless doll. That is
the form his sin has taken on.

He's going to go on living, embracing that.

That's good enough for me.

You've grown up, huh?

Grown up?

I was sure I grew up when I decided
to become a State Alchemist.

Well then, what are you going to do?

I only know where one
of the remaining Homunculi is.

The Fuhrer, King Bradley.

What are you doing!?
Hurry it up!

We're completely surrounded.

There were even fewer soldiers
who followed us than we expected.

Nothing we can do about that.
The Fuhrer's authority is absolute.

There aren't many officers
who would go against it.

So, our new Brigadier
General's plan was faulty.

No, Mustang-dono's plan
was to buy time here,

and get Central's soldiers
to head this way.

Right now we just have to
hang in there for a bit.

Maj... Lt. Colonel!

Are you sure about me
presuming to act like this,

when I'm not even Brig. Gen. Mustang?

Keep your chin up.
I am here with you.


it looks good on you.

No you don't, Lt. Havoc...

Can I get you to keep your mouth closed?

Yes. This must be some important
work you're doing, right?

It's a top secret mission. Make sure
you don't mention it to anyone.


Not at all...

What are you angry about?

I'm not angry.

Looks like Havoc and the others
succeeded in making their move.


Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Our whole force has to catch up to
Brig. Gen. Mustang's division tonight!

Impressive, being able to organize
your division as quickly as that.

I owe it all to your orders, Fuhrer.

To think that you supposed that such
a circumstance as this would arise!

It is now established that if Mustang and
Armstrong are given some m*llitary force,

they are sure to launch a revolt,
which makes them agitators,

the same as Basque Grand was.

I had to promote him to Brigadier General
to make it look like I trusted him.

You men must have been
quite discontent about that.

Of course not! We will put them down
and return within a day or two!

Can I go home for the day?

Oh, some boys using the name of the Elric
brothers were arrested this morning.

Hmm, let's see...

Dispose of them.

Why did you say you were Edward Elric?

What was I supposed to do?
We don't have any money.

We have to give them
this journal page from Dad.

Hide it!

Thanks so much for doing this.

Hey, when it comes to
His Excellency's residence,

I had them put an extreme rush on it.

So, this is how the
construction was completed?

Yeah, I don't do sloppy work.

Still, it was laid out really weird.
Usually, a wine cave is...

I don't quite understand it myself,

but those were the Fuhrer's
secretary's instructions.

The secretary is on leave,
so I am serving in her place.

Since you rushed to make the alterations,
there's a little something extra in there.

Oh there is, huh?

The command center
sure is generous, all right.

The construction went
according to schedule.

I can't say it's reliable,
but this has to happen today.

What is it?

There's a rumor that the Elric
brothers were arrested this morning.

At least find out if the Fuhrer
is here or not beforehand, would you!?

What could I do!? Who knew he was going
home early for his kid's birthday!?

There they are!

Don't make excuses!

Listen to reason!

Damn! Where did they go!?


A-Are you okay?

You guys... The impostors?

It's Russell Tringham!

They were mistaken for you guys,
and got arrested.

It's a troublesome tale, what with
this much difference in our heights.

What was that!?

Huh? Have you gotten
even shorter than before?

- What did you say!?
- Brother, that was uncalled for!

Be quiet, Fletcher.

The Fuhrer suddenly
ordered them to be ex*cuted.

We thought that was too much, and when we
came to ask them what the situation was...

The commotion we caused
allowed them to escape?

Are they there!?

Find them at once!

We finally meet again,
and here we have to leave right away.

Where to?

The Fuhrer's residence, perhaps?

If that's the only place left...



It's part of our dad's journal.

It has something from when
he was in Central written on it.


Is this?

Who are you?



Edward Elric...

as well as the woman who got away
from the Southern Command Center...

I'll take care of this.
Go where it says in his journal.


Let me do something a teacher
would do, and get going!

You guys, too! Hurry!

From the looks of it, you didn't
have to help out here after all, Colonel.

You think they're the sort
who would just quietly stay captured?

We know better than that.

We're leaving.

Sorry, but I need your car-


Colonel? Don't tell me
you're here to capture me!

So, where are you going, Colonel?

The Wague district.

The Fuhrer has a residence there.

What business do you have with the Fuhrer?

I guess I don't have to ask.
Still, it must be under guard.

Maj. Armstrong is staging
a rebellion for me.

I doubt they would even think
I was in hiding in Central.

I thought you were going
to distinguish yourself

in battle to rise to
Fuhrer, weren't you?

You also became a dog of the m*llitary,
in order to attain your goal. But then-


Just swallow all of the evil
that comes at you,

and realize your dream.

That's what I thought
the right way to do things was.

If you fight the Fuhrer directly now,
you won't be in the right.

Even if you do b*at him, you'll
never be able to be a leader again.

The masses won't acknowledge you.

Even so, I can't let that man
get away with it.

You're going to avenge
Lt. Col. Hughes, huh?

Yeah. He must have known everything
that was going on within the m*llitary.

You're going to throw away everything
you've obtained up to now for this?

No great loss.

Isn't that true for you, too?

You gave up being a dog of the m*llitary
for your brother's sake.

You spat up the evil you've swallowed,
trying to pretend you're an adult.

Both of us are trying like little children
to be faithful in living out our dreams.

You're coming with me, right?

I tried working for the m*llitary,
but I thought that wars are something

that somebody somewhere started
and ended in some place unknown to us,

and that we didn't have
anything to do with them.

But, there is someone out there

who manipulates wars
to make Philosopher's Stones.

So as long as there are people
who seek the Philosopher's Stone,

the wars will continue.

And the inclination to wage them
is within all of us.

The Homunculi add fuel
to the flames of w*r.

But it's human transmutation
that creates them.

They're nothing more than what
our hearts and wits made them to be.

And if that's the case,

then there's no such thing as a w*r
we don't have anything to do with.

But that is too much for us to take on.

All you and I can do at any one time
is what is before us.

I'm going to find this "You-know-who"
person, and defeat them.

Then I'm going to destroy
the Philosopher's Stone,

so that nobody will
ever remember it again...

so that it will vanish
from everyone's memories...

Destroy it?

The Philosopher's Stone?
Then you really did complete it?

But then, does that mean...

He's not the one who brought about
the Philosopher's Stone. It was our hearts.

But that was your dream, wasn't it?

To use the Philosopher's Stone
to take back what you had lost?

It won't help anything if it's
just our dreams that come true.

There's something more important
than your dreams, huh?

There always is.

Something more important than ourselves,

or our dreams...



Fullmetal Alchemist

Episode 49: "To the Other Side of the Gate"

On September 2nd of the year 1916 AD,

fourteen devils shrouded
the skies over London.