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01x37 - The First Homunculus

Posted: 07/23/22 18:42
by bunniefuu
Who in the world are those guys? They're Kimblee's men, dispatched from the Central Army.

Supposedly "bodyguards" for the Rockbell girl.

What the hell are you planning to do at Briggs, Kimblee? You should have told me if you were coming north.

I didn't have time.

I was in a rush.

You guys are always in a rush!
Why were you locked up, anyway? It was just a misunderstanding.

They'll be set free soon enough.

I'll go through the formalities later.

Thank you, Mr.


Please look after these blockheads for me.

Of course.


Don't trust Kimblee too much.

Why? He's a nice man.



Your parents were the doctors who lost their lives at Ishbal, were they not? Yes.

As I thought.

It was my unit who recovered their bodies.

We were a second too late.

When we arrived at the scene, they were already I see They obeyed the ethics of medicine and stuck to their convictions until the very end.

I admire them from the bottom of my heart.

I wish I could have met them while they were still with us.

They kept a picture that was taken with an adorable little girl.

Your existence must have been what drove them onwards.

It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Winry Rockbell.

Do you know what he did at Ishbal?!
I've only heard the true stories about Ishbal from the Lieutenant.

From the Lieutenant You're in love with Winry, aren't you? Calm down!
Just Just think about something else, Ed!
Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur E-Ed? aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, chromium, manganese, iron cobalt, nickel Why did I fall for a weirdo like him? Did you say something? N-Nothing!
D-Damn you, I told you to let me know before you join the nerves!
Yeah, whatever.

Now for your leg.

It's so light!
Doesn't its durability suffer if you make it so light? If you look at the big picture, it's less durable than it used to be, but the key points have been reinforced.

Why are you out of your cell? Dunno.

I guess you can think of it as my capability as a State Alchemist.

You finally switched to a northern type? Looks like you've got some changes, too.

This suits me the best!
Light-weight combat automail, M-1910!
The tip of your nails are reinforced!
Don't tell me it's made out of diamond?!
That's right.

It's a Neo M-1910, Mad Bear G!
Want me to equip you with something like this, Ed?!
No thanks!
So who is this pretty gal? She's my mechanic.

What the hell was that for?!
It kind of pissed me off.

What an ass That's the first time I've actually seen a northern automail!
I'm so happy!
Really? Then do you want to look around my workplace? Yes!
Yes, I'd love to!
What? W-Well Don't get too carried away and walk around all over the place.

It's kind of dangerous around here.

In a lot of ways.


I won't.

Thanks for the warning.

Thanks for allowing me to look around!
This one right here is pretty rare.

This is amazing!
Isn't this a Crocodile?!
She's so spirited about her work, just like how her parents were.

Yeah, that's right.

The thing really setting this apart from others is it was designed with the material's expansion rate in mind.

Well, since your limbs are good to go let's get down to business Mr.

Fullmetal Alchemist.

So why can't I be let out? Mr.

Kimblee's orders.

We've been told to only release the Fullmetal Alchemist for now.

Kimblee's men They thought this through, not letting us work together.

They've also taken the effort to bring Winry here to show us that she's in their hands.

I guess that shows how cautious they are about us.

I can't rush this.

I have to wait for the right chance.

The advance unit only brought enough food for three days.

It's already been a week since they left.

They could be on the verge of starvation.

I'm also worried about their sanity.

Being in complete darkness for an entire week is Let us put our trust in their minds.

General, there's no knowing what could happen down there.

If we don't return in twenty-four hours, please seal this entrance.


Since you're all here, I have something to tell you.

The m*rder of Lieutenant General Raven was my decision and act, alone.

You all didn't see or hear anything.

If word gets out, blame everything on me.

Aye, ma'am.

Let's get moving.

I see.

Looks like things are starting to get hectic up north.


We're going to have to start taking the initiative from now on.

Briggs is staffed with men well-versed in defense.

Only one who excels in both offense and defense can snatch a victory by making the first move.

Which is why Madam Olivier believes that working with the Eastern Army, well-versed in offensive tactics, is the best option.

It's an honor to be selected as a partner for her tag team.

I think you have it wrong.

She said she just wants the power of the Eastern Army, and she'd rather you take a hike.

Oh, okay Let me ask you this, though.

What if I sold this information to the Führer President for my own gain? "Impossible.

Mustang wouldn't do that," so she says.

That'll be 35,000 cenz.

It's an honor.

Madam, who are you exactly? Just a florist who's worked with the Armstrongs for generations.

Hughes, it seems the people who truly understand and support you are the ones who fought beside you in a w*r.

Now What to do with these flowers What in the world? What a weirdo.

Oh, god!
He's looking this way!
This is horrible It's the same as Smith's arm.

Even metal has been cut up.

Stay on your toes.

The enemy may still be around.

There's someone there!
Don't worry.

Look, it's me.

L-Lieutenant Henshel? Thank god you're alive.

Is it just the two of you? What about the others? E-Everyone else is in p-pieces!
We We have to get out of here quickly!
That thing will come back!
"That thing"? D-Don't turn on the lights!
The shadow The shadow will come back!
Calm down!
Get a hold of yourself!
The shadow!
Can you stand? Let's go.

Carry as many men as you can.

I apologize for visiting so late at night.

I've come to deliver an urgent document to the Führer President.

Oh, my.

I'm sorry.

He's not at home right now.

I'd like him to look through these by tomorrow.

By tomorrow, right? I'll let him know.

Thank you very mu- You were still awake, Selim? Yes.

I heard the door open, so I thought Father might have returned.

This is Lieutenant Hawkeye.

Good evening, Miss Hawkeye.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Do you always work such late hours? That's right.

I've come to deliver a document to your father.

I apologize for waking you.

Now, Selim.

You must sleep now, or you'll have a difficult time waking up tomorrow.


He seems like a bright boy.

Yes, we're very proud of him.

You could call me an indulgent mother if he were my real child, but since he's an orphan, I can boast all I want.

Well, he's distantly related to my husband, so it could be his blood that made him so wonderful.

He's not related to you? No.

According to the Colonel, King Bradley was raised as a test subject since he was an infant and has no blood relatives.

He shouldn't have any distant relatives.

And that feeling I sensed earlier Just who is that boy? Oops, did you notice? Oh, that mother of mine She just loves to talk.

I sensed a hint of bloodlust earlier.

I've felt the same sensation before And I just remembered where it was from.

It's the same sensation I felt when a Homunculus by the name of Gluttony snuck up on me.

Selim Bradley Just what are you? You have quite the nerve to ask me that in this situation, Lieutenant Hawkeye.

It's also smart of you not to pull out your g*n, which you're so skilled with.

You can't defeat me.

Are you also a Homunculus, like Gluttony? No, I sense a power that can hardly be compared to that of Gluttony's.

I'd be offended if you put me on the same level as him.

My name is Pride.

The First Homunculus.

The First Homunculus, you say? What do you mean by that? Exactly as the words mean.

So you're planning on gathering as much information as you can, huh? You're really a brave one.

What do you say you join us? Join you? You just want another pawn, don't you? I see.

That's a shame.

In that case Will you cut the empty threats already? There's no benefit in k*lling a hostage, is there? I'm amazed you saw through it.

However, Lieutenant Hawkeye I'll always be watching you from your shadows.

Work? Yes, as a State Alchemist.

You have three tasks from the Führer President.

Your first task is to search for Scar.

All you have to do is find him.

I'll take care of him after that.

Your second task is to look for Doctor Marcoh, who is presumed to be escaping alongside Scar.

Doctor Marcoh is with Scar? Just like with your previous task, after you find him, I'll take care of the rest.

Then, your third task is to carve a bloody crest into Briggs.

Carve a bloody crest? It's the same as Ishbal.

Slaughtering humans and carving a symbol of hatred and sorrow into the land.

There's no way I could You became a dog of the military without the resolve to k*ll? With the resolve not to k*ll.

With a resolve not to k*ll That can also be true, if you stick with it.

Are you lending them a hand, knowing what those guys are up to? They're- I want to see how the world will change.

Resolve pitted against resolve.

Will clashing against will.

Life against life.

And humans against the Homunculi.

Who will win? Which will the world choose as the victor? If humans are defeated by Homunculi, those who claim to be an evolved form of them, it's truly a historical moment.

I just want to live to see that happen.

Why are you, a human, working with the Homunculi? Because they'll let me use my alchemy as I please.

You're insane.

I know that I'm not normal.

But if someone like me survives this, then it means the world's selected me.

The survivors It's a battle for existence.

How worthwhile.

I can't understand you.

Oh, what a shame.

I always thought all alchemists were selfish.

Let me try appealing to your selfish side.

Here's something you want more than anything in the world.

If you accept the job, it's yours.

A philosopher's stone!
Let me talk it over with Al and Winry.

With Miss Winry, too? I haven't told her anything.

Whatever job I may have to do, I don't want to lie to her and betray her.

Very well.

I'll be monitoring you, so you don't tell her anything she doesn't need to know.


You're currently being kept as a hostage.

What? What do you mean? Is this a joke? Listen up.

I've been instructed by the higher-ups to do my duty as a human w*apon.

So I may have to be party to mass m*rder.

But can't you just refuse Oh, so that's why I'm No I'm being a burden to you two.

I won't cry!
I'm sorry.

I'm just mad at myself for being so happy-go-lucky.

Why is this You two just want to get your bodies back About that They'll give us a philosopher's stone if I help them.

What? A stone? But Kimblee has one.

Yeah, but those stones are made of I know that!
Do whatever you want, geez That's the plan.

I've decided to take the job.

Let me look for Scar first.

Oh? Why is that? Scar k*lled Winry's parents.

I want to avenge them.

I see.

Fair enough.

And I'll be taking Al with me.

Since he's in that state, Scar can't use his destruction techniques on him.

Oh, how convenient.

Is it really okay, Al? A philosopher's stone is made by sacrificing the lives of many people.

Don't worry.

Brother isn't planning to use it at all.

We're thinking that there may be a way to get our bodies back by using Eastern Alchemy from Xing.

And a little girl who can use Eastern Alchemy is supposedly with Scar.

So he's making it look like he's going after Scar, but his plan is to get in touch with that girl? That's my guess.

I see.

Then I'd better think up a good reason, too.

Huh? We're going to head to the location Scar was last sighted.

Sounds good.

Okay, scoot in!
Al, scoot over some more!
Hey, what the heck?!

Winry, please wait at the fortress.

This isn't a game.

I know that!
But I just fixed up his automail, right? It would be bad if it stopped working all of a sudden, so I should go along in case maintenance is needed.

If something were to happen, it would hurt the proud name of the Rockbells!
You're really into your work, aren't you? You workaholic.

Of course I'm into it!
We've been in business since my great-grandfather's generation!

Very well.

I know that!
I'll allow it.

You're from a family of machine freaks.

I don't care if you call me a machine freak!
There's no knowing what will happen.

I know.

But I'm sick of sitting and waiting for something to happen.

An all-out w*r between chimeras and humans takes place in a mining town where the piercing wind blows.

Don't let down your guard.

Give it your best.

What is the strange aftermath brought forth by the fierce battle? Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 38, Clash in Baschool.

Humans let down their guard in their moments of victory.