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01x42 - Signs of a Counteroffensive

Posted: 07/23/22 18:45
by bunniefuu
It's that expression again, May.

Yeah, that also represents gold.

What are you two doing? We're checking to see whether there's a hidden message here.

A hidden message? Alchemists often hide their research using trope and hidden meanings to prevent ordinary people from deciphering it.

But at a glance, these documents aren't encrypted.

So we're going to note that phrases with "immortality" and "gold" appear quite often to try to view things differently.

Think you're on to something then? Not at all.

Where am I? Al!
Sir Al!
I'm so glad!
I was worried you'd never wake up!
Sorry for worrying all of you.

So, why am I in pieces? And that's where we're at now.

You were too large to carry.

That is why we had to take you apart.

Sorry to give you guys so much trouble.

Has this ever happened before? Just once, while I was on my way here.

It must be inconvenient for you to be scattered in pieces.

Let's put you back together.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

Could you hold on to this for a second? Let's see This is I think that's his right arm.

Ah, you're right.

We have to put him back together properly.

Scattered in pieces Putting things together Hey, May?!
Look at what you've done!
They're all scattered now!
I was wondering how it would look if we changed the pages' order by grouping terms such as "gold" and "immortality".

"Golden Being" I saw that term over there.

"Immortality" overlaps with these right here.

"Perfect Being" Ah, I found it!
Hand me those pages, Marcoh.

Oh, that ties into these!
Does anyone have a "Golden Being"? I do.

It's right here.

That should be the last of them.

Could it be This is The Nationwide Transmutation Circle Even if we find out about this now What does this mean? Do you mean these research documents won't be of any use at all?!
You've gotta be kidding me!
What's going to happen to us- No What's going to happen to this country?!
I apologize I was foolish to hope someone else's studies would overturn this crisis.

Brother, is this what you wanted to tell me? Knowing you, shouldn't you have gotten further than this? There's still something else.

We didn't even realize to take it apart at first.

It wouldn't be strange if there was more hidden in these documents!

What were you thinking?!
It's Mother Nature's fault for making it so cold.

Besides, I'm sensitive to the cold!
So what?!
Now we don't know front from back!
Look at all these you flipped over!
That may be it!
We need to "overturn" this crisis!
Flip each one of them over from how they were originally!
Well? Bingo.

This is a new Amestrian Nationwide Transmutation Circle that is activated when Eastern Alchemy is made a part of it.

I don't see any signs of them going this way.

Perhaps I took a wrong turn somewhere.

I guess I'll go back.

I see.

So this place is used to remove the rubble from the tunnel Sloth is digging.

You're the Crimson Alchemist, correct? Pleasure to meet you.

I'm Pride.

Can I help you? What happened with Scar? I'm currently after him.

Save that for later.

First, carve a bloody crest into Briggs.

With all due respect, the soldiers at Briggs are quite monolithic and powerful.

It won't be that easy.

You need to utilize that exact strength.

The tunnel being dug by Sloth is almost complete.

I understand.

As you say, I'll carve a bloody crest.

To the Briggs fortress.

We've been waiting for you!
Any changes? Nothing in particular.

Moving right on, I heard Kimblee has gone missing.

Is this true? Yes.

There was an expl*si*n large enough to cause a shaft to collapse.

Kimblee and a few others are missing.

We searched the rubble, but in the end, found no bodies.

Are the "few others" soldiers from Briggs? No.

Two of Kimblee's men and the Fullmetal Alchemist.


The Fullmetal boss, eh? I hope he's okay.

As do I.

How are things in the west? Things are getting nasty on the Pendleton border.

From their way of fighting, I can't help but think they're trying to produce more deaths.

As you said, it seems like the army is taking the initiative in causing bloodshed to create a transmutation circle.

Have you gotten word from Master Sergeant Fuery in the south? He called me a little while ago.

He says they're having an all-out w*r with the Aerugon army in South Fotsett.

R Run, Thomas!
No time to rest!
Thoma- Dammit!
I will survive!
God dammit, I will survive!
I see.

After all, we, members of Mustang's old team, aren't so popular.

Have you been in contact with the Colonel? Yes, in full detail.

We've been using a messenger who's acquainted with the Armstrong family.

Roger that.

Things seem to be getting pretty serious up north, so be careful.

Serious sounds about right.

The underlings of the man who's planning to turn this country into Hell are proceeding steadily with their plan, but there's not a single thing we can do about it.

It's connected.

I don't have to work anymore right Pride? The time is near.

The day is right within our reach.

Lunch is served!
Please line up!
Hey Rose, I'd like to have meat pie next time.

We'll make some if we get the ingredients.

I'll be looking forward to it!
I don't work here, but do you think you could possibly give these two something to eat? Why not? There's plenty for you, too, madam.

This looks so good!
Can I get an extra scoop, Rose? Sorry, everyone gets the same amount.

Excuse me C-Can I have some, as well? You saved me!
Thank you so much.

It was great.

Where did you come from? That's a difficult question to answer, since I've been wandering all over the place.

But why Lior of all places? You've heard of the riot that happened here, right? There's nothing left in this town because of it.

There are delicious meals here, are there not? I'm flattered by your compliment, but this is about all I can do to help.

That's not true.

Both the warm meals you serve and the bright smile on your face motivate everyone to work.

That's right.

I know you just saved my life, but I'm actually looking for a church.

A church? Yeah.

The headquarters of the Leto religion, the cause of the riot.

It's just as you see.

Even if you go in, there won't be anything left.

Is there a passage that leads underground? Y-Yes, there is, but What's this? A poisoned reservoir.

It was already like that when we found it.

So an ordinary human won't be able to get past this.

Let's see.

You'll die if you step in it!
A miracle You mean alchemy I'm going to go a bit further, so could you wait for me here? Wow This place is huge.

Damn him, making something so large.

That was quick.

Uh oh, that wasn't even enough to slow you down.

In that case Why don't I trap you?!
Uh oh This isn't good What's wrong? Aren't you going to k*ll me? Hmm? You You're Van Hohenheim, aren't you? Looks like this is as far as you can go.

You'll die if you go any further? Going past this line will result in your death, right? Kind of like that flask.

So, my conclusion is you can only move within this tunnel and in the center portion of Central.

What do you say? Am I right? What's wrong? Why don't you say something, Mr.

You mad? There's no such thing as wrath within me.

Not just wrath.

I left all of my unnecessary emotions within Father.

My name is Pride.

Pride I see, so that stands for "avarice".

They say man is embodied by seven deadly sins.







And Pride.

So the emotion he let go of first was you.


Funny how he detached you to look exactly as he did when he was in the flask.

So that appearance itself is the true nature of that arrogant, self-adulating father of yours.

I'm going to ask that you visit my father.

Hey, no need to rush things.

Don't worry; I'd visit him even if I weren't invited.

Tell him this: "sl*ve Number 23 will be coming to see you soon.

" "Throw yourself back in your chair in Central while you wait for him.

" Got it? Sure, I'll be waiting for you.

Van Hohenheim.

He's back.

Find anything? Yeah People shouldn't go near this place.

It's dangerous.

Please tell everyone not to go in.

What were you doing down there? Just a little declaration of w*r.

Your shift is up.

The blizzard was k*lling me!
I guess I'll go have a cup of bad coffee.

Good work.

Don't tell me that's The Drakman army?!
Drakma to the north has declared open hostilities!
All men, battle positions!
I repeat!
Drakma to the north has declared open hostilities!
All men, battle positions!
We're lucky the Northern Wall of Briggs isn't around.

Right, Sir Kimblee? Additionally, there are many men loyal to me in the fort.

Once the battle begins, they'll betray the others, causing the fort to be thrown into confusion.

At last, I shall take Briggs by storm.

The fort that has stood in the way of Drakma for eternity!
It's time for the declaration of w*r.

Let's launch some fireworks, shall we?!
All cannons at the ready!
Yeah, that's right.

My name is Zampano.

One of Kimblee's men.

Doctor Marcoh is currently hiding in the slums of Asbec.

I appreciate you telling us, Zampano.

We'll guarantee your safety.

Things are getting interesting!
Wily souls bring about a catastrophe, and the pride making the decision gets hurt in the process.

But it's inevitable in the process of rebirth.

Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 43, An Ant's Bite.

The snowfield is dyed red.

The color of blood that was shed to protect.