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01x47 - Emissary of Darkness

Posted: 07/24/22 08:24
by bunniefuu
On the day before the Promised Day, Alphonse Elric lies dormant in the Eastern training grounds.

However, he is captured by the sudden appearances of the Homunculi, Gluttony and Pride.

Alphonse Pick yourself up Alphonse Who It's far too early for you to die.

I still have plenty of things for you to do.

Excuse me Are we in Kanama? Mr.

Hoh! You've got some visitors.

So you're here, Edwa- God, that felt good.

The first thing you do is punch me in the face?! And with your right hand, too! Looks like you made some new friends.

Fri- We're just working with him due to the circumstances.

And I'm the boss of all of them.

Oh my.

Thank you for taking care of my son.

Not a problem.

Though he's one hell of a brat.

Shut up! Interesting tattoo you've got there.



Guess there's no point in hiding it.

You'd better not hide anything either, old man.

Tomorrow is the "Promised Day", right? Yeah.

I'll tell you guys everything.

Guess you won't be able to accept it as easily as Alphonse did.

You told Al too?! Yeah.

He probably has a lot to think about, but he accepted it.

The philosopher's stone you've been looking for is right here.

Do you want to use it? Don't f*ck with me! They're lives of people who are totally uninvolved! We lost our bodies due to our own carelessness! What gives us the right to use their lives?! I'm glad my son grew up to say that.

A solar eclipse occurs tomorrow.

He's planning on using that.

A solar eclipse? How would he use that? Edward.

Would you be willing to help me stop his plans? 'Help'?! Don't get the wrong idea! I'm going to beat the hell out of that geezer even if I don't have to work with you! I'm just listening to what you have to say right now because teaming up with you might increase our odds of winning! I'm glad to hear Whatever the reason may be, you're willing to fight alongside me.

Granny Pinako asked me to tell you Mom's last words.

"Sorry I couldn't keep my promise.

" "I'm going to have to leave you first.

" Message delivered! Hey, shouldn't you try to sit knee to knee with your father and open up to him? Yeah, man.

You should at least call him "Old Man".

Seems like a lot happened in the past, but he definitely doesn't seem like someone who would abandon his wife.

He probably has a lot of personal reasons.

Come on.

Listen to what he has to say.

Shut up already! I've got a lot of personal reasons, too! For example? You're probably just too stubborn and proud.

You can't organize your thoughts very well, right? Can't really blame you.

He's a philosopher's stone in the shape of a human.

To top it off, he's also your dad.

That's not all of it.

He just showed a side of himself that I wasn't really expecting.

You know someday, I'll turn into a wrinkled old woman who looks like a monster.

But no matter how I end up looking, I'll always be happy to take a picture with the family where everyone is smiling.

So please stay with your family.

Trisha, I'm going.

Please wait for me.


I'll be waiting.

"Sorry I couldn't keep my promise.

" "I'm going to have to leave you first.

", huh Even though we couldn't age and die together, you must believe from the bottom of your heart that I'll come after you in the future.

It'll be tomorrow Trisha.

Here you go.


What are you going to do with that? You're going to wear something flashy like this again? Why's it gotta be red? This is probably going to be our last battle against them.

I'm going to need to be psyched.

Hey, you know You don't really have to stick with me through all of this.

I personally think it would be better for you guys if you were to leave to attend to your own business from here.

Hey, you're one of my henchmen.

Don't go ordering me around.

I guess you guys want to return to your original bodies too? I wonder This body can be pretty convenient.

I guess I wouldn't mind staying like this forever.

That's the spirit! Then why? Well, you know.

We don't really have anywhere else to go.

My animal instincts tell me that I'm better off staying here.

Okay And what about you? Weren't you saying something about running away from the other Homunculi? You're asking why I came back to Central? Not tellin'.

What is it? Al! Man, don't scare me like that! I'm glad we were able to join up! How have you been? Looks like you were safe and sound too, Brother.

Huh? Aren't you supposed to be with Major Miles? Is everything going well over there? I actually wanted to talk to you about that.

Could you come here for a second? Y-Yeah.

Al is something wrong? Why do you ask? I dunno I just got a feeling.

Ed! Lin! Get away from him! He's That's! W-What's going on?! So you joined them, Greed.

And you were taken control of by a human like that Your soul is too weak! The Führer President is still missing? Apparently, all they found was the corpse of one of his men downstream.

It would be a miracle if he were to be alive after this.

I'll lead the search team, and I'll also ask the Northern army to lend us a hand.

You're going to step foot on the front lines yourself? I'll never be able to rest easy until I see his corpse with my own two eyes.

You're not going to target Central as according to your original plan? Nothing I can do.

I'll just have to hand over the fatty portions of Central to Colonel Mustang.

Currently, the Bradley administration is operating without any trouble.

If Colonel Mustang and Major General Armstrong were to go through with the operation, they'll probably be treated as rebels.

And when that happens, it'll be my turn to shine.

After they become seen as the villains, I, Lieutenant General Grumman, the defender of justice, will arrive on the scene.

In order for me to stand at the top of this country with the least amount of risk, I'm going to need the younglings to pull the chestnuts out of the fire.

That's probably exactly what this raccoon is thinking right now.

I joined forces with him since we're right on the brink of the Promised Day, but I shouldn't let my guard down until the very end.

A-Al It's Pride.

'Pride'? Yeah.

I guess he's sort of like our eldest brother.

A Homunculus?! So you're going to betray us no matter what, Greed? Then at this point, you're nothing but an obstacle for us.

Damn you How did you know we were here?! How dare you transform into Al! I didn't transform into anything.

This is really your little brother's body.

You son of a! I'm going to dispose of Greed right here and now.

And then, I'm going to have the Fullmetal Alchemist come with me afterwards.

Hey! You two should hide somewhere- Wow, you guys sure didn't waste any time, did you?! Our animal instincts are telling us not to fight that thing! Are you going to be okay? Of course I am.

They can't k*ll Al and I because they need us for whatever reason.

But on the other hand, I can give them everything I've got! I'm going to beat you to a pulp! You're right; I'm not going to k*ll you.

However, I can't guarantee that you won't lose a limb or three.

I can't escape into the slums! You can't guard against this guy! That was close! Well, I've captured your friend.

Do I also have to capture the people in the slums in order for you to cooperate with me? He's good.

He's going right for your soft spots.

I can't be on the losing side all the time.

What? A power outage? What's going on?! I can't see anything, but the eyeballs have also disappeared.

Greed! Is that you, Heinekel? What's going on? What happened?! A shadow only exists if there is light.

He can't even materialize in the dark, and can't see anything just like us.

So he left?! He's just lurking somewhere.

If the lights come back on, he'll be back What are we going to do, then?! Heinekel did you see Alphonse's shadow earlier? Yeah.

There were a lot of these tentacles crawling about.

Not that.

He was always near a large shadow, right? Pride's real body is somewhere within the shadows of the forest.

His real body?! So it's not in Al's armor?! Nope.

He has a container just for himself to use whenever he goes out.

What kind of 'container'? No moon or stars in the sky, huh They can't maneuver in this darkness either.

Guess I'll just have to wait for the slums to get their power back You're not getting away! So my child's figure doesn't stop you from attacking me.

You're pretty good.

You're right.

I do feel bad for having to k*ll a child! But then again, my animal instincts are overwhelming my conscience! It's telling me that I have to k*ll you here and now! Ed! Hey, Ed! Is that you, Donkey Kong? How's your little brother doing? He doesn't seem to have moved at all.

You can hear it when he does.


Let's leave this place for now.

You're telling me to abandon Al?! I understand that you're worried, but what if we were to approach him carelessly, just to find that it was a trap? We need to stick together until Heinekel takes care of Pride in order to avoid accidentally attacking each other.

Is that the sound of Lion King fighting? Let's just leave it to the nocturnals for now.

Damn that Pride How did he know we were here? That shouldn't be a part of his abilities Duck! Smells like the Fullmetal Alchemist.

Smells like Greed.

Judging from the voice Gluttony?! Him?! Now I get it.

He used Gluttony's keen sense of smell to find us.

I also smell a scent of a guy I don't recognize! I can eat him, right? He's talking about you, Darius.

That one's also a Homunculus.

How do you expect me to fight against a monster like that? He's just following his nose.

In this situation, you should be evenly matched.

My animal instincts are telling me not to do it, but Men are all about guts! Victory goes to the swiftest! One more! Damn it, Donkey Kong I thought we were sticking together to avoid attacking each other My bad.

I guess Gluttony will still have the advantage in the dark.

But if we were to turn on the lights, Pride would This is troublesome.

Hey, Greed.

That you, Lin? Switch with me for a sec.

I can sense the aura of the Homunculi.

I was also the one to notice Pride, right? I can fight better than you in this darkness.

Guess I don't have a choice! You better not run off with this body! Cut the jokes! It's my body to begin with! Rub a dub dub, thanks for the- There you are! Nice one! I'm glad I picked you, man! I'm honored! Is it Lin now?! Yeah! You're making me angry! And I'm also hungry! But you guys aren't letting me eat you! That's why I'm just going to swallow you! I have a bad feeling! What do you mean?! Something's coming.

What , exactly?! This is just like back then! Hey Whoa, whoa! What do you guys see that I don't?! I'm just a normal guy! Explain it to me! What was that?! Stay still! Is there someone else?! I have no idea.

I haven't got a clue, but this is! I I know this smell! Glad to see you're in top shape! I've been waiting for you, Lan Fan! If you only feel fear after knowing both the abilities of your enemy and yourself, flee with your tail between your legs.

However, if you're going to stand firm and fight with a focused mind, you will definitely have victory within reach.

Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 48, A Vow Made Underground.

Is it right or wrong to achieve victory by sacrificing a fellow comrade?