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01x54 - Beyond the Inferno

Posted: 07/24/22 08:30
by bunniefuu
Are you not going back? They're going to leave you behind.

A grave of a comrade? No, an Ishbalan child.

The body was left abandoned on the side of the road.

Let's go back.

The w*r is over.

Inside my heart, the battle in Ishbal is still not over.

No, I'm sure it never will be.

I'm the one who believed in you and entrusted you with my father's research.

I'm also the one who chose to enter a m*llitary academy, wishing for the well-being of the people.

Even if that brought an outcome that I didn't wish for, I can't escape from the truth.

I can't compensate for it.

I have a favor to ask of you, Sir Mustang.

Please burn the skin off of my back.

How could I do such a- At the very least! If I can't compensate for it, then at the very least, I'd like to destroy this secret to flame alchemy on my back, in order to ensure that the world will never see another Flame Alchemist.

Could you please do that for me? Please set me free.

Please set me free from what my father burdened me with From alchemy.

Please release me from this.


I understand.

I'll burn it off your back with the least amount of scarring possible.

Thank you, Sir Mustang.

What's this about, Lieutenant? Who do you think you're pointing a g*n at? Who? Don't make me laugh.

The Colonel always calls me 'Riza' when we're alone together.

Dammit! So you guys have something going on?! Just kidding.

Thanks for falling for it, Envy.

I'm going to need you to die here.

That hurts, you bitch! Damn you! You sh**t too much! I'll turn you into a rag and show you to the Colonel- Colonel?! What do you think you're doing to my irreplaceable subordinate? Don't be so reckless, Lieutenant.

I thought I told you I'd take care of him myself.

How dare a lowly human like you look down on- Dammit! This again- So this is your true form.

You look disgusting.

So your name 'Envy' comes from 'jealousy'.

Now I get it.

No! Stop! Jealousy sure is disgusting.

No! I don't want to die! N-No! Get out Nooo!!! of my sight! What's this about, Lieutenant? That's enough, Colonel.

I'll take care of the rest.

One more blow will do the trick.

Lower your g*n.

I cannot consent.

Please put your hand down.

Stop joking! I'm ordering you to lower your g*n! Fullmetal.

Hand him over.

I'll say it once more.

Hand him over.

I refuse.

He deserves the worst death possible.

I refuse.

Hand him over! If not, I'll set your right arm ablaze along with him! Well said! I'll fight you head-on! But before we get to that, take a good look in the mirror! Do you plan on standing at the top of this country with a face like that?! That's That's not what you've been working your ass off for, is it?! A subordinate protects their subordinate, and so forth.

That should be possible, even for us puny humans.

Sounds interesting.

I'm in.

I want to see what kind of changes your naive ideals will bring to this country.

So you're going to let your emotions take over and descend to the path of a savage.

I guess that's fine.

If you're going to insist on living for revenge, I won't stop you.

Hey! I don't have the right to interfere with someone's revenge.

I'm just interested to see what kind of world will be created by someone held prisoner by hatred.

I won't let you k*ll Envy, Colonel.

But still, I don't plan on letting Envy live either.

I'll take care of him.

I I finally tracked him down! I know that! But But what you're about to do isn't for the sake of the country, and it's not for the sake of helping your comrades either.

You're trying to dispel your hatred.

That intent alone is gnawing at your heart.

You can't fall down that path.

sh**t me if you want.

But what will you do after you k*ll me? I don't plan on living free and easy.

After this battle is over, I plan on taking flame alchemy, an art that brings about madness, to the grave along with my body.

That won't do.

I can't lose you.

What's with this situation, I wonder.

Being scolded by a child, and being cautioned by a man who had been after my life for revenge.

I made you go through something dreadful again.

I'm the biggest idiot in the world.

I'm sorry.

Are you guys Ret*rded? Now you're just sugarcoating your words? Are you playing a game of "let's be humane"? You're making my skin crawl.

Are you humans really that extravagant? Just do what your instincts tell you! You haven't forgotten, have you, Colonel Mustang? Scar's been after your life! If I recall it was also Scar who k*lled the runt's friend's parents too, right? Oh yeah, and the chimera made from the girl and the dog from East City! Wasn't it also Scar who k*lled them? And on the other hand, you, Scar! What happened to that hatred you had, due to so many of your brethren being k*lled in Ishbal?! That woman over there got all puffed up from being called the "Hawk's Eye", and sh*t to death many of your friends! This is the greatest chance for all of you! Come on, just do it! The cast is assembled! Hate, cry, k*ll, be k*lled, and writhe in agony! Get down on all fours! There's no way you pieces of sh*t can just hold hands and be jolly! Come on, puny runt.

Come on, Hawkeye.

Mustang! Scar! W-Why? Hey, why? Hey.

Hey! Hey! Why is this happening?! W-Why?! Why the hell?! Envy.

You're jealous of humans.

Humans are supposed to be a lot weaker than you homunculi, but even if they get discouraged after being beaten, and even if they get close to falling down after losing their path, they continue to get up and fight.

Everyone around them helps them get on their feet.

And you're envious of those humans.

By sacrificing something minor, you'd be able to save something major.

It's a simple concept if you just think about it.

Humans can't sh**t me if I do this, right? Well, that's what makes you all human.

But if I'm going to transform, wouldn't it be better to turn into someone young and pretty? Humans are so foolish.

They risk their lives for something so futile.

They're human, after all.

Humans Humans Hey! Stop trying to get away! Whoa, hang on! Idiot! If you force yourself out! Ow! Hold it.

He doesn't have much longer.

This is a disgrace.

Being turned into a rag like this Being beaten up by you humans Beaten by an existence on the same level as sh*t And to make matters worse, a brat like you who's shitty even by a human's standards Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! This is a disgrace! A disgrace! I, Envy, am jealous of humans? I, Envy?! It's the greatest disgrace to be understood by a brat like you.

I don't know how much longer you can get away with sugarcoating your words, but do try your best.

Good-bye Edward Elric.

So he took his own life.

What a coward.

His wounds are healing! Monster! Hey, what the hell is that?! Good timing! Lend us a hand! What do you mean? We were ordered to sh**t Major General Armstrong! What?! Major General! Even the Major?! Yes, good timing.

From here on out, I'm in charge of this squadron! No questions asked, just lend us a hand for now! Whoa, what the hell are those?! Everyone, duck! b*ll*ts do nothing against them.

Destroy their upper jaws! At the very least, they won't be able to bite you to death.

Team up with a partner and take down at least one of them.

Show me the courage of the soldiers at Central! Y-Yes, ma'am! Umm What am I supposed to be doing again? Oh, I remember now.

I need to k*ll the female general.

I won't let you! You're in the way.

Only being able to use one arm is a bit! Major! General! He's going to get beaten to death! Someone needs to go help him! Leave him be! There's no way a b*ating like that could bring my younger brother down, considering the way he trains! This is the end.

Major! My shoulder joint is back in! That's it! A collaboration of artistic muscles and artistic alchemy.

Both excellent and elegant! Yes.

The Armstrong Mansion is completely empty.

Dammit, so they were building tanks in here?! This is the battlements of the main gate! Give me the mission headquarters! We're under att*ck by tanks that are presumably from Briggs! Mission headquarters! Don't shout at me! I can see that for myself! It doesn't matter! Fire back! But the civilians have yet to evacuate! The main gate will be down if we were to wait for something like that! Headquarters! Contact the main gate a*tillery squadron- Dammit, what's going on?! You're going to open fire on the urban area? I'm going to have you repeat that on the radio too.

You scum! That equipment is from Briggs! How did you get in here?! Well, there's a man with a good memory who used to work at Central Headquarters, and happened to remember this location with pinpoint accuracy.

There was also a person who dug an underground path between here and the urban area, all by herself.

There's no one in this world who could do such a thing! Oh, but there is.

W-Who?! If someone were to ask me who I am, I would tell them I'm a housewife.

That's what I usually do, but I guess today, I'll tell you my other occupation.

An alchemist! You're alone? I figured you'd bring your sons.

It doesn't take very many people to scold a brat who committed a blunder, does it? The Dwarf in the Flask, Homunculus.

sl*ve Number 23, the man who gave me a part of his body.

This time, you'll become a part of my body.

Humans, think about what you must do now.

Think about to whom you must prove yourself to, and why this is.

Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 55, The Adults' Way of Life.

Walk forward proudly with your head held high.