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01x03 - The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Part Two

Posted: 07/24/22 10:33
by bunniefuu

My duty is to observe Haruhi Suzumiya...

...and report all obtained data to the Integration Thought Entity.

That is the task I have performed...

...since I was born three years ago.

During the past three years no uncertain elements appeared...

The situation was extremely stable.

However, recently... irregular factor which cannot go unheeded has appeared near Haruhi Suzumiya.

That would be...

From the perspective of the Data Integration Thought Entity...

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya III

...the third planet of this solar system at the edge of the Milky Way held no significant merit.

However, Earth, as it is called by its present inhabitant life forms...

...was home to the evolution of bipedal organic life forms...

Data Integration Thought Entity

Born from the

which covers the

entire universe

Data life forms

possessing no physical body


high levels

of intelligence

Existing since

the creation of the universe


in accord with the


of the universe

Possesses no tangible mass


only as data


to observe

through any form of

optical measures

...whom developed cognitive ability which could be considered intelligence...

...and consequently, this planet grew in significance.

Perhaps they possessed the potential to break free of the cul-de-sac of autoevolution...

...into which they have fallen.

The Data Integration Thought Entity


in the life forms

categorized as


which occur on Earth

The emergence of self-awareness among the universe's maldistributed organic life forms was a common phenomenon...

...however, Terrestrial humans were the first instance of evolution to a higher order of intelligence.

While humans began as imperfect organic life forms, they achieved a rapid rate of autoevolution

They increased their capacity for data retention, while creating, processing and storing new data

The Integration Thought Entity carefully continued thorough observation.

And three years ago.

We observed a data flare unlike any other witnessed on this planet.

An expl*si*n of data erupting from a region of a bow-shaped archipelago...

...instantly shrouded the planet...

...and diffused into outer space.

At its center was...

Haruhi Suzumiya

Over the past three years...

...a number of inquiries have been performed examining the existence known as Haruhi Suzumiya from all perspectives...

However, her true identity remains unknown.

Unexplainable expl*si*n of data

Regardless, a sector of the Integration Thought Entity...

Impossible to analyze

...believes that for humanity...

...and furthermore, us data life forms...

...Haruhi Suzumiya is the key to our autoevolution...

...and have thus commenced analysis accordingly.

They, as data life forms...

Humans should only be able to handle a limited amount of information

...are unable to directly communicate with organic life forms.

yet a single one of those Terrestrial humans

For they possess no language.

Humans lack the means to transmit ideas without words.

Intermittent torrents of data

occur randomly

That is why human-purpose interfaces such as myself were created.


The Data Integration Thought Entity is able to come in contact with humans through me.



is unaware of this

Haruhi Suzumiya holds hidden potential for autoevolution.

It is likely that she possesses the ability to control data in her surrounding environment as she wishes.

That is why I am here.

Why you are here.

Hold on.

I'll be frank.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Believe me.

First of all, why me?


Let's just pretend that...

...I believe you about all that data whatever and so on...

Then why are you revealing your identity to me?

You have been chosen by Haruhi Suzumiya.

Whether or not Haruhi Suzumiya is aware of it...

...her consciousness has an effect on the environment in the form of unconditional data.

There must be a reason why you were chosen.

There isn't.

There is.

You and Haruhi Suzumiya hold all potential within your grasp.

Are you serious?


Here I was, marveling at how the tight-lipped wonder had finally opened her mouth...

...and out came this winding freakish spiel.

I never would have imagined she was some crazy girl.

Now look here.

If you go tell Haruhi this story, she'll be overjoyed.

Quite frankly, I don't understand any of this stuff.


A large sector of the Data Integration Thought Entity has recognized that...

...if Haruhi Suzumiya becomes aware of her own value and ability...

...there is the potential for indeterminable risks.

We must observe the situation for now.

Isn't it possible that...

...I'll tell Haruhi everything I just heard?

She won't take the data you feed her seriously.

You have a point.

I am not the only interface placed on Earth by the Data Integration Thought Entity.

A sector of the Data Integration Thought Entity overmind...

...intends on initiating proactive activity...

...and observing the resulting fluctuations in data.

You are the key to Haruhi Suzumiya.

When crisis approaches, you will be first.

I can't take any more of this.

Humanoid inter...


An alien?

She must have picked up those bizarre delusions from reading SF novels all alone in her apartment for so long.

I'm sure she locks herself up in her shell...

...never talking to anyone in her class.

Both her and Haruhi...

...ought to just enjoy their school life in a normal fashion.

It's come!

The long-awaited transfer student!

Don't you think it's amazing!?

It's a mysterious transfer student!

No doubt about it!

You can tell without even seeing the student?

Didn't I already tell you?

Survey says that a student who transfers in halfway through the year... practically guaranteed to be a mysterious transfer student!

Just when who and how was that statistic derived?

If mysterious transfer students can be guaranteed...

...most of Japan would be...

I'm gonna take a look!

...and of course, she's not listening.

Literary Club

When I went to the clubroom after school...

...I found that Asahina-san had gallantly recovered in one day.

I'm amazed you were willing to come back to the clubroom.

I was a bit hesitant...

...but I suppose that I'm still concerned.

I get the feeling I heard her say something similar before.

What are you concerned about?

It's nothing.

Want to take my place, Nagato?

Nagato, have you ever played Othello?

Hey! Sorry for the wait!

The immediately useful transfer student who joined class - today!

His name is...

Itsuki Koizumi.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

This is the SOS Brigade!

I'm the brigade chief, Haruhi Suzumiya.

Those three are members # , # , and # .

And incidentally, you're the fourth one.

Everyone get along now!

I have no problem with joining, but...

...what does this club do?

I'll tell you just what activities the SOS Brigade engages in.

That would be!

Find aliens, time travelers, and espers....

...and have fun with them!

I could feel the entire world grinding to a halt.

Just kidding!

Although I was reminded of Haruhi's proclamation at the beginning of the year.

I see.

Just as one would expect from Suzumiya-san.

What did he just see?

Very well.

I shall join.

I hope to have a pleasant experience with everyone.

Hello? You're going to accept that explanation?

Were you even listening?

I'm Koizumi.

As I just transferred here, I'm sure I have much to learn from you... feel free to teach me the ropes.


That's Kyon!

The cute one over there is Mikuru-chan...

...and the glasses girl over here is Yuki.

Are you okay?

Great, now we have five members!

We're finally a full-fledged club!

I'm okay.

It's finally time for the SOS Brigade to unveil itself to the world!

Everyone, let's join together as one and give it our all!

What do you mean by unveil?

Speaking of which, Nagato...

...are you really okay with being included as a member?

Rolling along to after school the next day!


Hurry up and take it off!


When it comes to turn-ons, you can't forget about maids.

Every school life story has one.

Exactly what kind of school life stories do you read...

Now then...

Let's take a picture to remember this by.


Don't take a picture!

Tilt the chin a bit.

Clutch the apron.

Come on. Bigger smile!


Take over as cameraman.


Let's make you a little sexier.

No! Wha-What are you...

- It's fine! It's fine!

How is this fine?


I shouldn't be talking when I'm the one pressing the shutter.



Lend me your glasses.


And glasses on.

But what are these pictures going to be used for?


A lolita with shapely breasts in a maid outfit wearing glasses!

It's magnificent!



From now on wear these clothes when in the clubroom.

You can't be serious...

What is this?

Great timing.

Let's all have fun with Mikuru-chan!

- Cut it out already!

I'll pass.

I'm scared of what will happen afterwards.

Don't mind me.

Please continue.

More like come help stop her!

That's enough, isn't it?

Any more of this and you'll be stepping on laws.

What laws!?

Oh, well.

We already took a bunch of pictures.


Let's commence the first SOS Brigade meeting!

We've done a lot to make it this far.

We passed out flyers...

...and we even made a homepage.

The celebrity of the SOS Brigade in this school has skyrocketed.

The first stage can be considered a huge success!

How can you call emotionally scarring Asahina-san a huge success?


...not a single tale of mysterious happenings has reached our brigade's e-mail inbox...

...and not a single student has come in for consultation regarding bizarre troubles.

That's because nobody has a clue as to what this club does yet.

We didn't even find out until yesterday.

Someone once said...

"Good things come to those who wait."

However, we live in the modern world now!

You have to find the good for yourself...

...even if you have to dig through the ground!

That's why we're going to go search!

For what?

The mysteries of this world!

And so, seeking mysterious phenomena...

...we begin our tour de city-wide search.

Bicycles / Motorcycles

No Parking


Bicycles / Motorcycles

No Parking

No Parking

"Next Saturday."

"Meet at AM in front of Kitaguchi station."

"If you don't show, heads will roll."

Heads roll, huh.

I really don't want to waste my day off.



This was Haruhi's plan.

Split into two groups and search the city...

If one group finds any mysterious phenomena, contact the other group through cell phone.

That is all.

So these are the groups...

Today might be my lucky day.

If I get to go on a date with Asahina-san...

...treating everyone here is but a small price to pay.


Got it?

This isn't a date!

Be serious about it!


I know.

This seriously isn't a date!

If you go off to play somewhere, I'll strangle you!

And with those words...

...the Haruhi team went off to search the east side of the station.

Asahina-san and I were supposed to search the west side, but...

What do we do?


This is the first time I've ever walked around like this.

Like this...?

All alone with a boy...

That's very unexpected.

You've never gone out with someone before?

I haven't.

But you probably have guys asking you out all the time.

But I can't.

I'm not allowed to get involved with anyone.

At least, in this...


I have something to tell you!

After some stumbling over her words...

...Asahina-san eventually caught herself and said this.

You might not believe me, but...

I do not belong in this epoch.

I come from further into the future.

I can't tell you exactly when and which time plane I come from.

The information about the future that can be revealed to people in the past is severely restricted.

Time cannot be viewed as something that flows continuously...

...rather time is an accumulation of punctuated planes.

Yes. Picture it as animation.

It looks like it's actually moving...

...but it's actually composed of a sequence of still frames.

Breaks exist between one time and another time.

Though their rate of occurrence is close to zero.

That is why time has no continuity.

Time travel means moving in a three-dimensional direction across the accumulated time planes.

Being from the future... presence on this time plane is similar to that of an extra picture added into a flip book.

Now what?

Three years ago...

...a large timequake was detected.

Three years ago if you count from the current time.

After arriving in the past to investigate the matter, we were shocked.

No matter what we tried, we were unable to go any further back in time.

The conclusion was that a large time fault had appeared between time planes.

We only learned the possible reason recently.

Recently for the future I come from.

And the reason is...


Not again...

We found her in the center of the time warp.

The rest is classified information so I'm unable to explain any further...

...but we can be certain that Suzumiya-san was the one who sealed the path to the past.

I really don't think Haruhi is capable of something like that...

We also find it a mystery.

Suzumiya-san is unaware that she was the origin of a timequake.

I was sent to observe if any new time variations will appear near Suzumiya-san.


It's like surveillance.

You probably don't believe any of this.

Not exactly...

But why are you telling me this?

You are the person chosen by Suzumiya-san.

The details are classified so I can't explain.

But... are probably an important person to Suzumiya-san.

Every action she performs has a reason behind it.

Then what about Nagato and Koizumi?

Those people are extremely similar to me.

I never would have expected Suzumiya-san to assemble us in such a precise fashion.

Do you know what they are, Asahina-san?

That's classified information.

What's going to happen to Haruhi now?

Classified information.

If you're from the future.... should know what's going to happen...

Classified information.

And wait...

What will happen if I tell Haruhi everything?

Classified information.

I'm sorry!

I don't have enough authority right now.

It's okay if you don't believe me.

I just wanted to let you know.

I heard something similar a few days ago.

I'm sorry about suddenly telling you all this.

I don't really mind...

First an alien... Now a time traveler shows up.

What's going on here?

If someone out there can hear all this and be like, "Okay, sure." and believe it all, let me know.

We can trade places.



Can we put this all on hold?

Just set the matter of whether or not I believe you aside and put this on hold.


But may I ask one thing?

What is it?

Please tell me your real age.

That's classified information.

After that, a call suddenly came from Haruhi...

...and we were set to reassemble at noon.



Were you even looking?

Are you sure you weren't just wandering around, Mikuru-chan?

Did you guys even find anything?

As we ate lunch, Haruhi told us to split in two again.

I drew unmarked again.

Meet in front of the station at four.

You better find something this time!

And with that said...

This time, we split up searching north and south.

We're responsible for the south side.

About what you said the other day.


I've started to feel a little like I can believe you.

I see.

If you need to k*ll time with Nagato in tow...

...this is the only place I can think of.

Central Library

[Escape From the School!]

Oh, boy...

Do you realize what time it is now, you moron!?


I just woke up.

You lazy dumbass!

Haruhi Suzumiya



We were supposed to meet up at four?

Get your ass back here!

Within thirty seconds!

This was when the struggle began.

In order to move Nagato, who when reading, is apparently rooted to the floor...

...I had to get her a library card so she could borrow the book.

Ignoring the flood of calls from Haruhi during that time.



In the end, after yielding no results nor satisfaction...

...and wasting time and money like some kind of a joke...'s outdoor activity came to a close.

Just as we were splitting up, Asahina-san...

Thank you for listening to what I had to say today.

...she whispered into my ear, which wasn't a bad feeling at all.

What exactly were you doing today?

What about you?

Did you discover something interesting?

Well, they're not careless enough to let you...

...find them in one day.

Day after tomorrow, we'll have a review over today's behavior.

And with that, she left.

Your illegally parked bicycle

has been confiscated.

This has to be a dream.

A new week begins.

We've reached the point where the humidity of the rainy season...

...leaves us sweating early in the morning...

Oddly enough, Haruhi didn't show up until right before the bell rang.

Fan me too.

Fan yourself.

Look here, Suzumiya.

Have you ever heard the story "The Bluebird of Happiness" before?

What about it?

No. Nothing really.

Then don't open your mouth.

After spending the day...

...being showered from behind by Haruhi's depressing aura of displeasure... a field mouse sensing an impending bushfire...

...I scurried to the safety of the clubroom.

Besides, there was someone I wanted to talk to.


Don't you also have something to tell me concerning Suzumiya?

The "also" would imply that...

...the other two ladies have already approached you.

How much do you know?

The fact that Suzumiya isn't an ordinary person, I guess.

That makes things quite simple.

That is exactly the case.

Why don't you start by telling me your true identity?

As you may have suspected, I am an esper.

You can think of me as such.

I wasn't intending on a sudden transfer to this school...

...but the situation had changed.


I couldn't have anticipated that the two of them would join forces with Haruhi Suzumiya so readily.

I'm sure we'll have another opportunity to delve into the details.

Seeing is believing.

I also have something I would like to show you.

For now, I'll just give you a summary.

The "Agency" I belong to includes a number of other espers.

Actually, there are a number of agents planted in this school.

And ever since our creation three years ago...

...we have been observing Suzumiya-san.

Everything began three years ago.

Something happened then.

That was when I discovered within me what could only be described as ESP.

What does Haruhi have to do with what happened three years ago?

Perhaps this world is but a dream a certain being is seeing...

That is what the higher-ups in the "Agency'' believe.

And because it is just a dream...

...creating and altering this world we call reality is but child's play for that being.

And we know the name of the being who is capable of such acts.

You mean Haruhi?

Humans have defined such a being... God.

You've even got people calling you God now, Haruhi.

Look at it this way.

Could espers such as ourselves...

...and characters such as Mikuru Asahina and Yuki Nagato... coincidentally appear at the same time?

This happened because Suzumiya-san wished for it.

And it probably happened three years ago.

So you're saying that Haruhi remade the world three years ago?

Rather than remade...

...perhaps we should say that the world began three years ago.

Well, this is but our theory.


So. What do you people intend to do with Haruhi?

If this world loses the favor of God... could simply be destroyed and recreated at whim.

I happen to feel some attachment to this world.

Why don't you just ask Haruhi?

There are those within the "Agency" who indeed advocate such a measure.

As well as diehards who seek to further stimulate her.

However, the majority is of the opinion that we should not interfere.

She has yet to realize her true potential.

In that case we are of the idea that...

...she would be better off not knowing and living out her life in peace.

Let sleeping gods lie, huh...


Are you sure you guys aren't the ones dreaming?

That is, of course, a possibility.


...right now, we are simply operating under the assumption of a worst case scenario.

Here's a test then.

You said you were an esper, right?

Show me your power.

Then I'll believe you.

For example...

...reheat this cup of coffee.

My power cannot be so easily apprehended.

Also, I usually hold no power at all.

A number of conditions must be met...

...before I can use my power.

As I said at the beginning...

...I'm sure there will eventually be an opportunity to show you.

Sorry to drag on so long.

I'll excuse myself for today.

That's right!

The biggest mystery would be you.

Although it's bad form, I investigated a number of things concerning you...

..and I can assure you.

You are an ordinary human.

Excuse me!

You don't have to obediently follow Haruhi's orders.

That day...

...Haruhi never showed up.