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02x03 - Endless Eight II

Posted: 07/25/22 07:33
by bunniefuu

Something wasn't right.

For some reason, that's how I felt.

There was a match between two teams that I had never heard of before on TV,

but for some odd reason, I felt compelled to cheer for the losing team.

And, for some odd reason, I had the feeling that Haruhi was about to cause a commotion again.

What in the world...

Kyon-kun, the phone.

You don't have to tell me. I know.

You're free today, right?

We're all meeting in front of the station at exactly o'clock.

Make sure you come!

I didn't even get to say a thing.


I forgot to tell you what to bring.

Bring your swimming gear and lots of money!

And make sure you come on a bike. Over!

I had the feeling that I knew exactly what Haruhi was going to say.

No, that's not right.

More accurately, it felt like the same thing happened not too long ago.

Is this what you call, déjà vu?

Summer's going to end soon, huh.

You're late, Kyon!

You need to show more enthusiasm!

Yeah, yeah.

Sorry for making you guys wait.

Since everyone's here, let's go!

Where to?

To the public pool, of course!

We brought all of this, so I guess we would.

Since it's summer, we should have summer activities like what people do in the summer!

We're never going to get back the time we lose, you know?

That's why we're doing this now!

This is our once-in-a-lifetime freshman summer vacation! {Nazo: Kristen, check timing between this line and the next}

By the way, we're going to the pool by bike.

You guys brought yours too?

No, you and I are the only ones who brought bikes.

Got it, Kyon? You can't lose to Koizumi-kun.

Now, take off! Charge!

Hurry up and park your bikes, you two!


We came here to have fun! Why're you acting so worn out already?

Too many people!

Just whose fault do you think that is? Whose?!

Ahh, the smell of chlorine! This is what it's all about!

All right, let's find a place to put our bags and go swim!

It's a race! A race!

Let's go, Mikuru-chan~

Hurry up and get in!

The water is nice and warm!

Can't she read the signs that say "No Diving"?

It looks like fun. {Nazo: Kristen, these next few lines seem to start a little late/the previous line end a little late}

It's rather pleasant, isn't it? {Nazo: based off of TLC since Ky messed up this line I think. Need to check with him}

And really peaceful too.

Don't you think Suzumiya-san may have found a normal way of enjoying things?

Is inviting people by calling them up all of a sudden,

and then hanging up after stating her one-sided demands... {Nazo edit: went from "them" to "me" so I just dropped the "me"}

considered "normal"?

From my perspective,

something that minor isn't a big deal at all.

Seeing as she's having so much fun, there shouldn't be anything happening that will endanger the world.

If only that were true...

What's wrong?


It's probably just my imagination.

We've been through a lot since spring.

I think I might have become a little neurotic.

Here you go.

Thank you.

It tastes good.

Come on! Let's go in the pool again!

Jeez, this should be a "pool for the masses" instead of a "pool for the public".

Why would Haruhi choose a place like this?

It's this feeling again.

I have the feeling that I've seen this scene somewhere before.

For some reason, Nagato seems to be bored.


That's right. Then Haruhi said something like...

These two are my brigade members.

They will listen to whatever I say.

So ask them anything!

Now let's go have fun!

We're going to play water soccer.

Okay, okay.

Well, I guess déjà vu happens all the time.

Here we go, Mikuru-chan!

I tried to think up an activity plan for us, but...

What do you think?

What's this?

It's our plan for how to pass what little remains of summer vacation!

When I suddenly realized that there were only two weeks of summer vacation left,

I was horrified!

It just feels like there's still so much to do.

In the end, we don't have any time left.

From this point on, we're going all out! {Nazo: Minor reword}

We're doing all of this in less than weeks...

Mikuru-chan, do you have anything you want to do?

Umm, I would like to scoop up goldfish.

Okay. Goldfish... scooping.

Excuse me.


Hey, I wonder if there's an Obon festival being held near here.

I'll look into it.

I'll leave that to you, then.

We're starting tomorrow!

You're dismissed for today!


Well, there's nothing in particular, but...

How have you been feeling lately? Been doing fine?

I'm fine.

Th-That's great.


Why... Why did I call out to her?

You can go if you want.

The next morning, the call that woke me up from my indolence was, once again, from Haruhi.

Apparently they had found the location of an Obon festival.

Let's all go buy yukatas together!

Mikuru-chan and Yuki said they don't have one.

And neither do I.

There are some cheap sets on sale now, so we'll go for those!

Haruhi led us into a women's bulk clothing store,

chose Nagato and Mikuru's outfits herself, and then briskly proceeded to drag them into the changing rooms.

After making us wait for nearly an hour-

Woah! So dazzling!

You girls look great.

Of course! I picked them out, after all.

Especially Mikuru-chan!

You're so cute! Just what I'd expect from myself!


Asahina-san, WOOOOOH!

They have the goldfish scooping that you wanted to do, Mikuru-chan!

Let's scoop non-stop!

Obon festival, huh?

There's quite a crowd here.

It's been ages, but...

I feel like I've been here recently.

That stage...

That food stall...

Shall we do the same?

How about a competition?

Watch me go!

Forget about it.

Aside from that, Nagato, do you want to get something to eat?

You're interested in these things?

Which one? {Nazo edit: shortened to fit timing}

It's fine.

This one.

Sure! That'll be yen.

For some odd reason, I feel like she's been looking after me, so paying for that would've been fine, but...

We got a big catch today!

Thirteen fish!

But since we didn't need that many, I just took one.

And one for Mikuru-chan too.

If it's just one, I'll let you have it.


Oh, Yuki, what's with the mask?

I bought it.

Oh... really.

Right! Fireworks are next!

We'll finish today off with that!

Haven't you ever heard of the saying "Don't bite off more than you can chew?"

When it's summer, you get summer vacation.

So if I could have, I'd rather have forgotten about it, but there was one thing bothering me.

We'll go bug catching tomorrow.

Haruhi, having fun is great and all, but have you finished your homework?

What's with you?

You can do all of that in three days.

Three days?!

Just get rid of the troublesome stuff, then knock yourself out with fun.

That's the right way to enjoy summer vacation!

Why the hell is this girl so smart?

The distribution of attribute points is pretty random.

Everyone, we're going bug catching tomorrow!

The one who catches the most bugs will...

Let's see...

...get to be the Brigade Leader for the day!

No, thanks.

That sounds like fun.

Will any bug do?

Well, umm...

Cicadas only!

That's right. It'll be the SOS Brigade Cicada Catching Competition!

The next day was ridiculously nice.

On a day like this, we held the SOS Brigade Cicada Catching Competition.

The participants fought valiantly, but...

not surprisingly, the winner was Haruhi.

We should go with a "catch-and-release" mentality after all.

If we release them, they might return the favor in the future.

What can a cicada do for us exactly?

Somehow, when I opened the cage, I felt like I was Pandora.


The next day, we were gathered for some random reason,

given a bunch of random frog costumes to wear,

and ended up handing out balloons in front of a supermarket as a part-time job.

I feel like I've just been released from the Adzam's "leader" w*apon...

TL Note: The MAX- Adzam is a mobile armor that saw action at Odessa during the One Year w*r (Mobile Suit Gundam).

Thanks for your hard work, everyone!

What's with that cheerfulness of hers?

Good job!

The manager was really grateful!

I don't need the old man's gratitude.

Where's our pay?

This is it.


I've wanted this for a while now!

He said he'd give it to us because of Mikuru-chan!

You made us do all that work just for the sake of getting that?!

Let's decorate the clubroom with it in commeration!

Mikuru-chan, just wear it whenever you feel like it.

I give you permission!

That night.

My slumber was, once again, stolen by none other than a phone call.



Yes, it's me.

If this goes on... I'll...


Hello. It's me, Koizumi.

Why are you together with Asahina-san at this hour?

A slight problem has occurred.

Do you think you could come right now?

What happened exactly, Asahina-san?


I... can't go back to the future!

In other words, it's like this.

We are currently looping through the same time over and over again.

For something so absurdly unrealistic, you said that quite cheerfully.

Koizumi, do you have any idea what you're saying?

I do.

There's nothing more to it.

I was talking to Asahina-san just now.

Call me for a meeting too!

As a result, I happened to notice that the flow of time lately has felt strange.

I guess you can say Asahina-san was the one that discovered it.

Thanks to that, I was able to confirm something.

Confirm what?

We've experienced a repeat of the same time period many times already. {Nazo: reworded to avoid saying "already" twice, since it sounds weird.}

You told me that already.

To be precise, it's from August th to August st.

We're caged up in an endless summer vacation.

It certainly is summer vacation now.

It's an absolutely never ending, endless summer.

The world now has lost all its time after September st.

That's the reason why Asahina-san is unable to return to the future.

I guess it's only natural.

What part of physics argues that a state of "no future" is natural?

Who the hell would believe that?

I was hoping that you, at least, would believe it.

Um, I'll give you an explanation too...

Well, I always use *classified information* to communicate with the future,

and usually do *classified information*.

For a week, I've had no *classified information*, so it was strange.

That's what I thought...

And then *classified information*.

I was really surprised, so I did a *classified information*,

but it was completely *classified information*.

What do I...

I don't know what to do either...

Was she just using the term "classified information" as a replacement for censoring words?

Are we inside something similar to an enclosed space?

No, that's not the case.

One part of the time continuum has just been cut off.

When we reach August st, everything will be reset at exactly hours,

and we will return to August th again. That's the process.

So what about our... No, the whole human race's memories?

That too, gets reset.

Everything starts over from the beginning again.

So then everything starts over again, huh? {Nazo edit: "And" made it sound like an add on to Koizumi's sentence, but since he already said basically the same thing, it sounded weird. Maybe should check with Ky really...}

Well, I get the feeling that it can't be helped, since people from the future are involved in this.

Nope. This one has nothing to do with Asahina-san.

Then what's the reason?

Probably Suzumiya-san.

She might be unaware of it herself,

but there might be a part of her that thinks: "I don't want summer to end!"

What the hell?

Does she have some sort of regret?

I believe so.

It may very well be the fact that she feels like she still has something to do during the summer.

Way to go.

Way to blow some tiny, meaningless issue into galactic proportions.

So what do you want me to do?

If I knew, I would have already resolved it.

I was wondering, but...

You look like you're having fun.

You are too, aren't you?

Now that I think about it,

I've finally managed to solve the riddle of the déjà vu being left as imprints from past loops.

I've come to understand that the imprints are the remains of a memory reset.

Don't tell me everyone in the world feels it too.

It doesn't seem like it.

You and I are special cases.

Just by being people who are close to Suzumiya-san,

we become the only people capable of feeling this.

What about Haruhi?

Isn't she at least aware of this herself?

It doesn't look like it at all.

Things would probably be a lot more complicated if she were, though.

It's just that, with the déjà vu, I'm thinking that there must be someone who has retained all of his or her memories of the repeated time.

And who would that be?

I think you'll know without me having to say it.

It's Nagato-san.

The Integrated Data Sentient Entity's human interface, being outside the constraints of space and time,

would most likely know the most.

Is this true?


Do you remember everything?


Out of curiosity, how many times have we been "reset?"

This is the fifteen thousand, five hundred, and twenty-fourth time.

, ?

What do you mean by , ?

What are you saying, Nagato?

Are you serious?


So we did the same things over and over again each and every one of those times?

That is not necessarily the case.

Of those , iterations, {XMtS, double check how this + next sentence sounds}

there were , in which we did not go to the Obon festival.

Another , times, we went twice.

Also, Obon minus the goldfish catching occurred times.

Part time work has been conducted a total of...

Okay, that's enough.

This is the , th time. That's what she said.

Times the weeks is... uhh, about years.

Was she simply enduring all that time alone, living it over and over again while retaining her memories?

Nagato, just how does it feel to have lived through all this?

I'm thinking about ridiculous things again...

The next day was stargazing.

The venue was Nagato's apartment.

Koizumi prepared the telescope.

Jeez, this is boring.

Let's look for UFOs!

What exactly does she want to do, anyway?

I wonder.

Why don't we try this out for starters?

Suddenly hug Suzumiya-san from behind,

and whisper into her ear: "I love you."

And who's doing that?

I wonder if there's anyone more suitable than you.

I was waiting for you to say that...

Wait, you think I want to?!

Shall I do it instead then?

I'm kidding.

The next day, we went to the batting center.

Hey, Nagato.

Even before you talked to Asahina-san,

you already realized everything was repeating, right?


Why did you keep quiet about it?

My mission is to observe.

I did it!

I win again!

One more time!

With that, we've pretty much completed our summer plans.

I wonder if it's okay like this?

But... I guess that's it.

Hey, do any of you want to do anything else?

Oh, fine then.

We've already done so much this summer, so it's probably enough.

No, it's not.

You aren't supposed to be satisfied yet.

Well, let's call it a day then.

I'll let you have tomorrow off to prepare for school.

So, just take a good rest until then.

Let's meet in the clubroom the day after tomorrow.

W-Wait, Haruhi!

It's this feeling again.

Déjà vu!

It's never been this strong before.

I can't let Haruhi go home like this.

If I let her go home now, all those ten thousand something weeks will just end up being repeated again!

But what should I do?

What should I say?

What did she say up until now?

I don't know.

I can't remember...

August st.

Homework: unfinished.

I don't care anymore. {Nazo: Kristen, check timing here}

Whatever happens, happens.

If everything really repeats again,

then doing this homework would be meaningless.

Whether tomorrow comes or not, I'll just leave it to myself to figure it out then.