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01x42 - Showdown at Dark City

Posted: 07/26/22 15:28
by bunniefuu

-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


"Dark City":

This looks like
the next stop on the journey

for Ash, Misty and Brock.

Who knows what kind
of chilling new challenge

our heroes could face in this
dingy, deserted ghost town.

This place gives me the creeps.

It's the middle of the day
and there's nobody around.

What's the deal?



Get back inside this house
right now!

What if there are Pokémon
trainers out?


Why would she be afraid
of Pokémon trainers?

Hey, you!

Go, Pikachu!




ALL: Huh?

They're little kids!

I'm sorry, but you guys were
throwing those rocks at us.


You guys are Pokémon
trainers, right?


Yeah, my name's Ash.

I want to become the world's
greatest Pokémon master.

I'm Brock,

and I want to become the world's
best Pokémon breeder.

And I'm gonna be the world's
best everything.

My name's Misty.



Hey kid, cut it out, will you?

We don't care who you are.

If you work with Pokémon, you
better get out of our town now.

BOTH: Mm-hmm.

What's wrong with Pokémon?

Stop it, boys!

I apologize.

These children don't mean
to cause you any trouble.

Come to my restaurant,
and I'll explain everything.

Well, okay.

In Dark City,
there are two Pokémon Gyms:

the Yas Gym and the Kaz Gym.

The two gyms are in the middle
of a g*ng w*r,

and they'll hire any wandering
Pokémon trainers

as soldiers to battle for them.

-I get it.

So that's why there's nobody
out on the streets here.


Hey Pikachu, pour some
ketchup for me, will you?

-Whoa, whoa!

But, I don't see.

What's the point of fighting
each other like this?


They claim that
whatever gym wins

will become an official
Pokémon Gym.


That makes sense.

Becoming an official
Pokémon Gym's a big honor.


It's them!

ALL: Huh?

What is that?

The Yas and Kaz Gyms
are fighting again.

If you don't want to get
dragged into this,

you better go upstairs and hide.

Get ready!

Today the Kaz Gym
is gonna crush you!

Guess again!

The Yas Gym will wipe you out!

Go, Electabuzz!

Thunderbolt, now!



We can't let them win.

Attack, Scyther.



-Let's get out of here!

Is it always like this?

ALL: Yeah.

Now I can understand why
everybody around here

hates Pokémon trainers.

That's not even
a Pokémon battle.

It's more like a street fight.

Mm, those bullies.

They don't understand
what it really means

to be a Pokémon trainer.

Hey, cook!

Gimme the lunch special
for people.

We've got to be at Kaz Gym
in less than an hour.

Throw in an order of
onion rings while you're at it.

I'd like to, but you see,

the Kaz Gym hasn't paid
its bill in over two years!

There's something
familiar about them.


Are you telling us
we can't put this on our tab?

Do you realize
we're Kaz Gym bodyguards?

Give us the food, or else!

I'd like to but I can't.

I don't want any trouble!

You won't give us lunch,
but you don't want trouble, huh?

You're talking
to the wrong customers

if you don't want any trouble.

Please leave me alone.

I don't want any trouble!


-I can't resist, Jessie.
-Neither can I.

-Prepare for trouble.
-Make it double.

To protect the world
from devastation...

To unite all peoples
within our nation...

ALL: Oh!

To denounce the evils
of truth and love...

To extend our reach
to the stars above.


Go get them, Arbok!

Weezing, attack!




-It's Team Rocket.
I knew it.

Stop them, Pikachu!


Starmie, attack!

Go, Vulpix!

BOTH: Vulpix?




Well done.


Nice to see you leave.

Don't come back any time.


Are you all right?

Thank you for saving
my restaurant.

Aw, it was fun
to beat Team Rocket.

You didn't do anything.

It was Brock's Vulpix
that did the work!

Uh, yeah,
I guess you're right about that.

That was great.

I saw everything that happened.

ALL: Huh?

Excuse me, is there some way
we can help you miss?

Those were some
of the strongest bodyguards

from Kaz Gym.

How did you overpower them
so easily?

You must be a very gifted,
very famous Pokémon trainer.


-Please, please.
You must tell me your names.

Gee, that's very nice.

If we get mixed up
in this g*ng w*r,

it could ruin our reputations
as Pokémon trainers.

Just make up a name, quick!

I'm, uh, Ketchup.


Uh, no.

My name is really Tom Ayto.



Well, my name-
My name is Ann Chovie.

Huh, huh, huh?

Uh, oh, and my name
is Caesar Salad.

Oh, Tom, Ann, Caesar,

would you consider joining
our cause at the Yas Gym?

Unlike those animals
from the Kaz Gym,

we at Yas are truly worthy
of becoming a Pokémon Gym.

Uh, well, you better ask
Ann Chovie.

Well, we can't do it,
isn't that right, Caesar Salad?

We'll do anything we can
to help.


Brock just can't say no
to a pretty girl.


Please, come right in.

Yas leader.

Let me introduce you
to a great trainer.

This is Pokémon trainer
Tom Ayto.

He's brought
his two disciples to help us.

He brought us?



I saw them defeat
the bodyguards from Kaz Gym

like they were nothing.

They're really strong trainers.

I'll decide
just how strong they are.

Scyther, go!






Scyther, what is it?


Whoa, hey!


Scyther, return.


That's the first time my Scyther

has been frightened so badly.

You are a powerful trainer.


-You must work for me.
I need your strength.

First I have one
thing to ask you:

Why is it so important
that this should become

an official Pokémon Gym?

That answer should be obvious.

What faster way is there
to make money in today's world

than by becoming
an official Pokémon Gym?

Well, if that's your reason,
I won't become your bodyguard.


Pokémon are not
just tools for fighting,

or a way of making money.

And I know,

because I plan on becoming
a Pokémon master.

I won't help you.

[THINKING] That was dramatic.


That was pathetic!

If you won't join us,

we'll make sure you don't
help anybody else.

Yas Gym, attack!


Wow, that was a close one.

That Yas Gym plays rough.

I think the Kaz Gym
plays just the same way.

They think Pokémon battling's
like plain old fighting.

Imagine if they became
an official Pokémon Gym.

Kaz and Yas keep getting
stronger Pokémon,

and they wreck our town
with their fighting.

If this keeps up,

people will think all Pokémon
trainers are dangerous.

Yeah, that Scyther
is really scary!


I wonder how we get out
so easily.

I don't know.



Oh, ketchup.

[ELECTRONIC VOICE] Scyther and Electabuzz
are both rare Pokémon.

They are able
to distinguish colors

and become enraged
by the color red.

Like the ketchup.

Scyther is the Yas Gym's
strongest Pokémon,

and Electabuzz is the Kaz Gym's
strongest Pokémon!


If we work together, we might
just be able to beat them.

ALL: Who's that Pokémon?

It's Scyther!


Listen up!

The Pokémon league inspector
will be coming through town

any minute.

We have to run those Kaz Gym
losers out of town

before he gets here.

Pokémon League inspector
is on his way.

We have to completely crush
those Yas Gym trainers

and show him we're the best.

This town's only big enough
for one gym!




All right, weather looks fine,

and everything is all set
and ready to go.

I'm only gonna say this
once to you guys.

Kaz Gym's gonna be the official
gym of Dark City.

Save yourself some trouble
and just clear out now.

I'm afraid you have
things all mixed up.

You're the ones who'd
better clear out, and fast.

Leave now or we'll crush you
like the slimy insects you are.

Now you're going to be sorry

you ever heard
the name of Kaz Gym!

Today's the day we finally
destroy you once and for all!


I've heard enough.

Electabuzz go!

Get them, Scyther!






Electabuzz, send them flying
with a Thunder Punch!


Don't give in, Scyther!

Power up with Sword Dance,
and Cut Attack!




When do we get our turn?

It's over already!


Go, Electabuzz!

Just burn that Scyther
to a crisp.

Don't give in, Scyther.

Slice that Electabuzz
to ribbons.

-It's time.
Do it!

ALL: Heave ho!



Hey, what's goin' on?



My best gym suit!






What are you doing, Electabuzz?

Hurry up and crush that Scyther!

What's wrong with you, Scyther?

Cut Attack, now!



BOTH: Ahh!





You're making a mistake.
I'm your trainer, Scyther!


What are you doing?

It's me, Electabuzz,
your trainer!

You don't have the right to
call yourself Pokémon trainers

after what you've made them do.

But please,
you've got to save me!





Scyther! Scyther!

Think they've had enough?

I think they've
learned their lesson.

All right, Bulbasaur,
I choose you!










Well, I hope you two
have learned your lesson.


Shall we join together then?

At least until we've destroyed
those meddling kids.


BOTH: Come on!

Attack those kids
on the roof now!


They're gonna have
to learn the hard way.



Pikachu, Thunder attack!




-Now then.

Why can't we all just get
along like friends?

BOTH: Like friends?

Now we'll teach you.

I suggest you run.


Hold it right there!


And who are you?

I'm the inspector from
the official Pokémon League.


Pokéball, go.


Chansey, chansey!

That must mean-

-That's right!

My true identity is...

Nurse Joy.


I could never allow
people who use Pokémon

for nothing but street fighting
to open an official Pokémon Gym.

Please, Nurse Joy.

Won't you give us
another chance?

Only if you're willing to
start over from the beginning.

Of course we are!

Just tell us what
we should do, Nurse Joy.

There's someone here who can
do that better than I can.


BOTH: Oh, please.

Please teach us how to act.

Uh, well, you see,

Pokémon are really our friends,

so we've got to be kind to them.

But what about Pokémon battles?

Of course, you fight them
as hard as you can,

with all your strength,
trying to win.

With all your strength?

Isn't that the same as fighting?

-No, no!
Not at all.

Sure you try to win, but you
don't try to beat each other.

BOTH: Huh?

What is Ash
trying to say anyway?

I don't think he knows himself.

Now first you'll have
to fix everything

you broke in this town.

BOTH: At once, Tom Ayto!


Oh, I should've picked
a better name.

It looks like they've all
had a change of heart

and decided to become
true Pokémon trainers.

ALL: Thanks!

You did it, Ash.

No, I didn't do it
all by myself.

We all did it together.

We were wrong about Pokémon
trainers being bad guys.

Now we all want to become
Pokémon trainers.


We think Pokémon
are the coolest.

Just like you.

-Oh, I'm not.
It was nothing.

Can we have your autograph,



Oh, well.

Pikachu really is the star.

Good-bye now!

We'll miss you!

Thanks for helping us!

NARRATOR: Now Dark City's a lot
brighter, thanks to our heroes.


Those kids really appreciate me.

We'll miss you...



NARRATOR: After saving the town

and making some new
Pokémon fans,

our heroes are moving on
to their next adventure.

Well, that was
a complete waste of time.

Looks like we're through.


we're not through yet.

BOTH: Huh?






ALL: Help!

Don't go away.

The Pokérap is next.


You guys up for the Pokérap?

There's Pokémon.

You gotta name 'em all.

I'm doing today,
so try to keep up.

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all


Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all

-At least or more to see

To be a Pokémon master
is my destiny

All right, how'd you do?

Loosen those lips,
shake out that tongue.

Give it a rest,
today's song is sung.

We'll be back tomorrow.

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all



-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all
