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02x04 - Land Back

Posted: 07/28/22 07:21
by bunniefuu
- Well, ma'am, I really hope
we can count on your vote

for Bobbie Yang.

No, no relation to Andrew Yang.

In fact, Bobbie's official
statement on Andrew Yang is,

"I don't know her."

[chuckles softly]
Yes, like Mariah Carey.

and if you like Mariah Carey,

you're gonna love Bobbie Yang.

So can we count on your vote?

Hey, bud, when you said
we'd be phone banking today,

was that--
- I know, I know.

But I am working
on Bobbie's campaign.

I'm about to head up to Albany

to try to get
Deirdre's endorsement.

And I actually--
I really need your help.

- Okay.

- Is this sweater too sexy?

- For what?
I mean, never mind.

It's not too sexy for anything.
- Good.

Because when I see Deirdre,

I don't wanna lead
with romantic energy,

but I want it in the mix.

- Absolutely.
- You know?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.

Well, it's giving,
"I'm in my prime.

I'm out on the town,
but I'm not trying too hard."

- Right?

What about a vest?
- What?

- Yeah, maybe a vest
is the way to go,

'cause it kind of implies
there's a torso.

- Bud.

- I'm overthinking this.
- Yeah.

You look great!

- Thank you.

- It's not too sexy.

I need to make
some more calls--

- You lied to me!
- What?

- This is too sexy.
- [sighs]

Please don't put on a vest!
- You've lost all credibility!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Oh, hello, beautiful.
Look at you.

[soft upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- What are you doing?
With bare hands?

You're touching those
with bare hands?

Stop, stop, stop.

- They've been kept away
for far too long.

Each of these items
have an energy.

They want to breathe.
They want to be held.

This doll wants us
to visit with them.

- Okay, well, visit
in a pair of these, please.

The longer you handle them,
the faster they degrade.

- Would you wanna be touched
with hands covered in gloves?

- You don't know
what I'm into, man.

Just put 'em on.
- Fine.

You know,
traditionally speaking,

most of these items
are supposed to disintegrate

back into Mother Earth by now.
- Okay.

Would love to listen to the
rest of this tradish TED Talk,

but I actually have to go.

I'm applying
for a land assignment.

- Land?
You don't have kids.

- Yeah, I know that special
treatment is given to families,

but I don't know,
this museum is kinda my baby.

- Yeah, I think that would be
fraud to claim that.

- [sighs]
How are you native?

You have no sense of humor.

- All I'm saying is
that tribal bureaucracy

isn't really for the weak.

- Yeah, I know it's rough.
I get it. I'll be fine.

In college, they called me

the nerd queen
of paperwork, so...

I'm just realizing now
that they were being mean,

um, but whatever,
it's still true.

♪ ♪

- It's okay.
She's decolonizing.

It's all a part of the process.

♪ ♪

[knock on door]

- Nathan Rutherford's here.

Do you plan to inform him
that you're...

with child?

- Charlie. I plan to.
Obviously, I'm going to.

Just let him in.

- Thank you, Charlie.

Well, well, well.

Uh, nice office.

- Nathan, hi.

We have a lot to talk about.
- Well, good.

Let me just lay my cards
right on the table.

Bobbie Yang,
my former assistant,

current fashion icon,
is running for mayor

and I am
their campaign manager.

- Weren't you planning to run?

- I considered it, yeah,

but just trying
to support others more,

focus less on myself.

- So you're selfless
and employed now.

Good to know.

- Well, this trip's
not entirely selfless.

I am seeking your endorsement
for the campaign.

Your word still carries
a lot of weight.

- Let me--
let me think on that.

Bobbie's lovely,
but with my new job,

I have a lot of eyes on me.
- Yeah.

Of course. Sure.

The new job!

Look at this place.

It's wild.

You got an elk on your desk?
- Yeah, yeah.

- So I mean,
how's it going?

How are you?

- It's a complicated time.
- Okay.

- Lots of--lots of balls
in the air.

- Yeah, I mean,
the Albany Train Museum,

that place is like
the Studio 54

of historical train sites.

- Yes. We're doing an audit.
- Good, you should,

because that foam core budget
is astronomical.

Unless it's their
quincentennial coming up.

Is that--
No, that's not till 2027.

- I'm gathering you know a lot
about this museum.

- I did have my 7th, 10th,
and 16th birthdays there.

Yeah, well, not the 16th.
That was canceled.

Lack of interest.

- Would you mind
lending me your expertise?

I would love to pick your brain
about a few things.

- Yeah, of course.

What can I do to help?

- Hey, Reagan!
- Hey.

- Cool earrings.
Is that snakeskin?

You're wild, girl.

- It's salmon skin, so.

My mom makes them.

She's a power vendor
on Etsy, so.

If you like them,
I could ask her if--

- What do you want?

- Um...

I am here to apply
for a land assignment.

- Are you married?
- No.

- Any kids?
- Not a one.

- Good luck.

Proof of tribal enrollment.

- That, I do have.

- I can't accept this.
It won't xerox.

- But you didn't even try.

- I just know.
- [sighs]

Come on, Trish.
You know me.

We went to Head Start together.

Remember in third grade
when I dropped lemonade Slurpee

on my pants and everyone
called me Miss Piss?

- [laughing] Oh, yeah.
That was great.

- Yeah, I know.

- But I've never seen
your papers.

♪ ♪

- This is all the budgets
organized chronologically.

These are the things
I've pulled

that I think need
further review.

Full disclosure,
I left out 2008

because that box
was full of spiders.


But I will get it
if you really want me to.

- No.

This is really helpful.

Thanks for being here.

- Yeah, of course.

- Nathan, I need
to share something with you.

- Ah--oh.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Sorry to cut you off, but look.

Surplus funds
are getting funneled

into an account called
"Installation Upgrades."

- That's pretty generic.
- Yeah.

You know, we should
just go to the museum.

I've been there so many times,

I've basically memorized
the exhibits.

I can tell you
if anything's different.

- Okay.

Gonna gloss over that
memorized exhibition part

for both our benefits.

Let's do it.
- All right.

Oh, they might
recognize me there.

Do you think
I need to wear a disguise?

Nah, then I wouldn't be able
to use my yearly pass.

Screw it.
I'll pay full price.

Ah, but then I won't get the
20% discount at the gift shop.

But I don't need anything
at the gift shop.

Ugh, except for that
in-scale water tower.

Ah, were you trying
to tell me something?

- Yes, but I can tell

you're still thinking
about the discount thing.

- Well, if you
don't use the pass,

you don't get the points, so...

- Did you buy that hat
at the gift shop?

- Oh, no.
Packed it.

You never know when
you're gonna ride the rails.

I gotta say, nothing looks
out of the ordinary here.

- Mm, I just know something
is up with this place.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- Well, she always
takes my breath away.

[both laugh]

How long before
she starts running?

- Nah.
She's not running anymore.

- I'm--I'm sorry, what?
Since when?

- Well, we told
the museum director

that the motor was shot,
but he won't replace it.

Now, it's display only.

- My heart is breaking
in real-time.

- Wouldn't replacing that
be an "installation upgrade"?

- Sounds like this place
is really going downhill.

- Yep.

Had a line on an original
1832 silver railroad pass.

He said no.

Next day, comes driving in
in a new RAV4.

I'm talking leather seats.


I always say, train museums
aren't for the people anymore.

- So the person
running this museum

is a monster.

- Kind of picked up on that.

- There's no way you wouldn't
buy that railroad pass.

I mean, that's...


This guy's definitely corrupt.
- Mm-hmm.

- Right?
Should spend time in prison.

Like, preferably Guantanamo.

What do we do here?

There's gotta be, like,
a federal task force

or just--
we call the SWAT team.

- An investigator
will reach out

and will most likely
prosecute him

for misappropriation of funds.
- Okay.

Okay, but this guy can't come
within 500 feet of a museum.

He is a curatorial t*rror1st.

♪ ♪

- Bet you're not used
to someone nailing it

on the first take.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Woof.

They really washed you out.

- I did notice.
Yeah, thank you.

- Oh, you're not registered

with the land and water

- Oh?
- Down the hall to the right.

- Okay.

So you want
my last ten addresses

and my dad's
first ten addresses?

No, I don't know if I'm gonna
have a horse on my land.

Can I get back to you on that?

- You're not in my system.

[upbeat expressive music]

- Tony, it's been a while.

- Woof.

You could have used a little
bronzer when they took this.

- I'll--I'll remember that
for next time. Thanks.

- You're not in the system.

Come to me after
you have the land assignment.

- That--that's why I'm here.

- No, go
to the land management office.

- Wasn't I just there?

- I don't know your life
like that.


- I don't carry a printout
of my family tree with me.

I do have a pic
of our last family reunion.

- Next.

♪ ♪

- Um, that's a tough one.

Marry Donatello,

have sex with Leonardo,

and k*ll Raphael?

Is that really a question
on here?

- Next.

- I just need to know
which plot of land

you're applying for.

- I thought you'd just give me
whatever's left.

- Just mark on this map

which plot of land
you're applying for.

That's assuming that you've
established proof of residency

the Land Retention Department.

- What the hell
is land retention?

And how the hell is everyone
always at lunch here?

Hi, can you please--

♪ ♪

What? How?

No! No, are you kidding me?

[horn honks]

- Let's get lunch
sometime, girl.

- Bye-bye!

- Thanks for dinner.

And sorry
I ate your fries and mine.

It's been a day.
- Yeah.

Yeah, but it was
a fun day, right?

I mean, I kind of felt
like Encyclopedia Brown

back at the museum.

Well, the adult version
of that.

- You mean
like Sherlock Holmes?

- Yes, that--that would be
a better reference

because he's a grown up
man person.

- Well, since you helped me,
I should reciprocate.

Hit me with your best pitch.

Why should Bobbie Yang,
an 18-year-old, be mayor?

- Okay.

So Bobbie works hard.
- Mm-hmm.

- They're pragmatic
without losing their optimism.

On a personal note,
I've watched Bobbie grow

from a frivolous 15-year-old

to a really serious,
intelligent person.

Don't get me wrong.

They've got enormous shoes
to fill.

- [chuckles softly]

- I mean,
you kicked down a door,

left a path
for other firsts behind you.

Without you,
there isn't a Bobbie.

[tender music]

♪ ♪

You're incredible.

♪ ♪

- They told me I have to choose
the land that I'm applying for.

It's like, why are you called
the land assignment office

if you assign nothing?

- Well, you could just go
and do what they said

and look at the land you want.

- Oh, with all
the free time I have.

What am I, a cartographer now?

- Let's go.

- Oh, now?
- Yeah.

You're just sitting
around here, whining all day.

You can just go and do it.

[upbeat music]

- [softly]


♪ ♪

- [sighs]

- Okay.

Thank you.

I'm not very good with maps,
but I think this is it.

- [mumbles, spits]

- Are you doing a bit
right now?

- The soil is bad on this plot,
but the energy is good.

You need good soil

for your ancestral food garden.

- Oh...

- Wait.
You are planning to start

an ancestral food garden,

- Yeah, I was thinking
more of, like,

a AstroTurf backyard
with an above-ground pool.

- [sighs]

- Oh, you brought
a measuring tape.

- I don't mess around when
it comes to getting land back.

Plus, I used to be a carpenter.

- Oh, cool.
That's great.

I don't know anything
about square feet, so.

- All right.

Don't worry.
I got you.

[Randy Wood's "Look How
The Stars Shine For You"]

♪ ♪

Keep going.

Unravel. Like that.

- ♪ Look how the stars
shine for you ♪

- No, no, no.

- ♪ My one and only you ♪

♪ They're telling you, I ♪

♪ I love you ♪


♪ ♪

- [clears throat]


- [vocalizing]

♪ ♪

♪ Look how the stars shine
for you ♪

- You know, you gotta make sure
your door is facing the--

- Facing the east.
I know, Nelson.

Your people didn't invent
the four sacred directions.

- But we did refine it, though.

- Anyways,
you can totally fit

a two to three-bedroom
trailer here.

And that pool you said
the ducks are gonna use

like Tony Soprano's.
- Like Tony Soprano's.

- Yeah.

[cheerful music]

[knock on door]

- Come in.

- Hello.

Good morning.

Have an early departure
for you.

I figured you could use these.

And I just wanted a chance to
say goodbye before I take off.

- That's kind of you, Nathan.
- Yeah.

Next time, I promise
to take you on a proper brunch.

You know, maybe we could do,
like, a weekend visit.

That way,
it's a little more chill.

Uh, yeah. Okay.

You got a lot to do, and...

Did I do something?

- Last night was really great.

- Yeah, it was, right?
Okay, good.

I--I'm glad we're on
the same page there.

You know, I don't have to wear
the engineer's cap every time.

That was just sort of a--
- I'm pregnant.

And you're the father.

- Okay.

I don't think
it works that fast, but--



- I wanted to tell you sooner,

but you wouldn't
return my calls.

And I'm still trying to wrap
my head around all this.

Do they even make
maternity pant suits?

My job is a lot,

but at this point in my life,

I really want this baby.

And I thought you should know.

But if you--
if you don't want--

- Deirdre, I'm excited.

- You are?
- Yeah. Yeah.

I mean, this is a lot
to take it in,

but like, it--it--it's good.

I mean, I'm in.

I can move up here to Albany

- Well, hold on.
Hold on, Nathan. Stop.

I think you'll be an incredible
father, but us being together--

- Would be amazing.

- You're a great guy and
I like spending time with you,

but you're also the type of guy

who disappears for months
to go and find himself.

- Come on, it was like
a few weeks finding myself,

and then--and then
a few weeks in the attic.

Yeah, okay.

- Look, you're clearly
searching for something,

and that's okay,
but I'm not,

and I can't afford uncertainty
in my life,

and neither can this baby.

[soft determined music]

♪ ♪

- Hi. I'm here
for that land application.

I marked my plot on the map,

I've registered
with all the land offices,

and here's my tribal ID.

- Great.

If you're approved
by the land committee,

you should get your
application form in the mail

in the next 8 to 26 weeks.

- What?

- Families are
the tribe's priority,

so you're at the end
of the line.

- Why should that even matter?

- I'm her husband.

- Since when?

- Indian way.

I'm her husband.

- Aw, congrats you two!

- And we're gonna have a baby.

- Not right now.

- But we're trying.

- Not really.

- But we are, actually.

It's in the cards.

- Oh, well, okay.

Here you go.

- Oh, my God.
Are you serious?

- You wanna give it back?
- Nope.


Thank you so much.
This is great.

This is awesome.
Thank you.



Thank you for all that help.

- No problem.

- Why aren't you married?

Guys like you usually
get snagged up in high school.

- In high school,
I had a weird tooth,

and I had cystic acne.

- Ugh, woof.
- Yeah.

I looked like Pizza the Hutt
on "Spaceballs."

- [laughs]
I love Pizza the Hutt.

- Then after grad school,
I don't know,

people back home on my rez
kind of were weird to me.

- Really?
Me too.

- And then, after I left
my fiancée at the altar,

she ended up
marrying a white guy.

- No way.
- Yeah.

I'm just kidding.

I mean--I mean, the first part,
it's kind of true.

People in town,
they told me about you,

but, you know,
gossip's your people's way.

- [chuckles]

can I take you somewhere?

Well, here she is.

Nelson, meet my baby.

- Wow.

That's impressive.

That's way bigger than
the cultural center back home.

Did you know is in the basement
of our high school?

My grandpa, he made it work.
- Mm.

- It's where I learned
how to make my first hand drum.

- Yeah, I wanna put a room
in the back

for language classes.

On Saturdays, the kids can come
and listen to our elders

tell stories
about the seasons changing.

Of course,
a huge storage area, so...

You can visit with every
single item in the collection.

- [chuckles]

You know, I've always wanted
to categorize the items

by their region
instead of their type.

I feel like it--
it tells a more complete story

about the relationship between
the people and the land.

- I love that.

God, you were a really
good hire, Nelson Renville.

- [chuckles]

- I feel like
a lot of the things

that I've really been wanting

are finally feeling possible:

getting land,
the cultural center...

A lot of things.

- And well, whatever you need,
I'm here for it.

- I like--I like that.

I mean, your help
is very nice, so...

- I get the feeling
you want to kiss me right now.

- Oh, my body language
wasn't clear enough?

How about now?

- Loud and clear.

[Pixies' "Where Is My Mind?"]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- You're gonna be a dad?

- You kissed Nelson?

- Okay, like, you've always
had cool dad vibes,

but now you're gonna have
a little human to justify it.

- I know, right?
It's the sweaters.

- I know.
- The sweaters.

I've been wearing
these sweaters ironically.

Now they're not ironic,
you know?

Okay, we're gonna
circle back to you

because I fully want
a play-by-play.

But yes,
it is bonker donkers, okay?

We are leveling up, Reagan.

Do you realize you are about to

have a plot of land to--
to make flourish

and I am going to have

a whole-ass baby
to feed and raise?

- Oh, my God.

Okay, promise
you won't friend-dump me

when you and Deirdre
get together, though.

I'm totally down
to third wheel it.

- We are a package deal, Reags.

You know this.
- Okay.

- But you don't even
have to worry because

Deirdre said she doesn't want
to be with me.

- Seriously?

Uh, okay.

I would offer to beat her up,
but she's pregnant.

- She thinks I'm unreliable,
you know,

that I don't know what I want.

And I see
where she's coming from.

I'm kind of those things
right now.

- No. Nathan, you're
a really great guy, okay?

You had a little bit
of a rough patch,

but adversity
makes us stronger.

Hey, you were
my "White Guy in the Cupboard"

when I really needed ya.

You helped me out
when I struggled,

and you'll do the same
for Deirdre.

- Thank you. I--

I know I'm not exactly
what she wants right now,

but I really care about her.

I think I can prove myself
over time.

- That's the spirit.
- Okay.

- And until then...

Hey, everyone,
Nathan's gonna be a dad!

Free pitchers of Michelob
on me.

- All right!

[both laugh]


- [groans]

I guess I'm gonna be a stepmom.

♪ ♪


- ♪ Where is my mind? ♪

♪ Where is my mind? ♪

♪ Where is
my mind? ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Way out in the water ♪

♪ See it swimming ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ With your feet on the air
and your head on the ground ♪

♪ ♪
