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04x11 - Memories of an Eternally Living Clan

Posted: 07/31/22 18:24
by bunniefuu
Ever since the powers of the Soul Reaper were thrust upon me,

my whole world has changed.

I'm Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki.

I wield this sword with all of my soul and strength

to protect my precious friends!

You are my one and only.

No one can take your place.

Never fade, my only flower.

The sun never blinds you.

You are like a flower that blooms in shade.

Exhale those feelings you hold inside.

You are my one and only; now and forever.

The day may come when all will rise against us,

but I will protect you.

Never give up, my only flower.






Ishida, that bastard. He's just acting tough!

I hope he's not thinking that he doesn't want to be a burden!

Throwing away his own friends That's harsh.

I won't let him do that!

That's right! It's not even trash day!

Y-You're mad? That's unusual

Of course! I'm going to find him and treat his wounds!


If I had used the last of my strength, maybe

Just maybe

I could have thrown her off my trail.

But I didn't do that.


Why did I save you?

Is that what you want to know?

It's because you had lonely eyes

Is that a good enough answer?

You're being targeted by the Bounts.

You'd be putting your friends in danger if you stayed with them.

That's why you ran away.

What a sad story No one's happy.

So you felt sorry for me?

You don't seem like the type who would be sentimental like that.

I was once like that

There was a time when I saw sweet sentimental dreams.

Those feeling have just become cold

because of the mind-numbing passage of time.

That's some noise

I can feel it echoing through my body.

That's because you're not used to it.

I'm used to hearing it, so I no longer feel anything.

The sound of the bells or the passing of time

Is that how you've watched this town all this time?

Uninvolved with anyone and all alone


There's a lack of reality when

I watch those people restlessly living from here.

I don't feel loneliness.

You're one of the Bounts.

Don't you even live with them?

There was a time when I did.

That was a long time ago

A long time

For a time so long that it numbs the mind, we've lived in the shadow of history.

During that time

countless numbers of us have endured harsh experiences

and borne indescribable treatment.

With that behind us,

the time when we Bounts can be released from the darkness

is finally approaching.

This long time

may be what plants fleeting dreams and foolish ambition in us Bounts.

Everything because of time

How strange

You hate time so much

And yet, you live next to this clock.

Could it be that you're still expecting something?

You want to live rather than observe the passage of time.

Is that what you're thinking?

If it's possible

I suppose I'd like to die.


When you have eternal life, you feel like you can do anything.

You begin to think that you've become a god.

Isn't that foolish?

Now then Kariya could you tell us?

Why have you gathered us here?

A Quincy has been found.

Oh That's interesting.

I want you to help me!

We chosen Bounts must catch this Quincy!

To gain greater absolute power and for our shining era!


Maki Ichinose's Spiritual Pressure?

Yes. It has been undeniably confirmed to be in the World of the Living.

Right, Aramaki?

Huh? Yes

We've never been able to find him, no matter how hard we looked.

We were suddenly able to track his Spiritual Pressure.

I overheard Captain Hitsugaya and Captain Ukitake talking about it earlier.

Then, then, Maki-maki

Is Maki in the World of the Living right now?

It seems so.

Is that so, Maki-maki?!

Maki is alive, Maki-maki!

E-Excuse me,

but that's confusing, so could you not repeat my name?

What? Why? You're Maki-maki and Maki is Maki!

They're completely different!

I'm saying that it's confusing!

Isn't the nickname Maki-maki kind of weird?

Yes I mean, don't ask me that!

What is he doing?

Who knows

What should we do?

Leave him alone!

But I feel a bit responsible

Ken-chan, don't you feel it too?

I don't care.


Zaraki You How dare you do this to the Captain!

I won't accept this!


What's with you?

Please stop, Ichinose!

Let me go!

Under the attendance of squad members,

the winner of this match and the new captain of Squad Eleventh is

Kenpachi Zaraki!

You aren't allowed to draw your sword here!

How boring

Listen up, all of you! I'm going to do things my way!

I won't chase those who leave! Do as you like!



Are you really going to leave?

I'm very sorry.

You're still holding a grudge against Ken-chan ?

No That was an official one-on-one match.

Captain Zaraki did nothing wrong.

Then why?

I really can't find a reason to remain here.


My captain will always be our former captain.

Do as you like.

Thank goodness he's still alive.

Back then, he looked as if he would just die.

He's probably being forced to live

But I don't know who'd do that

Mr. Ichinose, what do you suppose Kariya's real objective is?

What does he plan to do when he catches the Quincy?

Who knows? I do not question.

I simply obey Master Kariya.

Because it's easier that way

If you always completely agree or disagree

there's no reason to think.

What are you thinking?

Who knows I'm still thinking.





Damn Where in the world did you go?!


It sure is miserable here.

You should put

I try not to own things.

It's easier that way.

It's too much of a burden to own things.

That may be true.

There are times when the things you should be thankful for

feel like a burden.

Another day is about to end

When I look down at humans from here, I think

we live for hundreds of years.

Humans are so short-sighted compared to us.

But that short-sightedness

It's because people only have a few decades

in which they can try hard

That's why they're happy.

Long ago

when I was still a child

I came to have this odd feeling that I was not like normal people

Since then, I've kept that fact a secret.

I was desperate to keep that

a secret even from my friends

But then I realized

that it was impossible for them not to notice.

Everyone around me was aging like they should.

People and history

It seemed like only I was left behind

Never changing. Unable to change

I was at such a loss

Time had passed.

I was forever left behind by the times

Find her! Find her!

She's a witch! She's got to be a witch!

k*ll her! k*ll her!

I had tired of living

Day by day I thought only of ways to die

And when I decided to end my own life

He appeared.

There's no need to be afraid I'm like you.

Kariya, huh?

He told me to live with him.

He said there were reasons for Bounts like us to live.

I'll tell you my reason for living.

It's you.

Remember this

A Bount's love is deep, long limitless, and continues eternally.

God has given Bounts our time of bliss

Eternal love

There was a time when I truly believed that.

But not now.

I've realized that the word “eternalâ€

exists for humans who have limited life spans

It's something that has no meaning to us Bounts.

In other words

does that mean that your love for him Kariya

came to an end?

There may not have been any love to begin with

The light of hope I saw was an illusion.

An illusion?

He tricked my eyes with a bright veil of light

only to hide his ambition in its shadow.


The Power Hold

Kariya has gathered the few Bounts that are left

and is probably trying to go to Hueco Mundo

He's trying to gain limitless power there.

In order to make the Bounts no, himself an ultimate god!

That's crazy!

If he does that,

he'll deviate from the principal rules which we must uphold!

God has no rules to follow

Rules are for God to decide.

Even so!

That's why I've brought you here. To keep Kariya from doing that!

Umm Do you still love him?


I can't forgive him

In order for me to remain human, however little that may be

I can't forgive him for losing his human heart.

What do you mean?

He took a living person's soul

with the same mouth with which he told me he loved me

I couldn't forgive Kariya for that

but I couldn't forgive myself even more for being unable to stop him

How ironic.

He gave me the hope to live, but by his betrayal, I awakened to

the little that remained of my heart as a human which slept within me

What do you plan to do now?

I'm going to defeat Kariya.


I'd help you if I could but,

I no longer can

You sure are kind to want to help me

But I don't intend to rely on you any longer.

I'll deal with him myself.

You should just stay in this room until your wounds heal.

Do you have any hope of winning?

Of course.

If it's possible, I'd like to die

That's a lie!

A lie?

Why do you think that?



Try not to be captured by Kariya's men.

I don't know why,

but you're a key person in Kariya's goal.

But I no longer have any powers

You can't be sure of that.

Am I wrong?

I have the feeling that the Quincy power still lies within you.




There's one thing I realized earlier

I could have run away from you if I had wanted to

But I didn't

Now I finally know why.


Your eyes.

I may have seen a small ray of hope from your lonesome eyes

You haven't fallen completely into despair.

You have a beautiful light that seeks hope

Well If it's possible, I'd like to help you

I don't know what I can do in this condition, but

Even so

Even so, I'll go with you!

You sure are good-natured despite your looks.

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

Time goes by, and I get left behind.

But I say, “don't forget that anxious feelingâ€

They tell me, “A reckless challenge is meaninglessâ€

But I say “don't give up.â€

(Offense!) At times when the going gets tough, I raise my voice.

(Offense!) And head toward the direction of my goal.

There is nothing to be afraid of that towering wall.

Never losing sight in this life without answers

Keep My Pace

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

There's a Soul Reaper among the enemy.

He's probably a good-for-nothing

Probably a dangerous battle maniac or a crazy-eyed modification maniac.

Oh? Who might that be?

I'd like to hear more.

I'm sorry!

The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!


Health Land

Why do we have to go to Health Land to do our remaining business?

Why not?! Let's meet in the rest space and work after a bath!

We'll be more productive!


I'm very sorry. Children must stay with their guardians.

Child Child

Oh! Then let's go in the women's bath together!


Tune in again!