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04x25 - Give Chase!! The Search for Doctor Gero's Mysterious Laboratory

Posted: 08/01/22 08:25
by bunniefuu
"Give Chance!!! Thee Search for Doctor Gero's Mysterious Laboratory" What's that?

You say he's different?


I- it can't be! Who's been carvin' up the earth down there?

Look over there, over there! That's where everyone is! That's them, right?

That's Son-kun and the others! S- stop, you idiot! You seriously wanna go there?

It's all right, I tell you! If everyone's still alive, that surely means it's all over! You take us any closer, an' I'll drop this rugrat right outta here! Oh?

Be my guest.

Or didn't I mention that his father is Vegeta?

V- Vegeta?

This rugrat- er, rather, this handsome young man's the child of yourself and Vegeta-sama, is he?

That case, let's go! Now you're talking! Different?

He's different, you say?

Well then, who is that guy?

Tell me what he is! It's no great matter, is it?

After all, our history may have just changed slightly from the one he told us about.

The Artificial Humans were facing have also changed from the ones he knew.

That's fine if it's true.

Now then, what should I do?

How can I get back to the laboratory?

If I try to fly away, I'll likely be overtaken.

The only thing I can do is use this terrain to conceal myself as I go.

Hey isn't that Bulma-san's?

Yoo hoo! Hey look! That's an Artificial Human! One of em's still 'round.

Doctor Gero?

Watch out! Don't come any closer! Now! I wasn't lying when I said there's absolutely no way you could win! No.

17 and No.

18 will be coming soon to k*ll you all! No.




Why, that lousy Ah, what a surprise! Trunks! Oh, Trunks! Oh, thank goodness! Thanks, pal.

He's vanished, dammit! He got away! Bulma-san! Are you okay?

Fine, fine! This boy saved me.

Really! Thank goodness.

Damn! You're not getting away from me! Why didn't you help them just now?


They are your wife and child, aren't they?

How insignificant.

I have no interest in any of that.

You're in the way, mind your own business! He's not flying up in the air, which means he's running away on foot so that we can't locate him.

He couldn't have gotten very far yet.

Say, was that strange old geezer earlier an Artificial Human?

There, there! Why, yes he was.

There, there! That was probably Doctor Gero himself.

I've seen him in a book of scientists.

That is strange, huh?

I wonder if he's converted himself?

There, there! Ain't no one gonna pay me no attention?

Hey! That Artificial Human just now was probably Doctor Gero! Doctor Gero!?

That was Doctor Gero!?

What's that supposed to mean?

Like I said, I've seen his picture before.

He spoke of Doctor Gero, so I looked him up.

There, there, now Yes he is pulling a scary face, isn't he?

You know what?

Doctor Gero was quite gifted and famous, especially among other scientists.

It seemed he was rather hard to get along with though.

Oh, there, there! Everything you've told us has been completely false! Wasn't Doctor Gero supposed to have been k*lled by Artificial Humans?

And these Artificial Humans were different from yours! T- the only thing I can figure is that history itself has shifted somehow.

Most likely due to me coming back to the past before now.

He mentioned No.

17 and No.

18, right?

More than likely,those are your two Artificial Humans.

Tell us how we can distinguish them! We can't afford any more mistakes.

Yes, you're right.


17 is a young man with long black hair and a scarf around his neck.


18 is a pretty female type, dressed in clothes similar to mine F- female type!?

They both have cold eyes and round earrings.

I think you'll know them when you see them.

They would have to draw energy in through their palms, wouldn't they?

No, they aren't like that.

Their energy is unlimited.


You mean it never runs out?

There, there! Say more importantly, where is Son Goku-san?

That heart disease, the one you warned us about?

He just barely came down with it.

Is that how badly time has been shifted?

Goku-sa! Hang in there! You don't suppose we might be too late with the medicine, do you?

You've got to hold on, Goku! Goku-sa! You just wait, Vegeta and Piccolo! You're about to get a taste of just how terrible we Artificial Humans really are! What do you think you're doing, Vegeta!?

If you come any closer with that scary face of yours, you're going to make Trunks cry again! There, there now I know it's surprising how scary his face is isn't it?

Bulma, do you know where Doctor Gero's laboratory is located?

He's heading back that way for sure! The location?

Well, as I recall, it was somewhere in the mountains surrounding Metro North.

Ther's a rumor that he converted a cave up there into a laboratory.

Well, he's long gone by now.

Even if we were to take off after him We're all right.

Did anyone see him flying away?

Now that you mention it He intends to use the topography her to help him get away again.

He must still be running through an area not far from here.

I get you.

All we have to do then is get there first, and then destroy No.

17 and No.

18 before Doctor Gero has a chance to activate them.

I wouldn't do such a cowardly thing.

I just want to be first in line to put the others away with my own two hands! The Artificial Humans we just took on gave us such a poor fight, after all.

You must not! You must not.

You understimate the Artificial Humans.

As Piccolo-san said, we should destroy them before they are started up.

If we're too late to do that, we should avoid battle until Son Goku-san has recovered from his illness.

We don't need to wait for Kakarrot! Can't you tell?

I've become a Super Saiyan too! With both him and I turned Super Saiyans, my elite skills obviously place me several steps above him! Now move it, your in my way! Hey, he's gone all right.

Vegeta has become a Super Saiyan, and has gotten even stronger than Son Goku.

He just might be able to b*at the Artificial Humans, as he says.

I can turn into a Super Saiyan as well.

However, there isn't any way I couId match up against them.

They have unbelievable strength! I'm going too.

He may be a jerk, but I'm not going to let my father die again! Father?

Did he just say father?

I wonder what he meant?

There's no reason to keep this secret any longer.

His name is Trunks.

His father was Vegeta, and you are his mother.

In other words he's the grown-up version of the baby in your arms.

You're kidding! I- is that right?

C- come to think of it, they do look alike.

N- now it all makes sense, about how he is able to be a Super Saiyan.

You guys come with me and help search out Doctor Gero's laboratory.

It seems best to destroy the Artificial Humans before they get started up.

You got it.

Trunks, you grow up to be a pretty good guy after all! Thank goodness! Your mom was worried because you have such a mean look about you! B- Bulma-san, please let my father know about all of this.

And tell him if he gets well in time, we'd like him to join us.

That's fine, but how am I supposed to tell him?

My airplane got all smashed up.

Gohan, you take her with you.

The rest of us have what it takes if were just destroying the Artificial Humans.


But be careful.

All right, let's go! We have to find it before Vegeta does! Okay, well be going pretty fast, now.

Be careful, we have a baby here too.

Hey don't forget 'bout me! Yer' takin' me too, yer takin' me.

I should be okay now.

Having run this far, I should be able to fly without being seen.

Vegeta! sh**t! Is he still trying to search me out?

Him too! They're both flying in exactly the same direction as I'm headed Could they possibly be headed for my laboratory?

No, it's just a coincidence.

It has to be a coincidence! There's no way they could know where my laboratory is.

Only a veryfew scientists even know about it.

Was that Bulma?

The first daughter of the Capsule Corporation?

She might have asked her father about me! T- that must be it, all right! They're all headed toward my laboratory.

So, they intend to destroy No.

17 and No.

18 before I can start them up, do they?

There's no way I'm letting them get away with that! I never told anyone the exact location, so they shouldn't be able to find it without some searching.

I can still take the roundabout way and get there first.

Say, Gohan-kun, yon can speed up a little if you want.


Your late father?

He sure did a lot of wicked things.

He'd be in Hell now, no doubt about it.

But he had his good points too.

He was always so full of pride, he'd never show his gentle side clearly to anyone But I knew Is he thinking of accompanying me the whole way?

How interesting! That's right, he can become a Super Saiyan too.

He is my kid, which explains where he gets his Saiyan blood from.

Yajirobe! Why don't you get down and walk already?

Stuff it! The warriors head toward Doctor Gero's laboratory.

However, what is it that awaits them there?