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08x13 - I Won't Allow the Revival!! A Kamehame-Ha of Resistance

Posted: 08/05/22 19:34
by bunniefuu
" A Straight Line to Despair!? The Grief of Kaioshin" Wait, Vegeta! A Ki! An enormous Ki has appeared! He has emerged after all! Majin Boo! Majin Boo, huh? Here I was wondering how incredible a brute he was, and then he has this sort of battle power rating? I thought it would be something like this! Listen, Kakarrot! We have now become overly strong! Altogether extraordinarily so! Have you even once thought that Kaioshin, who all else aside should be this incredible guy, was impressive? Just the opposite, Kaioshin has been the one who was surprised by our power, right? In other words, I'm saying that Kaioshin may see Majin Boo as a fearsome enemy, but from where we stand, he's not all that formidable a guy.

N- no, that ain't it.

There's something different than usual about this Ki! Stop fretting around! If you're trying to get out of this fight, you're not going to! Vegeta! You have to have realized it as well! Hey, Majin Boo! I- I'm Babidi, the child of Bibidi, who created you! I've revived you after you were sealed up in your ball for an incredibly long time! A- and so, starting today, I will be your master! Hey! What's the matter? Answer me! You'll at least answer me! I am your master! Hey, Majin Boo! Hey, there! W- what's the matter, Majin Boo? He's a mere buffoon! What is it he might be doing? W- why you! I do not know why, but it appears his revival was unsuccessful.

Now that he has finally gone and appeared, what is he but a mindless, powerless, half-witted punk!? What is it? You have something to say to me? I'm upset!! What!? Are you saying you want to have a go at Dabura-sama? You don't know your own place! That's why I say you're a fool! It looks as though Majin Boo has been botched, Kaioshin-sama! Does it look like he was botched? That is Majin Boo! Worthless bravado! M- magnificent! Incredible, Majin Boo! To think how easily you defeated Dabura there! Utterly magnificent! It rose! Majin Boo's Ki rose explosively! H- he's strong! He's too strong! Such unbelievable strength! It transformed into an extraordinary Ki there! He's no ordinary guy after all, this Majin Boo! J- just now, for a just moment, we felt an amazing Ki, right? Y- yeah What's going on here, really? Say, which way should we go? Let's see The Ki over this way is kind of a spooky Ki, right? The Majin must be this way! Yeah! The Majin has to be more interesting than the other, right!? Yeah! All right! That settles it! Go! That wasn't any kind of trick Who the hell are those guys? Is there something Is there something about to happen again? Mister Satan, congratulations on your victory! Congratulations! How was it? Any observations about this tournament? Well, of course, it ended up just as I said, didn't it? This ain't the time for us to be doing something like this! We're the ones that let that monster out! Do I care!? It has nothing to do with our fight! Everyone's going to be k*lled! Everyone! Bulma and Trunks too! Shut up!! Shut up! Shut up! I sold my soul over to Babidi in order to wipe out that placidity! It's none of my concern what happens to anyone! You're lying! You're lying!! You ain't sold your soul over entirely.

All right.

We'll postpone the fight.

After all, Majin Boo is apparently worrying you and you can't seem to concentrate.

Vegeta! Hand over one of those Senzu things.

We've both lost quite a bit of power, after all.

If we all work together, I'm sure we can b*at Majin Boo! Not even you could help having been caught off guard.

I am the one who released Majin Boo, and I will be the one to put him away.

Settling up with you will come afterward If I'm still alive.

Incredible! You're incredible! Now, Majin Boo, do as I tell you! I am you new master! You defy me? A- are you sure it's okay to disobey me? I've seen my papa's notes, and I know something the spell to seal you up in your ball! You don't want to go back in there, do you? All right! That will do! That will do! Kaioshin-sama, isn't Majin Boo still something like a child? If we defeat Babidi there, would he perhaps not do such maniacal things? T- that won't do! If Babidi is gone, then it will become impossible to seal up Majin Boo again! Despite how he appears, Majin Boo is really a terrible monster! Before long, he will grow beyond Babidi's control, and then, the time when he is sealed up again is sure to come! Until that time, all we can do is patiently sit tight.

E- even though I am a Kaioshin, I am helplessly chagrined at myself that there is nothing I can do.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

I was sure I would be able to defeat Babidi and halt Majin Boo's revival! I- if I knew it was to be like this If I had known that there were those such as you, who even while being human, had power which so greatly surpassed my own And despite having that other method! Other method? No, it's too late.

We can no longer escape from Majin Boo.

The two of us will not likely return alive.

What are you saying!? If it's just escaping, we can manage something or other! All right! Okay, Majin Boo, this is your first command.

k*ll those two there! Kaioshin-sama! It's okay! I can count on my speed! What are you doing, Boo!? You're letting them get away! H- he's disappeared! It can't be! You die! W- what's this!? Majin Boo is one extraordinary fellow! He has wondrous speed and power! Behind that merciless smile lurks the terror of death!