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01x18 & 01x19 - Butterfly Effect/The Green House

Posted: 08/06/22 07:48
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach
the bathroom on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house

♪ In the Loud house

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud

♪ Loud house

- Poo-poo.

[rock music]

- Tonight is a historic night
for me.

I get to have a sleepover.

[owl hoots]

Now, I know
what you're thinking,

what's the big deal?"

Well, let me explain.
You see, sleepovers

in the Loud house
have not always gone so well.

[laughter, chattering]

[glass shatters]

- Aah! Lynn Junior!


- Okay, we're done
with the blow dry bar.

Time to curl.
[pop music]

[music whines down]
- Leni Loud!

- Good night, baby boom!
[shouting, chanting]

- What the darn heck?

- Hey, buddy,
I don't see you on the list.

- Luna Loud!

- Thanks to my sisters,

sleepovers were banned
in the Loud house.

So when I wanted to have one,
it took some hard selling.

Sleepover, why should I
be able to have one?

Because Lincoln Loud
is all about the four R's.


[cat meows, hisses]


[cat meows, hisses]


[cat meows, hisses]

And, Really, you guys,
it would be so awesome

if you let me do this.



Luckily Dad is a real sucker
for cat videos.

Now that they've said yes,

I'm gonna make sure
this is the best sleepover ever.

I got
the juice boxes chilling,

the couch pillows
ready to be turned into a fort,

the snacks stacked,
and the itinerary

totally mapped out.

Every second of the night
is planned

for maximum sleepover enjoyment,

all that's missing now?
My guest.

Come in Little Bo Sleep.
This is Slumberjack.

What's your location?
- This is little Bo Sleep.

My parents
are walking me over now.

Prepare for contact
in three, two, one.

[doorbell rings]

- This is it,
time to make history.

Hey, Clyde.
- Hi, Mr. McBride.

Hi, Mr. McBride.

- Hi, Lincoln.
Ready for your big night?

- You bet.
- Great.

Just a couple things
Clyde will need.

Sleeping bag,
feetsie pajamas,

white noise machine,

dehumidifier, earplugs,

and allergy medications.

- Here are all the numbers
where you can reach us

if our cell phones fail.

Restaurant, movie theater,

coffee shop, gas station

in case we have to pee.
- Hm, good idea.

And here's a photo of us since
we can't tuck you in tonight.

- Remember, Clyde,
no nuts, no gluten,

no sugar, and be careful
with orange juice.

You know how you get with pulp.

- He's growing up so fast.
- Come on, Howie.

Remember what Dr. Lopez
said about letting to.

Now let go.

- [crying]
I love him so much.

- Have fun, Clyde.

- Oh, we will.

This place is like
New York City, it never sleeps.

- And neither will we. I've got
a whole itinerary for us.

First up is the five hour
director's cut

of our favorite Sci-fi fantasy
flick, "King of the Rings."

- Clyde? Clyde?


- [sniffing]


- We all use that shampoo.

- [sniffs]
So you do.

- Come on,
let's get out of here

before Lori
comes in and you pass out again.

- Please. I'm always cool
around Lori.

[in robotic voice]
Abort. Abort.

Systems overheating.

- [sighs]

We need to start
"King of the Rings"

in the next seconds

or we'll be cutting into
precious armpit farting time.

Okay, we may have to do...
[laughter in other room]

Armpit farts during
"King of the Rings,"

also soda burps.

It's okay.
I can make this work.

- The lettuce was a head.

and the tomato
was trying to ketchup.

[rim shot]

- Luan, I love your brand
of offbeat observational humor.

- Well, thank you,
my good man.

Give it up
for the house band!

[rock music]

- Luna, your rock stylings
move both my heart and my feet.

- Cheers, mate.

- Uh, I'll thank you
to stop bugging Clyde.

We have a long night
ahead of us.

We're now a full minute
behind schedule,

but we can make that
up if we don't waste time

buttering the popcorn.
- That's fine.

My dads say my cholesterol level
could use a break.

- Heads!
- I got it.

- All right, Clyde.
Keep it going.

- I think my new face cream
could cause hives.

Can someone else try it first?

Ooh, Claude, perfect.

- Actually it's Clyde.

This doesn't have peanuts
in it, does it?

- Time for my Friday night
brainwave study.

Oh, a new subject.

[electrical beeping]

Dance, dance, you fool.


- We got a runner!

- Aw,
El Diablo likes you.

all: Aw.

- Guys, enough!
Leave Clyde alone!

We have an itinerary.

- It's okay, Lincoln.

We can just hang here
with your sisters.

- What? No.

I see my sisters
enough as it is.

This sleepover is supposed
to be ournight.

- It's princess makeover time!

I need a toad to turn
into a beautiful princess.

Oh, you'll be a challenge.

- Clyde, come on.
We got to get started.

- Hey, that's my toad!

- I hate to let the kid down,

Start the movie,
and I'll be right in.

- Are you kidding me?

I can't believe
you would rather spend your time

with my dumb sisters--
all: Hey!

- Than do all the things
I planned for us.

You are ruining
the sleepover, Clyde.

Fart time
is out the window,

and I seriously think
we'll get to booger flicking.

- But, Lincoln, we can still
have fun doing this other stuff.

- You know what, let's just
forget the whole thing.

The sleepover
is officially cancelled.

- I should go make up with him.

Dr. Lopez taught me a lot
about conflict resolution.

- Clyde, good.

I need a man's opinion.

What do you think
Bobby means by, "Hey?"

- [in robotic voice]
Abort. Abort.

Systems shutting down.

- Maybe there are peanuts
in here.

- I did not get
mauled by three cats

just to have
this sleepover go to waste.

Hm, maybe it doesn't have to.

[doorbell rings]

Liam, welcome
to the best sleepover ever.

Come on in.

[muffled voices, crashing]

- Sounds pretty loud
up there.

- Keep it to yourself,

They can smell fear.

Behold, Liam,
the "King of the Rings,"

five hour director's cut.

- Princess makeover time!

Ooh, a new toad.

[whooshes, whirs]

- Aah!

I look like my MeeMaw!

- Some people just
don't appreciate beauty.

I made your eyes pop, kid.

[medieval music]

- Chad,
my new sleepover pal.

Get ready for the best
five hours ever spent

watching a dramatic search
for a lost piece of jewelry.

- Ho, ho, ho.
Fresh brains.

- Say what?
- [evil laugh]

[electric surges]

- [screams]

- Eh, I doubt there was
much brain worth

examining in that specimen

- Thanks for coming, Artie.

I want you to know you were
my first choice for a sleepover.

- Hey, I'm conducting a practice
funeral and I need a corpse.

How do you feel
about enclosed spaces?

- [screams]

[rock music]

- [farts]

- Ugh.


[whistle blows]
- Hut, hut, hut, hut.

- [screaming]

- Okay, so maybe not everyone
can handle the Loud house,

but I think I finally
found the perfect candidate.

He lives in between a freeway
and a circus.

[doorbell rings]

Zach, my man.

Ready for a great night?

[glass shatters,

- Ah, heck, no.

- Huh.
Now, that surprises me.

Isn't there anyone
who can handle this house?

Clyde, of course.

He doesn't just handle it,
he likes it.

Little Bo Sleep,
this is Slumberjack.

Do you read?
[static on radio]

Wow, he must be really mad.

Was I that big of a jerk?

Oh, who asked you?

Hey, Buddy, listen.

I'm really sorry
for blowing up at you.

I didn't realize how lucky
I was to have you for a friend.

The silent treatment, huh?
I deserve it.

I just hope
you'll forgive me, someday.

Man, how many noise machines
do you own?

[muffled laughter]

Clyde, you're still here?

- Sorry, Lincoln.

I know you wanted me to leave,
but I passed out,

and every time
Lori came to check on me,

I passed out again.

- No, Clyde,
I want you to stay.

I was just at your house
apologizing to someone.

- Oh, that must have
been my stuffed animals.

They kind of
keep me company at night.

- Right,
because you're an only child.

No wonder you like hanging out
with all of my sisters.

- Yeah, sometimes
it's pretty lonely at my house.

- Dude, your story moves
both my heart and my fingers.

- How about we
start this sleepover again?

- You mean it?
- Definitely.

Only this time...

[all gasp]

We're gonna do
what you want to do.

- Now, Clark, this shampoo
may cause baldness,

so let me know what happens.

- [babbles]

- [speaks gibberish]

- Ooh, I see two toads
that need makeovers.

[rock music]

- Yeah, heads up, yo.

[epic music]

- "Kind of the Rings,"

Clyde and Lincoln: To the best
sleepover ever.

Best sleepover ever. Yeah.

- Okay,
who wants pizza bites?

- [in robotic voice]
Abort. Abort.

Systems shutting down.

- Sheesh, are there peanuts
in everything?

[rock music]

[birds chirping]

[rock music]

- How do you make an egg roll?

I don't know,
how do you make an egg roll?

You push it.
Good one, Mr. Coconuts,

but your delivery
was a little wooden.


[music stops]
[cat meows]

[dog barks]

- Is that my shirt?

Take it off.

- I can't,
there are boys here.

- Ah, coconuts.

- [grunts]


- See, Linc, the key
to parkour is momentum.

Never stop moving.
Door jump.

- Door jump. Whoa!
[cat meows]

I'm okay.
I'm just gonna lie here

a sec on the nice,
soft floor.

Welcome to a typical Saturday
morning in the Loud house.

Sure it's crazy,
but that's the way we like it,

all of us.

- is way too many.
I can't take it anymore.

- But we can't
get rid of them.

I'm too attached.
- [gasps]

- I know you are honey,

but they're just
so obnoxious and loud.

- Are they talking about us?

[car horn honks]

- Stop,
you're stretching my shirt!

- I'm sorry,
but my mind is made up.

I want all of them
out of the house

and on the curb in time
for trash pickup tomorrow.

- Trash pickup?

- But I love
my tie collection.

Cool neckwear is my thing.

- Honey,
they're an embarrassment.

- Not this one,

it's like a dance party
around your neck.

- [groans]

- That is literally the dumbest
thing you have ever said.

- Yeah, why would they want
to get rid of us?

[dog growls, whines]

all: Oh.

- Whatever, Mr. Paranoid.

This is a waste
of valuable texting time.

- Lori, wait. I'm serious.

Come listen for yourself.

- But I thought
you loved them.

- Frankly, dear,
I didn't like the first one,

and the next thing
I know we've got .

- It's true...Mom and Dad
are getting rid of us.

- [all talking at once].

- I'm gonna go down there and
give them a piece of my mind!

- Guys, shhh.
Quiet down.

- I'm gonna
lose my princess bed.

Don't you tell me
to quiet down!

- This is what got us in trouble
in the first place.

The yelling, and the fighting,
and the loudness.

- Lincoln's right.
We have to be quiet

and perfectly well behaved.

- If we all work together,

maybe we can convince Mom
and Dad not to get rid of us.

Now who's with me?
[all yell] We are!

[all whisper]
We are.

[upbeat music]

- Sorry, love,

time to go acoustic.


- So sorry, Mr. Coconuts.

Without me
you're just a hand.

Hey, I bring the funny.

You're always--

- [exhales deeply]


- Here's your shirt back.

- Thanks.

Wait, that's my sweater.

- Remember the plan.

- And it looks
so much cuter on you.

- [cries]


- Oh, my gosh,
Luan, are you okay?

Help, guys,
I think Luan's trapped.

- Ladies first.

- No, dear twin,
after you.

- You're too kind,
dear Lola,

but I must insist
you go first.

- I shan't hear of it.

- And I would never forgive

if I went before you.
- [whimpering]

- Oh, please,
age before beauty.

You are two minutes older.
- [panting]

both: Oh, dear brother,
you go first.

- Thanks.


- Honey, please,
won't you reconsider?

- [groans]

Guys, Mom and Dad
are at the vent again.

- Okay, maybe
I judged them unfairly.

Forget what I said about
getting rid of all of them.

- It worked.
both: We did it. We get to stay.

- Oh, joy. What a relief.

- Speaking of relief,
everyone out, please.

[overlapping cheers]

- I knew
they'd change their mind.

- Ooh, invisible rope.

- You mean it?
I can keep them all?

- I didn't say that,

but I will let you
keep your favorite.

- His favorite?

- But they're all
equally great.

How can I pick just one?

- Come on, there must be one
that stands out above the rest.

- I've got some
serious standing out to do--

right after I pee.

[groovy music]

[sneaky music]

- Lincoln, where are you
going with those pancakes?

- Uh...

- And why did you spell out

"World's Best Dad"
with chocolate chips?

- You can read?

- I am more than
just a pretty face, Lincoln.

Now, you're up to something,

and I am gonna
find out what it is.

- Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.

- But on the up side, we're
not all getting kicked out.

One of us gets to stay.

- And you thought
it'd be you?

- What happened
to we all work together?

- I'm sorry.
I just kind of panicked.

- Dudes, Mom and Dad
are talking again.

- I don't know,

maybe I'll keep
the musical one.

- Are you kidding,
that one makes my ears bleed.

- Way harsh, Mom.

- Well, I definitely don't need
the dark one. So dreary.

Good for a funeral,
but what else really, right?

- [gasps]
- [laughs]

- What about the one
with the hockey sticks?

- Eh, never been a fan.
- [gasps]

- Same with the filthy one.
- [scoffs]

- How about the funny one?

- Never made me laugh.

- Ugh, now, the pink one
I could definitely do without.

- You will pay for this.

- And the littlest one is
just crying to be thrown out.

Then we've got
the dumb one.

- What?
- You know, I'd also feel

a little guilty about
tossing out the gifted one.

- Oh, who's gonna know?

So where does
that leave us?

- I believe
it leaves you with Lincoln,

but what do I know?
I'm just the gifted one.

- [all talking at once]

- Well, son, now that we've
cleared out the clutter,

we've got a lot
of extra space in the house,

and it's all yours.

- Have fun with it.

[glass breaking]

[royal music]

[rock music]

[engines rev]
[tires screech]

- Welcome to
the only child club.


- Wow, I've always wondered
what it would be like

to be an only child.
- You what?

- Well, I mean being an only
child is gonna be terrible.

What am I gonna
do without you guys?

- Well,
I guess we better go pack.

I'm still trying to figure out
who the dumb one is.

- I wonder if I could fit
a water slide in here.

- I'm sorry, honey,

but I just can't pick
a favorite, it's too hard.

- Fine, can we at least
get rid of just one?

Just one, I'm begging you.
- Okay, we'll get rid of--

the one with the white hair.

You know, I'm not
even sure if it's mine.

[melancholy music]


- You mean
your Easter tie?

no one calls it a "hare,"

it's a bunny rabbit,
but I agree.

It's hideous.

- You may be wondering
why I assembled you all here.

- Uh, yeah.
You've got five minutes.

I literally have an entire
wardrobe to pack.

- Don't bother.

I overheard another conversation
between Mom and Dad.

- What? You were snooping again?
- Wait.

Mom and Dad aren't choosing
a favorite kid to keep,

they're just
getting rid of one--me.

all: Aaaah!
- So I just

wanted to give you guys
my treasured possessions

before I, you know,
have to leave.

Lily, this is BunBun.

He needs two hugs a day,
and try to keep his ears clean.

these are my rarest comics.

But they're limited editions.

- She's not taking them
because you're not leaving.

There's no way we're letting
Mom and Dad kick you out.

all: Yeah, you're staying.
- Really?

Even though I was going
to turn your rooms

into my own personal theme park?

- It was nice knowing you.

- Of course we won't let you go.

You're our only brother.
- Come on.

We're gonna march right
down there and tell Mom and Dad

you're staying.

- What the--
- [all talking at once]

- There's nothing wrong
with his white hair.

- White hare?
You kids like my Easter tie?

- Easter tie?
[high-pitch laugh]

- Yeah, it's great, right?

You know what, they all are.

Honey, I'm not getting rid
of any of these ties.

- Ties?

You guys have been
talking about ties?

- Of course. What did you think
we were talking about?

- Uh, nothing.

- We thought you were gonna
get rid of us.

- [laughs]

- We would never do that.

You're the best ten things
that ever happened to us.

- There's honey.
- Yep. Right.

[overlapping chatter]

[high-pitch laugh]

- Oof, Dad really should get
rid of that one.

[rock music]

- Good one, Mr. Coconuts.

[crashes, toilet flushes]]
- Ah.

Looks like everything's back
to normal at the Loud house,

and my eavesdropping days
are over.

- What do you mean
you've got a bun in the oven?

You guys!

- You know I'm gluten free.

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house
- ♪ Loud house

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house

- ♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee

♪ Never any privacy

♪ Chaos with kids

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house