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02x12 & 02x13 - No Such Luck/Frog Wild

Posted: 08/06/22 08:37
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house

♪ In the Loud house

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud

♪ Loud house

- Poo-poo.

[rock music]

- Hey, you guys,
don't forget,

my golf tournament's
this afternoon.

You're all going to be there
to support me, right?

- Fore!
- You better believe it!

- And after that,
you're all coming

to my charity fashion show,

[all speaking at once]

- And after that, don't forget
my grave-digging competition.

[all speaking at once]

- 'Inkin!

- Shh.

- [giggling]

- [sighs, clears throat]

I know what you're thinking.

"Lincoln, why are you trying

to get out of
all your sisters' activities?"

Well, you don't know my life.

With ten sisters, my calendar's
booked every day with stuff.

I'm supposed to go to rodeos,
pageants, open mic nights.

Once in a while, a guy
just needs some time to himself.

- Hey, Lincoln. You're coming to
my softball game today, right?

- Dang it.
Should've done a head count.

Actually, Lynn, I've got some
important business to attend to.

Like Ace Savvy
versus the Card Shark.

- Lame. My team has won
our last six games,

and you're the only member
of this family

who hasn't come out
to support me.

- That's because I was
supporting six other sisters

at their things.

Sorry, Lynn,
I just can't do it today.

- Sure you won't reconsider?

[crowd cheering]

- Let's do this!

- Well, it's a beautiful day
at the park.

Isn't it, Pep?
- Oh, sure it is.

- It's the bottom of the ninth

with the Royal Woods Squirrels

up -nothing.

Could this be another shutout

for star pitcher Lynn Loud?

[cheers and applause]

- Go, Lynn!

- Loud is performing
her signature good luck rituals.

- Hutta-hut! Hutta-hut!

- Hey, Pep, you believe
there's anything

to these kinds of superstitions?

- I don't know.

- Well, here's the windup,
and the pitch.

Ooh, looks like
the softball gods

did not love that cossack dance.

[crowd exclaiming]

[exciting music]

Hated that cossack dance.

[crowd booing]

- Don't worry about it, sis!

Hey, sis.
I'm really sorry you lost.

- [gasps]
- Hey.

- Stay back.

You're bad luck.

- What are you talking about?

- My team has been dominating
all season,

then the one time you show up,
we lose.

- That's ridiculous.

I'm not bad luck.

- Yeah-huh you are,

which is why I'm banning you
from all future games.

Now scram!

I have to make things right

with the softball gods.

Hutta-hut! Hutta-hut!


- Lincoln, are you coming
to my charity fashion show?

It's for a great cause:

oysters without pearls.

- Leni, no!

He'll ruin your fashion show

just like he ruined
my winning streak.

He's bad luck!

- Oh, come on, Lynn,

that is absolutely...


I think I may be
onto something here.

Leni, I'd love to go
to your fashion show,

but I'd hate for my bad luck
to make you trip,

or jam a zipper,
or break a heel.

- [gasps]
The horror!

Maybe you should
sit this one out.

- I'll be there in spirit.

- Next on "Arggh!"...

- [exclaims]

[both grunting]

Hey, Linc, you coming

to my alligator-wrestling match?

- Don't invite Lincoln.

He could make
your alligator trip,

or jam its zipper,
or break a heel.

- What?
- He's bad luck.

- I can't deny it.

- Uh, maybe you shouldn't come
after all.

I'm wrestli''
my first -pounder,

and I can't take any chances.

- Sure, Lola,
I'll come to your pageant.

I just hope my bad luck
doesn't make your hair go flat.

- [gasps]
Get away from me!

- I'd love to attend
your performance.

I'm just afraid my bad luck

might cause
a clown car collision.

- [gasps]
That would put a dent in things!

[laughing]Get it?

to come to your playdate,

but I'd hate for my bad luck

to cause a boo-boo.

- [blowing raspberry]

- [scoffs]

There's no such thing
as bad luck.

There's only science.

All else is hooey.

- Lisa literally has a point.

You're coming to my tournament,

This family supports each other.

- You're right, I'm being silly.

Let me get those for you.


Whoa, whoa!



- [gasps]
My sand wedge!

You are bad luck.

You are literally uninvited
to my tournament.

- I retract
my earlier statement.

Back, ye cursed wretch!

And don't even think
about attending

my lecture series
on thermodynamics.

- Aw, man.

- Come on, guys, it's time
for my gator-wrestling match.

[excited chatter]

[door closes]

- So sorry to miss it all.

[rock music]

Who's unlucky?

I'm unlucky.

Who's unlucky?
I'm unlucky.

Tough break, Card Shark.

Looks like Ace Savvy
just called your bluff.


I got to say, being bad luck

turned out to be pretty good.

What the--

why is my breakfast
on the coffee table?

- Oh, sorry, sweetheart,
but would you mind

eating breakfast
in the living room today?

- I've got a big presentation,
and your mother's got

root canal patients.

We--we can't risk your bad luck
spreading to us.

- Just another perk
of the bad luck life.

Now I can play video games
while I eat.

- Come on, kids, the movie
starts in half an hour!

- This is gonna be, like,
the best movie ever!

- So awesome!

- Dibs on holding the popcorn.

- [yells]

- Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

Not so fast, son.
I wish you could come,

but with your bad luck,
who knows what could go wrong?

- The movie could sell out!

- I could get stuck behind
some lady with a beehive.

- Someone could get scalded
with molten butter.

- [gasps]
I didn't even think of that one.

Sorry, kiddo.

- problem.

You guys have fun.

- Don't worry, I'll tell you

how the movie ends.

- Eh, what's missing one movie

when it means having
more awesome me time?

[gloomy rock music]

Who is unlucky?

I'm unlucky.

Who's unlucky?
I'm unlucky.

Take that, Wild Card Willie.

Ace Savvy just dealt you
some justice.

[tires screeching]

[excited chatter]


"Sorry, Lincoln,

"but you can't
sleep here tonight.

We just can't risk it"?

Are you kidding me?

all: No!

- Hey, buddy, think I could
bunk here for the night?

[dog growling]

Et tu,Charles?

Guys? I think you
accidentally locked me out.

- Kids, we've got
a special treat for you.

Since your father's presentation
went so well...

- And your mother's
root canals too.

- We thought we'd celebrate with
a trip to the beach tomorrow.

[all cheering]

- We're going
to the beach tomorrow?

- Ooh, gosh, sorry, son.
Not you.

Someone could get att*cked
by a shark.

- Or caught in a riptide.

- Or stung by a jellyfish.

- [gasps]
If that happens,

I call peeing on the wound!

- Come on, you guys,
be reasonable.

- You're bad luck, Lincoln.

You can't come!

- I guess I brought this
on myself.

Attention, Loud family!

[feedback screeching]

I have a confession to make.

Contrary to popular belief,

I am not bad luck.

I just let you guys believe that

so I could get out of going
to your stuff.

It was a really selfish
thing to do.

We all need to support
each other.

I'm really sorry.

- Nice confession, Loud!

- If you're not bad luck,

then how come
after I banned you,

my team won
our doubleheader,

and now we're going
to the playoffs?


- She's got you there, Loud!

- Could you just please
go back inside?

- Sorry, buddy!
- I'm sorry, honey.

- We'll write!
- Lynn's right, you're bad luck.

- Step farther away
from the house.

- Ugh, Lynn
and her superstitions!

As long as she thinks
I'm bad luck, I'm doomed.

I have to find a way
to prove her wrong.

Dang squirrel!



- Go, Lynn!

[cheers and applause]

- What's with
that squirrel today?

His choreography is so dated.

- Hey, man!
You try dancing in this heat.

My plan is simple:
I watch the game in disguise,

and when the Squirrels win,

everyone will see
I'm not bad luck.

- Talk about bad luck.

Everything is going wrong
for the Squirrels today.

What do you think, Pep?

- I think I've wasted my life.

- Just look at
our poor Squirrels!

[crowd murmuring]

[both grunting]

- Yowza.

Two outs in the bottom
of the ninth,

and the bases are loaded.

Lynn Loud steps up to the plate,

but with the luck
she's been having today,

the Squirrels are looking
a whole lot like roadkill.

- Way harsh, dude!

- I think you're
rubbing off on me, Pep.

- Oh, I have that effect
on people.

- The windup, the pitch.

- Strike one!

- Lynn's right, I am bad luck.

- Strike two!

- Maybe I can move
into Lisa's fallout shelter.

Lead walls will keep my bad luck
from affecting anyone.

- And the pitch!

It's going, it's going,

it's gone!

Lynn Loud hits a grand slam!

Squirrels win!
Squirrels win!

[cheers and applause]

Squirrels win!
Squirrels win!

[cheers and applause]

- Congratulations!
- You rocked it, Lynn-sanity!

- Um, do you mind, fur ball?

This is a family moment.

- Guys, it's me.

I was here the whole time.

This proves it.

I'm not bad luck.

- Oh, my gosh, you're right.

Wow, Lincoln.
I'm really sorry.

- Sorry, Lincoln.

- Sorry we sold
all your furniture.

- Wait, what?

Well, my family doesn't think
I'm bad luck anymore.

In fact, now they think
I'm good luck.

- Hey, Lincoln,
put the head back on

before we get stung
by a jellyfish!

- But unfortunately,

only when I'm in
the squirrel suit.

[whimsical music]

[school bell ringing]
- Okay, class.

Tomorrow we're wrapping up
our biology studies

with a special project.

We'll be dissecting...


[all exclaiming]

- Get ready to jump in.


Really? No one?

- Dissecting frogs?

That sounds...

- Horrible!

You can't do that.

- They're just frogs, Lana.

What's the big deal?

- I'll show you
what the big deal is.

- Ow, ow!

- Watch this movie I made
about Hops.

- [croaks]

- "Hops: A Life in Leaps."

I'll never forget the day

I met my future best friend.

- [croaks]

- [laughs]

You're the best froggy.

Well, I got to go.

Dad's making meatloaf tonight.

Thanks for the fun day.

[somber string music]

Aww, you're lonely,
aren't you, little guy?

Would you like to come home
and live with me?

[cheerful piano music]

I'm gonna name you Hops!

- [croaks]

- Since that day,

we've been pretty inseparable.

We eat all our meals together.

Hops likes his crickets

but I like mine plain.

We play together.

We even get our school photos
taken together.

- All right, kid, smile.

Three, two, one.


- Nighty night, buddy.

- [croaks]

- I can't imagine
what life would be like

without my best friend Hops.


- That was the most beautiful
thing I've ever seen.

- You see, Lincoln?

Frogs are cooler on the outside

than they are on the inside.

So please don't dissect them.

- I won't,
and neither will anyone else.

- What do you mean?

- We're going
on a rescue mission.

- Don't forget Hops.

- All right, class,

when we return from lunch

we'll leap into
our frog dissecting.

Come on, people.

I'm giving you comedy gold here.

[school bell rings]

[suspenseful music]

- Lana, where are you?


Good hiding place.

- What are you talking about?

Hops and I were just
eating lunch.


- [burps]

- Let's go.

- We have a problem.

It's a surface mounted deadbolt

with a tumbler
locking mechanism.

- In English, please?

- We'll have to find
another way in.

- [straining]

- [gasps]
Principal Huggins?

Wrong room.
Wrong room!



Good job, Hops.

- What's up, frog-ays?

We're here to rescue you.

- [grunting]

Let's go.

[doorknob rattling]

[both gulp]

- [gasps]
My frogs!

[school bell ringing]
Principal Huggins!

Principal Huggins!

- Whoa, that open window decoy
was brilliant.

- What do you think,
this is my first animal rescue?

- Be free, my amphibian friends,

be free!

- [croaking]

- Good luck, frog-ays!

Have a nice life.

- [croaks]

[birds screeching]

- Uh, you guys might want
to get moving.

- Seriously, guys, go!

- [hisses]

- Do you want to be
today's lunch special?

Why aren't they moving?

- Maybe they don't know
how to survive in the wild.

Hey, you!

Not cool!

Lincoln, we can't
leave them here.

- You're right.
We'll take them home

till we can think of
a better plan.

- Don't even think about it!

- They'll be safe here.

Come on, we got to go.

Lunch hour's almost up.

- All right, Hops.

Keep an eye on them
till we get back.

- Whew!

- Good afternoon, class.

Mrs. Johnson has informed me

that some frogs
have gone missing.

Does anyone know anything
about that?

Well, I've been in this racket
for quite a while,

and I think I know
what happened.

One of you thought
you'd be a hero

and rescue the poor creatures,

and the frogs
would be so grateful

they'd put up a statue of you.

So who is the frog hero?

Is it you?

Ribbit, ribbit.

- [laughs nervously]

Uh, uh, not me, sir.

I'm no hero.

- Okay.
No one wants to confess.

I guess we can
just let it slide.


I'll find the frog hero myself

by searching each of your houses
after school.

So get ready.

Huggins is coming.

- [gulps]


Wait, it's her after school
snack time.


- Hey, Lincoln.

- Ugh!

Come on, we got to get home

and hide those frogs, stat!

[knocking at door]

Open up, Dombrowski.

Frog inspection.

- We'll just hide the frogs
in the garage,

easy peasy.

- Not so easy peasy.

[frogs croaking]

Hops, how'd the frogs get out?

[rock music]

- [croaks]

[horn honking]

- down, to go.

[pounding at door]
- Open up, Loud.

Frog inspection!

Good afternoon, children.

Well, I don't see
any frogs here.

I guess I'll just be on my way.


- [exclaims]

Let me take your coat.

- Ah!

Yes, just put that down

why don't you?


- [croaks]

- Uh, I didn't want the glare
to hurt your eyeballs, sir.

[glass shattering]

- What was that?

You two seem a bit nervous.

- [muffled]
Not at all.

Mmm. Protein.


- Sorry, sir.

You had some schmutz on you.

Here, let me get you a towel.

- Stop that!

[distant thud]


Maybe I'll go check upstairs.

- Wet willie!

Uh, just trying
to lighten the mood.

- What's this room?

- That's Lucy
and Lynn's bedroom,

but I wouldn't go in there.

Lucy's kind of spooky.

- If you think I'm afraid
of a little--


That room looks clear.

[clears throat]

What's this room?

- That's Lori
and Leni's bedroom,

but I wouldn't go in there.

They have a pretty intense
security system.

- I'll take my chances.

[electricity crackling]

Well, upstairs looks clear.

I need to use your restroom.

I usually do this alone.

- Oh, right.

Uh, I'm just gonna...
check the toilet.

Got to make sure I didn't
leave anything in there.

You're good to go.

[rock music]

- [exclaims]

- [croaks]

- [panting]

- Well, it appears your house
is frog-free,

so I'll be on my way.

- Good luck, sir.

Keep fighting the good fight.

- I'll just grab your--coat?

[suspenseful music]


- I'll grab my own coat.

[both gasp]

- What is wrong with you two?

- Nothin'.
Drive safe.

- What the--whoa!


[frogs croaking]

- [exclaiming]

You are the frog hero!

[both sigh]

- We're sorry, guys.

We failed you.

- If only Principal Huggins

could see you the way we do.

Hops! You beautiful,
green, warty genius!

Up high, buddy.

- [crying]

That was the most
beautiful thing

I've ever seen!

[both sobbing]

- Don't hog it, Huggins.

I want to watch it again.

- See? Frogs are way cooler
on the outside.

- There is no way
we're dissecting them.

But what are we going to do
with all these frogs?

- I'm glad you asked.

[frogs croaking]

- We call it
the frog-ay fortress.

- [gasping]
- Oh, that's awesome.

[all exclaiming]

- Um, what are
those two frogs doing?

- [exclaims]

Class dismissed!

- I'm sorry Principal Huggins
gave you detention.

- That's okay.

All that matters is that
the frogs are safe

and things can go back
to normal.

both: "Tonight's special:

roasted duck enchiladas"?

[ducks quacking]

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house
- ♪ Loud house

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee

♪ Never any privacy

♪ Chaos with kids

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house