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02x14 & 02x15 - Patching Things Up/Cheater by the Dozen

Posted: 08/06/22 08:38
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house

♪ In the Loud house

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud

♪ Loud house

- Poo-poo.

[quirky music]

- Okay, tea set, glitter spray,
and backup hair clips.

As it says in the brochure,

Bluebell Scouts have to be
prepared for anything!

- Yep, that's why I packed
my toolbox, bug spray,

and backup roll of TP.

- I can't believe
we're gonna be Bluebells.

both: Together!

- We can't get ahead
of ourselves.

We gotta pass
the tryouts first.

Which is why I'm giving you
my lucky princess wand.

- Aww, thanks, sis.

And I'm giving you
my lucky plunger!

[sad horn]
Oh, don't worry,

I only use this one for sinks.
- Thanks.

Shall we?

- Are we doing this, ladies?
both: We?

- Bluebell Scouts
are for girls only.

- Can't a guy just want to
support his sisters

and cheer them on
at tryouts?

- I thought we were going
for the cookies.

- What Clyde means to say is,
support, number one.

But if we do happen
to come across

some of those world-famous
Bluebell Scout cookies--

- The ones
with crisp vanilla wafers,

chocolate drizzle,
and toasted coconut crunchies.

both: [drooling]

both: A Bluebell
is always prepared!

- Who's ready to become
a Bluebell?!

Now if you wanna wear
the periwinkle sash,

you'll need to earn
five different patches today.

- Only five?
Oh, we got this!

- First up we have
the Wilderness Protection patch.

To earn it, we're going
to hike up the friendship trail

and pick up all the icky sticky
litter we find.

both: [gasps]

- We get to pick up trash?
- We have to pick up trash?

- [sniffs]
Mmm, spicy Italian.

- Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!

- All right, rubbish wranglers,
let's see how we did.

That's trash-tastic, Lana!

Now, how about your sister?

Mm, I don't think
you got this one, honey.

- Don't worry,
you'll get the next patch!

- You see anything?
- Not a crumb.

- I don't get it.

This is the Bluebells,
they gotta have cookies.

- Maybe we need to get closer.

- To earn the Car Care patch

you must change a tire
on the Bluebell bus.

- Oh, oh, me first!
[buzzing, whirring]

[car engine starts]

Might wanna get
that fan belt checked.

[triumphant musical sting]

- Now aren't you just
the cutest little grease monkey?

Okay, Lola, let's see
how you change a tire.

- My auto club.
Ask for Darcy, she is terrific.

- Hmm, sorry dear,
that's not the Bluebell way.

- Come on, Lols.

You gotta up your game if we're
gonna be Bluebells together.

You got this, girl.
- Ow!

- To earn the Rod and Reel
patch, you must catch a fish.

Everyone grab
a squiggly wiggly worm!

- [gags, vomits]

[inhales deeply, vomits]

- That's a real whopper there.

- Three down, two to go.

Caught him
with my bare hands

so I could keep
this guy for myself.

- [vomits]

- Target sighted, Clyde.
I'm going in!

Let me wallow
in your tasty morsels--


- What happened? No cookies?

- Oh, there were cookies.
But not the kind you eat.

The kind you toss.

- Now, for the Primitive
Survival patch.

To earn it,
you must dig a latrine.

- That sounds French.
A latrine...what is it?

- It's a hole you poop in.

- Ahh!

- Lola, the day's half over and
you don't have any patches yet.

If you don't start
trying harder,

we're not gonna
be Bluebells together.

- I am trying.

I just didn't know we'd have to
do all this gross...

poop and worm stuff.

- [chomps]
Aww, come on. It's not so bad.

- Yeah, for you, the girl who
eats trash hoagies.

- [belches]You know, sometimes
you just gotta step out

of your comfort zone.

- I'm already out
of my comfort zone.

I am eating
without a tablecloth.

- Our next Bluebell challenge

will be the Fashion Forecastpatch.

So I'll give you a forecast,

and you'll have to put on
the proper attire.

Snow and ice.

[upbeat music]

Sunny and hot.

Rainy and wet.

Well, aren't you
the prepared fashionista.

Great work, Lola!
Oopsie daisy.

Those don't look like
the proper rainy day clothes.

- These are "all weather"

I don't need to change
into no silly outfits!

- Oh, sorry, sweetie,
that's not the Bluebell way.

- Don't worry, Lans,
you'll get the next one.

You got this, girl.
- Ow!

- There's no cookies
in here either.

- I'm starting to lose it,Lincoln.

The crisp vanilla wafers...
- The chocolate drizzles...

- Toasted coconut crunchies.
both: Ah.

- Whoopsie doodle, almost left
all these goodies behind!

- [gasps]
Of course!

She's had them on her
the whole time.

- Follow that backpack!
- Uh, Clyde?

- Oh, right,
what was I thinking?

- To earn the Music Makers

you must perform
the Bluebell song.

Ready, Lola?

- Ahem.
♪ We are the Bluebells

♪ Loyal, kind,
and true-bells ♪

♪ A better friend
you'll never know ♪

- [applauding]
Next up, Lana.

- ♪ We are the Bluebells,
uh, uh ♪

♪ Loyal glue and shoebells

♪ E-I-E-I-O

- Lana,
what was that?

- You know I'm not good at this
prissy sing-y dress-y junk!

- Well, maybe you just need to
step outside your comfort zone.

- [blows raspberry]

- To earn
the Sewing Smarts patch,

you must make
a comfy-womfy sit-upon.

Bluebells take these on
camping trips

so we don't have to sit upon
the wet ground.

Very good, Lola!
Excellent use of pom-pom fringe!

[triumphant musical sting]

- Lana,
where's your sit-upon?

- This is dumb!
I already have a sit-upon.

It's called my butt.

- Time for
the Fitness Fun patch!

[upbeat music]
- Goodies in range.

- To earn this patch,
get your buns in gear

and boogey oogey woogey!

- [grunting]


- Yes!
We finally got the--what?

It's just a bunch
of blue sashes.

- Actually, they're more
of a periwinkle.

[all screaming]


- Hey!

And stay out!

both: Oof.

- Well, girls,
only one patch to go.

And this one's
a mystery challenge.

You must choose an envelope
and complete the task inside.

- We've each got four patches,

so we both have to get
this last one.

- I know,
so please don't blow it.

- Me?
You don't blow it.

- I'm just saying, you better
hope the challenge

doesn't require you
to act like a proper lady,

or we're never gonna be
Bluebells together.

- Well, you better hope it
doesn't require you

to get your precious
princess paws dirty,

or we won't be
Bluebells together.

- Maybe I don't wanna be
Bluebells together!

- Maybe I don't either!

- Fine!
- Fine!

- "Your challenge is to host
a fancy schmancy tea party."

Yes! Now where'd I pack
that sugar bowl?

- "Your challenge is to set up
a cozy wozy campsite."

Yes! Now where'd I pack
that bug spray?

- I am totally in.

I don't care
if Lana makes it or not.

- Oh, I'm totally in.

I don't care
if Lola makes it or not.

- Oh, well this looks
yummy yummy in my tummy!

- Cop a squat,
tea's getting cold!

[gulps, burps]

And now the entertainment.

[mimics farting]

Hey, sunshine,
where's your campsite?

- Uh, right down the road,
Super motor inn.

Ask for a clean ice bucket.

- Lola, you failed
the tea party challenge.

And Lana, you failed
the campsite challenge.

So I'm afraid neither of you
gets a patch.

both: What?

- You had a tea party?
How could you mess that up?

And you had a campsite?
How could that go wrong?

both: I thought you might have
the same challenge as me

and you'd never
be able to do it

and I didn't want to be
a Bluebell without you.


- Sorry for being so hard
on you today.

- Me too. We're just good
at different stuff.

- Bluebells or not Bluebells,
I don't care.

As long as we're together.

- You two cutie patooties

just earned your fifth patch
after all,

for your Faithful Friendship.

Oh, congratulations,
you are both Bluebells.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to go call
my sister wister.

- Whoo-hoo!
- We did it.

- We rock!
- Bluebells!

- If we sell both these boxes...

- We get the sixth
Bluebell patch.

- [gasps] You got the cookies?
How much are they?

- What you have in your hands
will do.

both: Take our money!

- Reduced sodium kale puffs?
Where are the cookies?

- Oh, it's the new Bluebell
healthy eating initiative.

- All sales are final.
- No refunds.

both: No!

[suspenseful music]

[both grunting]

- Pause!
- Huh?

- Time for the / rule.

For every minutes
looking at a screen,

you should look away
for seconds.

- Is that really a thing?
- Of course.

These peepers gotta last
us a lifetime.

Oh, hey, look,
there's Bobby.

- What's he doing around here?

- I'll tell you what he's doing,
he's cheating on Lori.

I knew it.
Underneath that flawless hair

and those washboard abs
beats the cold heart of a liar.

- Slow down there, Hercules.

Why don't we wait
until he comes out,

then we'll see
what's really going on?

- See you tomorrow, Roberto.
- Ciao, bella.

- Hey, Bobby.
- [gasps] Uh, hey, guys.

- Fancy seeing you here,
miles away from your house.

And Lori, your beautiful,
loyal, girlfriend. [snarls]

- So, what are you doing here?

- Uh, I can't really
get into that.

But do me a favor and please
don't tell Lori you saw me here.

It's complicated. Thanks.

[nervous chuckle]

- Clyde, you were right.

There's only one thing
to do now.

- Get ripped,
defeat Bobby in fisticuffs,

and win back
Lori's honor?

- Uh, no, I was thinking we tell
Lori the truth.

- To each his own, my friend.

- [sighs]
Here goes nothing.

- Oh, boo boo bear,

I can't wait for our anniversary
date this Friday!

- I'm counting down
the minutes.

both: , .
- [gasps]

[both laughing]

- Oh, we are
so clearly soul mates.

I literally don't know what I
would do without you in my life.

[radio static]
- Come in, Heartbreaker.

This is Dr. Rebound.
Did you tell her yet?

- Negative, Doc.
It wasn't the right time.

- There's never gonna be a
"right time" to tell Lori

Bobby's a lowdown, two-bit,
snake-in-the-grass, cheater.

- What?
- Ahh!

- Bobby's cheating on Lori?

Tell us everything!

- You can't just burst in here
and--okay, okay.

And then he was all like,

"but don't tell Lori you saw
me. It's complicated."

- That dirtbag!
- Now hang on.

Although Lincoln's story
does seem to indicate

that Bobby is
a cheating scoundrel,

we don't have
enough evidence yet.

- Lisa's right.
We should plant some.

- Incorrect.
We need to gather some.

- Yeah.
You can't drop a b*mb on Lori

without being zillion% sure.

She'll end you
if you're wrong.

- One time I told her we were
out of bread,

but then she found a loaf
and beat me with it.

- So how do you propose
we gather this evidence?

all: Stake-out!

- Ooh, has Cheater-Cheater-
Pumpkin-Eater shown up yet?

- Negative.

- Since steak
is kinda unhealthy,

do you guys mind
if we make this a salmon-out?

- I rigged audio surveillance
but a vicious beast

prevented me from
installing visuals.

Ahh! Large wild animal!


- Dudes,
Here comes the Bob-sled.

[dramatic music]

- Okay, stud muffin, let's see
just what you're up to.

[romantic music]

- Ti amo.
- Ti amo.

- That's "I love you"
in Italian!

His cheating ways have crossed
the language barrier.

- [gasps]

[all yelling]

- I think we've seen enough.
- Let's get him.

[all yelling]

[all gasping]

- Wow, Bobby's really put on
some height.

- That's not Bobby.
- What's going on?

- Dudes, it's simple.
Bobby doesn't have a side-gal.

He's just friends
with that chick

and Daddy-Long-Legs
is her boyfriend.

- Nice going, Lincoln.
Way to waste our time.

- And our salmon.

[electronic music]

- Time for the / rule.

- Didn't that get us
into trouble last time?

- [slurping]
Oh, hey, look, there's Bobby.

- Seriously?

- What's he doing
in a dress shop?

- Where'd you get binoculars?

Now he's with a different girl?

- Ha! I knew we were right.
- That does it.

- It's all so clear.
Bobby is cheating.

We just had the wrong girl.
- [grunting]

- I know. I'm mad too.
- [grunting]

- Good, channel that anger.
- [grunting]

- Oh. [grunts]
- [gasps]

- We're still on for later,

- I wouldn't miss it
for the world.

- [mimics] "Wouldn't miss it
for the world."

A cheater
and a cheese-ball.

- We have to tell my sisters.

- But they're not
gonna believe us

after what happened
last time.

We need photographic

- Good point.
Let's roll.

- How about this one?
It'll bring out your eyes.

[horn honks]

- Wait, now who's this girl?

- I think we've stumbled
onto something

bigger than we expected:

a multiple-cheater-
cheater-pumpkin-eater situation.

- Come on,
we have to follow them.

- Lincoln, let me do the

I need to work out
my thighs.

[bell ringing]
- Ahh!

- [grunting, panting]

This is a new low.

I can't believe he'd take some
random girl to Makeout Hill.

- We got you now,

[both laughing]

- Follow that car.

[suspenseful music]

Where's he going now?

This is getting ridiculous.

- Dang it.
Lost our visuals.

- Who's a good boy?
- Not Bobby.


- Now scoot.

And we're in.

- Oh, shaky cam doesn't agree
with me.


- Why don't you slip out
of those clothes

and we'll get started?
[both gasping]

- I'm not allowed to watch
R-rated movies.

- Oh, yes, I love you too.

Aww, such a pretty girl.

- Disgusting.
Now he's crossing species.

[suspenseful music]

What is this place?

- Probably some kind of
underground club for cheaters.

- I don't see
Pumpkin-Eater anywhere.

[Italian music]

Man, this guy is full
of surprises.

[suspenseful music]

That's the girl
from the mall.

Come on!

-I can't believe it!
He's popping the question!

- That's it!
I'm calling this in, Clyde!

You believe me now?
- Sadly, yes.

- And to think, poor delusional
Lori is at home primping

for their date tonight, unaware
that their love is a total sham.

[all gasping]

- Is this Giovanni Chang's
Italian-Mandarin Bistro?

I'd like to make a
reservation for tonight.

Your most romantic table.

we're celebrating something
very special.

- Ugh.
He's taking her to dinner?

He's supposed
to be taking Lori.

- Uh, not to mention
he's getting married.

- We have to tell Lori
before it's too late.

[all gasping]

- It's too late.
She must have already left.

- And she's not answering
her cell.

- Well, if we can't get to Lori,
at least we can get to Bobby.

- I hope he likes eating
pumpkin through a straw.

- There he is.

- Well, well, well,
if it isn't the Pumpkin-Eater.

Celebrating your
engagement, Roberto?

- My engagement?What?

- Oh, so you're not here
with your fiancée?

Then who did you bring?
- The blonde? The guy? The dog?

- It's go-time, Romeo.


- Mama mia!
The linguini dim sum!

- Uh, what is going on?
all: Lori?

- What are you doing here?
- What are you doing here?

- I'm sorry you have to find out
this way.

Bobby's been cheating on you.

What are you talking about?

- I'm talking about this.

Care to explain?
- Sure.

That's my co-worker, Dana,
from the department store.

She was helping me pick out
the dress and earrings

I bought Lori.

That's Monica,
from my tour guide job.

She was showing me the most
romantic spots to take Lori to.

And that's Pam
from my dry-cleaning job.

She was fitting me for a tux.

and that's Darin.

I met him on the bus.
He was teaching me how to dance.

And in case you were wondering,
Clyde's neighbor is Teri,

my coworker at the pizzeria.

She taught me how to order
in Italian-Mandarin.

- Oh wow, so I guess we were
really wrong about the dog.

- Sorry, you guys. We got a
little ahead of ourselves.

- Well, you did almost literally
ruin our anniversary.

I oughta beat
every one of you,

but I appreciate
all of you looking out for me.

- So, you're not mad?

- Ahem! I hate to break up
this love-fest,

but how do you intend to pay for
my linguini dim sum?

[Italian music]

Hurry up with those
Kung-pao anchovies.

- Well, at least all that
working out won't go to waste.


- You loosened it.

both: Ugh!

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house
- ♪ Loud house

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee

♪ Never any privacy

♪ Chaos with kids

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house