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02x25 - The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos

Posted: 08/06/22 08:40
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like ping pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach
the bathroom on time ♪

- ♪ Hey! Hey! Hey!
- ♪ Leaping over laundry piles

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's gotta do
what he can to survive! ♪

- ♪ In the Loud House!
In the Loud House! ♪

- ♪ Duck, dodge,
push and shove ♪

♪ It's how we show our love!

- ♪ In the Loud House!
In the Loud House! ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud! House!

♪ Loud! Loud House!

- Poo-poo.

[rock music]

[engine roars]

- Can't I just stay in the car?

- No. You are saying good-bye
to your girlfriend in person.

- For the millionth time,

Ronnie Anne
is not my girlfriend.

And it's not good-bye!

They're only going away
for the weekend.

- It might as well be forever.

I don't know what I'll do
without my Bobby Boo Boo Bear.

- Lori!

Get it together, woman!

- [wailing]

- Here, babe.

This is for you.

I wore it all week
under my uniform.

[cat meows]

- Ah, Boo Boo Bear.

It smells like love

and corndogs.

[both wailing]

- Ugh, it's been minutes.

I'm calling it.

[both grunting]

- So are you excited
to visit your grandparents?

- Yeah, and my aunt and uncle,
and their four kids.

It's crazy. You'd like it.

- How are you gonna
deal with it?

- It's only two days,

then everything's
back to normal.

- Two days!


[dramatic music]


- Lori!

- I'll think of you
every minute!

- Every second!

- [wailing]

- Well, have a nice trip.

- Smell you later, lame-o.

- [chuckles]
Not if I smell you first.

- [sniffling]

- Hi, sweetie.

Oh, sorry I had to work
a double shift again.

I wish I didn't have to
leave you on your own so much.

- I don't mind. I mean,
how many kids get practice

kick flips inside the--

uh, I'll get our bags.

- You packed for us?

How did I get so lucky with you?

- I also made us sandwiches

and put together
a toy bag for Bobby.

You know how bored
he gets in the car.

- You make me sound like a baby!

Did you pack my sticker books?

[engines roaring]

- We're here!

- Ho-ho!

The bodega's looking good.

- Are you ready to spend
two wonderful days

with your family?


- Hector! You were supposed to
put up all the decorations

this morning!

- I was helping customers.

- You were gossiping
with the customers.

- I do not gossip.

By the way,
did you hear Vito Filliponio

whitens his teeth?

- Ugh!

- [squawks] Too slow!

- Sergio!
Give Lalo back his toy!

- Carl! Did you use
all my hair product again?

- This kind of handsome
doesn't happen on its own!

Stop it!
You're smooshing the flair!

[camera shutter clicks]

- I love seeing my babies
play so sweetly.


- I'm Super CJ!

[whooshing sounds]
- Okay, Super CJ.

Just watch where you're going.

Huh, whoopsie.

[clears throat]
Ooh! Did you know that

sea anemones glow
when they're scared?

- Dad, it's the weekend.

You're not supposed to
be doing professor stuff.

- Oh, this isn't for work.

It's just for fun!
- [squawks] Nerd alert!

- Carlos, put this
on the table for me, please.

- [panting]


- [whooshing]
- Where should we put this?

- No, no, no!
- Right here!

- Why did we wait
so long to do this?

- They're gonna be here
any second!

- Bobby!
[all gasping]

- CJ!

Oof! How're you doing, buddy?

You grow any more, and
you're gonna have to carry me!

[overlapping chatter]

- Oh, mija,I'm so happy

I get to have you
for two whole days!

- Yay!

Two whole days.

- There's room for your luggage
in the hall closet.

Plenty of room.

[traditional horn music]

- [gasps]

You're all bones and skin!

Eat! Eat!

- [squawks]

- Sergio...
[nervous chuckle]

You're still alive.

- [hissing]

- [laughing]

Looks like
your little buddy missed you.

- [barks]

Lalo, get off me!

- [laughing]
Looks like your little buddy

missed you, too.

- [panting]

- So have you told the kids yet?

- No, not yet, and
please keep it a secret.

- Ay, don't worry,
I won't tell anyone.

- Are you talking about
the secret?

- I might have told Papa.

- Hector! I said to be quiet
about the secret!

- And Mama.

- Are we talking about
the secret?

- Okay, I told everyone.

- Guys,
please don't say anything.

I haven't found the right moment

to talk to
Bobby and Ronnie Anne.

It would be such a big change.

I want to make sure
they're on board.

- I will help convince them!

- I appreciate it, but--

- We'll all convince them!
- Great idea!

- I will light
my special candle.

It works every time.

- You guys are going to love
all the changes

we've made to the bodega.

- As long as you still got
those ice pops I like--

- Ronnie Anne, you don't want to

go to the boring bodega. Ugh!

- No, Bobby!

- There's a vicious
new street g*ng

in the neighborhood.
- [whimpering]

- Even Lalo
is terrified of them!

- [whimpering]

[suspenseful music]

[cats clamoring]

Now's our chance!

- So the g*ng has cats?

- The g*ng iscats!

- Check it out!

I found some really cute dresses

at the thrift store for you.

I even found two of these
so we can match.

[shimmering tone]

Now you're gonna get
all the boys' attention.

- Uh, Carlota,

this isn't really my--
- Here,

this covers up
the moth ball smell.

- [coughs]

- Wouldn't it be fun if
we could do this every day?

- That would be kind of hard

since we live
in different states.

[camera shutter clicks]

- Oh, my gosh.

You two already

look like sisters.


- Wait, what?
- Oh, hey!

Hey, I have a fun idea.

Let's wax our legs!

[eerie tone]

[doorbell ringing continuously]

- Look, Bobby!
We got a new bell!

- Okay, CJ,
let's not wear it out.

It cost me $ .

- Grandpa! I love
what you've done with the place,

but have you ever
considered putting the milk

in the rear of the store?

Then, people would buy
other things on their way to it.

It's called impulse shopping.

I learned that at
my supermarket job.

- You're a genius!

- [scoffs]
Yeah, but can he do...



Look away!

- Did you know that
male seahorses

are the ones who give birth?

Look at that.

- Ow, ow, ow...

- Ow, ow, ow, ow.

- Shh, Carlitos!

I'm just getting a snack.

We don't want Grandma
to find out.

- [shhing]

- Aha!
[alarm ringing]

I always know when someone
in my house is hungry!

- But, but...

- Sit.

Don't you wish Grandma
could cook for you every day?

- It'd be great, but by
the time it got to Royal Woods,

it would be a little cold.

- What? You've got a cold?

You know what really opens up
the sinuses?

Hot sauce.


- I just came here for milk.

How did I spend $ ?

- That milk trick really worked!

You are a natural!

You'll be running this store
in no time!

- Wait! What?
- I mean,

did you hear Vito Filliponio
whitens his teeth?

- [groans]
I think I have a stomach ache.

- I have an old
Casagrande remedy for that:

lick your finger, and put it
in your belly button.

- I'm suddenly feeling better!

- Ronnie Anne,
I just had another great idea.

Let's pierce your ears!

- Not now! She's eating!

- Okay! Smile with your eyes!

[camera shutter clicks]

Ronnie Anne blinked. One more!

- Not now, Mom, I'm about to
pierce her belly button.

- Wait, you said ears!

- She's not done eating!

- I only need
two seconds, come on!

- [exhales]

- [squawks] Showtime!

- Uh...
what's happening?

- Ooh! Our show is on.

"The Dream Boat."
- This is Lori's favorite show!

And so it's mine, too!

- Next on "The Dream Boat"...

who will Karen
send overboard tonight?

- Ugh! I hope it's Brock.

He has no style.

[all clamoring]

[camera shutter clicks]

- Oh, sweetie.

Wouldn't it be nice if
we could do this every day?

- Why does
everyone keep saying that?

- [barks]

- I have to go to the bathroom.

- Ronnie Anne, you missed it.

Blaine walked the plank.

- How much do you love the show?

- Who do you think
Karen will pick tomorrow night?

- It better be Brock!
- He doesn't deserve her!

[all clamoring]

- [snoring]

- [exhales]
Finally, some peace and quiet.

[train horn blaring, rattling]



Really, Lalo?

- [snoring]

- [snoring]

- [squawks]
- Ah!

- I'm naked!

- [exhales]

[jazzy music]

[train horn blares]

- This weekend's gone by
so fast.

I'm really gonna miss everybody.

- Nuh-uh.

- Yes-uh, CJ.
I'm gonna miss you.

- Nuh-uh.

'Cause you're not leaving ever!

Mom said so!

As a secret!
- Wait!

We're not leaving?

Mom, what is CJ talking about?

- Okay, well, here goes.

Ronnie Anne, Bobby...

I've been thinking about this
for a long time.

I hate that you guys
have to be alone so much,

and we have
this great family here.

So when I found out that I could
get a job at the city hospital,

I thought maybe
we could move here...

What do you guys think?

- But--but--

where would we even stay?

- You can live with us!

We have plenty of room!

- That sounds awesome!

Maybe I can work at the bodega.

- You can take over the bodega.

I mean, after I retire.

- And after I retire.

Until then, you work for me.

- This calls for a celebration.

A moving in party!

I will make a feast
and a giant cake!

[excited clamoring]

[camera shutter clicks]

- You're what?

- Believe me, it's not my idea.

- Well, did you tell your family
you don't want to?

- They're not gonna
listen to me.

It's ten against one.

- I've been there before.

Well, don't worry,
you've called the right person.

- I know. Put Lori on.

- Hey, Ronnie Anne, what's up?

You're what?
[echoing shrill]

I don't know
what Bobby's thinking,

but I am gonna tell him
what he should be thinking.

- I still don't get why
I have to come along.

- Because Ronnie Anne's
your girlfriend!

- She is not my girlfriend.

- Lincoln, we are literally
crossing a bridge.

Do you really want to get into
an argument with me right now?

- [gulps]

[traditional horn music]

[horn honking]

[brakes screech]

[doorbell ringing]
- Oh.

I wonder who that could be.

I'll just let them in.

[buzzer sounds]

[rapid knocking]

- Did you guys know
there's a vicious g*ng of cats

trying to get in here?
- [whimpers]

- Five thousand--

Oh! How embarrassing.

I didn't see you guys walk in.

- Anyway, this is Lori.

Bobby's girlfriend.

And this is Lincoln.
- Your boyfriend?

- No, he's not!
- No, I'm not!

- This is my mom's brother,
Carlos, his wife, Frida,

their kids,
Carlota, CJ, Carl and Carlitos,

and my Grandma and Grandpa.

Anyway, Lori,
you must really miss Bobby.

He's in the bodega. Let's go!

- Lincoln,
after such a long drive,

you must be famished.

- I could eat.

- Bobby, look!

It's your beautiful,
devoted girlfriend.

She came all this way
to see you.

- Wow, babe.
This is the best day ever.

First, I get a sticker g*n,

and now you're here?

- Bobby! What is all this
about you moving away?

- I know it might seem like
a shock, but don't worry.

I have everything figured out.

My Grandpa said I could work
in the bodega with him,

and this place is really rad.

Let me show you around!
- But, but, but--

- You're gonna love
where I put the milk.

- What do you mean
you didn't convince him?

- He talked about
the bodega for minutes

until the beef jerky guy
showed up, and at that point,

I had literally
reached my limit.

- [sighs]
We need to do something

to get Bobby's attention.

[shimmering tone]
- Ooh!

Now you're gonna get
all the boys' attention.

- [gasps]
I know!

- What is with this family
and the arm pulling?

- [groans]

I think I ate too much.

- Hey, Lincoln,
wanna play pirates?

- Aw, I'd love
to play pirates, CJ,

but I have a stomach ache.

- I can take care of that!

- What are you--

Oh! Let's do this!
- [chuckles]

- En garde!
[both laughing]

- I need you to do a makeover.

- [gasps]

We'll start by throwing out
all of these clothes.

I usually donate, but nobody
is gonna want these.

- Not me!


- Oh! I didn't mean that.

You have just
a really unique look.

It's sort of rugged, yet--
- Dude. Move on.

- [whistling]

[doorbell rings]

[shimmering tone]


Bonita chiquita.

Forget about Bobby.

You're too beautiful for him.

You're a ten! He's a four.

- You're very cute,

but I really need
to talk to Bobby.

- Ah, playing hard to get?

Challenge accepted.

You'll be the gazelle,
and I will be the puma.



- [gasping]

- Whoa, babe. Are you okay?


I'm gonna have to
charge you for that flour.

- We need a new plan, and fast.

- But what?

- Tune in tonight for the finale
of "The Dream Boat."

Can Brian keep hope afloat

with his one-on-one
dinghy date with Karen?

Or will it be man overboard?

- [squawks] Dinghy date!

- Ta-da!

A one-on-one dinghy date.

Sort of.
- Wow.

Just like "The Dream Boat."

It's so romantic, babe.

- I know!

Because we're so romantic.

I mean, we literally
have such a great connection.

Don't you think?
- Totally,

and I was gonna tell you--
- Help!

[cats clamoring]

Ay, my mangos!

- My mango guy's in trouble!

I'm sorry, babe,
bodega business calls.

- [sighs]

- You keep an eye out
for my Grandma.

She's got cures and potions
for everything.

There must be something
for clueless boyfriends.

Hm, this looks interesting.

[shimmering tone]

Remember, it's very important

that you're the first person
Bobby sees after he eats this.

- Got it.

Hi, Boo Boo Bear.

- Oh, chocolate chip! Score!

- Uh, excuse me?

Can you tell me
where you put the milk?

[sparkling tone]

- You must be Vito.
- How did you know?

- Uh, just a lucky guess.

One sec, babe.

I gotta help this customer.

- Ugh!

- Ugh!
- [squawks]

- [gasps]

[shimmering tone]

- All right, Mr. Filliponio.

Have a great rest of your day.

[romantic music]

- [squawks] Who's the hunk?

Hubba, hubba!

- Hua-ha-ha-ahh!

- We're leaving?

But Mrs. Casagrande
is baking a cake.

- Lincoln, I literally
just lost my boyfriend.

Do you really want to
argue with me right now?

- Babe, where are you going?

- What do you care?

Why don't you just go back
to your precious bodega?

You obviously care about it
more than you care about me!


- I'm just gonna go help
Mrs. Casagrande

with the frosting.

- [wailing]

- Lincoln,
what's happening out there?

- I don't know, but it was
too much drama for me.

- Wait a minute.

They're hugging,
and Lori's smiling.

She must have
finally convinced him.


- Thank you,
thank you, thank you!

I knew we could do this!

I'll go pack up my stuff.
- Uh...

- What?

- I know I came here
to convince Bobby not to move,

but after talking to him,

I think he should stay.

- After he totally forgot
about you?

- But he didn't.

He's actually been
thinking really hard about

how we can make this work.

We'll only be apart for a year,

and then we can both
go to the college here

where your Uncle Carlos teaches.

- Well,
that's great for you guys,

but what about me?
Lincoln, come on,

help me out here.

- I don't know, Ronnie Anne.

I think your family's
pretty awesome.

I mean,
who can make a cake like this?

- Ugh!

- Are you okay, honey?

Lincoln said you were out here.

- Mom, I don't want to move.

I like my life back home.

I have my own room.
I can do my own thing.

Here, I can't even go
to the bathroom

without an audience.

- I know it would be
an adjustment,

but think how nice it would be
to be part of a big family,

and they all love you so much.

- I love them, too, I just--

- Honey,
I would never make you move

if you didn't want to.

I really wanted this
to feel like home for you,

but if it doesn't, it doesn't.

Why don't you pack up
while I break the news?

- Thanks for understanding, Mom.

[heartfelt music]

[eerie music]

[cats meowing]

[heartfelt music]

- So what do you think?

[camera shutter clicks]

- What is this?

- Well,
we thought you might need

a space of your own.

- I put those up,

and if you ever want
to go skating,

I have been known
to shred like a boss.

- And I picked out
some hoodies for you.

We'll work our way up
to dresses.

- And I stocked the fridge
with those ice pops you like.

You can pay me back later.

- I cleansed the room
of evil spirits

and spiders.

- And I hung some pictures of
our beautiful family!

I even put up one of
you and your boyfriend.

- He's not my boyfriend!
- I'm not her boyfriend!

- And I made this!

It says,
"Ronnie Anne's room.

Keep out!"

- Wow, guys.

This is incredible.

I don't know what to say.

- Don't worry, honey. I'll
handle it.

I'm sorry, everyone,

but I think we're going to--

- Need more snacks for
the moving in party!

- [terrified screaming]

There are not enough snacks?

I am so embarrassed!

[excited clamoring]

- So you want to stay?

What changed your mind?

- You were right, Mom.

It is gonna be an adjustment,

but maybe it will be nice
being part of a big family.

Especially this one.

[distant thuds]

both: Oh, no!
We left the door open!

- [whimpers]

[cats clamoring]

[eerie music]

- Grandpa, sick boxers!

We should sell them
at the bodega!

- Great idea!

- [screaming]

[camera shutter clicks]

I'm allergic
on top of everything!


- [panting]
[cats clamoring]

all: The cake!

- I've got it!

[all exhaling]

[cats clamoring]


- [sighs]

- [pants]


[all laughing]

[camera shutter clicks]


- I'm really gonna miss you,
Boo Boo Bear,

but I'm so excited about
our future together.

- Me too, babe.

I'll be counting down the days
until I see you again.

- As will I!

- [chuckles]Carl,

But remember, my gazelle,

if he ever mistreats you,

this puma
will be ready to pounce!

- Who used up all of
my limited edition

black eyeliner?

- [nervous chuckles]
Gotta run!


[both sighing]

- So I guess this is good-bye?

- Yeah, smell you later, lame-o.

- Whoa,
you've never hugged me before.

- Don't get used to it.

- Oh, before I go,

here's something
that might help you out.

It always helps me.


- Really?
- Trust me.

[rock music]

- Well, things are definitely
gonna be different for me.

My whole family
just quadrupled in size.

My backyard is now
a fire escape,

and I definitely need a lock
for that bathroom door.

It's gonna be
quite an adventure,

but I'm up for it.

Huh. Lincoln was right.

It does help
talking to you guys.

- [squawks] Dream Boat!

- Ooh! Guess our show is on.

Gotta run!

Giddy up, Lalo!

- [squawks] I mean, Bobby!

[shimmering tone]

- I told them
my candle works every time.

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad,
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud House

- ♪ Loud House!

- ♪ Duck, and dodge,
and push, and shove ♪

♪ That's the way
we show our love ♪

♪ In the Loud House

- ♪ Loud House!

- ♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee

♪ Never any privacy

♪ Chaos with kids

♪ That's the way it always is

♪ In the Loud House!