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02x44 - The Crying Dame/Anti Social

Posted: 08/06/22 08:43
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house

♪ In the Loud house

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud

♪ Loud house

- Poo-poo.

[rock music]

[baby crying]

- Negative.
It's clean.

- Hey, guys.
How's it going?

- Terrible.
Lily's been crying for an hour,

and we can't figure out why.

- Yeah, we've tried everything
to get her to stop.

She's not hungry, gassy,
or sleepy.

She has her blankie
and her giraffe.

- Well,
sometimes babies just cry

and you don't know the reason.

Oh, it's okay, sweetie.

- You guys did plenty of crying
when you were babies, trust me.

Except Lucy.

She just...stared at us.

- Yeah, that's why
we grew her bangs out.

- I can still see you.

- [quavers]
- Anyway,

try to have a little patience
with Lily, kids.

She'll stop crying
when she's ready.

- I guess you're right.

We'll just learn
to live with it.

- Ugh.
Speak for yourself.

- Yes, her caterwauling
is unbearable.

- We need a plan.

- I've got it!

- Leaving is not a plan.

- No.
Fenton the Feel-Better Fox.

My favorite toy
when I was a baby.

He always cheered me up.

[baby crying]

I found him!

Look, Lily, this is Fenton.

[toy plays music]

- ♪ Cheer up baby,
don't you cry ♪

♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

♪ Happy happy happy

- [gurgles happily]

- Yes, it worked!

- [laughs]

[toy beeps]

- ♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

♪ Happy happy happy

- [gasps]

The demon toy!

I thought you got rid of that.

- I thought you did!

- What's the big whoop?

We got Lily to stop crying.

You're welcome.

- You don't understand.

That horrible fox drove us
so crazy,

we almost didn't have
any more children.

- Well, you certainly
went the other way with that.

- Come on, honey, we better go
soundproof our room.

- Dudes.
Overreact much?

It's just a cute little toy.

- [laughs]
It's cute now,

but you'll see.

You'll all see!

- Pfft.
They're just jealous

that we're the ones

who got Lily to stop crying.

- [babbles]

[foreboding music]

- ♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

♪ Happy happy happy

♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

- [sighs]
- ♪ Happy happy happy

♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

- Wait, you guys, no!

- ♪ Happy happy happy

- ♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

♪ Happy happy happy

- ♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

♪ Happy happy happy
- [groans]

[music continues]
- Three nights of t*rture!

I cannot lose
any more beauty sleep!

- I was so tired last night,

I fell asleep in the middle
of cutting Lori's hair.

- What?

[dramatic musical cue]


- Mom, Dad, you were right.

We admit it.

Fenton is destroying our lives.

Mom? Dad?

- [shouting] Oh!
When did you kids wake up?

[music continues]

- You guys, I hate to say it,

but we have no choice.

The fox must go!

Actually, I didn't hate
saying that.

- Okay, people,

we are ready to commence

Operation: Freedom from Fenton
the Feel-Better Fox.

Here's a run-down of Lily's
daily schedule:

coloring, feeding, bathing,

napping, chewing on books.

As you can see,

she always has Fenton with her.

But there is one exception:

diaper change time.

During this approximately
-second window,

Lily will be separated
from the demon toy.

That's when we strike.

[all cheering]

It's a tough mission,

and some of you
might not come back,

but rest assured
that your sacrifice will...

Hey, I did not say "fall out!"

- ♪ And we will be

- Okay, Lily,
you know what time it is.

- ♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

- [humming tune from toy]

- ♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

♪ Happy happy happy

- Okay, Lynn, go.

- ♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

♪ Happy happy happy

- ♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

[brakes squeal, engine revs]

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

♪ Happy happy happy

- [babbles confusedly]

- Now, phase two:

Operation Keep Lily From Crying.

Go, go, go!

[lively music]

[cymbal ringing]

- [yawns]

- Okay,
here's the moment of truth.

If Lily can go to sleep
without you-know-who,

we've done it.

[suspenseful music]

[peaceful lullaby]

- Well, team,
I'm proud of you all.

It was touch-and-go there
for a while,

but you believed
in yourselves,

and more importantly,

you believed in each other.

Dang it.

[smooth jazz]

- [sighs]
I finally got some beauty sleep.

Oh, yeah.
I am back.

- I slept so well,

I got up early
and made Lori these extensions.

Now I just need a stapler.

- I'll take it from here.

- [variously] Good morning,

- What's wrong, sweetie?

You look a little grumpy
this morning.

- She's probably just hungry,

- Open the airplane.

Here comes the tunnel.

[growls playfully]

[down-tempo jazz]

- Oh, well,
she must not be hungry.

Maybe she wants to play.

Lily, wanna help me
build a castle?

- How about
I make you a dinosaur?


[more popping]

- I know, Lily.
Let's build a fort.

Okay, Lily, come on in.

But no pooping.


- [whines softly]

- OM-gosh, you guys,

that's why she's been so sad
this morning.

She misses Fenton.

- We didn't make her
forget about Fenton.

We just kept her
from crying.

[all lamenting]

Guys, I know we've been loving

the peace and quiet,

but it's not worth it
if our baby sister is sad.

- I hate to say it,

but we have to
get that fox back.

I really did hate
saying that.

- Sorry, guys.
No Fenton.

This thing is empty.

But I did find a girlfriend
for Bitey.

[rat snarls]

- sh**t.

The garbage truck
must have already come.

- To the dump!

[dramatic music]

[brakes squeal]

- This place is literally huge.

How are we ever going to find
a little toy

in all this trash?

[Fenton's tune plays]

- That's how.

Follow that annoying song.

- ♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

♪ Happy happy happy

all: No!

- ♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

[winding down] ♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

all: Dang it.

[smooth jazz]

- We're officially
the worst siblings ever.

- Poor Lily--she'll probably
grow up super gloomy,

dress in black,

and listen to sad music
all the time.

- We can only hope.

- [humming Fenton's tune]

- Ugh!

Stop singing that!

- Sorry, dude.
It's stuck in my head.

Say what you want
about that fox,

but his tune
has a wicked hook.

- It's kind of stuck
in my head, too.

- Mine too.

- It's also rebounding

in my cerebellum.

- Wait.
You guys.

Maybe there is a way

to give Fenton back to Lily.

- Fa-fa?

- ♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

♪ Happy happy happy

- Fa-fa!



- Well, we might be doing this
for the rest of our lives,

but at least Lily's happy again.

- Fa-fa, Fa-fa, Fa-fa!

all: ♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

♪ Happy happy happy

♪ Cheer up baby
don't you cry ♪

♪ No more tears
it's cheer-up time ♪

♪ Laugh with me
and we will be ♪

[both screaming]

[frightful string music]

[rock music]

[shutter snapping]

- Hey, guys.
Papa Loud in the house!

[devices beeping]

So, how's everyone's day?

Lori, did you ace
that Latin exam?

Hey, Lunes.
Want to jam later?

Just go the old cowbell tuned.

- [sighs]
This is unbelievable.

- Thank you, honey.

I couldn't agree--
- "Ten Unexpected Ways

To Re-Tile a Backsplash"?


[devices beeping]

- Oh.
Hi, Dad.

Welcome home.

Why the grumpy face?

- Because I've lost my family
to those

ding-dang devices.

We used to do stuff together.

Now I can't even get you
to look up

when I come in the door.

Can't you put those things down
once in a while?

- But Dad, we need them.

Our lives literally depend
on them.

- Baloney sandwich!

They're just little
hunks of plastic.

- [gasps]

- And if you don't start
spending less time on them,

I'm going to have to

cut the Internet.

[all gasp]

- Oof!

- Whoa.
Pops is talking crazy.

Doesn't he get how croosh
these babies are to our lives?

He might as well cut off
our oxygen supply!

- Maybe that's the answer.
- Whoa.

That's grim, even for me.

- No, I mean the only reason

Dad is against our devices

is because he doesn't get them.

But what if we could show Dad

how much better they could make
his life?

Then he'd never do something
as ridiculous as...

Taking away our Internet.

- I love it!

- Thank you.
I appreciate your support.

- A new super-bright
flashlight app?

Hashtag download!

Oh, hey, kids.
When did you get home?

- [straining]

Gotta tell Lucy
her funeral dress

is back from the cleaners.

Gotta let Luna know
I can drive her

to rehearsal tonight.

I need to remind Lola
that she can't watch TV

till she's finished
her homework.

All of it.

Oh. Hi, Lori.
- One sec, Dad.

- Oh, sweetie,
we just talked about this.

Can you please
put that thing away?

- Okay, Lucy says "Thanks,
just in time for the service,"

Luna says "Rockin',"
and Lola sent this.

- You just took care
of my whole to-do list?

How did you manage that?

- It's called "texting."

You can literally have
a million conversations at once.

Could be pretty handy
for a guy with kids.

- Uh, hold on.

If I were going to do a text,

how--how would I go
about that?

- It's so easy.

All you do is type.
Where's your phone?

Try texting me.

- Uh...where?

- Here.

[phone beeping]

Just say "hi."

- Ooh, delete.

- [snores]

[phone chimes]

Sorry, Dad, but TL; DR.

That means
"too long; didn't read,"

and it's the kind of abbrev

that makes texting so much fun.

- Ooh, let me try.

That sounds for
"Sounds good, honey.

I can't wait to learn more."

- Uh, we'll work on it.

- Oh, why couldn't I resist
all those Flippee samples?

- Back of the line, bro.

- Dah!

- Hey, Dad.
Want something

to keep your mind
off the wait?

- Ah, no thanks.
This is what

I've been trying
to tell you kids.

I can just keep
myself distracted

with the old bean.

- Okay, but Leni's in there,

trying a new hair color.

Could be a while.

- [horrified scream]

Totes not a redhead.

Starting over.

- Oh, fine, what do you got?

- "Raging River Racers."

You have to paddle down
a rushing river

trying to escape
a giant gushing wave.

- Gah!
Not helping.

- Step aside, Lincoln.

We have a game
Daddy will actually like.

- Presenting "Jolly Hollow."

- You build a pretty brick house
and show it off to your friends.

- Ooh, I think I'll build one
that has more than one bathroom.

- Your turn, Dad.

- Lisa can go.
I'm busy upgrading my wallpaper.

[game music playing]

- Hey, kiddo, I need
your opinion on something.

Which of these pictures
should I submit

for my high school reunion?

- Uh...what's plan B?

- These are the best
I could find.

- Don't worry.
I totes got this.

[shutter snaps]


- Whoa.

What magic is that?

- The magic of filters.

This one's called "Glory Days."

- I look good.

Can I borrow your phone
so I can show this to Kotaro?

- Or, you can post it
on "SwiftyPic."

It's an app that lets you
share pictures

with your friends
and family.

- Shut up!
- I know, right?

[both playing music]

- We are going to rock
our first show, Lynn.

Now we need to just
get the word out.

Remember, my cousin said
we got to have people

or we can't book his basement.

- Way ahead of you, Kotaro.

I printed of these babies
to post around town.

Hope your afternoon's free.

- Hey, Pops, I know you got
a big gig coming up,

so I thought I'd help you
get the word out.

- Oh, great, you can start
putting these up on Oak Street.

- Uh, no, dude.

I made you a band page!

It's like putting up a flier

that everyone with a computercan see!

- Shut up!
- Right?

- We're gonna get hundreds
of people to see our show.

- How about thousands?

- Well, parking's kind of
limited at my cousin's.

- No, I mean you can
stream the show live

for fans around the world.

- Whoa, you think
you could show us

how to stream our concert
like that?

Watching videos,
texting emojis--

selfie--and post.

[electronic chime]

- I am literally so proud
right now.

- It's a text from Dad.

Racecar emoji,
celebrate emoji,

happy cat emoji.

all: Yay!

[energetic orchestral music]

- Hey, Dad, could you help me

with my social studies homework?

- Uh, sorry, son.
It'll have to wait.

It's Throwback Thursday,
and I have to post some pics,!

- [screams]

What did you do?
How could you

post a picture from my...

Awkward stage?

- Ooh.
Five likes already.

Maybe it'll start trending.

- [screams]

- Don't be embarrassed, Lori.

Everyone posts old photos
like that.

They're harmless.


- Oh, yeah?
Then maybe you'd like to see

Dad's latest post.

- "Hashtag Potty Champ"?

"Hashtag Linky Made A Stinky"?

[shutter snaps]

- So cute!
I'll post this next TBT.

- Dudes,
I'm hungry like the wolf.

What's taking Dad so long?

- And hello to my new viewer
from Sweden,

or should I say, valkommen?

To the Lynn-ternational
Cuisine livestream

with Chef Loud.

Today, we're making pizza.

Oh, wait, they can't see that.

Today, we're making pizza.

All right.
Get ready to feast, fam.

Not so fast.

I meant feast your eyes.

We'll eat after I take photos
for SwiftyPic.

[shutter snaps]

Better take a few, JIC.

I can't post these.

They're totes ug.

I'm starting over.

[all shouting in alarm]

- Hey, Dad.

- So how was work today?

- Hey, Pop star.
Want to jam later?

- I'd love to...

send you an autographed CD,

cowbellfan .

- [groans]

- Oh, hey, fam.
When did you get home?

- Dad, how about we just
put these away for one second?

- [snaps, growls]

- Father is out of control,

or, to use his
inane vernacular,


- He's got his face
in those ding-dang devices

all day long.

- Can't he put them down
once in a while?

- He doesn't even look up
when we come in the door.

- Uh, guys?

Is this all reminding you
of anyone?

- [gasps]
Holy Moly!

We've literally
turned Dad into us.

- [screams]

- You're right.

So that's why
he was upset with us.

It's no fun being ignored
by your own family.

- How do we get
the old Daddy back?

- Ask him politely?

- I think it's going to take

more drastic measures than that.

- Watching videos,

Oh, love this filter.

Gym bod!


How you doin'?

Now to post...

"Not connected to the Internet"?


Not connected?
Not connected?



Can anyone hear me?

Ah, there you guys are.

The Internet's out.

I feel weak.

- It's not out.

We had it turned off.

- What?
How could you?

You may as well have cut off
my oxygen supply.

- We had to do it.

You're obsessed
with your devices.

- Which, to be fair,

is all our fault.

- But we totes miss
spending time with you.

- Kids?
I-I had no idea.


[somber music]

That means "I'm so sorry."

- It's okay, Dad.

- So, can we put these away
for a while?

- [sniffles]
Sure, no problem.

[tense music]

[all straining]

- Ah, I can't!

I'm so hooked on these babies

I can't live without 'em.

- Don't worry, Dad.

We'll all work on this together.

[upbeat rock music]

- Oops.
I'll get it.

- Dad, no phones.

Besides, we don't even
have the Internet.

- Sorry.
I just wanted to hold it.

[playing cowbell]

- Oops, you did it again.

No looking at devices, Dad.

Not even Mr. Grouse's.

- But he just got
a really good deal on socks.

- [laughs]

- [giggles]

- Ha-ha, nice one!

- Whoo!

- Duck, duck, duck, goose!


- Huh?

[both laughing]

- Good job, Dad.

We're proud of you.

- Ah, thanks, kids.

It's good to be back.
Now who's hungry?

Dinner in five!

- So now that
we've cured Father,

shall I send word
to our Internet provider

to get the rest of us
back online?

- Eh, what's the rush?

We can wait another day.

- Let's dig in!

- Hey, Dad, how about
a hockey rematch after dinner?

- Hey, I get Daddy first.

I want to show him
my ribbon dance.

- No, I get him.

- We got some gutters
to clean.

- Kids, kids.
We can do it all.

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house
- ♪ Loud house

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line
to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy

♪ Chaos with kids

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house