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02x12 - m*rder by Appointment Only

Posted: 08/06/22 16:56
by bunniefuu
It stinks! Get rid of that stupid jungle.

You're sh**ting a makeup ad, not a Tarzan picture.


Tonight on m*rder, She Wrote.

Do you think the police are right, that the m*rder's part of a robbery? A good secretary learns to forge the boss's signature.

I'm saving that for something really big.

- I know you don't approve of the way I live my life.

- Is this a bust? It gives me great pleasure to offer you the Lila Lee franchise for all Cabbage Cove.

My God! A Lila Lee lady.

[Horns Honking, Distant.]


Terrific! Now, drop your hands and swing your head to the right.




You just need a little fullness in here.



Now, turn to the left and toss that hair.

[Camera Shutter Clicking.]


We're still a couple of inches low on that side.

Bring it up.

Okay, now swing to the left.


Okay, now, watch your pout, babe.

We're sellin' lipstick, okay? So kissy-kissy.

That's it.


[Camera Shutter Clicking.]

- [Photographer.]


I love it.

- It stinks! Get rid of that stupid jungle.

You're sh**ting a makeup ad, not a Tarzan picture.

I want the sales convention preparations in the background.

- [Photographer.]

Is that all? - Tell the bimbo to unpucker.

She looks like a sick goldfish.

Lila, you have an awful lot to do today, darling.

I'll handle the photo session.

You take care of your sales ladies.

- They need you, sweetheart.

- Okay, Norman, but you keep an eye on him.

My brother will be watching you.

If you don't get your act together, you're gonna be out on your- Aah! Ladies! Welcome, dear hearts! Welcome! Oh, how lovely to see you all.

Now, I know that I can trust you to keep this a secret, but this year's Lila Lee line is going to be our best ever, and you know what that means: Big sales and a new car for everyone.


Dear, you're out of uniform.

Pardon me? It's lilac time.


Excuse me, ladies.

It'll work.

Norman, can't you see what this idiot is doing? [Photographer.]

I wanted to give her a special look.


What look? Bozo the Clown? Give me that lipstick.

Lila, take it easy.

This is not to be used.

Can you understand that? We spend millions on product development, and he spreads on the wrong shade with a trowel.

Take her out and wash her face.


Lila, darling, you're under an awful lot of pressure.

Why don't you run up to the suite and stretch out for a few minutes? Oh! Sounds heavenly.

But can you get along without me? I'll try.

Uh, I beg your pardon.

I'm looking for Grady Fletcher.


I've never heard of him.

Oh, but he works for the Lila Lee Company.

God help him.

Now, Norman, if a crisis should develop, don't handle it- Call me.

Glenda, what a lovely outfit.

It's not right for you, but it's stunning.

Thank you.

She's in rare form today.

What's all this? I need you to sign some things.

A good secretary learns to forge the boss's signature.

I'm saving that for something really big.




AuntJess? AuntJess? Grady! Mm.

I'd about given you up.

I know.

I'm sorry.

Oh, you remember my old college roommate, Todd Amberson? Of course.

Hello, Todd.

Hi, Mrs.


You've become famous since I saw you last.

Oh, yes.

Well, I've had luck with some of my books.

Well, Grady says they're terrific.

Mysteries, aren't they? Uh, yes.

Speaking of mysteries, Grady, what is it you do? I mean, nobody with this company seems to know who you are.

Well, I don't actually have the job yet.

But he's going to.

I've told Dad all about him, and Dad can always find room for a good sales manager.

As an accountant.

Dad! I agree- Thanks, Glenda.

I still have charges to be approved.

Todd, how are you? Great.

I want you to meet some special people.

Dad, this is Jessica Fletcher.

Jessica Fletcher, my father, Norman Amberson.

Hello, Mr.


Of course! I saw you inside earlier.

- I'm afraid I mistook you for one of the Lila Lee ladies.

- Well, you're not alone.

And this is Grady Fletcher.

You remember? I told you all about him.



How are you? You're interested in our shipping department? Actually, I'm an accountant.


Will you have my secretary make an appointment for tomorrow morning? We'll talk.

Yes, sir.

Todd, we have to talk too.

Um, would you excuse us? I don't get a chance to see my son very often.

Oh, sure.

Excuse us.

Thank you.

Well, that was a great impression.

All I could say was, "Yes, sir.

" Oh! Forgive the decor.

It's just that it seemed a lot more sensible than running back and forth to the office all day.

Would you care for a drink? No, thanks.

That's right.

I always forget.

You are the sensible generation.

I'm all the way back to white wine on account of Liz.

You know, you've picked up a lousy habit.

- Every time I mention her name, you turn away.

- Sorry.

It's a reflex.

I know you don't approve of the way I live my life.

Wrong, Dad.

I just wish you'd live it with somebody your own age.

- Yes, but that's not your business.

- Well, this was a short chat.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

We've always been able to talk.

- Right.

On your terms.

- That's arrogant, self-righteous- Look, I knew coming up here was a mistake.

Go ahead, Dad.

Do whatever the hell you wanna do.

Wait! I'm sorry.

I was in the bedroom brushing my hair, and I decided to stay out of sight when I heard the two of you come in.

- So you could eavesdrop? - I hoped to avoid a scene.

But I hated hearing the two of you fighting like that over me.

Listen, Toddy, I wanna say this, but I'm only gonna say it once.

I love Elizabeth, and I intend to marry her if she'll have me.

- Marry her? - Toddy.

You are out of your mind.

- Okay.

That's it.

Get out.

- Yeah.


It won't work, Norman.

Sure it is.

We'll make it work.


All we have to do is find a way to ignore this upstart kid who keeps tryin' to pass himself off as my son.

Oh! I was gonna surprise you.

You did.


And if you'd waited downstairs, I would've introduced you to a fellow writer.

Oh, no.

Don't tease.

I'm never gonna write anything.

That was an old dream.

Well, this is a delightful lady and a famous one.

I know I've seen you read her works.

Jessica Fletcher.

I don't know what possessed me not to invite her to have dinner with us.

If she's still in the hotel, I'll have her paged.



I don't know that I'm feeling up to it.

I've had a pounding headache all day.

I'm sorry.

Let me call my doctor.


That's not necessary.

Don't be silly.

It's all right, Norman.

I gotta go.


I'm late for a fitting.

You'll call me? I'll call you.

And, darling, don't look so grim.

- How's this? - No.


Elizabeth? - Elizabeth Gordon! - Mrs.


[Both Laugh.]

Oh, Elizabeth! My goodness.

What a lovely surprise after all these years.

I can't believe you still remember my name.

I can remember where you sat.

You used to sit in the second row behind that tall girl who couldn't spell.

Andrea Kelly! And she still can't.

We write each other all the time.

She's busy raising her children in Augusta.

Really? And what are you doing here? Are you living in New York? Yes.

Ever since college.


Come and sit down.

Let's talk about it.

My goodness.

Oh, dear.

What are you doing in New York? Oh, I'm seeing my publisher, lunching with my agent, shopping.

But enough about me.

Let's talk about more important things.

Are you married? Do you have a career? Are you still writing? No, no and no.

Oh, dear.

You haven't given up? On which? You know, you were far and away the most talented student that I taught, and I had visions of discovering a Pulitzer Prize winner.

Oh, I wish you'd told me.

I might have tried harder.


I gave up the romance of literature when I discovered the reality of day-to-day living.

How in the world did the two of you manage to connect so quickly? Norman, when you said "Jessica Fletcher," I had no idea you meant my Senior English teacher, Mrs.



Fletcher"? When my wife d*ed a year ago, I got the idea that the best part of me d*ed with her, and Liz has changed all that.

How wonderful for you.


Yes, it is.

I'm a lucky man.

Did she manage to remember to invite you for dinner this evening? No.

I completely forgot.


Well, listen.

I wasn't planning to stay over, and I've checked out of my hotel.

Well, please reconsider.

Who knows when the two of you are going to meet again? Well, I suppose I could stay with Grady.

He and I see one another so seldom.

It'll give us a chance to really talk.


Then it's settled.

I'll make reservations for 8:00, Guido di Roma.


What happened to your fitting? Oh! I guess they'll squeeze me in somehow.

I'll see you at dinner then, hmm? - It was lovely seeing you again, Mrs.


- Jessica.


Oh, that's gonna take some getting used to.

Oh, she's blossomed into a lovely young lady.

Yes, she has, now that you mention it.


Amberson, sorry, but I need your approval on these charges now.


Jessica, this insistent young woman is my secretary and assistant and indispensable factotum and conscience.

Glenda Vandevere, Jessica Fletcher.

I think we met inside.

You were looking for someone.

- My nephew, Grady.

I found him.

- Oh, I left him filling out personnel forms.


All right.

Done and done.

And this bill from Vinton's.

Vinton's? It's for $550.

Miss Gordon signed it.

Oh, yes.

That must be her birthday present for me.

Liz likes it when I treat myself well.

Are you sure? I thought your birthday was- Glenda, don't question it.

Pay it.

Yes, Mr.


I'll take care of it right away.

- ## [Background.]

- [Norman.]

I can't imagine what's keeping Liz.

Well, tardiness was never one of her shortcomings.

I don't suppose it's easy to get a cab at this time of night though.

No, but she just lives around the corner.

That's why I picked this restaurant.

Perhaps we should pop around, see what's keeping her.

Do you mind terribly? Oh, not at all.

After all, she could be ill.

[Doorbell Rings.]

That's very odd.

She's gotta be in.

Doorman didn't see her go out.

Well, he said she could've left through the garage.

Yes, but why would she? Elizabeth? You okay, Mrs.

Fletcher? Oh, yes, yes.

Thank you, Lieutenant.

How 'bout you, Mr.

Amberson? It's shock.

It'll wear off.

That k*ller must've been spaced out real good.

He comes in here lookin' for money, doesn't find it, so he tears thejoint apart.

Then when the lady walks in on him, he strangles her.

It's sick.


I wonder why he marked up the portrait, but nothing else? Maybe between robberies, he's an art critic.

There's something else, Lieutenant.

Are you so sure it's a robbery, or did the k*ller just want it to look that way? Maybe it looked that way because it was a robbery.

This is New York, Mrs.


This kind of self-employment is a way of life with some people.

Well, then, why didn't the robber take that? I mean, even an amateur would snatch a jeweled lipstick case.

Emeralds, rubies, diamonds.

Probably glass.

It's real, Lieutenant.

Gift from me.

You give good gifts, Mr.



No, that's not the lipstick that marked the portrait.


It's the wrong shade.

She's right.

That in your hand- Midnight Pink.

- The other is much more orange.

- Yeah, well, we'll know more when we get some samples of those smears.

Boys in the lab might even come up with the brand.

Lieutenant, did any of your people happen to find any other lipsticks in the apartment? Nope.

Not yet.

Whatever he used, the k*ller probably took it with him.

Or her.

So who said it wasn't? Yes, it could very easily have been a woman.

Or a guy with a problem.

That's another thing about New York.


Hey, Todd, why don't we forget about thejob? Yeah.

No, no.

It's not important.

Your dad's got enough on his mind, and- What? Oh, no.

Are you kidding? No, no.

Of course I'm okay.


As a matter of fact, I was thinking of taking a couple of weeks off.


Joey Harris called, wants me to fly into Dallas.

[Vacuum Cleaner Whirring.]


Something about an oil deal.

Frieda- Frieda- Excuse me.

Frieda, please, would you do this a little later? I've got an important phone call.


Thank you.


My maid.

I tell you.

She keeps this place spotless.


That'll be all for today, Frieda.






See you later.



I told you about her, didn't I? Oh, yeah.

Oh, gee.

Here's my AuntJess.

Listen, I'm gonna have to talk to you a little later.



Grady, are you absolutely certain that I am not imposing on you? Oh, no.

Of course not.

This is terrific.

Oh, wonderful.

It'll give us a chance to have a really good, long talk.

As long as I'm not in the way.

Oh, no.


My word of honor.

Of course, the mattress on the bed is a little lumpy.

Well, what about the couch? Oh, the couch? That's great.


That's soft.

Well, you have the lumpy bed, and I'll sleep here on the couch.

And also, the hot plate doesn't boil water anymore.

I'm afraid your tea is a little lukewarm.


Grady, I can get hot tea any day.

This is gonna be delicious.

Just the way I like it.

- Listen.

I'm awfully sorry about Elizabeth.

- So am I.

I wish you'd known her.

She was a lovely girl.

She was clever and charming and talented.

Do you think the police are right, that the m*rder's part of a robbery? Well, there was no sign that the k*ller broke into the apartment.

I mean, the front door lock wasn't disturbed.

But there was one other thing.

When I met Elizabeth today, she was friendly enough, but somehow- I don't know- she was secretive about herself.

And I'm troubled by that.


Now, ladies, listen carefully.

Sally, dear, would you look this way? Thank you, dear.

Now, after the introductory remarks- blah, blah, blah, blah, blah- I'll make my welcoming speech- applause, applause, applause- and the award ceremony begins.

That's when I want you presenters to step downstage.

Sally and Gloria, would you please come forward and move to your left now? [Both Gasp.]

Gloria, dear, last year, Lila Lee put you in the 50% bracket, right? Could you find it in your heart to return the favor by learning your left from your right? - [Lila Claps.]

- Positions! We'll try it again.

And, remember, the promotion meeting is at 4:00.

Thank you, Glenda.


If there's anything I can do, I wanna be of help.

Dad? I called your suite.

I couldn't believe you'd be working today.


Go ahead, kid.

Do it.

Well, Lila's still got this convention.

It goes with me or without me.

It's better to be workin'.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know about it till I heard it on the news this morning.


Listen, about yesterday- Naw.

Forget it.


I said a lot of things I really re- Really, it's okay.



Amberson? I just remembered.

Carl Sanders of the ad agency is expecting your call.

Oh, yeah.

I gotta go do this.

Did you have to come here today? Haven't you upset him enough? Hello, Todd.

Oh, hi, Mrs.


If you're looking for my dad, you just missed him.

Well, this hasn't been the greatest trip for you, has it? Grady tells me you were Liz's teacher.

And her friend.

It was hard not to be Elizabeth's friend.

I can't think of anyone who didn't like her.

Yeah, well, I didn't really dislike her.

I mean, I didn't even know her that well.

The fact is, it wasn't even her I objected to; it was the idea of my dad getting involved so soon.

So soon after your mother's death? Yeah, maybe even before.

I didn't mean to say that.

It just slipped out.

But, you know, it's true.

I mean, she was living in that Park Avenue apartment while my mom was still in the hospital.

I mean, how could she afford it unless my dad was footing the bill? Well, surely you're not worried about your dad's money? Okay, the fact did cross my mind.

But that doesn't mean I wanted her dead; it means I just didn't want her around.

I see.

No, I don't think you do see, but the fact is that when Liz was k*lled, I was way on the other side of town playing racquetball with a friend.

Yeah, well, thank you for sharing that information with me, Todd, but I don't recall asking for it.

Grady was right.

You are one smart lady.

Excuse me.

Wasn't that Norman Amberson's kid? He seems kind of upset.


And a little guilty, I'm afraid.

Any news from the lab about that lipstick on Elizabeth's portrait? They're workin' on it.

Lieutenant, what do you suppose the rent would be on an apartment of that size? $5,000, $6,000 a month.

Maybe more.

Good Lord! You could rent the whole of Cabot Cove for that.

Big city.

Big bucks.

Amberson can afford it.

Lfigure he was pickin' up the freight.

- By the way, do you know where his office is? - Oh, no.

I'm sorry.

L- Oh, then I'll look around.

I'll see ya.

Good-bye, Lieutenant.


Geez! [Continues Ringing.]


Grady Fletcher residence.

Oh, hi, AuntJess.


I thought you were Mr.

Amberson's secretary.

Grady, I need a favor.

Go ahead.


I want you to call a friend of Elizabeth's from Cabot Cove.

Her name is Andrea Kelly, but she's married now and lives in Augusta.

Well, how do I find out her married name? Well, you could try the Cabot Cove High School Alumni Association.


When I get ahold of her, what do I ask her? Uh-huh.



I got it.

All right.


I'll call her right now.



I'll talk to you later.

Bye-bye, AuntJess.


Fletcher, you should have told me you weren't a Lila Lee lady.

Well, l- I just assumed that you were one of us because you are absolutely perfect.

My dear, it gives me great pleasure to offer you the exclusive Lila Lee franchise for all Cabbage Cove.

Cabot Cove.

I'm flattered, Miss Lee, but I really cannot accept.


They tell me you are some sort of writer.

Well, you probably have bills you can't pay or that little something extra you can't afford, like pencils or- Miss Lee- Do call me Lila.

Uh, no.

I really must say no.

Lesson number one: The sale starts when the customer says no.

First objective: Discover the reason for reluctance and whisk away negativity.

Oh, my.

You are very persuasive.

Thank you.

And I will think about it, I promise.


Meanwhile, let me extend my sympathy to you on your recent loss.

What loss? We netted over $11 million last year.


I was referring to Elizabeth.

I understand she was going to become your sister-in-law.

You were misinformed.

Norman would never have married that little gold digger.

Why do you call her that? Six weeks ago, I offered her $50,000 to leave Norman.

She turned me down cold.

Which proves that she was not a gold digger.

Which proves she was a smart one.

Why settle for 50,000 when she could get her hands on millions? I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Mrs.


I'm Fiona Keeler.

Miss Keeler.

May I help you? Well, I hope so.

I've been in touch- Well, actually, my nephew has been in touch with a friend of someone who used to work for you.

At least that's what the friend gathered from a letter.

This former employee- her name? Elizabeth Gordon.



I was devastated when I heard what happened to her.

She hasn't worked with us for some time, you know.

I imagine she enjoyed working in this lovely building.

Actually, this is my home.

We're a telephone referral service.

We specialize in placing young women like Elizabeth with good educational backgrounds.

Well, with her fine secretarial skills, she must have been very successful.

Oh, absolutely.

Our clients were highly complimentary.

She had more callbacks than she could possibly handle.

How amazing, considering that Elizabeth Gordon flunked both typing and shorthand in high school.

If you are an example of what the vice squad is sending out these days, out taxpayers'dollars are well spent.

Is this a bust? So Elizabeth was a prost*tute, wasn't she? Yes, ma'am.

One of the best in the business.

It's so unlike the girl I remember.

I mean, when did she change? Why? I'm so glad you're without sin, Mrs.


Oh, I'm not casting stones, Miss Keeler.

I'm just trying to understand.

Why did she go that way? I mean, she wasn't underprivileged.

She had a good background.

None of my girls came up from the street.


I'm sorry.

It's- It's absolutely senseless.

Was her life more senseless than her death? Could there have been a connection? I mean, is it possible that her k*ller could've been a former client? We cater to tired, out-of-town businessmen, not psychopaths.

Why do you assume that it was a psychopath? I read the newspaper accounts of her ransacked apartment.

When did you last see Elizabeth, Miss Keeler? Months ago.

The day she asked me to take her off the call list because she'd decided to marry Norman Amberson.

- I never thought it would work.

- Because of what she'd been? No.

Because there was someone else before Amberson.

She still had strong feelings for him.

I don't remember his name.

He was an actor, I think.

Or was it cabdriver? I believe she met him on the way to an appointment.

Norman Amberson- Did he know about her past? Probably not.

She would've been a fool to tell him.

They met at a charity bazaar where she was selling balloons.

She was always volunteering to help with this cause or that one.

If she didn't tell him- if he'd happened to discover it by himself- Most men are fairly predictable, but a few aren't.

Those are the dangerous ones.

Love can turn to hate so very quickly.


Why, Glenda, what have you done to yourself? You look unusually good.

Has something happened recently to perk you up? I don't know what you mean, Miss Lee.

Of course you don't.

But in case it should occur to you, don't get your hopes up.

Norman would never become romantically involved with a company employee.

If you'll excuse me, I have a million things to take care of.


Make that a million and one.

Tell my brother I want to see him.

- Oh, Mr.

Amberson can't be disturbed.

- I need him here.

Excuse me.

Don't you ever turn your back on me again, sweetie, or I'll boot your little tail right out of here.

And don't expect Norman to intercede.

He may be the president of the company, but I am Lila Lee.

Is that clear? Yes, Miss Lee.

Um, hi.

I was wondering if I could speak to Mr.

Amberson for a moment, if it's convenient.

Oh, great.



Come in.

Well, how much of that can you attribute directly to your department? Jim-Jim, I'll call you back.


I've interrupted something.

Please forgive me.

No, no.

Forgive me.

I thought it was Glenda.

It's so good to see you, Jessica.

You're busy.

I've jumped back into the festivities with both feet, but it doesn't really help.

Did you find out anything from Lieutenant Varick? Well, I found out something, but not from the lieutenant.

I spoke to a woman at an employment agency of sorts, a place where Elizabeth used to work.

Woman's name is Fiona Keeler.

In the old days, we would've called her a madam.

How long have you known? From the beginning- almost the beginning.

Liz and I never lied to each other about the important things.

Don't misunderstand.

It was not an idea that went down easily.

I hated it.

You can imagine there were pictures that flashed in my mind that almost drove me nuts, but I wanted her.

- I loved her.

- I'm so sorry, Norman, but I had to ask if you knew, what you knew.

If I had found out about this, say, in the last few days? Yes, I can imagine how that would sit with the police.


Amberson, you have an appointment at the hotel health spa.

Cancel it.

I will not.

You see how she treats me? - Go.

- I'll see you later, Jessica.

All right.

I have to go and get pummeled.


Is there something you wanted? Yesterday, I was present when you questioned a bill from Vinton's.

Did I? I don't remember.

I'm sorry.

I'm really very busy.

The amount was $550.

Was it my imagination, or was Norman genuinely surprised by it? [Sighs.]

He said it was a birthday present.

I gather you don't believe that.

Well, his birthday isn't for two months.

It's marked on my calendar.

Are you suggesting that she didn't buy it for Norman? She signed the sales slip, and since Vinton's is an exclusive men's store, for once she didn't buy something for herself.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I am busy.

Do you still have the sales slip? Of course.

May I borrow it? A thought occurred to me.

Nothing definite yet, but I'm sure that Norman would be very grateful for any help you could provide in tracking down Elizabeth's k*ller.

You didn't mention me to Norman Amberson? Oh, I am sorry, Grady, but I had other things on my mind.

Where are we going? On a manhunt.

Oh, here we are.

That's strange.

According to this, the item in question was delivered as per customer's request on Tuesday.

Yes, well, the item in question must have fallen off the truck, because I never got it.

Oh, but that's impossible, sir.

You signed for it.

- May I see that? - Certainly.

This is not my handwriting.

This is obviously a forgery.

Oh, good grief.

Please accept our apology, Mr.


We have no idea how this could have happened, but rest assured, we will get to the bottom of this.

And, of course, the item will be replaced.

I'm afraid that'll be too late.

You see, I have an important breakfast meeting tomorrow, and I'd planned to wear it.

A tuxedo for breakfast? Tuxedo? Yes.

You see, it's a meeting of the National Association of Headwaiters.

I'll be in touch.


I got it- the name of the other man- Roger Adiano.

And his address? A theater on East 4th Street.


So Elizabeth gave me a present.

So what? She was a friend.

A very intuitive friend to give you a tuxedo that you needed for this role.

So maybe I dropped a couple of hints.

So what's it to you, lady? Would you get out of my way? I am trying to put on my makeup.

Well, I have to fix my hair, don't I? Mr.

Adiano, could you possibly let me have a minute alone with you? You chicks go dress in the john.

You're kidding.

Come on, Roger.

Come on.

This is the star's dressing room, kids.


[Laughs Facetiously.]

"The star dressing room, kids.

" Roger, stick it in your ear.

Come on, honey, Let's get outta here.

So what do you want? Now I remember where I've seen you before.

Shakespeare in the Park.

I played Rosencrantz, understudied Hamlet.

I missed that performance.


I saw you in the lobby of the Castleton Hotel the day Elizabeth was m*rder*d.

Now I realize why she was so distracted.

She was supposed to meet you there.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

She was supposed to meet me there, but then you waylaid her with that auld lang syne.

I didn't feel like sticking around.

Because you didn't want Norman Amberson to see you.

Oh, he knew Liz and I used to have a thing goin'.

Used to? An expensive gift? A secret afternoon meeting? Oh, come on.

What difference did it make if she was seeing Amberson and me at the same time? She used to see dozens of guys.

She was in the business.


She was genuinely fond of Norman.

Yeah, yeah.

She liked the old guy, but she wanted some excitement, the kind he couldn't give her.

Nevertheless, she was going to marry him.

Like I told you, lady, she wanted to make the old guy happy.

And you accepted that situation? Me? I got Latin blood from three different countries.

I accepted nothin'.

I went wild.

I mean, I yelled at her.

I smashed things.

I wanted to throw everything in sight out the window.

Hey, you're not gonna pin her death on me.

I was talkin'about another time.

I didn't trash her apartment.

She came to my place when she left the hotel.

We made love, and she kissed me good-bye and went home.

It was the last time I saw her alive.

God help me.


All right.

That lipstick that I gave you.


That was a good idea.

An actor's makeup.

Real good, but- Yeah, but the lipstick didn't match.

Yeah, well, don't feel bad.

So far the smears on that painting don't match any brand of lipstick on the market, including the entire Lila Lee line.

I'm still checking the foreign brands.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't know you had company.


I was just leaving.

You've got a nice place here.

Yeah? Well, it's home.

A kitchen.

A window.

Real nice.

- If you ever wanna give this place up- - I'll keep you in mind.


I appreciate it.

See you later.


What'd he tell ya? Very little.

Is that what I think it is? Yeah.

I ran into a messenger downstairs.

This is for you, and here's a note.


I don't believe it.

That woman, she is still trying to pressure me into becoming a Lila Lee lady.

AuntJess? I may be crazy, but could this be the one we're looking for? Hmm.

It's close, but it's a little bit too pink.

"985 4322.

Tangerine Glow.

" Well, here's a complete sample list.

Well, it's not quite complete.

There's a number missing here.

You see, there's a 9854322 and a 9854320, but no 9854321.

Good afternoon.

My God! A Lila Lee lady.

Please excuse me for intruding, but, sir, I am turning to you in desperation.

When I was issued my Lila Lee sales kit, it included a shade of lipstick that drove my customers wild.

Every single one of them ordered 12 tubes.

But they've informed me that they can't fill the order because that number does not exist.


I know it exists.

What's the number? How did you get ahold of a tube of 9854321? Well, the question is, can I get more? Lots of it? No, madam.

That color's been discontinued.

Oh, but that can't be.

I'm afraid it is.

It's a shame too.

You see, I developed 9854321.

Called it Tangerine Twist.

Real nice shade.

Not too orangey.

Not too pink.

That's it exactly.

Couldn't pass the Lila Lee test.

The lady herself didn't like the way it looked on the rim of a white coffee cup.

Word came down for me to junk it, and that's what I did.

Every last tube.

Every tube? That's why I can't understand how you got one.

Only one slipped through that I knew of.

Some airhead photographer was going through the plant picking up this or that.

Be darned if he didn't make off with a tube of 9854321.

Said he was taking some pictures at a convention.


Congratulations, Rose.

Right up here.


And our next winner, ladies and gentlemen, is Shirley Hockhouser.

Oh, congratulations, Shirley! Congratulations, dear.

Now, my friends, from Juniper, North Carolina, little PeggyJoanne Gumpling! This is PeggyJoanne's first time in the Lilac Circle, so let's give her a big Lila Lee welcome! Whee! Is there somewhere we can talk? I've discovered who k*lled Elizabeth.


Can you hear that, PeggyJoanne? That's love with a capital "L," dear, as in Lila Lee, yes.

It's so exciting.

Thank you, ladies, and I love you all.

Oh, where would I be without you? Thank you.

Thank you.


[Distant Applause.]

Norman, I found the lipstick that the k*ller used to deface the painting- not the actual lipstick, but the source.

Not even the police lab could do that.

Because they were testing existing samples.

The smears on the painting came from a trial sample that was discontinued.

That's impossible.

If a color's discontinued, it's destroyed completely.

One tube wasn't.

I'd almost forgotten the incident.

A photographer had applied the wrong lipstick on a model.

Lila was furious, told him it wasn't to be used.

He gave her the lipstick, and she handed it to you.

You slipped it in your pocket.

I don't recall.

I'm sorry, Norman, but you do recall.

That was the only remaining tube ofTangerine Twist.

There's only one way it could've gotten to Elizabeth's portrait and only one person who could have put it there.

- Why would I have done that? - Was it perhaps triggered by that bill from Vinton's that your secretary insisted on calling your attention to? That was when you learned Elizabeth had purchased an item of clothing for another man.

You must've guessed who that other man was.

Someone Liz had promised never to see again.

Roger Adiano.

He's an actor.

Not very good.

Certainly not successful.

Just a boy.

Liz was out.

I used my key.

I thought I was just gonna wait for her, but that wasn't it.

That was a lie.

I wanted to look around in her things, even though I was afraid of what I was going to find.

It wasn't much, just trifles she had forgotten to throw out.

The program from an off-off-Broadway play.

I remember now.

It was on the floor near the overturned coffee table.

I didn't bother to destroy it.

It was meaningless to anybody but me.

To you it meant Elizabeth had broken a promise.

She'd gone to see Roger Adiano in a play and had probably bought him a gift.

I could see them in my mind- just a flash.

Then all the pictures came back of her with all the other men.


It snapped- turned right around.

I hated her.

I hated the woman I loved.


I wanted to destroy her, blot her face out of my memory.

I was looking around for something to use on the portrait.

I couldn't find my pocket Kn*fe.

I found the lipstick in my pocket.

And when she came in and found me, I could see f