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12x13 - Death Goes Double Platinum

Posted: 08/07/22 07:13
by bunniefuu
Tonight on m*rder, She Wrote.

You did tell me that you were
looking for a new Latin sound.

Come on! You know what it
takes to get national airplay.

I won't do business
with that scumbag!

She was fantastic.

Wanna ruin the evening?

Honest. He's nothing
to me anymore.

What in heaven's name do
you have to be forgiven for?

You stay away from her, Aguilar!

Damn macho pride!
It'll get one of us k*lled!

Why would he try to k*ll Desi?

You take the one
man outta the picture,

and it sinks without a trace.



Whoo! Love that five chord, man!

A little groove is
good for the soul.

Makes the melody wanna breathe.

Isn't that right, Mr. Producer?

Right. You're the
Pied Piper, Desi.

You lead the way.

Is that you, Jessica?

That's right, Desi.

How could I miss
the exotic perfume!


Listen, I've got some good news.

I twisted a couple of arms, and you have
the school sound lab to mix the new CD.

Whoo! Oh, boy!

right! You did it!

Hey, didn't I tell you, man?

Sam, what do you know about
a digital sound compressor?

Only everything. That's
pretty awesome, Mrs. Fletcher.

Bet I can make even these
guys sound sensational.


(LAUGHS) Well, they didn't
sound too shabby on the single.

Tell her, Sis.

Filomina broke the
top 100 this week.

And climbing!

And that's just
by word of mouth.

No promotion, no
publicity, nothing.

Hey, wait a minute. The music
have anything to do with it?


Hi, guys. BOTH: Hi.

Hey! Hello, Amy.

Hi, Jessica.

You look great. Oh, thanks!

(LAUGHS) Oh, I feel
like a beached whale.


AMY: How'd it go?

Grooving as usual. Come
on, we gotta drop Jessica off.

And there's still time to catch
a Knicks game. Come on!

Ah, of course. Oh.

Okay. Come on.

So what's this you've
got going with Luiz?

He says you're spouting
español like a native.


No way. He's helping me
to put a little Latin flavor

into a story that I'm writing.

And I managed to finagle
the rehearsal facility

and also to help
him with his grammar

in his courses
at the university.

Something we can
do for you, mister?

Mrs. Ortega? Yes.

Mr. Daniels would like a
word with your husband.

Oh. Well, I'm sorry...



I'd recognize that
choirboy voice anywhere.

Desi, we've gotta get home.

It's okay, dear. Just
drop Jessica off.

I'll be home before you are.

Let's go, Culligan.


I've been married
to Desi for six years

and I've never met that man,

least of all this Mr. Daniels.


What's Love Got To Do With It?

You tell me, Max.

Last time we saw each other,

Tina was top of the
charts with that song. Huh?

People tell me you're still in
Brooklyn, same crummy neighborhood.

Why would I want to
move? Change of scenery?


So, you parking cars now
instead of stealing them?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
It's called diversification.

Nah, man. Actually, I own
this garage and a dozen others.

You didn't bring me here
to talk about old times, right?

No, man. I need your help.

I want to get back into
the music business, Des.

Max, industry has changed.

No, this is strictly
legit. All right?

Now, I've been following
the play on Filomina.

You've got some, what, kid
record producer, Alex Lebron?

DESI: Yeah. Alex is gonna
add some more of my stuff,

roll it into a CD
on his own label.

DANIELS: Yeah, I heard,
Moontide. Desi, come on.

You know what it takes
to get national airplay.

The money, the contacts.
This kid can't cut it.

I can guarantee you double
platinum by the end of the year.

I've already signed
with Alex, Max.

I'll handle that.

Listen, I had my lawyers draw
up an agreement. Here. Take this.

Have your boys look at it.
Trust me, you'll like the terms.

Too late.

Two of the biggest record chains
say they've gotta have the CD.

Well, you know how that
could change overnight, Des.

All right? You got a wife now.

You're gonna be a father soon.

Get me home, Culligan man.


Luiz Decalde plays bass
guitar for the group, right?

No. Forget it.

Luiz and I were friends
once, now he hates my guts.

Okay. What about the sister?

You went together and
she walked out on you.

What? You still
messed up over her?

She's got it on with
Alex Lebron now.


I want to know
what Lebron is up to.

And I want that Filomina single
deader than the eight-track cartridge.

That'll cost.

I'll cover.

Come on.

ALEX: It's crazy. Two days ago
two of the biggest record chains

were bugging me for
more copies of Filomina,

then all of a sudden they want five
grand each just to place the record.

I take it that that
means placing it

where buyers will see
it and, hopefully, buy it.

What happens if you don't
come up with the money?

They'll bury Filomina
in the basement.

It's gotta be that sleazoid, Max
Daniels, that Desi ran into last night.


Oh, listen, I've got
a class right now.

But it strikes me that you
guys could do with some advice.

(LAUGHS) You know, I've got
a friend in the music business.

Maybe he could help.

Cool. Your friend
talks, I'll listen.

Well, I'll be in touch.

Chill out, man.
We'll find a way.

Luiz, you know who
handles things for Daniels.

Yeah, Tomas Aguilar.

Yeah. You and Aguilar
were good buddies once.

Yeah, and he dated my
sister, too. What is with you?

He and I are finished!

You're marrying my sister
Patricia. You think I'd...

I'm sorry, man. Really.

It's just that I've
worked so hard for this.

You don't wanna
lose it. You think I do?

I'm late for work.

Patricia, please! Just
listen for a moment.

We have nothing to discuss,
Tomas, and you're hurting my arm.

I'm here to help you, Patricia.

Alex's group is not
gonna make it, believe me!

Oh, because you and your
pig of a boss paid off the stores.

You call that helping?

It won't stop Alex
or Desi Ortega.

You are so wrong. His label's
never gonna fly, I promise you.

Tomas, I...

Look, it's not gonna
change anything, all right.

So, I hear it's
you and Alex now.

What, are you two
gonna get married?

Okay. So, I can get
him on board right now

as Max's A&R man at 200
thou a year, plus a piece.

Forget it.

I am trying to do
something for you, damn it!

You know, for some reason I can't
stop thinking about what we had, baby.

And I'm the only woman
who ever walked out on you.

Deal with it, Tomas.

Hey, Tricia!

We were fated, you and me.

No way we'll be
separated for long.

You'll see.

Hello, Jessica. Wilson.


Wilson, it's been too long.

What? Maybe five years.

You know, Iza,

sounds like some of your husband's
talent rubbed off on your son.

Pablo was a good
teacher. You two enjoy.

Uh, Wilson,

you did tell me that you were
looking for a new Latin sound.

And, well, as little as I know
about the music business, I...

You know what you like, right?


I think they have
something fresh.

Hey, they let you
off work early, Trish?

I was fired.


SAM: Let me guess, you had a
skirmish with the store manager?

(SIGHS) He took
Filomina out of the front

and he hid it in the
easy-listening section.

I told him where he could go.

(LAUGHS) I'll bet.

I mean, you knew
he'd been paid off.

Why would you
bother taking him on?

Oh, my Irish temper.

You know what?

A couple of weeks, Filomina
will be number one with a b*llet,

you and Alex will get married,

we'll make the CD,
everybody'll be rich and famous.

Hmm, great lyrics.
Play it again, Sam.

Oh, you were right, Jess.

Ortega is a special
talent with a new angle.

But you'd better tell them a CD
is a whole different ball game.

It would take careful marketing.

Which they don't
have. Listen, Wilson,

they're gonna lay down some
test tracks here on Thursday night.

I'm invited, and on the
off-chance that you're free, I...

I wouldn't miss
it for the world.

Besides, it'll give me a chance to
find out what Machiavellian plot-line

brings you to the music
business all of a sudden.


7:30? I'll look forward to it.


(CHUCKLES) I owe you big time.

Oh. You don't owe
me anything, Luiz.

Wilson Sloane built
Paragram Records from scratch

just spotting new talent, which,
incidentally, included your dad.

With Mr. Sloane in, I mean,
who needs Max Daniels?

Listen, Wilson isn't
in by a long shot.


All I can promise you for sure is that
you'll get a fair appraisal from Wilson.

Thanks. Okay.

Well? Looking good, Alex.

Hey, Desi, you think I came on
a little too strong in the bridge?

You think I ought to lay
back and enjoy the scenery?

I want you two flunkies
outta here right now.

Ma, let me handle this, please.

Excuse me, Mom.

Desi, think about
what we discussed?

I didn't have to, Max.

Like I said before,
Alex is my man.

There's your
answer. Now, get out.

How about you, Lebron? Did you
give some thought to Max's offer?

What offer you talking about?

What? Patricia didn't
give you my message?

Patricia? (SIGHS)

Tomas and I ran
into each other today.

He told me they want
to buy you out with a job.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't think you'd wanna
hear something like that.

You stay away from her, Aguilar!

Cool it, Alex!

Remember what
I told you, Patricia.

You know what
you should do, Desi.



Are we walking home tonight?

Wise guy, the car's
on the next level.





You okay?


WOMAN: Taxi! Taxi!

You've gotta help me knock
some sense into this man, Jessica.

He won't admit that a real life
hood has come into our lives.

I've known Max
since we were kids.

He may be crooked
but he's no k*ller.

Yeah. But there's
something wrong, though.

I mean, if this Daniels character
wants the group so badly,

why would he try to k*ll Desi?

I'm begging you, meet
him halfway, talk to him!

Twenty years I've
been writing and playing,

and it's like nobody's
been listening.

Now, bam! All of a
sudden it's here for me.

You think I'm gonna give that bloodsucker
any share of what's yours and mine?

Damn macho pride!
It'll get one of us k*lled!

No. I won't do business
with that scumbag!

A foot either way last night,
and you could've bought it!

Or we could've lost our baby!

You idiot!


I forgot.

It's not fair not being
able to walk out on you.

I'm sorry.

Go on. Go on
ahead. I'll take a cab.

Amy, have you thought about
going out of town for a spell?

At least until the
CD's finished?



If he's not budging,
then I'm not either.

MAN: Yo! Taxi!

DANIELS: I been told that
little punk, Luiz Decalde,

is gabbing all over the place about
how the Ortega group's out of trouble.

What's that all about?

Wilson Sloane came
into the picture yesterday.

Word around is he might
pick up Desi's group.

Sloane's the creep that put
me away in the Payola hearings.

Not much you can
do about it, Max.

Paragram's the third biggest
record label in the country.

Yeah, and Moontide
is a one-man operation.

But you take the one
man out of the picture,

and it sinks without a trace.

Then Desi Ortega'd
be so terrified

that he and his wife
are gonna be next,

he'll beg me to sign them.

What are you talking about?

Are you talking
about whacking Alex?

Scaring him like
we did, that's okay,

but k*lling the guy?

Did I say that?
I didn't say that.

But if it happens, I don't see
you crying in your beer anymore.

And with Lebron out of our way,

well, that's open season
for Patricia Decalde again.

Max, if anything happens to Alex,
she's gonna blame me for it, okay.

Maybe for a day or a week,
but you'll help her get over it.

Come on.

Think twice before you
get your detective character

too hung up on criminalistics

like DNA and forensic medicine.

If that sounds strange coming
from a homicide detective,

insightful observation
of character and place

move a plot much more excitingly

than the results of an autopsy.


Oh, thank you, Lieutenant.

That was informative
and amusing as usual.




You know, it's strange that you
should ask about Max Daniels

'cause our rackets division's
been working overtime

trying to figure out what
his current agenda is.

As you can see, he's got a
rap sheet as long as your arm.

I'll say. Three
years for grand theft,

extortion, payola,
among other things.

I couldn't find anything
on his boy Aguilar.

He's got a rep but no record
so far. That's the good news.


Special Detail has
reason to believe

that Daniels is bringing in an
out-of-town mechanic to do a special job.


Show-off! How do you do that?


The art of Zen archery
adapted to the lowly dart.

So, you didn't come down
here to watch me throw darts,

what's up, brother?

I've been hearing things.

The way Daniels and
his people do business?

You're putting more on the
line than me, Luiz and the group.

What's your point?

What I'm saying is as
far as I'm concerned,

you're off the hook
with me and Moontide.

Stop right there.

Just whose hook do
you think this is, anyway?

Oh, come on, Desi,

there'll be other opportunities.

Don't give me opportunities.

I'm doing what I'm doing for me.

Twenty years of
lousy lounge gigs,

and in all that time, two people
really showed me where they stood.

Amy and you.

I ain't letting either
of you off of my hook.

Look, I haven't come this far

to let some lowlifes like
Daniels and Aguilar scare me off.


AMY: Hey, Alex,
call for you line two.


Alex Lebron. Yeah.

Have we met before, Mr. Updike?

Of course I'm interested.
Where and when?

Well, how's my
place in the Village?

It's 13 Whitman, Apartment 3A.

6:30? Good.

If you call it
off, you still pay.

My cell phone
number is 173-2424.

I won't need it.

What was that all about?

Some guy called Updike
wants to get together

to talk about
investing in Moontide.

But who needs him if Jessica
will deliver Wilson Sloane?

This guy's some
kind of entrepreneur.

There's no harm
in talking with him.

All right. Just don't
be late for the show.

Okay, papi. All right.

The ice machine's busted. Tell
Roberta she'll have to make do out here.

Great. Good timing.

Hey, Ma, you like?

Fantastic. Except
you have three hours.

Take it off before
it gets wrinkled.


Get that for me,
will you, angel?


I told you not to...

Just shut up, Patricia.

I think you better listen
to what I've got to say.

Who was that?

Uh, wrong number.

Where you going?

I've gotta do something.

Mr. Sloane, you're way early.

It's about three
hours to showtime.

I'm here to see your
mother, Luiz, if she's here?

Oh. Ah.

Hey, Wilson.

Luiz, can you leave
us for a minute?


Look, I know you're busy,
getting ready to open tonight,

so I'll come right to the point.

Word around has it that Max Daniels
has his fingers in the Ortega pie.

I want to know how deep.

He's been sniffing around.
That's what you heard, right?

Not exactly.

What? You think I'm
keeping something from you?

Daniels got nowhere,

and if you don't believe that, you can
go back to Paragram. We don't need you.

Let's face it, Iza, Paragram hardly
needs the Ortega group either.

Especially if they're soiled by
the likes of someone like Daniels.

Now, your husband would have
never been involved with scum like that.

I'm here partly because Pablo...

Pablo was your discovery, your
first big break in the business.

And I owe it to him to see that
his son does not get seduced

by the kind of shortcomings
that Daniels offers.

Luiz is Pablo's son.

Does that answer your question?

Good enough.

See you tonight, Iza.

We have three minutes left.

Right now Alex should be
arriving at an address in the Village,

believing he is to meet
a man called Updike

willing to put money
into Moontide Records.

It's called a set-up.

Alex will have his
throat cut in a mugging.

Oh, my God.

His only hope is with me.

And you.

I know what you want, Tomas.

Make the call.




AGUILAR: I'm speaking
for Max Daniels.

He's changed his mind.

The hit's off. Got it.

Good evening.

How are you?

Alex is safe.

To us, querida.

Well, is everybody comfortable?

Oh, yes!

Just a few more
minutes, Mr. Sloane.

Anybody seen Patricia?

I don't think we have.
Try to relax now, Iza.

It's a great crowd, let
the music do the rest.

Yeah, you're right, Jessica.

Alex, what are those
people doing here?

Alex, maybe the best thing
is to get the show on the road.


We're full. Reservations only.

I think you'll find we have a
front row table, Señora Decalde,

reserved by Mr. Culligan,
here. Excuse me.

It's been a while, Sloane.

You must be J.B. Fletcher.

You know, Jess, Max
doesn't seem to remember

the last time we were
in a room together.

It was a witness holding
room in the federal building.

I got a long memory
for that day, Sloane.

And, I suspect, Mr. Daniels,
a very short memory

for the reason that you were in
the federal building in the first place.

Excuse us. MALE M.C.:
Ladies and gentlemen,

please welcome Desi
Ortega and his band.


Thank you. Thank you very much!

Welcome to Casino
Decalde, ladies and gentlemen!

First off to get you in the mood

with lighting magic from our
technical wizard, Sam DeSoto.


A little something
called San Juan Nights.


(WHOOPS) Come on, Desi!

All right, baby! Whoo!


Where'd you disappear to?

There was something I had to do.

ALEX: Did you invite him?

Please don't ask me
any questions right now.

I don't have to.

She was fantastic.

You wanna ruin the evening?

Everything you and
my son have worked for?


Any other night I'd
have you kicked out.

Behave yourself or get out.

I'm really sorry
about this, Wilson.

Oh, not to worry, Jess.

You should've been at the
party for the last Aerosmith album.

You got some nerve
showing up here.

What, did she fry
your brains as well?

I got to thinking. Lebron
gets wasted like that,

guess who they're
gonna come after.

Bull! You traded with her.

You're dead, Tomas.

Sir, would you be careful not to
touch the cables by your chair, please?




Whoo! Desi!

Thank you very much.

Thank you!

And for our next number,

this is something I wrote a few
months ago. You may have heard it.

It's called Filomina.




Mr. Aguilar?


The death was
apparently instantaneous

and the first indications are it
was due to a puncture wound

which entered the dorsal area

approximately 10 centimeters
below the base of the neck.

And the w*apon, the w*apon
has not as yet been recovered.

So, you say for a period
of, what, a month and a half,

you had a relationship
with Mr. Aguilar?

How did that end?

Okay, I guess.

And you haven't seen him since?

ALEX: Look, she's gone
through that already.

Why don't you just
leave her alone?

Thank you, Miss Decalde.

The creep is looking like
he actually offed Aguilar.

He didn't?

You know something I don't know?

Thank you.

Very unconventional opening.

Hey, it's one hell of a group.

Give me a call when
things settle down.

Thanks, I will.

Jess, you about ready to go?

You go ahead,
Wilson. And thanks.

I'm really sorry.

Oh. Until that time.


Everybody says that Aguilar
had to have been k*lled

during some kind
of blackout effect.

What kind of timeframe was that?

JESSICA: Oh, I'd say
a good 10 seconds.

Maybe a little
longer, Mrs. Fletcher.

The board's old.

I can't bump up the lights too fast
or I'll blow every circuit in the joint.

ESPOSITO: Ten seconds for
the k*ller to find Aguilar in the dark,

go for the k*ll.

Must have had awfully good eyes.

Jess, you need a ride home?

Oh, thanks, Amy.
I'll be right with you.

Lieutenant, just
before the blackout,

I remember seeing an ice pick

on that service
table right there.

Hey, Spirus,

tell everyone we may
be looking for an ice pick.

Of course, the perpetrator
would've had plenty of time to dump it

almost anyplace before
my people got here.

Well, good night,
Abbe, and good luck.

(SIGHS) Thanks, Jess.

I'll ask you one time, Patricia.

What was that about
between Alex and Tomas?

Nothing, mami.

Don't tell me nothing!

You think I don't have eyes?

It had to do with you!

Stop yelling at her, Ma.

Never did you any good
to yell at either one of us.

I gotta know, Patricia.

I didn't k*ll him, Ma, if
that's what you're asking.


No more questions.

What about you, Luiz? Ma.

You had a better
reason than anybody.

If I wanted to k*ll somebody, it
would have been Daniels, not Tomas.

What are you doing?

Of the three of us here, you
hated his guts more than anybody.

Okay, then.

Nobody asks any
questions, nobody talks.

We stick together.

Come on. Lock
up. Get some sleep.

Come on, Sis,
I'll walk you home.

It's gonna be
okay, Mrs. Decalde.

Yeah, sure.

Come on, Sis, we've
shared since we were kids.

Remember that time I broke
into old man Rizzo's store

and I stole that
pair of sneakers?

(LAUGHS) I brought them home
and showed them to you all proud,

and you told me I had to
return them or you'd tell Ma.

A fate worse than death.

You still refused.

You haven't forgotten who put
them back in Rizzo's store, though.

You were the lookout.

Come on.

We've always shared. This is no
time to start holding out on each other.

This time it's different, Luiz.

I've done something that
can't be put back like that.

I can't even look at you without
thinking you'll despise me for it.

Then I gotta know, while maybe
there's still something we can do about it.

What are you doing
here, Decalde?

I could ask you
the same question.

Judge Brinkerhoff is
never gonna forgive me

for waking him at
2:00 in the morning,

but I have a warrant to search.

As of now you're off limits.
I asked you a question.

Tomas and I were friends, I've
always had a key to the apartment.

I just came by to pick up
some personal things, that's all.

What personal things?

I don't want to answer any more
questions until I talk to my lawyer.

Book him. Conspiracy.

Come on. Let's go.

Lebron, you got 10 minutes
for the deal of a lifetime?

Get off my back.

Come on.

ALEX: It's too late. I'm
already talking with Paragram.

election year, pal. Huh?

The lily-whites from Washington

are looking to
clean up something,

and this time around
it's the music business.

Paragram won't budge until
Aguilar's m*rder's off the books.

Yeah. I'd be crazy to do a deal

with Aguilar's k*ller
now, wouldn't I?

Oh, don't give me that, man.

You had the
strongest motive of all

after your girlfriend
saved your skin.

My girlfriend what?

What are you talking about?

You lucked out, man.

Yesterday, you were supposed
to have a meeting in the Village,

6:30 with a man named Updike.

So? It was a set-up.

You were dead meat
until Tomas called it off.

Next time he won't be
around to save your hide.

What does Patricia
gotta do with that?

What does it matter? Huh?

Listen, you're still gonna
need a silent partner, right?

Whatever Sloane
offered you, I'll match.

You got 24 hours.

I'll think about it, okay?

Obviously, I'm not
getting through to you.

I said I'll think about it.

You think hard.

Hello, Richie. Yes,
send her up, please.

(EXHALES) That was Lieutenant
Esposito with my statement to sign.

Maybe we can clear
up a few things with her.

It was silly to have lied to the police
about being in Tomas' apartment yesterday.

I should've known Luiz
would get himself into trouble.

But I'm not sorry for what
happened with Tomas.

Only that I'll lose
Alex because of it.

I can't bear
thinking about that.

He means so much to me.

But how can you ever lose him?

You saved his life.

Oh, you don't understand Alex, his
pride, his temper. He'll never forgive me.


What in heaven's name do
you have to be forgiven for?

I mean, if he doesn't see that,

well, then he doesn't
deserve you in the first place.


There she is now.

Oh, come in, Abbe.

I was on my way downtown,

I thought I'd save you the trip.

Your statement. Sign it
and I'll get out of your hair.

You know Patricia.

Miss Decalde. Lieutenant.

We were just talking
about Patricia's brother Luiz.

Naturally, the family
is very concerned.

Luiz has been released.

Oh. That's good news.

ESPOSITO: I'm afraid I'm not
here with good news, Jessica.

It's not Luiz you should
have been concerned about.


I stopped by here on my way
down to the club to see you, Patricia.

You lied to me when you said
you had not seen Tomas Aguilar.

At some time yesterday, you had
drinks with him in his apartment.

I'm sure that Patricia has a
reasonable explanation and...

Jessica. Please.

Your hunch about the
ice pick was right on.

We found it in the
gutter outside the club.

With Aguilar's
blood and tissue on it

and no other fingerprints on
it but yours and the waitress.

I'd appreciate it if you'd
go see Ma for me, Jessica.

She's gonna go crazy.

You tell her I'll be all right?

Of course.

IZA: It all begins and ends
with that animal Aguilar!

From the day I first saw him,

and Patricia started
seeing the creep,

like any good mother I told her.

Am I wrong, Luiz?

I told her, "Stay away
from him, he's no good."

Ma, you're getting
yourself all worked up.

They're not gonna be able
to pin anything on Trish.

Iza, you'll think much
clearer after a bath and a nap.

I'll stay in touch with
Lieutenant Esposito.

Jessica's right. Come on.

You know how a
bath calms you down.

DESI: This lieutenant friend of
yours is way off base, Jessica.

She was hassling me last night.

If I would have k*lled anyone,

it would've been
Daniels, not Aguilar.

Better she should have
heard that from you, Desi.

It didn't take.

(SIGHS) I could have k*lled
Aguilar with my eyes closed.

JESSICA: Of course.

You could've jumped
down off the bandstand,

grabbed the ice pick
that you'd never seen...

Unless someone told me about it.

Found Aguilar...

Oh, yes. Follow my nose.
Lousy cigarette smell.



you have extraordinary
sensory abilities.


Smell, sound, touch.

Oh, I'll get that.

Think back to last night,

to the end of the first number.

Can you remember
any voices you heard

or sounds during those moments?

(SIGHS) All right.

Let me try.


Couple of deep breaths

shut everything out
but my heartbeat.



Wait a minute.

I did hear a strange sound.


I'd placed Aguilar earlier so it
must have come from where he was.

It sounded like Velcro
being pulled apart.


Then people started clapping.

A lot of noise.

No, no, that's it.

Jessica, your doorman Richie says
Alex Lebron is there looking for you.

Do me a favor, have
Richie keep him there.

If you think of anything
else, Desi, please call me.

I will. Okay.

ALEX: Luiz told me
Patricia had been arrested.

The pain she must
be going through.

I lost it. I didn't know where
else to come but here and wait.

Well, I'm glad
that you did, Alex.

And the best thing that you
could do now is to go and see her.

Now, I will try to find Lieutenant
Esposito and arrange it.

I know if I was in her shoes,
I wouldn't want to see me.

(SIGHS) I have a
hunch it'll be okay, Alex.

Maybe you know more than I
do about what really went down.

But I know I love
her too much to care.

Oh, boy, does Patricia
need to hear that right now.

Listen, you go on
down to the station.

I will locate Lieutenant
Esposito and clear the way.

Thanks, Mrs. Fletcher.




Yes. This is J.B. Fletcher.

I have to reach Lieutenant
Esposito. It is very urgent.

One moment, please.

Thank you.

Yeah, well, you know, it's
after visiting hours, Jess.

But for you I will make
the arrangements.

Like Velcro being pulled apart.

What's up with you, girl?

I've never heard romantic love

described in quite
that way before.

Abbe, forget about going home.

I think I know who
m*rder*d Tomas Aguilar.

I'll need your help.

Name it, Jess. Name it.

IZA: Yeah, you
were right, Jessica.

I'm feeling a whole lot better.

Sure, no problem, we'll be here.

That was Jessica.

She wants to come down and
listen to the tapes of last night's gig.

You mind hanging in here?

Of course not.

Gin, old buddy.

Tapes are in the back. I'll
go set them up for her, okay.

Excuse me.


What do you think
is on those tapes?

Music, Ma, what else?


JESSICA: Cue it up to the end of
the group's first number last night, Sam.


Stop it right there.

At this point, Aguilar is dead.

This afternoon, Desi Ortega
recalled hearing an odd noise

during the last
moments of that number.

Now, he compared it to the
sound of Velcro being separated.

I didn't hear anything.

You think someone
edited the tape?

I didn't hear anything, either.

But the cops have hi-tech
gizmos to detect a deletion.

I'm quite sure that Desi
hears things the rest of us don't.

Even with the best technology.

Jessica, I already
have a daughter in jail.

Ma, you've got something
on your mind, what is it?

What's on my mind, Luiz, has
to do with another kind of tape.

I understand the latest lighting
boards have built-in illumination.

But on the older
models, like this one here,

Sam has to use
phosphorescent tape

so that he can find the
dimmers during a blackout.

Just as you did last night, Sam.

Yeah. Yeah.

You're making it sound
really important all of a sudden.

I believe it is.

Earlier this evening,

I was reminded that when you
remove tape from some surfaces,

it frequently makes an odd sound

like the one that Desi
remembers hearing.

And sometimes it even leaves
a tiny piece of itself behind.

Dim the lights, Sam,
and let's see if I'm right.

The remains of the tape is
still just where you put it, Sam.

On the back of Aguilar's chair.

You're sounding like I had
something to do with the m*rder.

Yes. I'm afraid so.

In the darkness, you were
the only person in the room

who knew how to find
a way to Tomas Aguilar.

I remembered, last night,

you spoke to him about the
electric cables close to his chair.

Sir, would you be careful not to
touch the cables by your chair, please?

JESSICA: You must have had a piece
of phosphorescent tape in your hand then

and placed it on the chair back
where you'd see it in the dark.

I also recall you were wearing
a scarf around your neck.

But after the m*rder,
the scarf was missing.

I expect you used it to
hold the m*rder w*apon.

We got a warrant and found
this in your laundry, Mr. DeSoto.

If Mrs. Fletcher is right,

Forensics will find blood
and fiber traces on it.

I've loved Patricia as
long as I can remember.

But she loved Alex.

You know, as long as she
was happy, that was okay.

But then Aguilar
came back into her life.

And he started tearing
her apart like he did.

I was close enough to
him and Alex last night.

Close enough to
hear what he said.

She was fantastic!

AGUILAR: Get off me! Get off!

You wanna ruin the evening?

Close enough to know
what he'd done to her.

I wouldn't bear that.

Sam, I know you
did that for all of us,

but what you did was wrong.

We'll always be
there for you, Sam.


Sloane called this morning

and Paragram have agreed to
distribute your CD on their Moontide label.

All right!

Thanks, Jessica.

And Lieutenant
Esposito says that the

police have caught up
with Daniels' hit man.

He's talking. So
Daniels and Culligan

are facing charges of
conspiracy and extortion.


What is it?

I think the baby's coming.

Oh, my God! Let's go!

Remember your Lamaze.
A deep breath. Now.

I'll call an ambulance.

better hurry, Alex.

DESI: Ooh! Go
gentle, little fellow!

Your mother can handle herself.

What do you mean "little
fellow"? I told you it's a girl!

With your cute nose and
my even temperament!