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South by Southwest (1997)

Posted: 08/07/22 07:48
by bunniefuu



Who's in charge here?

You got him.


Oh, the victim's ID
pegged him as some kind...

Peter Hayward.
We know who he is.

So what is going on?

That's classified.

BARTLES: Who's that?

It's the witness.
She saw the k*ller.

Is that right?

And the k*ller saw her.

What's her name?

Uh, Sarah McLeish.


Mrs. McLeish?
My name is Bartles.

He saw me.

Who did?

The man who k*lled...

Can you describe him for me?

(STAMMERING) I don't like
standing here... All these people...

I understand.

Maybe you'd feel safer
talking in the car? Come.


No. Quiet, Hannibal.

Let's talk in the car.


I'm visiting Los Angeles and I
was walking Hannibal and, um...

You know, if Hannibal hadn't been
with me, he might have k*lled me, too.

You don't have to
worry about that now.

We'll look after you.

In, Hannibal.


I want round-the-clock
protection on this woman.

Yes, sir. What's
your take on this?

If she's the sole witness
and he knows she saw him.

If you were the k*ller,
what would you do?

ANNOUNCER: Amtrak Sunset Limited
leaving for El Paso and points east.

Track 12.

All aboard!

Oh, my goodness.
Oh, we're late. Hurry!

My only love.

Good-bye, Boris.


Oh! Hold it!
I'm going on this train!

You're gonna have
to hurry, ma'am,

because the Sunset Limited
leaves in about two minutes.

Ah, yes, I know. And I'm so sorry
but I just have to get this on board.

ANNOUNCER: Amtrak Coast
Starlight departing for Seattle.

Track 9.

I'll just put it
in the corner here.

Yeah. Uh, perhaps over there
would be better.

It needs to be rather
cool and dry.

Cool and dry?

Now that...
That will be just perfect.


Oh, my goodness, I'm
glad that animal is caged.

So am I.

We don't carry animals but
they said to load him anyway.

The owner said it's been
trained to attack strangers.

And I wanna make
sure I'm not one of 'em.



Oh, my!
This is very cozy!

Our deluxe sleeper.

Oh, I'm sure I'll be
very comfortable.

It's a long time
since I took this train.

Almost 30 years.

The bed is in here, ma'am.

And this is...

Oh, yes. I can see.

Are you going all the way
to Florida, ma'am?

No. Just to El Paso.

I almost forgot.

Would you like the first
sitting or the second sitting

for supper this evening?
6:30 or 8:30?

I think the second sitting
will be fine.

I had a late lunch.

And your name is?

Mrs. Fletcher.

May you have a peaceful
journey, Mrs. Fletcher.

Thank you.

This doesn't seem
to be working, Millie.

Turn it the otherway, dear.

The... The key?

Are you sure?


Oh, dear, I'm terribly sorry.

Uh, we thought this was C-16.

Oh, no.
This is C-12.

We got confused,
didn't we, Jack?


They all look the same.

Uh, well, actually, the numbers
are right next to the door.

Oh, of course, they are, Jack.


Uh, did you look down
in that direction?

Uh, I think I saw 16 down there.

Nice to meet you.

Well, uh... Bye.



Thank you.

Good evening, Madam.

Are you waiting for
someone? No. Just me.

Oh. Well, if you don't mind
sharing atable...

Oh, not at all.

Oh, hi!
Hello, again!

Isn't this train wonderful?

Jack was just saying it was just
like an old movie, weren't you, Jack?

That's right!
Yes, it is.

Good evening.
Maybe over there?

Oh, would you...

WAITER: I trust that this
will be comfortable? Perfect.

I'll get you a menu
right away. Thank you.

Good evening.

Good evening.

My name is Jessica Fletcher.

Uh, Judy Taylor.


This way, sir.

So, after Steven died, I...

I wasn't comfortable for the
longest time traveling alone.

Has that ever bothered you?

Oh, |won't say that but, uh,
I guess you get used to it.

And on the positive side, you meet
a lot of interesting people that way.

Well, I have tonight.


Anyhow, I haven't seen my little
nephew, Charlie, well, since I left Denver

and that was almost a year ago.

But I'm afraid of flying
so here I am.

And where does Charlie live?

Uh, Sanford, Florida.


They seem to be
having a good time.


I think so.

Maybe too good a time,
if you know what I mean?

Now, Millie.

I think the young one's that tennis
player, the one all the women chase after.

Yeah. He played at
Wimbledon last year. Ah.

I don't know who the other
man with him is though.

He seems familiar to me.

I don't think they knew each
other before they got on the train.


Why are you laughing?

Well, it seems that we have
something in common, Judy.

We both like observing people,

trying to see the truth
behind the facade.


Have you ladies made
a decision about dinner?

Oh, thank you!

Let's see, I'll have the, uh, garden
salad vinaigrette to start with,

baked swordfish with
shitake mushroom sauce

and a bottle of your Chardonnay.

WAITER: Very good, sir.

You never even thought about
going back to the altar?

(LAUGHS) I usually say that I'm
having too much fun to get married again.

But the truth is, there's never been
anyone that could fill Frank's shoes.

That's what I thought until...


Oh, who would've thought
that a romantic cabin

next to a babbling brook would
make it happen the second time.

Well, I'm very happy for you.

Oh, thanks.

So, Jessica,
where are you heading?

Well, I have to give
a lecture in El Paso,

so I thought I'd
take the opportunity

to study some of the local
desert flowers along the way.

I say study.

Actually, I am no expert.

And what are you going to do with
these flowers when you find them?

Oh, I'll probably,
um, collect them,

make some notes.

And they'll probably end up,
as they usually do,

in a novel of mine.

Does that mean you're a writer?

I'm afraid so.

I... I'm sorry. I should
have recognized your name.

I'm just afraid
I don't read many books.

Oh, that's quite all right.

Luckily, there are quite
a few people who do.

But I must read something of
yours. What is it you write about?

I write about m*rder.


Oh, I'm so sorry.
How clumsy of me.

No problem.

No harm done.

I should go change.

Um, if the waiter comes,
would you just tell him

to leave my dinner and
I'll be right back? Oh, sure.



Mrs. Taylor?

Mrs. Taylor?

MAN: ls there a Mrs.
Judy Taylor in the car?

I have a message
for a Mrs. Judy Taylor.

Is there a Mrs. Judy
Taylor in the car?


Excuse me, I... I'm not.

Excuse me.

I think I'd better pay for both.

Oh, you don't have to
pay now, ma'am.

Um, you just leave
your voucher with me,

write down your
compartment number,

and settle up at the
end of the journey.

The other lady already
gave me her number.

Oh, well, then I'll do that.

So you have my friend's voucher?

Yes, ma'am.

May I see it?



Thank you.


I'm sorry.

It's not easy getting
around on these things.

I'm looking for somewhere
to sneak a smoke.


I'm so sorry.
I wasn't looking!

It's my fault.

Oh, that's very kind of you
to say so, Mr...

Uh, Cadrescu.
Of course!

You're Boris Cadrescu,

the tennis coach on the
Romanian national team.

I resigned.

Your newspaper reports
are not always accurate.

You know, since
government left power,

Romania can no longer support
sports in the same way.

I'm sure.

Well, I suppose every freedom
comes at a price.

Sometimes I believe we pay too high
price for this precious American freedom.

dr*gs, crime.

These are things we never saw
in our country with communists.

And you're working here now?

No, not yet.

But it will be soon, I know.

Excuse me.



MAN: Yeah. Over there!

One of the passengers
pulled the emergency.

I heard they saw
someone fall from the train.

Oh, my goodness!

It's rather difficult to fall by
accident, I would have thought,

unless the door was open.

But why would the door be open?

Mark, everything okay?

MARK: Got it.

Yeah. All clear back here.

Find anything?
No. Not here.

False alarm.
MAN 1: Clear.

MAN 2: This side's clear.

MAN 2: Okay. Yeah, I'll do it.

MAN 1: Nothing in the rear.

MAN 3: Okay. I think we've
got it. We've got it. We did that.

Check 100 yards down.

MAN 2: Hey, watch out
for the snakes!

MAN 3: Check that out.
Right over there.

MAN 1: Nope. Nothing.
MAN 2: Okay.

MAN 1: Yeah. Totally clear.

MAN 1: Back here.

MAN 3: Give it a
once-over one more time.

WOMAN: three-day trip and also there's
a five-day one. Which one do you think...

MAN: Oh, the five-day...
WOMAN: Oh, really?

MAN: Absolutely.

WOMAN: We were wondering,
um, do you happen to know...


Excuse me, sir?

Excuse me, sir.

We need to prepare this table.


Are we in Tucson yet?

Uh, no, an unscheduled stop.

Um, sir, dinner has
been over for half an hour.

And an excellent one,
it was, too.

My compliments to the chef.

Now, if you'll excuse
a four letter word,

I must get to work.

All right, Mrs. McLeish,

where is it?

WOMAN: There he is.

MAN: All units attention
at the rear,

let's get everybody
back on the train.

MAN: Come on, people,
let's board!

Let's board!

Mrs. McLeish, now you don't
want to get hurt.

So just tell me where it is.

Who is McLeish?

You are, lady.
Sarah McLeish.

Now, we know that Judy
Taylor's just your cover,

so cut the bull!

But I'm not Judy Taylor!

Mmm-hmm, and this isn't
her compartment?

Uh, yes. Yes, it is, but...

Then stop wasting my time!

Now you've got 10 seconds
to give me an answer.

So tell me where it is?

Uh, oh, Sarah, there you are!

Five seconds.

Uh, Sarah, I could really
use your help here!

No more games,
Mrs. McLeish.

Three, two, one.

A good chardonnay beats the
right to bear arms every time.


Thank you.

He thought I was someone else.

Yes. Sarah McLeish.

Or you may have
met her as Judy Taylor.

Either way, I don't believe
that he's familiar

with the Top 10 bestseller
lists, Mrs. Fletcher.

Richard Loomis,
Los Angeles Times.

Oh, yes! I read your articles on
the Chinese illegal immigrant trade.

Oh, very thorough.

Six weeks undercover.

If I never eat dim sum
again, I'll be a happy man.

So, you know where
Sarah McLeish is?

Well, if, as you say,
her alias is Judy Taylor,

I haven't seen her
since she left the dining car.

Hmm, well,
he doesn't have an ID,

and I don't think
that he works for Amtrak.

Well, you seem very familiar
with what's going on around here.

I mean, do you know who he is
or what he was after?

Well, I know that I don't want him
waking up and holding a grudge.




Just a moment.

Who is it?

Oh, come in.

Our g*n-toting friend is
hitchhiking the rest of the way.

So why did he think that
you were Sarah McLeish?

Because of this.

Now, he came into the dining
car asking for Judy Taylor.

And she wasn't there
so I took it!

Then he found you in her compartment
and two and two made three.

If he thought you were McLeish, Mrs.
Fletcher, he may not be the only one.

You may still be in danger.

Well, it wouldn't be
the first time.

But what about Judy...
I mean, Sarah?

I didn't see her.

I don't mean that.

Why is she in danger and why is
she traveling under an assumed name?

A couple of weeks ago, I got a call
from some government whistleblower

named Peter Hayward.

I figured $1,000 hammers,
you know, the usual.

But I did agree to meet him
night before last downtown.

Well, the Hollywood freeway
was bumper to bumper, as usual,

so I was late. Uh-huh,
and you missed him?

Well, you could say that.
But someone else didn't.

He had a .38-caliber slug
in the back of his cranium.

Oh! Sounds like
a professional.

I smell a major story here,
Mrs. Fletcher.

"Federal Snitch Silenced."
You know, something like that.

And Sarah?

She witnessed the m*rder.

One of the LAPD guys
told me what she said

before the FBI took her
into protective custody.

Seems she was walking her dog when
she saw the k*ller leaning over the body.

Now, he took something from
Hayward and when he stood up,

he saw her.

She says that he stared
at her just for a moment,

and ran away.

And now they want to
silence Sarah.

But who?

Well, that's what
I'm here to find out.

Let's just hope that
it isn't the FBI.

Now, you said that
she was walking her dog.

Was that a German Shepherd?

Oh, you're good.

I saw it in the baggage car.

You know, in all likelihood,
Sarah isn't on the train anymore.

You think she got scared
and jumped off the train?

Well, that's possible if she
was afraid of being k*lled.

She wasn't scared when
she went to her compartment.

She never would've taken the
time to wash the wine off her sleeve.

And she expected to
go back to the dining car.

But how do you know?

Because she left
her purse there.

I think that Sarah has been
kidnapped or even worse.

We'd better make sure that she's
absolutely not on this train first.

Well, you take the front.
And I'll meet you back here.


Oh! Say, Jessica,

did you see all those men get
off the train when we stopped?

Oh, yes, I did.

Jack said they were looking for
something. Isn't that right, Jack?

You're right, honey.

Yeah. Well, they thought
somebody fell off the train.

MILLIE: (GASPS) |t'sjust
like in that old movie.

You know, Jack, the one with
Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray.

Double Identity.

Uh, Double Indemnity.

Anyway, it turned out
to be a false alarm.

Excuse me.


Rad ley?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to disturb you.

Oh, no. Not at all.
Come on in.

I apologize.

It's the only place
I could find.

I'd have stepped off for a smoke
when the train stopped but...

You might have been left behind.


I have to get back.

Shall I leave you in the dark?

I'd rather you didn't.


Where is it, Mrs. McLeish?

Where is what?


Who is it?


0h. my God!

PORTER: Watch your step.

MAN: You have to
get out of their way.

WOMAN DEPUTY: AH passengers
except those in C...

Oh, dear.
remain on the train.

All passengers except
those in car C.

I repeat, will all passengers
except those in car C,

remain on the train?

All passengers except
those in car C...

Hey, excuse me.

What's happening, Sheriff?

Just a short delay,
that's all. Just take it easy.

We'll get you back on your
journey as soon as we can.

Right over here.

It's an investigation.

Whatever you say, dear.


See? I told you so.

Right, dear.

Let's check over here first.

MAN: Step to the rear
of the platform, please.

Now, let's get this straight.

That news guy was shot
right outside your door

and you never heard it?

That's right.

Mrs. Fletcher,
I appreciate your help.

Now, I just wanna make sure you're
telling us everything we need to know.

Everything that I can remember.


Would you like me to repeat it?

Not just yet,
Mrs. Fletcher.

Thank you, Sheriff.
I'll take it from here.

Whoa! I don't take orders
from anybody in Harland County,



SHERIFF: What're
you doing here?

National security.

And we could use
your help, Sheriff.

We'll need written statements from all
the passengers on the victim's train car.


Algric Bartles, FBI.

Uh, special agent in charge
of the Los Angeles Field Office.


Let's start from
the top, shall we?


Your agency has managed to lose

the only witness to the
m*rder of a federal employee

who was going to
leak information

that could compromise
our government.

Where did you get all this?

I don't know where she is.

Okay, Yes, I lost her, but...

No! I'll get her.

Whatever it takes.

BARTLES: All right, Mrs. Fletcher,
there's still something that puzzles me.

When you realized the witness was
missing after the train was stopped,

why didn't you report it to
the security officer on the train?

Because at that time I didn't
know that she was missing.

Loomis and I were making sure
that she wasn't still on the train

when he was k*lled.

You weren't sure?

In other words,
you were suspicious?

Oh, now that's your word,
not mine.

What word would you use,
Mrs. Fletcher?

(SIGHS) Mr. Bartles,

I was worried about a woman
that I had befriended at dinner.

There was an accident with
the wine and she left the table.

She said she'd be right back.

It was only when she didn't
return that I went looking for her.

Because I was worried,
not suspicious.

But you're suspicious now,
aren't you, Mrs. Fletcher?

No, Mr. Bartles.
Now I'm even more worried.

All right, Mrs. Fletcher,
you can return to the train.

And leave everything to us.

Oh, but what about Sarah?


Mrs. McLeish, sir.
The witness.

Mrs. McLeish is
our concern now.

I suggest you forget about her.

I said forget about her,

before you disappear
off a train.

Do you understand
what I'm saying?

Oh, yes.

You've made your point
very clearly.

BARTLES: I want you
to leave it to us,

and get on that train and go to
El Paso just like you planned to.

You do that and I assure
you no harm will come to you.

You have my word on it.

Is that what you told Sarah?



Remember me?

Uh, insulated container.
Cool and dry.


I would like to ask you
to do something for me.

I'd like you to take
my insulated container

and put it on
the platform at El Paso

to be picked up by
Mr. Cyrus Davis.

Uh, could you do that for me?

Oh, sure I could.


Cyrus Davis.


JARVIS: Let sleeping
dogs lay, eh, ma'am?

What is your name?

Uh, Jarvis Bean, ma'am.

My father was Jarvis Bean.
I'm Jarvis Bean.

Well, Jarvis,

it's evident to me that you're
a man who knows his trains.

Been riding them all my life.

That's what I thought.

Uh, but could you tell me how many miles
we've traveled since the train was stopped?

How many miles?

I couldn't be sure about that.

Uh, but could you tell me
what our average speed was?


Oh, I'd figure 50 miles an hour.

Fifty miles an hour. Ah.

Well, now we started at 10:35,

and we arrived at 1:31.

So, let's say our journey was
three hours at 50 miles an hour.

One hundred and fifty miles.

One hundred and
fifty miles, Jarvis.

Thank you.


Excuse me.

Can I help you?

Yes. I wondered if you
might have a map of this area?

A map.


Come on to my office.

PHIPPS: We're at Hannay.
Right here.

JESSICA: Uh-huh.
Now, if we were to travel

a 150 miles west,

would there be atown there?

Well, let's see... Uh...

Would 140 miles do?

Because Agua Verde is the
only town anywhere near there.

And there's nothing else there?

No. Nothing.

Most of this is government
or reservation land.

Belongs to the Indians.

Now, what is that symbol
right next to the town?

That's some kind of beacon.

And what is the best way
to get there?


you see that old car out there?

I could rent you that
if you're coming back.

Oh, that's very kind but
unfortunately I don't drive.

You don't drive?

And there's no other
way to get there?


Unless you're willing
to take the bus.

Well, what time
does it get here?

The train can leave in five...

Five minutes.

I thought we agreed
you'd be on it.

We did?

Takano, let's see that Mrs. Fletcher
gets safely back on the train, shall we?

Sir, the helicopter's ready.

If you could pick up
the container at the station.

Thank you.

Don't worry, Cyrus, I'll
be there for the lecture.

Well, there was
some trouble on the train.

No, everything is fine

but I seem to have
lost a friend of mine.

Well... Well,
not exactly lost, but...

Uh, well, look,
I'll explain later.

Right. Bye.

It's here.

The bus.

Oh. Good.

And, uh, thank you
for the use of your phone.

Are you sure you're
gonna be safe?

Well, why shouldn't I be?

Traveling alone.

Oh! It's a bus, Mr. Phipps,
not a stagecoach.

I see someone's rented your car?


Hello. What's your name?


Just Joe.

Just Joe? (LAUGHS)

Not just Joe. Joe.


Do you like to play games, Joe?

Have you ever seen this one?


I'm not very good at it.
Maybe you can do better.


MAN ON RADIO: Downtown
Los Angeles residents...

Hoover says, "Are you
a democrat or a republican?"

He answered, "Yes, sir.
Which would you like me to be?"


Takano, can't this wait
till I've finished eating?

Uh, it's Mrs. Fletcher, sir.

She wasn't on
the train at El Paso.

I knew she was gonna be a pain.

Where did Guzman say
she got off?

He didn't.

Ask him.

We can't raise him, sir.

He's not answering his pager and
he's missed the last two check-ins.

Get me Guzman's file,
and run a financial report.

Every dollar he's got or
spent in the last five years.

He never was a team player.

I want him and that
Fletcher woman found. Now.

Come on.

Excuse me. Ma'am?

Didn't you want Agua Verde?

Oh, yes. Thank you.

It's coming up.

Time to give it back now, Joe.

I'd like you to
borrow it for awhile.


Mmm-hmm. We couldn't do that.


Oh, but I insist.

Well, that's very
kind of you, Mrs...

Jim Sunrise.

This is my wife, Pearl.

What do you say, son?

Thank you, Mrs. Fletcher.

You're very welcome.

Can I give you a ride?

Oh. No, thank you.
I need to walk.

But perhaps you could
suggest a good motel. Motel?

There's an old hotel
about three blocks up.

Tell Dottie I sent you.
She'll take care of you.

Dome'? Thanks
very much.


MAN: Right? See what
you gotta deal with that.

Not me.

Ah, how about that?

Nah. Here. Here.


Good morning.

Wait a minute.
It can't be!

Hillerman. Grafton.
Francis. Fletcher.

Yes, I thought so.

That's you,
isn't it, J.B.?

I'm afraid so.

Uh, you must be Dome.

Jim Sunrise said to say hi.

Are you working on a story?

Oh, no. First, I'm working
on a bed for tonight.

Of course. Just fill this out
and I'll need a credit card.

Did my friend Sarah
check in yet?


Sarah McLeish.

Sometimes she uses her
pen name, Judy Taylor.

Oh, I get it.
Another writer.

She was to meet me here.

No, not here.

I could call you when
she gets here, if you like?

Oh, good.


We've got her, sir.

Agua Verde?

That's the last place
I want her to be.

Let's go.

Los Angeles Police Department.

Uh, Lieutenant McRaney, please.



Mackie, it's Jessica Fletcher.

Hey, long time no see. I want
his statement on my desk today.

Yes, sir.

Sorry, Jessica.
You in town?

I'm in Arizona.

I don't think I'll be
in Los Angeles for a while.

You promised to let me buy
you lunch next time you're in town.

Well, I haven't forgotten.

Listen, Mackie, I need a favor.

Yeah, sh**t.

I need to find out
about a m*rder.

A victim who was k*lled in downtown
Los Angeles a few nights ago.

His name is Peter Hayward.

I left my number at your
office. Will you call me back?

You got it.



Oh, decaf, please.

Out of decaf.

Regular will be fine.

(SCOFFS) Not in
this place, it ain't.

Pay no attention to him, hon.

Something to eat?
Oh, thank you.

So, how long you in town for?

Oh, just a couple of days.

Uh, my friend is staying here
with me. We're looking for flora.

Don't reckon I know her.

Oh. Flowers.

I collect flowers.

And my friend Sarah started
off without me this morning.

Uh, perhaps she came in here?

She's about 5'8", brown hair.


Why, I seen her.

Where was that?

Drug store. Last week.

And she was with Elvis, right?

Oh, come on!
Don't start that again.

You know that was
an honest mistake.

Heck for, you know, that could
have happened to anybody.

Anybody who was blind drunk.

I was not blind drunk
when I saw her.

Yes, you were!

Ah, but Sarah only came
into town last night.

She's probably out
hiking already.

Uh, which way are
the railroad tracks?

South of town.

But don't go wandering
on government property.

That's where those cattle
upped and vanished last fall.

Fifty head.

Just like that.

And what does the
government have out there?

I heard it's biological weapons.

They test them on cows.

They're studying
aliens, if you ask me.

And I ain't talking about
no Mexicans neither.

Nobody goes out there.

Give a hoot.
Don't pollute.

Mrs. Fletcher?

Well, Sheriff Sunrise.

What are you looking for?

Well, a Fallugia paradoxa.

What's that?

Well, it's a little
white flower.

Actually, the common
name is Apache Plume.

I don't know it. Maybe
because I'm Navajo.

Well, it's extremely

When the guys down
at the diner told me

that there was some nutsy
lady going out in the desert

on foot, I didn't believe it.

I'm not so nutsy.

Well, there's no argument there,

but you're about ready to enter
a restricted government area.

Bad idea.

Let me give you a ride.

What is in there?

I don't ask and they don't tell.

I'll never forgive you
for that. (CHUCKLING)

Well, it seemed like a
good idea at the time.

How you doing, Joe?

JOE: Hi, Mrs. Fletcher!

Jessica! Yoo-hoo!

Oh! Thanks for the ride. Hmm.

What a surprise!

We're on our way up to Sedona.

Jack's such a romantic.

It's our 20th anniversary tomorrow,
and we're staying at the mud baths.

They're hot springs, dear.

Private tubs.

Oh, Jessica.

Are you okay? We heard you
couldn't find your friend, Sarah.

Oh, yes. I just stopped off here to
study some of the local wildflowers

before my lecture in
El Paso on Saturday.

You're giving a lecture?

Er, yes.
At Windham College.

Oh, Jack, we gotta
go hear Jessica!

Now, Millie, who
said we were invited?

It's open to the public, right?

Well, yeah...

And don't you like to see a friendly
face or two in the crowd, Jessica?


See, Jack. All
rightee, then, Saturday.

See you there.


(SIGHING) Think before
you speak, Jessica.

Good heavens!



Jessica, what the hell
have you gotten into?

It's hard to be sure.

The Feds are all over
this case like white on rice.

Well, that I knew.

All I've managed to get so
far is Hayward's DMV record.

Born 4-26-46.

Current address is 45, Yucca
Street, Aqua Verde, Arizona.

45, Yucca Street, Agua Verde?



What are you doing
here, Mrs. Fletcher?

Well, I could ask you
the same question.

You'd be wasting your breath

Ron Guzman, FBI.

I'm here on official business.

Oh, then you'll be able to
show me your search warrant.

Hey, if you weren't smart, |wouldn't
have followed you here in the first place.

Look, I assume that you were
assigned to protect Sarah on herjourney.

Iwatched you follow her out
of the dining car, and then...

She disappeared into thin air.

And obviously, you
haven't found her yet.

No. And that doesn't look real
good for my future at the Bureau.

(SCOFFS) But maybe, if
you and me work together,

we'll both get what we're after.

Aren't you the one who let
Sarah down in the first place

and nearly got me
k*lled as a result?

Do you know where
she is, Mrs. Fletcher?

(SIGHS) I'm not sure that I'd
trust you with that information.

If you will excuse me,
AgentGuzman" Look,

all I'm asking is that you
contact me if she turns up.

MAN: Yeah. I got you.


Good afternoon.

Right this way, ma'am.




MAN: Come with me!

If you still think that I'm Sarah
McLeish, you're mistaken.

Now, maybe you can tell me
what you wanted on that train.

Save it for the section
chief, lady. Who's that?

WILDER: Get this to SIGINT
in Washington immediately.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Wilder.

Yes, Radley, what is it?

The intruder, sir.

Mrs. Fletcher, I am
not going to apologize

for the way that you
were just treated.

This facility
is classified top...

You did exactly what
I expected. What?

I wanted to find out
who was in charge here.


But, of course, I hadn't
realized that we had already met.

I have no doubt that had I
called for an appointment,

I would still be sitting
in my hotel room

until the end of the millennium.

Let's talk.

What do you want?

I want to know why Peter
Hayward was going to the press,

and what is going on
here at the NSA.

I don't know.

Judging from what I've learned,
this is a communications station.

We simply download
information from satellites,

we pass it on to the
appropriate agencies.

Including spy satellite
data for the Pentagon, right?

I'm not allowed to confirm that.

You know, Mrs. Fletcher,
maybe you can help us.

Hayward was one of
our top infosec analysts.

Oh, which in English means?

Information systems security.

That's what the NSA does.

We protect all U.S.
classified communications.

Hayward was a cryptographer
going through a very messy divorce.

Mentally, a little erratic.

What exactly did he steal?

Well, who told you
anything was missing?

Radley. When he threatened to
k*ll me on the train if I didn't return it.

Mrs. Fletcher, if you have
anything of Hayward's,

it could be of vital
national importance.

You would be helping your
country by giving it back to us now.

Well, given Hayward's expertise,

I assume it's some kind of
codes that you're missing.

It only makes
the situation worse

if any of this ever
gets into the press.

And just think of the
embarrassment to the NSA.

I mean, it's so much simpler,

now that both Hayward and his
press contact have been silenced.

That's not how we operate.

Isn't it?

Who do you work for?

Sarah McLeish.

Ha! I knew it.

Whom I happened to befriend
on the train that evening.

You see, by witnessing a m*rder,

she may have been
kidnapped or worse,

and all you care about
is your spy codes.

I can assure you,
Mr. Wilder,

that I will not stop looking for
her until I know that she's safe.

Now, I would like a ride
back to town, please.


Do come in,
Mr. Bartles.

Where's Sarah McLeish?

Perhaps she's staying
with her nephew in Florida.

The nephew was a cover
story for the train ride,

just like the name, Judy Taylor.

Well, you'll be glad to hear,
she was very convincing.

Mrs. Fletcher, I am just as concerned
as you are about finding your friend.


Yes. For some years,

the Bureau has been trying,
unsuccessfully, to track this organized

spy ring that has infiltrated
several government agencies.

And you believe that
Sarah may be able to help?

It's possible that Hayward's
death may be connected.

Now, if that's so,

McLeish is the only one alive
who can identify any one of them.

Your concern for
Sarah is touching,

but let's make
this quick, shall we?

As I told Agent Guzman,
I don't know where Sarah is.

And as I told Mr. Wilder,

(SIGHS) I don't have
any satellite codes.

Yes, the satellite codes.

Well, it's been a long day,

and I'm about to have
a hot, relaxing bath.

Is there anything else you
want to know before you leave?


Do you know where
Agent Guzman is right now?

Didn't you send him
to Agua Verde?

I'll take that as a no.

Tell me,

how did you find me here
if Guzman didn't tell you?

Nowadays, Mrs. Fletcher,
we're all part of one

happy, electronic family.

My credit card.

That's it!


Is that you, J.B.?
She never made it.

Your friend.

Oh, right!

Well, it gives me more
time to work on my book.

I knew you were doing a story.

Dottie, I need a little help

with my research.

My pleasure.
What do you need?

Riverbank flowers.

BARTLES: Have you ever heard
of interagency cooperation?

It looks like you're trying
to make me look stupid.

RADLEY: We are trying to mount a
retrieval... Shut him up, Wilder, now!

Now, let me get this straight.

One of your top guys turns up
dead, and you forget to tell us

that he's run off with a bunch
of codes that are still missing.

And I have to find
this out from a civilian

who you can't help
spilling your guts to.

I thought we could get the codes
back before it became public knowledge.

Please. Before Washington
finds out, you mean.

So you send your mickey mouse head
of security over here to get 'em back,

and he kills Hayward.
Hey! I didn't k*ll him!

When I wanna talk to
you, I will look at you.

But, you know,
for once I believe you.

Because that would've
been the smart thing to do

and you'd have your codes back.

But, no! Now we have
a k*ller on the loose

who's probably out there
right now trying to sell off

whatever it was Hayward stole.

Now, what kind of value do these
codes have on the open market?

I think...
I think $10 million minimum.

What the hell could
be worth all that?

Encryption data for every
single U.S. military satellite.

It falls into the wrong hands...

Not exactly the Mississippi

but it's the only creek
near Mount Palmer.

Well, thanks for
the ride, Dottie.

I'll be back around midday.

Great. Thanks.


Oh, thank God you're here.

Oh, I've been so frightened.

It'll be okay.

Sarah, you weren't just a witness to
Peter Hayward's m*rder, were you?

He was the lover that you
told me about, wasn't he?

Oh, Jessica, you have no idea how much I
wanted to tell you the truth on the train.


I saw him lying there.

There was blood everywhere.

And that man.

I was afraid he
was gonna k*ll me.

Sarah, listen to me. If
you want me to help you,

you'd better start
at the beginning.

Now, Peter had gone
to meet Richard Loomis?


He told me to... To wait at the
hotel while he went to the meeting,

but Loomis called the room and
said he'd been delayed in traffic.

So, I went to tell
Peter to wait.

And just as I got there,
I heard the shot.

Oh, Sarah.


I'm sorry.
It's all right.

The k*ller was standing
over Peter when I saw him.


Why didn't you tell the
FBI that you knew Peter?

Well, I was afraid
the NSA was behind this.


You better tell me what
Peter was going to tell Loomis,

and why he stole the codes.

Who said that?

Kevin Wilder.

Oh, Peter's idiot boss!

That's a lie, Jessica!

Peter was the best analyst
the NSA ever had. A genius.

I don't really
understand how it works,

but Peter told me that he found
a flaw in our satellite codes,

and he was worried that
another government might find out,

or t*rrorists,

and have access to all of
our classified information.

And Wilder knows this?

Peter told him months ago.

He said it was too expensive
to reprogram all the satellites.

He said he should
just be quiet about it.

So Peter decided to go public.


He went to the Pentagon first but
theythought he was just a troublemaker.

So Peter made a copy of the codes to
show Loomis exactly what the problem is.

He wasn't going to
give them to him.

It was just... Just a
demonstration, he said.

Someone who knew about the codes

wanted to stop Peter
before he got to Loomis.


I saw him again, Jessica.

On the train.

The man who k*lled Peter.

That's why I got off.

Mrs. McLeish!

I know you're in there.

I just wanna put you
back under our protection.

JESSICA: That's Agent
Guzman of the FBI.

But that's him, Jessica.
That's the man who k*lled Peter.

Is that your car outside?

Yeah. Let's go.

I'm coming in, Mrs.
McLeish. Just take it easy.


You're sure he's with the FBI?

Yeah. He's out of the
Los Angeles Field Office.

His boss, Special Agent Bartles,

confirmed it last night.

Then the government
is behind this.

Not necessarily.

They wanted to shut Peter
up. And now, they're after me.

I think that Guzman is acting
without FBI authorization,

judging from what Bartles said.

It doesn't make him
any less deadly.

No, but if we could get to the right
people with the right information,

that Guzman k*lled
Peter, you'd be safe.

We don't know who to trust!

Well, I do.
When we met,

I was going to meet
my friend, Cyrus Davis.

He used to work for
thejustice department.

I think he can help us.

If we could just
get to El Paso...

That's easier said than done.

Take... Take a left!

Are you crazy?
Trust me.


Agent Bartles.
Got a minute?

Not unless you can tell
me where to find McLeish.

I might.

I'm listening.

I want you to know that I advised
Wilder against us acting on our own.

Sounds like the old El
Salvador all over again.

What're you talking about?

Our friend, Radley here,
worked for the CIA.

When a death squad he organized

k*lled three nuns,
including a U.S. citizen.

Is that right? I
didn't order the hits,

and I advised against our
involvement with right wing extremists.

That's not how Washington
saw it. They fired him.

I took the fall
for someone else.

And you wanna make sure that
doesn't happen again. Is that it?

You're pretty smart.
For FBI.

You know, Radley, you need
to work on your people skills.

All right.

Hayward's bank account
showed a monthly payment

to a guy up in Phoenix.

I just talked to this
guy this morning.

Hayward was renting a cabin
from him, up near Mount Palmer.

I'll check it out.

Yeah, you do that.

Oh, if Wilder asks,

we never talked.


|wouldn't trust
him, sir. Oh, I don't.

But we can use him

before we hang him out to dry.

Hi, there.

Two coffees to go,
please. Right away.

Do you know what
happened to Hannibal?

He crossed the Alps?

No, my dog. He was on the train.

Oh, yes. We met
in the baggage car.

He was still there
when I left the train.

Oh, I hope the FBI is
taking good care of him.

If you don't mind
my saying so, Sarah,

I'm glad I don't have that job.

Oh, I know, but he's
such a lamb with me.

And he got that
way with Peter, too.

Oh, thanks. I'll
take care of this.

Oh. I forgot,
I can't.

Oh! No problem.
No problem.

Do you still have
my purse, Jessica?

Oh, yes. Everything
went on to Cyrus.

Oh, good, 'cause I've got
some things in there for Charlie.


Oh, my sister's boy.

Oh, yes.
Yes, I remember.

I think I'd better try Cyrus
again before we head on.

Uh, will you take care of this?


Here you go.
CASHIER: Thanks.

Cyrus? It's Jessica.

Oh, thank goodness you're in.

No! No, I'm not
going to miss the lecture.

I'll be at your house
in an hour. Really.

Listen, I'm going
to need your help.

Did you reach him?
We're all set.

I just need to use the
restroom before we go.

Okay. We'll get back to you with
any further developments. Right.


The hotel owner said
she dropped Fletcher off

this morning near Mount Palmer.

Apparently, she was
looking for flowers.

Yeah, right.
What about the cabin?

Agent Elston just called in.
Someone's been staying there.

He's not sure

but there's two sets
of recent tire prints.

Call the DMV, get a
description of her vehicle.


We just got a trace on
a call from Mrs. Fletcher.

She's at a truck stop
about 50 miles from here.

They're moving. Timeto
call in the local police.

Oh, no. Now,
wait a minute.

You got a problem with that?

Yeah. You want every cop from
Texas to California to know about this?

I thought we were gonna
keep it from going public.

Look, Wilder, we
don't have a problem.

I've got a problem and I'm going to
deal with it the best way I know how.

Put an APB out on
McLeish's vehicle. Yes, sir.

Excuse me.

Engine trouble?

No, just a little insurance.

Thanks, pal!
DRIVER: No problem!


El Paso.



You like country western music?

Oh, when in Rome.

That's a confirmation.

I'm now following suspect
vehicle headed east on Route 9

near Columbus.
Please advise.

Back off! And wait till we
get there. Do not intercept.

Let's go.

(SIGHS) You better see this.

This is David Soames,
coming to you live

from Channel 5's Eye
In The Sky newscopter.

Highway patrol is now in a
pursuit of a white Jeep Cherokee,

headed toward El Paso
on Route 9.

The police are refusing to say
what crime has been committed,

but we've just heard that
the FBI has joined the chase.

Stay tuned to Channel 5

for developments
in this late-breaking story.


Rad ley.

Yes. He's right here.

It's the director.


Hey, Ken, how's it going?

MAN ON RADIO: Local highway patrol have
been tailing the vehicle for half an hour.

We've just learned that an FBI
helicopter is now on the scene.

Again, state and federal lawmen
are closing in on two suspects

driving a white Jeep Cherokee

as they head towards El Paso.

Authorities are remaining
tight-Upped about the incident.

Okay! Pull 'em over!

Yes, sir!


Let's go.

Get out of the vehicle. Now!


Come on, guys, let's go.


Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa! Whoa!

Excuse me, sir. Are you
the agent in charge here?

There they are!

Oh, it looks like they
pulled over the wrong jeep.

I wonder if it's because
they've got your license plate.

Ha! For once that insurance
paid off. (BOTH LAUGHING)

What we have here is an
apparent case of mistaken identity

by the highway patrol.

These people are not the
target of any FBI investigation.

Cyrus said that he had a class
but he should be home soon.

You want some tea?

Um, do you know
where our stuff is?

Oh, in the spare
room down there.





Agent Guzman!
You gave me a shock.

Where's the McLeish woman?


Jessica, are you all right?

Yes, I am now.

What are we gonna
do with him? Nothing.

You see, I paged
him to come here.

Because he k*lled Peter?

I didn't k*ll anyone.

You can't believe him.

I'm sorry but I do, Sarah.

Since you k*lled
Peter Hayward yourself.

Mrs. Fletcher.

Now, you've led every
lawman from here to L.A.

on a major wild goose
chase. This better be good.

You're looking for the
m*rder*r of Peter Hayward.

There she is.

Jessica, after all we've been
through, how can you do this to me?

I thought you
were gonna help me.

So did I. But not the
way that you intended.

But you know what
they're going to do to me.

I'm gonna end up
just like Peter,

except they're not gonna
be able to find the body.

Oh, forget the act,
Sarah. It's over.

I thought you were in trouble.

And all the time, you
were simply using me.

Wait a minute. You found
me at the cabin, remember?

Is this leading
somewhere, ladies?

There was only one
thing in Peter's house

which identified you. This.

And the inscription on the back,

"With my darling Sarah,"

is supposedly written by Peter,

but it matches the handwriting
on your dining car check.

Yes, I wrote that for
Peter. As a momento.

No! You wrote this and
planted it in Peter's house,

hoping that I'd remember the
discussion we had on the train

about the cabin,
and go up there.

Well, I hope that your novels
are more believable than this.

You've got to admit,
this is pretty slim pickings.

Two things gave
you away today, Sarah.

You talked about
your nephew, Charlie,

as if he really existed.

But he was only a cover
story for the train journey.

Exactly! And that convinced me
that Sarah was just befriending me

until she could get
what she wanted.

But something else had
been nagging at me for awhile.

And I realized the truth
when you described

how quiet Hannibal is with you.

Her dog.

It's trained to attack on sight.

Definitely the most vicious
pet that I've ever seen.

It wouldn't hesitate to attack anyone
who even thought of harming Sarah.

And you told me that it liked
Peter just as much as you.

So what?

So why didn't it attack the
m*rder*r you claimed you saw?

Because the only sh**t
the dog wouldn't attack

is McLeish, here.


Sarah wanted those
satellite codes at any cost.

And once she k*lled Peter,

no one else would know about
her elaborate confidence scheme.

If you're right, why would she step
forward as a witness to her own crime?

It was unlucky timing.

Sarah intended to k*ll
Peter and steal the codes.

But after she shot him, she was
disturbed by the passing police car.

She covered her escape

by not escaping at all.

She posed as
a terrified witness.

Well, let's suppose I
buy all this, Mrs. Fletcher.

Where are the codes now?

Well, they're in her purse.

No. I don't even have a purse.

You left it in the dining car.

Which seemed strange
to me at the time.

No woman would ever
leave her purse behind,

unless she meant to.

So what's your point?

Today she asked me if I still
had the purse, but I never told you

or anyone else that I'd
picked it up in the dining car.

How did you know
Mrs. Fletcher had it?

This is the most
ridiculous story.

She could only have found
that out from someone else

who saw me pick it up
in the dining car.

You didn't leave it by mistake.

You left it there
to transfer the codes

to whomever you're working with.

And Sarah must have spoken to
that person since she got off the train.

Okay, but why in heaven's name
would she come back to Agua Verde?

Well, to erase any evidence
of her relationship with Peter.

Whenever she came
to see Hayward,

they always met up in the cabin,
where she wouldn't be seen.

Whose idea was it to
take the train to Florida?

She said she
was afraid of flying.

So, Sarah conned you
into putting her on atrain

that she knew
went past Agua Verde.

So, right from the start,

Mata Hari here was using
Hayward to get at the codes.

How come she latched onto the one guy
who'd found a flaw on our satellite codes?

Peter had tried to report
his findings to the Pentagon.

And we know that the spy ring got
information out through several times before.

And where's this purse now?

Well, it's in the safe
at the hotel.

You could have contacted
me directly, Mrs. Fletcher.

I did, when I used
my calling card.

I just didn't know that Sarah was
going to switch the license plates.

You don't have anything you
can take into court. I'm leaving.

BARTLES: I don't think so.

We're keeping you
under protective custody

until we can sort
this thing out.

You were lucky
this time, Guzman.

But if you want to
stay with this agency,

you'd better learn
to play by the book.

Wait a minute. What
about Richard Loomis?

Sarah was already off the train.

So she couldn't
possibly have k*lled him.

That was a local
m*rder, Mrs. Fletcher.

He didn't work for the NSA.

No, but they had
to be connected.

I mean, chances are
that if you find his k*ller,

you're gonna find
Sarah's accomplices.

You're probably right.

But I'm gonna worry
about that later.

First, I've got to retrieve
a 64 gigabyte silicon chip.

Come on. Let's go.

A silicon chip!

Now he tells me.

Agent Guzman, it's critical that we get
back to Agua Verde as quickly as possible.

I... I can't do that
without authori...

To hell with it. You've
been right so far. Now what?

Well, the sheriff's son.

I think he has
the satellite codes.

I need to call
a lawyer. Now.

Joe, I thought you had
baseball practice this afternoon?

Yeah, I'm just
heading down there.

Then go before I take
that thing away from you.

Still busy. How
long can it be busy?


Jim? It's Jessica Fletcher.

Hi! How you doing?

Jim, do you know
where little Joe is?

He just went down
to the park. Why?

Well, he may be in some danger.

And it's all my fault.
Just don't let him,

or that electronic game
out of your sight.


Where's my boy?
Haven't seen him.


Joe, you okay? I've been
looking all over for you.

Why didn't you go to practice?

I was just playing one game
before I go down to the park.


Oh, thank goodness
you found him!

Hi, Mrs. Fletcher.
Hi, Joe.

I'm afraid I'm going to
have to have the game back.

I promise not to play as much.

You do?

Only when Dad says.

Good, because I've ordered you
one with the new game cartridges in it.

And it'll be waiting for
you at the drugstore.


Well, we're gonna get it
later. You're going to the park.

Thanks for keeping
this safe for me.

That's it? GUZMAN: Yeah.
Doesn't look like much.

Well, we'd better get
it back to the NSA.

I'll be happy when that happens.

This job has been
screwy from the start.

You're about the only person
that didn't have a double Identity.

Wait a minute!

On the train, Sarah's
name was Judy Taylor.


Well, suppose someone apart
from Loomis or the federal authorities

called Sarah by her real name.

It'd have to be
her contact then.

It has to be.

Which means we
know who shot Loomis.

We do?

I'm gonna need this.


Oh, there she is!

Yoo-hoo, Jessica.

Break a leg!

Jack. That's for the
theater, not a lecture.

You're right, dear.


Ladies and gentlemen,
it is my great pleasure

to introduce today's
guest speaker.

Now, you all know her
as a distinguished author.

You may not be as aware
of her academic credentials

as ateacher of both
writing and criminology.

My good friend,
Jessica Fletcher.


Thank you. Thank
you, Cyrus. Thank you.

I was going to talk to you
today about my latest novel,

but, instead, I've decided to
talk to you about something else.

And since every good
story deserves a good title,

I've decided to call this one,

"m*rder and How Not
to Get Away With It."

It's a tale of intrigue
and deception,

where those who seem
the most innocent

turn out to be
cold-blooded K*llers.

I do hope you'll all be able
to stay for the entire plot.

It starts with a simple
electronic game

and an eastbound train.