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08x23 - Gohan Revived — Kaioshin's Secret w*apon!?

Posted: 08/07/22 11:49
by bunniefuu
" Gohan Revived Kaioshin's Secret w*apon!?" If those three don't come forward, everyone is going to be eaten up! And now, there's no reason to have this city here with no people left in it, right? I have no choice but to sweep it up for you! Okay, Majin Boo, make it clean! Not too hard, though, or the whole Earth will be wiped out! Okay! Okay! That guy's getting cocky now! My, my, my, looks like he messed it up instead! I'll say it one more time.

Him, and him, and him.

Tell me where they are, unless you'd rather be turned into candy and eaten by Majin Boo! Let's see, it will take about five days to exterminate every Earthling.

And so, I think it would be best if you tell me soon.

Piccolo, Shen Long will do anything for us.

Right, right! I almost forgot something important! How are you supposed to contact me? Call to me inside your head.

You just have to think out a little bit, and then you can talk to me.

Of course, contact from those people themselves is most welcome! I'm sure those three were Hey! If he doesn't find them fast, we're all going to be turned to candy and eaten! Doesn't anyone know them!? I don't know who you are, but where are you hiding!? Come out now! We're going to be turned into candy and eaten because of you! If I am turned into candy here and eaten now, then all the studying I've done for my entrance exams will have meant that I did it all for nothing, you stupid jerks!! We were to have our wedding tomorrow.

We've done up everything we could to save up for our marriage.

What have you done with my life!? It isn't my fault!! Oh? Looks like I'm being contacted right away! Um, I am the one who was in charge of the Tenkaichi Tournament that was held today.

Mm hmm, and? Those three were entered into today's tournament.

Oh? So, who are they? Um, his name is Ma Junior, and the children are Trunks and Goten.

Their names don't matter, I want you to tell me where they live! Uh, n- no, I do not have their addresses Just names? Those don't mean anything! His head! I must turn down trivial information and prank calls.

You don't want to die like he did just now, right? How awful! I'm quite busy.

After all, I have to go all over now and wipe out the people and cities of Earth! Majin Boo, let's go! Well, next might be your location! And let me say now, that there's no use in hiding.

After five days, I plan on blowing every last bit of the Earth to bits! Well, I'll be waiting for that information! D- damn That bastard! What kind of guys are these? Popo head hurts.

T- they are the ones who k*lled Vegeta and Gohan-kun, right? Yeah.

Some awful guys sure have come around.

In five days, they really could blow the Earth to smithereens.

There's no reason to watch as those people are sacrificed.

I'm going out.

What sort of foolishness are you saying, Piccolo!? If you die, who will there be to teach Fusion to Trunks and Goten in place of me!? If they can't perform Fusion, Majin Boo cannot be beaten! In any event, they are going to destroy Earth.

That's for sure! Until they master Fusion, a considerable number of people will become casualties of Majin Boo.

We'll just have to endure it it was you that said so, ain't it? Everyone who's dead, and everything on the ground that's been destroyed can be put back with the Dragonballs.

So don't worry about it! What he says is right! That's right! Now is the time for patience, right? Understood Where is this? I don't know this place! Hey, Goten! Wake up! Hey, Goten, I say! Yeesh, can't do anything with you! I know! Goten! Time to eat! Food!? Where? Where? Where? Where's the food!? Ow, ow, ow! Of all the! You are such a glutton! Trunks-kun, where is this? I don't know! This is my first time! This is the first time for me too.

Wow! What an expensive-looking dish! Never mind that, what are we doing here? W- where's Papa!? That's right! We were And then Papa Yeah.

Take care, Trunks.

T- Trunks-kun! Why!? Why did you hit Trunks-kun! That's awful! How come!? Trunks-kun, where's Uncle? Goten, let's figure out where this is! What is this place? There's nothing here, huh? Where those two go? Okay, Kibit, restore Gohan-san's power.


H- huh? Kaioshin-sama Where is this? The Kaioshin Realm, or if you like, my world.

Kaioshin-sama's? S- so that's it.

I've d*ed after all, haven't I? Huh? I don't have a halo like Dad does No, you're okay.

It was close, but you are alive.

Then, why am I in a place like this? What do you mean by calling the Kaioshin Realm " a place like this!?" From the beginning, the Kaioshin Realm was a holy place, where not even Kami or Kaio could come, let alone humans.

Surely, you're supposed to be dead! Can you come back to life? N- no, I cannot.

I don't understand myself, but for some reason, I have come back to life.

A strange thing has happened.

Ah, really? Um, why have you brought me here? I was wanting to ask that as well! Kaioshin-sama, why have you brought a human to this sacred place? We're going to use the Z- Sword to defeat Majin Boo! Knowing Gohan-san, he's sure to be able to use that blade.

T- the Z-Sword!? A- are you in your right mind, Kaioshin-sama? There is no way any human should be able to use the Z-Sword! Not that legendary blade, which so many Kaioshin-sama before could do nothing with, let alone myself! Kibit, you were dead, so you do not know of Gohan-san's unbelievable, amazing power.

Z- Sword? B- b- but no matter how strong he is In any case, let us go try it.

Son Gohan-san, come with us.

Entrusting the Z-Sword to a human Kaioshin-sama, what in the world!? Yummy, huh Trunks-kun? Say, where do you think this is? Where did Uncle and Piccolo-san and the others go? Goten! Talking should not be done in the middle of a meal! You've got a few bad manners.

No matter what happens, you should be quiet during meals.

Sorry, Trunks-kun.

Just so you know.

Found you! Plenty appetite! No worries! W- what are you doing!? We were wrong to eat without asking first, but there's so much here, you won't miss a little bit, stingy! Damn! Why, you son of a Hey, Goten! Do something here! This is no time to be just casually eating! Trunks-kun, it's bad manners to speak in such a loud voice.

You idiot! You're the one who said meals should be spent quietly, Trunks-kun.

I was a fool for counting on you! Incredible power, greater than Son Goku when child! Goten, let's get out of here! Yeah! Wait! Get him! Yeah! Goten, get out of here now! Yeah! Nice going, Goten! Both of you, stay there! Father! Uncle Goku, both full of spirit.

Yeah, we'll have to have them work hard for us.

These children could be awesome if do Fusion.

This sure is a nice place here.

It's a lot like the place where I live.

Those clothes are unworthy of this holy region.

It suits you well, Gohan-san! Y- you think so? Over there, Gohan-san.

This blade is the Z-Sword.

Please pull it out.

As far as I know, there has not been anyone capable of pulling this blade out.

Pull it out? Seems like there was something like this in ancient folklore Y- you're lying! Papa beaten by that guy!? It's a lie! A lie! A lie! Big Brother is dead! Stop crying! There ain't any time for it! If you don't like it, then hurry and learn this new technique and avenge them! Got it!? I know it seems harsh, but Babidi might find out about this place sometime.

We start training immediately! Are you using the Room of Spirit and Time? No.

You can only use that room for two days during your lifetime, right? There might be a time afterward that they need it.

It's okay.

Knowing these two, they'll make Fusion their own in a considerably short time.

Let's begin! Piccolo, you be sure to learn this well yourself.

Trunks, Goten, hang in there! You two, stop your endless sobbing! You guys are going to defeat Majin Boo! Trunks and Goten are about to be taught Fusion from Goku.

Gohan is about to dare to pull out the Z-Sword as well.

Will this be the ultimate w*apon to defeat Majin Boo?