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09x16 - Magnificent Power!! Vegetto Surpasses the Ultimate

Posted: 08/07/22 13:20
by bunniefuu
"Magnificent Power!! Vegetto Surpasses the Ultimate" This is awesome! Better than I imagined! You seem nervous, huh? What's the matter!? There's nothing to be particularly surprised about, is there? Kakarrot and Vegeta have been united, so I guess that makes me Vegetto.

I wondered what was going to happen, but it appears as if they successfully combined together.

Now then, let's continue! So that's it? Still, do you think that just by combining you two together, that you are a match for me? Don't you toy with me! I felt that a bit just now.

Is that so? I was still trying to hold back on you.

What's the matter? You aren't about to cash it in from just that, are you? All right I've finally gotten warmed up.

My apologies! I'm still not used to this body! But I'm okay now! This time, we'll get started for sure! Let's do that! If you were to have d*ed on me like this, I would have been greatly disappointed! The fun is just beginning! N- now you've done it! The Grand Kaioshin-sama was right.

The power of these Potara is incredible! That's more like it.

Hey, aren't we there yet? W- what are all these tremors!? It's likely that it is the sound of Goku-san fighting.

W- we can hear it all the way over here? I see.

You do seem stronger than you were when it was the two of you.

Indeed I have gotten stronger! Enough to be able to k*ll you! Enough of you being carried away with yourself! I was planning on playing around with you a bit more, but I'm not going to hold back any longer! I'm sending you to the Next World right now! If you can do it, go ahead and try! I- incredible! It's incredible! To think that he can fight toe-to-toe with Majin Boo after he powered up that much! Toe-to-toe, you say? Look, you, where in the world are you directing your eyes? Open up your eyes and watch closely! Boo is The Majin is being overcome! He can win! At this pace, he can win against Majin Boo! Right, Grand Kaioshin-sama? No! We cannot tell.

The fight's outcome, you see, is a matter of fortune.

However, see, if he doesn't win, you see, then there's probably nobody else that can win against him, see? We're counting on you! Goku-san! Vegeta-san! N- not bad How do you like this? How about it? Did you find him? Mm-mm.

It's no use, we didn't find him.

What about you, Videl-san? It's no good.

I didn't find him anywhere.

I, too, have searched all over I see Just where in the world has that Gohan gone? Say, there's no supposin' he's gone to Hell, right? Gohan-kun would be the absolute last person to do that! She's right! There is no way a magnificent gentleman like that could go to Hell.

Huh? Y- you know something, you've changed quite a bit, huh? You were the king of the Demon Realm of Darkness, and Babidi's right-hand man, right? Y- yes However, here in Heaven, I have learned the importance of mind and life! As well, thanks to everyone's encouragement, I have been able to be born again as superbly as this.

Y- you don't say Well, that being so, Chichi-san, it would indeed be ridiculous! From what I hear, never mind Earth, the dead spirits from the whole universe are beginning to gather here in Heaven.

And within those billions, those trillions mm-mm, even greater numbers of spirits, it doesn't seem likely to find just one Gohan-kun.

I hear that Heaven here is comparable to the universe in size.

Even so even so I'm so sorry for you, Chichi-san! Please, find it in yourself to take heart! I, Dabura, will be certain to find Gohan-san.

Leave that to me, if you please! What? Is that don't tell me! Yes, that's right! There's enough energy gathered in here to smash the planet to smithereens! Will you indeed be able to stop this? If you fear for your life, you can also dodge it! However, once it falls to the ground, it's all over- the Earth will be blown away! Without a trace, in an instant! Now what will you do!? Hide yourself around here, if you would.

Huh!? You don't mean? Please, be quiet, Satan-san! We'll be detected by Majin Boo! Is that? Who is that guy? He looks a little like that Goku guy.

That is Goku-san.

So that's it! Here I thought I could feel Vegeta-san's Ki too! So that's what's going on! W- what's going on? Satan-san, it's just possible the Earth will be saved! R- really? That's great! H- hey, hey! You can't go off so far on your own! You shouldn't do that, you know! Be happy! The Earth is What is he going to do with all that enormous energy? Don't tell me Majin Boo is going to destroy the Earth! So, then, are you prepared? Prepared? You don't get it, huh? Do you seriously think that all that bluster is going to work on me? What did you say!? Well, fine.

I'll give it a try.

Whenever you like! I promise you, I won't run even one step.

You carry your boasting too far! In that case, you and the Earth together can cease to exist! It's over! G- Goku-san! Here, I'm returning this to you! Y- yeow! Satan-san! What's that smug look for? Are you proud of yourself for bouncing that back just now? You certainly have become stronger.

However, you still cannot say you have surpassed me! Is that so? In that case, how about I show you? What is he planning to do now? This is Super Vegetto!! At last, the ultra-warrior emerges- Super Vegetto! The end of time for Majin Boo is approaching.