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03x15 - Pasture Bedtime/Shop Girl

Posted: 08/08/22 17:11
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles ♪

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls ♪

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud ♪

♪ Loud house ♪

- Poo-poo.

[country music]

[cow moos]

- Well, we're all set
for tonight, fellers!

Pa said we can bunk
in the barn,

as long as we don't wake
the chickens.

- The barn?
- Cool!

- Can't wait!
- Same here!

I'm more excited
than a skeeter

on a cow-pie!

- Liam, it's a real honor

to be invited
to your first sleep over.

I've got my hay-fever medicine

and I'm ready to--rage!

Rage responsibly, of course.

- Okay, but you better
hide that from my pa.

He don't like city medicine.

- Hey guys,
guess who just got a pool

and is throwing a party?

This girl!

[amazed chatter]

- Guys, boy-girl party!

Good thing I've been doing
my crunches.


- Great! See you tonight!

- Tonight? Dang it!

We already have plans.

- Wuh-wuh-wait,
can't we do both?

- Well, I reckon we could.

- Guys, come on,
it's Liam's first sleepover.

Sorry Girl Jordan,
maybe another time.

- You're right.
- Ah, thanks for the invite.

- Well it's gonna be
a late one

so if you change your minds,
come on by!

- Naww, y'all are good buds!

- Just to be clear,
there won't be any ladies

in the barn, right?

- Just Virginia, my pig!

- [exhales] Cool.

- Now this here
is chicken manure,

and that there
is cow manure.

And up there's the loft
I fell out of.

- Intense.
Did you break anything?

- Nah, I fell into goat manure.
[goat bleating]

That's the softest
of your manures.

- Hey Liam, is it okay
if I plug in my humidifier?

- Sure.

- And what about
my de-humidifier?

- Ah-well, now we're gonna need
a little extra juice.

[chickens clucking]

[powering up]

All right-y then!

Y'all ready to have some fun?





- [groans]


- Round 'em up boys!


- Ah!

[phone beeps]

- Dude!
Look what you're missing!

A make-your-own-sub station!

- Is that video
from Girl Jordan's party?

- Yeah, look at all the grub!

- [laughing]

[dark music]

[chickens clucking]

[phone chimes]

- Check it out, Zach!

Girl Jordan's party

has a temp tatt station!

- Aw man!

- [yells]

[manure smooshing]

I'm okay!

Landed in manure!

, , ...

[phone chimes]

- Too bad you're not here,

Lincoln, I plan on breaking

your cannonball-splash
record tonight!

- Look at that diving board!

It's gonna make a tsunami!
[phone chimes]

Another video
from the party?

- No, just my dads checking
to make sure

I reapplied my bug spray.
[phone chimes]

But that's a video
from the party.

- So, this is happening...

- You gotta be kidding me!
A water slide?!

- I can't believe
we're missing this!

Maybe Liam would be okay
with us going over there,

just for a little bit.

- Found you guys!
all: Aah!

- Boy this is a hoot,
ain't it?

Best night of my life!

Who needs them pool parties

when we gots all
you could ask for

right here on the farm, huh?

Rattlesnake roundup's next!

- Aw man,
he's not gonna go for it.

- True, but what
if he never knows?

We can wait
till he falls asleep

and then swing by and check
the party out for a bit.

- Yeah! As long as we're back
before he wakes up,

everything's cool!

- I don't know, guys.

Lying gives me stomach aches,

and I didn't bring any medicine
for that.

- We're not really lying,

We're just sparing
Liam's feelings.

- Good point, Rusty!

And if we happen to protect

my cannonball record
while we're there, so be it.

[pig snorts]
- [grunting]

Come on, Virg--

- We've rounded up

caught frogs and gone on
five tractor rides.

And Liam's not showing any sign
of slowing down.

- Maybe this pig wrestling
will do the trick.

It looks exhausting.

- Hey, you fellas wanna
gimme a hand?

[all grunting]

[pig squeals]

Ah, phew.

That done tuckered me out!

- Yeah! Tuckered me out
just watching you.

How about you, Clyde?

- Yeah, this is the most tired

I've ever been in my life.

I could sleep for three days!

[stomach gurgling]
Augh, my stomach!

- Maybe we should just
hit the hay.

- Oh, no, no, no, fellers,
we can't do that.

Virginia likes to go
the full rounds.

I just need a little
pick-me-up! [giggles]

Whoo-hoo! Come on, old gal!
Let's dance!

- We're never going to
that party.

- I know how
we can tire him out.

- Huh, didn't think you
city slickers

would have the guts
to try fresh goat's milk.

- Well country life
is growing on us!

- Yep! I could stay
in this barn forever!

[stomach gurgles]

all: Nice.
So good.

- I dunno about you fellers,
but I'm feeling mighty bushed!

- [sighs]
- So tired.

- Exhausted.
- [stomach gurgles]

[owl hoots]

- Been a swell night, boys.

See y'all when the rooster
starts a-crowin'.


- How'd you know
that would work?

- Years of babysitting.
Let's move.

- [snoring]

- [stomach gurgling]

[upbeat music playing]

♪ ♪

- This is even better
than the party

Andrew threw when he got
his braces off!

- I'm hitting
the food table.

I can't get my flirt on
on an empty stomach.

- I gotta check out
the tatt station!

- I have a water slide to ride!

- And I have
a cannonball record to defend!

Okay, guys,
let's meet here in an hour

to go back to Liam's.
Set your alarms.

- Really, Rusty?
- The ladies dig it.

What's the good word, ladies?

[both giggling]

- You got any gold or silver?

I'm going for
an Alien Invader DJ vibe.

- Anyone got extra swimsuits
we can borrow?

- Nah.
But we're all dudes here.

Just go in your skivvies.
The girls are all over there.

[all giggling]

- Wait a minute.

"Hot sauce"?

I thought that was ketchup!

[gasps] My allergies!

[muffled] Yikes, ladies!
I can't be seen like this!

Oh, yeah!

Time to lay down some
intergalactic grooves.

[hums song]

[tense music]

What the--?

"Warning: May cause
severe hair loss

in redheads"?


[both scream]

- I thought I looked bad!

- Whoo!

- Hey! Look who just showed up
for the cannonball contest!

- You're on, Mollie!
- Lincoln!

They're going to see us
in our underwear!

- Gah! I forgot!
Let's get out of here!

[dog barks, snarls]

- [grunts]
- The pool house!


[all scream]

What happened to you guys?

- Hot sauce.
- Hair dye.

- What happened to you guys?
- Clothing thief.

- We should've
never left Liam's.

I should've listened
to my stomach.

- We're just gonna have
to stay here all night,

'cause I'm definitely not going
out there like this.

- We have to get back to Liam's
before he wakes up

or he's going to be really
bummed that we ditched him.

- Lincoln's right, guys.

Well, there's only one
thing to do.

Rusty, go use
your scary face

as a diversion
while we make a getaway.

- No, Zach,
we're doing this together.

We'll just stick to the shadows
and hope for the best.

- Okay. Walk in front of me,
Rusty, you're taller!

[chatter, laughter]

- Cannonball contest is on!

Where's Lincoln?

- Hurry, hurry, hurry!

[watches beeping]

Gah! Dang timers!

[all gasp]
- What's wrong with his face?

- Don't mind us,
just on our way out.

- Great party!

[ominous music]

- That's our only way out.

Remember guys,
we're doing this together.

- [laughing]
- How embarrassing.

[all giggling]

- Look at them go.

- Ooh, nice undies.

- I just need to grab my--

[dog barks, snarls]

Never mind.

[rooster crows]

- [yawns] Boy.

That goat milk sure
knocks me right out!

- Oh, yeah.
- Slept like a log!

- Really?
Was that before or after

y'all went to
Girl Jordan's party?

- What do ya mean?
- Whose party?

- We don't know a Girl Jordan.

- Aw, come on guys.

Rusty looks like
he kissed a beehive,

Zach looks like he's been
run over by a lawnmower

and you two are in nothin'
but your skivvies.

I weren't born yesterday.

- You're right, Liam.
We did go.

And we're really sorry.

Girl Jordan's party
just looked so fun.

They had subs
and a water-slide and--

- I know, I know.

People were texting me
from the party, too.

I just thought we were having
a good time here,

so I didn't say nothing.

- We were having a good time!

We never should have left.

- Sorry, man.
We stink.

- And if it makes you
feel any better,

we definitely got what was
coming to us at Girl Jordan's.

- Oh, I know.

I got that text, too.

- So embarrassing.

- We don't need to re-live it.

- So, we still friends?

- I reckon. You fellers
can't shake me that easily.

Now, come on!
This party ain't over yet.

You can't leave without
a big ol' farm breakfast!


- Wow, Liam.
This is some good bacon!

- Yeah, I'll say!
Can't get enough

- Well, you can
thank Virginia.

[knife slices]

Well, she did
lose the wrestling match.

She knew the rules.

- [stomach gurgling]
- [retching]

- [groans]
[pig snorts]

- Ah, that's just
a little country humor.

But seriously,
don't cross me again.

[loud chewing]

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, guys!
Anyone seen my bus pass?

- Did you check your purse?

- Thanks!
I got it!

Did someone take
the credit card?

- Check your purse!

- Oh, right!
Wait, my shopping list--

- The purse, woman!

- Culottes, jeans,
pom-pom sweater...

- Going shopping, Leni?

- Not just shopping.

Reiningers is having a huge

two-day %-off blowout sale

and I made up
a dream shopping list for it.

Yay! New wardrobe!

- Good luck, Leni!
- Happy saving!

- sh**t!
Where did I put my purse?

all: Check your arms!

[all chewing]

- I'm back!

[ominous music]

- Are you okay, Leni?

Did you wrestle a bear?

- Where's your stuff?

- I didn't get any of it.

- What? Why?

- Well, you know
how shoppers can be.

Sometimes they're
a little grabby and pushy.

And claw-y and shove-y.

- Ah wait, did you let a bunch
of greedy bargain hunters

take your stuff?
- I don't mind.

I'll just make new clothes
with my old ones. Yay!

- Poor Leni.
This always happens.

She's too nice
for her own good!

- It's true. Her submissive
nature makes her easy prey.

Much like the baby wildebeest
of the Serengeti.

- She needs to learn
how to be a little tougher!

- A little meaner.

- More aggressive.

- [yelling indistinctly]

- Give me that remote back!
- [yelling]

- More like us!

Leni. How would you like
to go back to that sale

tomorrow and get everything
you wanted?

- That's okay. I'm fine.

Look! I turned this nightgown
into jeans!

Oh, wait. Now I don't have
a nightgown.

Ooh, I can make one out
of these other jeans!

- Leni, you need to learn
to stand up for yourself.

- Yeah! You don't wanna be
wilted beets in the spaghetti!

- Meh, close enough.
- But don't worry.

We're here to teach you
how to become

a more assertive,
decisive person!

- Well, okay.
If you guys want.

I'm just happy
when you're happy.

- [sighs]
We have a lot of work to do.

Tomorrow you're going back
to that mall as a new Leni.

And the new Leni
doesn't let people

cut ahead of her in line.


- Now, you're number one
in the bathroom line.

Don't let anyone
make you number two.

[laughs] Get it?

- I don't. But don't worry!
No one's gonna cut!

- [groans] I'm feeling
the surprise part

of Dad's taco surprise.

Oh, you gotta
let me cut, Leni.

- Oh, you poor thing!
Go right ahead!

all: Gah!
- All right.

Step aside
and watch a pro do it.

Lori, your assistance.

- [clears throat]
I'm in a hurry, Lola!

Let me cut.
- [growls]

- [groans] Ow! How are you
so freakishly strong?

- [grunts] I hope you like
the taste of floor!

- Tackle, pin, catchphrase.
Got it!

[militaristic music]

- Second lesson: the new Leni

isn't afraid to go
after what she wants.

There's some rockin' threads
on that clearance table,

but you got major
peeps blocking your way.

What are you going
to do, dude?

- I'm gonna get those threads!

So sorry.
Would you mind moving?

No? I can wait until
you're ready.

[all sigh]

- Yo, L.J.

Show her how it's done.

- With pleasure!


Take a hike!

[all yelling]

Oh yeah, oh yeah,
oh yeah, uh-huh!

- Hey, Bobby gave me
that sweater.

- Run, block, do a dance.
Got it!

- Third lesson:
protecting your property.

The new Leni doesn't let

greedy shoppers
steal her stuff.

- That phone charger is the
only working one in the house.

Your goal is to hold on to it
no matter what.

- Oh, it's okay.
I can use the landline.

all: Leni, no.

- Put yourself first.

- [sighs] I'll show you
how it's done.

I've been protecting my junk
from you guys for years.

The key is to use
a good firm armpit grip.

All right!
Come at me!

Ow! Ow! Ow!
- Armpit tuck.

Fall on floor.
Protect vital organs.

[all yelling]
- You got it yet, Leni?

Ow! Leni!

- Thank you guys
for all your help!

I'm so excited
about the new Leni.

Just one question,

where did the old Leni go?

- Hey, dude! Bogus!

- I got this creep!

- [groans]

- I hope you like
the taste of flan!

Was it flan or floor?
I heard flan.

- Doesn't matter.
You're a queen!

[all clamoring]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Hut! Hut! Take a hike!

[all gasp, scream]

- Whoo!
All day long, baby!

[rock music]

- [grunting] Hey, it's mine!

Don't even think about it!

- [screams]

♪ ♪


[all cheering]

- You rocked!

- Yay Leni!
- You crushed it.

- A new wardrobe!
I can't believe it!

- Ah! We gotta celebrate!

Pretzels and sodas
on Lincoln!

- Wait, why me?
- Thanks, Lincoln!

Meet you guys
at the food court.

- I wouldn't do that.

- [snarling]

- Wow! Leni really mauled
the competition!

- People are going to think
twice before crossing her.

- We changed her life. To us!

all: To us!

- Hm, this top is perfect
for a cozy Saturday.

And this sweater
will look so good

with my new nightgown jeans.

- Are you sure you don't have

any more
of those polka-dot swimsuits?

That's all
my granddaughter wants.

Well, that and for me
to live forever,

but I can't promise that.

- Here. You should take mine.

- Oh! You angel!

Amy will be so happy!

- That sweater is so cute!

Where did you get it?

- I think this
was the last one.

- Oh, it's hard
finding sweaters

that won't give me
what my doctor calls

"Category Five" rashes.

[giggles] That's me!

Allergic to almost
every fabric.

Well, enjoy it!

- Wait! I can't imagine
how awful that would be!

Here, take mine.

- Oh! That is so sweet!

Thank you!

- Excuse me.
Is your name American Bank?

- Oh my stars,
I am so stressed

about finding a tie
for my anniversary

that I must've dropped it.

It's a big one.

- You know,
I'd be glad to help you.

- But you'd lose
your place in line.

- That's okay.

This is more important!

- [slurps] Yep.

Today could be the start

of a whole new life for Leni...

- The ABCs of Being a CEO!

[bright music]

[shutter clicks]

- Miss Loud, you're the head
of a fashion company,

the best-selling author
of "Taste the Flan,"

and a role model
for young women.

To what do you
attribute your success?

- Well, I really owe it all
to my siblings.

See there was
this two-day blowout sale...

♪ ♪

Problem solved! Now you have
something to wear to the dance.

You came all the way
from Cheboygan

for a flutter-sleeve blouse?
You should have it!

there'll be other culottes!

Send me a picture!
I want to see how

those gaucho pants look on you!

- This is a great find!

I wish I had time
to browse the racks.

- Oh, well why
don't you take it?

- Oh, oh, I--I
couldn't do that.

This is all you have,
and you've been waiting

in line for so long.
- It's okay.

I wouldn't even
be shopping here

if it weren't for people
like you working so hard.

[alarm rings]
- [yelps]

- No, the castle Leni's
going to live in

will have three swimming pools.

- Ooh!
And a chocolate fountain!

- A zoo!

- There she is!

[all clamoring]

- Hey, you guys!
- Uh, Leni.

Where are your bags?

- Oh, I didn't buy anything.

I gave all my clothes away.

- What? After all our training?

- What happened
to the new Leni?

- She wasn't really me.
I'm sorry you guys.

It did feel good
to get what I wanted.

But it felt even better to give
other people what they wanted.

- Leni, we're worried
about you.

How are you going
to make it in life

if you keep putting
yourself last?

- Boo Boo Bear and I
cannot support you forever.

- Oh, there you are, dear!

I got you a little something
to say thanks.

- Aww, you shouldn't have!

I hope your granddaughter
loves the suit!

- I know she will.

I wish more young people
were as sweet as you are!

- Presents are nice
but you know what's nicer?

All those clothes
you gave away!

- Excuse me, young miss?

We have the # combo with fries

for everyone in your party,

courtesy of that woman
over there.

- Yay! You look great!

No rashes!

- Excuse me, miss?

Thank you so much
for helping my hubby!

He has never looked so cute.

- We got you a gift card
to the fro-yo shop!

- That's so sweet of you!
That's my favorite place!

Happy anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Bank!

- Leni, it's great
that all these people

are doing nice things for you,

but I still think
it's more important that you--

- Excuse me.
I wanted to meet you.

I'm Ms. Carmichael.

I'm the manager of Reiningers
and I've been hearing

such wonderful things
about you.

You know, we could use
a sales employee

with great
customer service skills.

- Great!
Let me think about it

and get back to you
with some names.

all: A-hem!

- Oh! You mean me.

- Hours are flexible,
and employees get

a % discount
on all merchandise.

- It's like there's
a blowout sale

happening in my heart.

- I'll take that as a yes!

Stop by whenever
to fill out paperwork.

- I'll see you back
at home, guys!

- Wow. We were so wrong
about Leni.

- Yeah. Guess we don't have
to worry about her after all!

- Hm, if being nice does
that much for Leni,

I wonder what it could do
for me.

Hey, mister.
How would you like my fries?

- Oh, no thank you. I'm trying
to watch my cholesterol--

- Go ahead. Take them.

- No, really, I'm good.

- Take the fries.

- [yells] What is up
with this mall?

- Maybe stick to what
you know, Lola.

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
- ♪ Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with kids ♪

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, guys!
Anyone seen my bus pass?

- Did you check your purse?

- Thanks!
I got it!

Did someone take
the credit card?

- Check your purse!

- Oh, right!
Wait, my shopping list--

- The purse, woman!

- Culottes, jeans,
pom-pom sweater...

- Going shopping, Leni?

- Not just shopping.

Reiningers is having a huge

two-day %-off blowout sale

and I made up
a dream shopping list for it.

Yay! New wardrobe!

- Good luck, Leni!
- Happy saving!

- sh**t!
Where did I put my purse?

all: Check your arms!

[all chewing]

- I'm back!

[ominous music]

- Are you okay, Leni?

Did you wrestle a bear?

- Where's your stuff?

- I didn't get any of it.

- What? Why?

- Well, you know
how shoppers can be.

Sometimes they're
a little grabby and pushy.

And claw-y and shove-y.

- Ah wait, did you let a bunch
of greedy bargain hunters

take your stuff?
- I don't mind.

I'll just make new clothes
with my old ones. Yay!

- Poor Leni.
This always happens.

She's too nice
for her own good!

- It's true. Her submissive
nature makes her easy prey.

Much like the baby wildebeest
of the Serengeti.

- She needs to learn
how to be a little tougher!

- A little meaner.

- More aggressive.

- [yelling indistinctly]

- Give me that remote back!
- [yelling]

- More like us!

Leni. How would you like
to go back to that sale

tomorrow and get everything
you wanted?

- That's okay. I'm fine.

Look! I turned this nightgown
into jeans!

Oh, wait. Now I don't have
a nightgown.

Ooh, I can make one out
of these other jeans!

- Leni, you need to learn
to stand up for yourself.

- Yeah! You don't wanna be
wilted beets in the spaghetti!

- Meh, close enough.
- But don't worry.

We're here to teach you
how to become

a more assertive,
decisive person!

- Well, okay.
If you guys want.

I'm just happy
when you're happy.

- [sighs]
We have a lot of work to do.

Tomorrow you're going back
to that mall as a new Leni.

And the new Leni
doesn't let people

cut ahead of her in line.


- Now, you're number one
in the bathroom line.

Don't let anyone
make you number two.

[laughs] Get it?

- I don't. But don't worry!
No one's gonna cut!

- [groans] I'm feeling
the surprise part

of Dad's taco surprise.

Oh, you gotta
let me cut, Leni.

- Oh, you poor thing!
Go right ahead!

all: Gah!
- All right.

Step aside
and watch a pro do it.

Lori, your assistance.

- [clears throat]
I'm in a hurry, Lola!

Let me cut.
- [growls]

- [groans] Ow! How are you
so freakishly strong?

- [grunts] I hope you like
the taste of floor!

- Tackle, pin, catchphrase.
Got it!

[militaristic music]

- Second lesson: the new Leni

isn't afraid to go
after what she wants.

There's some rockin' threads
on that clearance table,

but you got major
peeps blocking your way.

What are you going
to do, dude?

- I'm gonna get those threads!

So sorry.
Would you mind moving?

No? I can wait until
you're ready.

[all sigh]

- Yo, L.J.

Show her how it's done.

- With pleasure!


Take a hike!

[all yelling]

Oh yeah, oh yeah,
oh yeah, uh-huh!

- Hey, Bobby gave me
that sweater.

- Run, block, do a dance.
Got it!

- Third lesson:
protecting your property.

The new Leni doesn't let

greedy shoppers
steal her stuff.

- That phone charger is the
only working one in the house.

Your goal is to hold on to it
no matter what.

- Oh, it's okay.
I can use the landline.

all: Leni, no.

- Put yourself first.

- [sighs] I'll show you
how it's done.

I've been protecting my junk
from you guys for years.

The key is to use
a good firm armpit grip.

All right!
Come at me!

Ow! Ow! Ow!
- Armpit tuck.

Fall on floor.
Protect vital organs.

[all yelling]
- You got it yet, Leni?

Ow! Leni!

- Thank you guys
for all your help!

I'm so excited
about the new Leni.

Just one question,

where did the old Leni go?

- Hey, dude! Bogus!

- I got this creep!

- [groans]

- I hope you like
the taste of flan!

Was it flan or floor?
I heard flan.

- Doesn't matter.
You're a queen!

[all clamoring]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Hut! Hut! Take a hike!

[all gasp, scream]

- Whoo!
All day long, baby!

[rock music]

- [grunting] Hey, it's mine!

Don't even think about it!

- [screams]

♪ ♪


[all cheering]

- You rocked!

- Yay Leni!
- You crushed it.

- A new wardrobe!
I can't believe it!

- Ah! We gotta celebrate!

Pretzels and sodas
on Lincoln!

- Wait, why me?
- Thanks, Lincoln!

Meet you guys
at the food court.

- I wouldn't do that.

- [snarling]

- Wow! Leni really mauled
the competition!

- People are going to think
twice before crossing her.

- We changed her life. To us!

all: To us!

- Hm, this top is perfect
for a cozy Saturday.

And this sweater
will look so good

with my new nightgown jeans.

- Are you sure you don't have

any more
of those polka-dot swimsuits?

That's all
my granddaughter wants.

Well, that and for me
to live forever,

but I can't promise that.

- Here. You should take mine.

- Oh! You angel!

Amy will be so happy!

- That sweater is so cute!

Where did you get it?

- I think this
was the last one.

- Oh, it's hard
finding sweaters

that won't give me
what my doctor calls

"Category Five" rashes.

[giggles] That's me!

Allergic to almost
every fabric.

Well, enjoy it!

- Wait! I can't imagine
how awful that would be!

Here, take mine.

- Oh! That is so sweet!

Thank you!

- Excuse me.
Is your name American Bank?

- Oh my stars,
I am so stressed

about finding a tie
for my anniversary

that I must've dropped it.

It's a big one.

- You know,
I'd be glad to help you.

- But you'd lose
your place in line.

- That's okay.

This is more important!

- [slurps] Yep.

Today could be the start

of a whole new life for Leni...

- The ABCs of Being a CEO!

[bright music]

[shutter clicks]

- Miss Loud, you're the head
of a fashion company,

the best-selling author
of "Taste the Flan,"

and a role model
for young women.

To what do you
attribute your success?

- Well, I really owe it all
to my siblings.

See there was
this two-day blowout sale...

♪ ♪

Problem solved! Now you have
something to wear to the dance.

You came all the way
from Cheboygan

for a flutter-sleeve blouse?
You should have it!

there'll be other culottes!

Send me a picture!
I want to see how

those gaucho pants look on you!

- This is a great find!

I wish I had time
to browse the racks.

- Oh, well why
don't you take it?

- Oh, oh, I--I
couldn't do that.

This is all you have,
and you've been waiting

in line for so long.
- It's okay.

I wouldn't even
be shopping here

if it weren't for people
like you working so hard.

[alarm rings]
- [yelps]

- No, the castle Leni's
going to live in

will have three swimming pools.

- Ooh!
And a chocolate fountain!

- A zoo!

- There she is!

[all clamoring]

- Hey, you guys!
- Uh, Leni.

Where are your bags?

- Oh, I didn't buy anything.

I gave all my clothes away.

- What? After all our training?

- What happened
to the new Leni?

- She wasn't really me.
I'm sorry you guys.

It did feel good
to get what I wanted.

But it felt even better to give
other people what they wanted.

- Leni, we're worried
about you.

How are you going
to make it in life

if you keep putting
yourself last?

- Boo Boo Bear and I
cannot support you forever.

- Oh, there you are, dear!

I got you a little something
to say thanks.

- Aww, you shouldn't have!

I hope your granddaughter
loves the suit!

- I know she will.

I wish more young people
were as sweet as you are!

- Presents are nice
but you know what's nicer?

All those clothes
you gave away!

- Excuse me, young miss?

We have the # combo with fries

for everyone in your party,

courtesy of that woman
over there.

- Yay! You look great!

No rashes!

- Excuse me, miss?

Thank you so much
for helping my hubby!

He has never looked so cute.

- We got you a gift card
to the fro-yo shop!

- That's so sweet of you!
That's my favorite place!

Happy anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Bank!

- Leni, it's great
that all these people

are doing nice things for you,

but I still think
it's more important that you--

- Excuse me.
I wanted to meet you.

I'm Ms. Carmichael.

I'm the manager of Reiningers
and I've been hearing

such wonderful things
about you.

You know, we could use
a sales employee

with great
customer service skills.

- Great!
Let me think about it

and get back to you
with some names.

all: A-hem!

- Oh! You mean me.

- Hours are flexible,
and employees get

a % discount
on all merchandise.

- It's like there's
a blowout sale

happening in my heart.

- I'll take that as a yes!

Stop by whenever
to fill out paperwork.

- I'll see you back
at home, guys!

- Wow. We were so wrong
about Leni.

- Yeah. Guess we don't have
to worry about her after all!

- Hm, if being nice does
that much for Leni,

I wonder what it could do
for me.

Hey, mister.
How would you like my fries?

- Oh, no thank you. I'm trying
to watch my cholesterol--

- Go ahead. Take them.

- No, really, I'm good.

- Take the fries.

- [yells] What is up
with this mall?

- Maybe stick to what
you know, Lola.

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
- ♪ Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with kids ♪

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪