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03x26 - Missed Connection

Posted: 08/08/22 17:17
by bunniefuu
[rock music]

♪ ♪

- [sighs]
Time for my four o'clock call

with Bobby, literally
the highlight of my day.

[phone buzzing]

- Roberto, come quick!
The freezer case is having

another meltdown!

- I'm on it, Grandpa!

[phone buzzes]

[line trilling]
- Huh, that's weird.

Why isn't he picking up?

- Think you can get
the last of this, Lalo?

I gotta call Lori back.

- [barks]

[phone buzzing]

- [screaming]
Why is a snake

in my sock drawer?

- She needed a warm spot
to lay eggs.

- Why isn't she answering?

Oh, is she upset
that I didn't pick up before?

[snakes hissing]

[phone buzzing]

- Hi, Boo Boo Bear!
- Hey, babe!

Both: Sorry I missed your...
Oh, you go.

- So I have to tell you
this crazy story

about the freezer case--
- Aaah! Not another one!

- Oh, I thought
you liked my stories.

- No, no, no.
It's not that.

I thought I sat on a baby snake
but it's just a scrunchie.

- Ugh, well
that was a dumb idea.

- What?
I didn't do it on purpose.

- Huh, no, not you babe.
I accidentally made Lalo hurl.

But I'll clean it up later.
So what were we talking about?

- The freezer case?
- Oh, right.

Uh, actually, you don't want
to hear about that.

It's boring.
Let's talk about your day.

- Oh, okay, you won't believe

what happened in math--
ah, actually...

that's kinda boring too.

Well, you probably wanna--

sorry you go--

wait, you have to go?

um, okay, well, love you.


- Dinner's in .
Trying a new thing with cod f--

- Dinner's in , Grandma's
making, you know, everything--

dude, are you crying?

- [crying]
- What's wrong, kiddo?

- Bobby and I...
- Lori and I...

Both: Just had the most
awkward conversation ever!

- Aha, stay here,
I'll get backup!

- Uh, this isn't
really my department--

- But it is ours!

- Why was it so hard to talk?

- Is the distance
getting to us?

Both: Are we losing
our connection?

- Yes, it is hopeless.
You should let Lori be free

to find a real man.
- Carl, why don't you go use

the potty before dinner?

Don't worry, Bobby.
You know, your aunt and I were

long distance sweethearts
while she was in art school.

- Aw, your dad and I
had to be apart for a month

while he had mono.
- Those ding-dang karaoke mics

are just dripping with germs!
- Dad, ew.

- But even when
you are separated by miles,

you can still keep the passion
of your hearts aflame.


- Aunt Frida, ew.

- It's all about stepping up
your game and showing you care.

Both: Hmmm.

[cars honking]
[phone dialing]

Royal Woods Pizza?

I'd like to order
a very special pie

for a very special lady--

[doorbell rings]

- Hi, I have a delivery
for the--

- Ooh, Pizza!

Why's it shaped like a heart?

- Uh, I think
it's supposed to be a butt!

- Oh, yeah!

[both munching]

- Mm, I like butt.

- And make the headline say,

"Babe and Boo Boo Bear
named couple of the year!"

Bobby's gonna love this!

- I didn't buy
a newspaper subscription.

I get my news
the old-fashioned way:

Through gossip!

- [squawks]
Special Delivery!


- Why hasn't Lori said...
- Why hasn't Bobby said...

- anything about the pizza?
- anything about the newspaper?

- Did she think it was lame?
- Did he think it was lame?

Both: Ugh!

- I'm a terrible boyfriend.
- I'm a terrible girlfriend.

Both: I have to try harder!

- Hey babe, I'm making a video
of my life at the bodega

so you can feel
like you're here with me!

Look, I moved the chips
closer to the salsa.

So much better right?
Oh, and here's my Lori shrine,

right next to the lotto tickets
'cause you're good luck.

Ronnie Anne,
can I borrow a stamp?

[mischievous music]

- [evil laugh]

Mi vida, your beauty inspires
♪ my soul... ♪

- Hey sweetie,
got your choo-choo jammies

fresh from the dryer!

- Oh, Mommy!

- Ugh, I don't
have time for this.

[phone rings]

- Hey babe, I think I know
what you're calling about.

- A virtual date night?

- Ugh, she hated
the video so much,

she can't even talk about it.
Oh, uh, never mind...

What's a virtual date?
- Oh, it's where we both watch

the same movie
while talking on the phone!

It'll be like having
a real date,

even though we're apart.

- [laughs]

- How can you laugh?
Nina just died!

- What, Nina dies?

Aw dang it,
the video's buffering again.

- Forget I said that!
I'll pause till you catch up!

Do you suffer from jock itch?

- Ugh, not another ad!
One sec--

- Ugh, still buffering.

- Never mind,
this was a dumb idea anyway.

- No it wasn't--

Do you suffer from jock itch?

- Let's just
talk tomorrow, Bobby!

- Oh, okay Lori.

Both: Ugh, this isn't working.
We need to be together.

[engine growling]

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- Well hello, mi vida!
You must have gotten my video.

Let me explain
about the choo-choo jammies--

[ringtone playing]

- Boo Boo Bear!
- Babe!

Both: Guess where I am!

Both: Dang it.

- Okay, don't move!
I'll drive back to you!

We need to be together!

- Mi vida, forget Bobby!
You have a real man right here!

- Carl, I cut up your hot dog!

- Boo Boo Bear!
- Babe!

[light music]

I can't wait to show you
all the romantic stuff

I have planned
for our day together.

- Same here, I made some calls
on my drive back!

- Let's go!

I thought that we could

re-create the first time
I asked you out!

Remember, when I left
brownies in your locker?

- Of course I do, but how
are we going to get inside?

It's Saturday.
- I didn't think of that.

No biggie, I'm sure
there's another way in.


[alarms blaring]
[screams] scatter!

Babe, we're like miles
from the school,

we can slow down now!
- No we can't!

I booked
a romantic balloon ride

and it's
leaving without us!

Wait, Come back!
I already paid!

- It's okay, babe.

It was
a really sweet idea any--


- [gasps]
Boo Boo Bear!

- Ah, sorry!
I keep doing that.

- You're gonna love
this next surprise.

Remember our first date?
- Of course!

You wore a tie and showed up
hours early and took me to--

Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet!

- Closed for
health code violations.

Come on!

- Don't worry, Boo Boo Bear.
It was still a sweet idea.

And besides,
I made us lunch plans too.

This is supposed to be the most
romantic restaurant in town.

You literally eat
in complete darkness.

- Ooh, trendy!

Hey Babe,
I found us a free table!

- Oof, get off me!
- Sorry sir...

Or ma'am with a deep voice.

- Hang on Boo Boo Bear, I think
I found a light switch.

[switch clicks]
[crowd yells]

- Turn the sprinkler off!
- My dress!

- Ugh, I'm so sorry,
Boo Boo Bear.

- Hey don't worry about it.
Why don't we just grab

some nachos at Flip's?
And maybe some paper towels.

Chili-cheese and jalapeno's,
Lori's favorite.

- Wild cherry and cola,
Bobby's favorite.

Both: Oof!

Ugh, it's hopeless!

- Babe, I don't know
what's happened to us!

- Neither do I,
but if it's this hard then,

maybe we have to face the truth
and think about...

Both: Letting go!

[both sobbing]

- Hey snot faces, get cleaning!

- Guess I better wash up
before heading back.

Grandpa will get mad if the
bodega truck smells like cheese

or whatever this is.

- It's been minutes,
is he not coming back?

Does he never want
to see me again?

[ringtone playing]

- Um, hey,
so the bathroom door is broken

and I can't get out of here.

- Oh, hang on!
I'll get Flip!

- It's a little temperamental.

You just gotta
sweet talk it a bit!


Dang it!
One of yous owes me a doorknob!

- Okay, Boo Boo Bear, the
fire department's on their way.

- Oh, I hope
they get here soon.

You know how terrified
I am of confined spaces.

- Don't worry,
I'm not going anywhere.

I'll stay on the phone
with you until they get here.

- Ah, thanks Babe!
So what should we talk about?

- Um, well, I could tell you
about that funny thing

that happened in math?
- Oh, yeah, I totally

want to hear about that!

- Oh, and last week
for dinner, my dad tried

this new thing with cod.
- Cool!

Like fish sticks
or more of a fillet situation?

Okay, so would you rather give
up all cheeses or all desserts?

- OMG, hmm, tough one...

- I know right?
Because what about--

Both: Cheesecake!

[both laugh]
[both sigh]

- This is so nice.
- And so easy.

- What did
we think was so hard again?

- I have no idea!
I guess I let that

one awkward phone call
get me all freaked out.

- Same!
Maybe we've been trying

to fix something
that isn't broken.

I mean, we know
we love each other, right?

- Of course!
You're the best thing

that ever happened to me.
- Oh, Boo Boo Bear--

[fire truck sirens wail]

- Great idea asking
for a ride, Babe!

- I know!
Isn't it literally so romantic?

- Yeah.
Hey, maybe we could try

to finish that movie
when we get back?

Even though I know Nina dies--

- Aw, come on, man!

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
- ♪ Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line
to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with kids ♪

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪