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02x40 - No Spoilers

Posted: 08/08/22 17:56
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles ♪

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls ♪

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud ♪

♪ Loud house ♪

- Poo-poo.

[rock music]

♪ ♪

[eyes tinkling]

- [gasps]

What does that mean?

- Okay, Leni should be
occupied for a while.

I told her she can communicate
with Cliff by blinking.

- I call this meeting to order!

- We've tried throwing a few
surprise parties in this family,

but it's always gone wrong.

And we all know why.

Or should I say, who.

- Okay, she's coming.

Everyone hide.

- Leni, what are you doing?

- Shh! I'm hiding
for your surprise party.

all: [groaning]

- Siblings, I am perplexed

as to why have I just received
an invitation

to my own
surprise birthday party?

- Oh! I sent that.

I wanted to make sure
you'd be there.

all: [groan]

- Luna, should I wear
the pink or blue dress

to your surprise party?

- Dude.
- What?

- I pink you just blue
the surprise!

Ha, ha, ha!
Get it?

But seriously, you ruined it.

- Well, this year, we want to
throw a surprise party for Mom,

which means,
as much as we love her,

we have to keep Leni out of it.

- Okay, guys.
Let me break it down for you.

I'll do the cleaning.
Lola and Lynn are on food.

Lana and Lucy will do
the decorations.

Luan and Luna will handle

Lisa will be in charge
of the guest list.

And Dad will get Mom
out of the house.

- What about me?
What's my job?

- You have the most important
job of all.

You have to keep Leni distracted
till Mom comes home.

If she's coming our way,
just yell a code word.

Let's make it daffodil.

- Uh, can't it be
something cooler?

Like serpent or quasar or--

all: [scream]

- [screams]

Is this how
we're saying hello now?

I like it!
Don't mind me.

Just getting my polish.

Cliff blinked
that he wants me

to do his nails.

Oh, by the way.

While I have you guys,
it's Mom's birthday today!

I was thinking
we should throw her

one of our famous
Loud family surprise parties.

If everyone agrees,
I'll go tell her right now!

- Uh, actually, I don't think
Mom wants a party this year.

Let's just keep it low-key.

- Yeah, totes.
- Definitely.

- Uh, hey, Leni,
while you're here,

I have some urgent
fashion questions for you.

- Lincoln, all fashion questions
are urgent.

- Okay, kids!
We're leaving now.

I'm taking your mother shopping
because I love to shop!


- We should stop including Dad

in the surprise party
planning too.

- And this is plaid.

- So, um, is there a difference
between plaid and checkers?

- Huge difference!

But to really help
you understand,

I should go get some samples
from downstairs.

- No! I mean, I have
a more important question.

Is it ever okay to wear jorts?

- O-M-Gosh, Lincoln!

We need to go back
to square one.

- [sighs]

- I need to hydrate
before we start.

- Tulip! I mean daisy!

The heck was that word?

♪ ♪

- Ah!
[alarm rings]

- Ooh, sorry, guys.

Must've been something I ate.

Hey, guys!
both: [scream]

- Oh, right.
I forgot our new greeting.


Ooh, Lola, your cake chair
just gave me an idea.

Even if we're not
throwing Mom a party,

maybe we should make
her favorite cake.

- You heard what Lori said.

We're keeping it low-key.

- Daffodil!
[breathes heavily]

- You're not ready
for floral prints, Lincoln.

Well, that covers everything.

- Literally.

- I'm gonna go gossip
with Cliff.

- Wait!

Uh, hey, you're always
looking for a dress model.

Well, I'm your guy!

- [gasps]

- My sisters owe me big time.
- What was that?

- Uh, I said, I think
we need to redo the hemline.

- Keep it down, guys.

Leni will hear.

[toes tinkling]

- Ah! Oof!
[cymbal crashes]

- What was that?
- Nothing.

I didn't hear Luna
drop her cymbals.

I mean, uh--

Daffodil! Daffodil!

♪ ♪

Luna, you gotta--


Oof! Oof! Oof!


- Lincoln, you need to get
your proverbial act together.

- Yeah,
we'll never get this done

if we have to keep
starting over.

- Are you okay, Lincoln?

If you want to jump down
the stairs,

I have just the thing:
parachute pants!

Oh, Lana, those popped balloons
on your hat

just gave me an idea.

I know we're not having a party,

but shouldn't we at least do

a little decorating
for Mom's birthday?

- To repeat, keeping it low-key.

- But you know
what we could use?

A great card!

Maybe one with a camel...

in a space suit...
that's also scratch-and-sniff...

and that says,

"Happy birthday
from your kids!"

- Adorbs!

But where would I find one?

- The Hazeltucky Party Outlet!

- Hmm, that's, like,
three bus rides away.

But it's for Mom,
and she's totes worth it.


- Nice thinking, big brother!

- Can someone help me
with the streamers?

all: [gasp]
- Ah.

- I forgot my shoes!

Oh, wait, no, I didn't.

Kay, bye!

all: [exhale]

- Okay,
we lost some valuable time,

but we can still do this.

Everyone back to work!

♪ ♪

- Dang it.
I'm out of balloons.

Ooh! I know!
My emergency stash of ABC gum!

[gum snaps]

[light music]

♪ ♪

- [screams]

Still not hot enough.

- [hyperventilating]

Mm, still not sweet enough.

♪ ♪

[doorbell rings]

- The guests have arrived.

[lips smacking]
- How do!

Flip has a policy
of never showing up

empty-handed, so here!

- Expired milk?

Gee, how thoughtful.

- You're welcome!

Uh, where's the grub?

- Eh, someone turn on
the boob tube.

Ooh! Color. Fancy.

- Dr. Feinstein, greetings.

- How in the world
did you come up

with this abysmal guest list?

- According to my algorithm,

the people Mother encounters
most are:

her employer,
our cantankerous neighbor,

and the owner
of our local convenience store.

- Just because
she encounters them

doesn't mean she likes them.

- Well, just because
she uses toilet paper

doesn't mean she'll find it
a suitable party decoration.

- Ugh, I told you
we should've just stuck

with my brown balloons.

- Yeah, because everyone wants
their party to look

like Cliff's litter box.

- Hey, guys, I got
some great jokes for the party!

[clears throat]
Boy, Mom is so old,

her social security number is !

I would have invited guests
from Mom's first birthday party,

but they're all extinct.

- I don't think
Mom wants to hear jokes

about how old she is.

- Boss man's got a point, dude.

Why don't we just stick
to my jams

for the entertainment?

[screams indistinctly]

♪ ♪

[cord unplugs]

- Um, Mom is going to hate that!

It'll make her ears bleed!

- Right after her teeth fall out
from eating your cake!

- [screams]



- Lynn, what did you put
in that sub?

You're going to burn off
Mom's taste buds!

- Don't criticize my job
when you could barely do yours.

[all shouting indistinctly]

- [whistles]

Guys, stop arguing!

You're missing
the bigger picture.

This party literally stinks.

- You're right.
- Look at this mess.

[indistinct muttering]

- I don't get it.
Where did we go wrong?

We've never thrown
a bad party before.

- Are we missing something?

- Yeah, a decent sports package!

- [gasps]
It's Leni!

She may spoil all the surprises,

but she's the only one who knows
how to throw a good party.

- Lincoln's right.

Leni actually thinks about
what people like.

- We need to call her
and get her back here right now.

[cell phone chirping]
- Ooh! A musical card.

[chirping continues]

Eh, I don't think
Mom would be into that.

I like it, though.
I should make it my ringtone.

- She's not answering.

- We have to go get her.

- [snoring]

- Sorry, gentlemen.
The soiree has concluded.

- Hold up there, four-eyes!

Flip also has a policy of never
leaving a party empty-handed.

Heh, heh, heh!
Okay, let's go.

Come on, move it or lose it.

- I guess we really blew it.

We couldn't find Leni,

and now we can't
give Mom a decent--

- Surprise!
[cheesy brass music plays]

Oh, it's you guys.

Hurry up and hide.

Mom will be home any minute.

- Leni, what's going on?

- Don't be mad.

I know you wanted to go low-key,

but I found all this great stuff
at the store,

and I decided
maybe we should go high-key.

Doesn't Mom totally deserve it?

Plus, I found that card
you wanted me to get.

It is totes cute.

And it's
a scratch-and-sniff too!

- [sniffs]
Ugh. Camel!

- Give me that!

Ah! Camel...

- I guess I'll put my key in
and open the front door now!

- [gasps]
Mom's here!

♪ ♪

all: Surprise!

- [gasps]
Oh, my goodness!

- Happy birthday, Mom!

- Oh, kids, you've really
outdone yourselves.

Look at these decorations!

You remembered
violet is my favorite color.

And do I smell pad thai?

- Yep, and German chocolate
cake for dessert.

- Thank you so much, kids.

This is the perfect party.

- Actually,
you should thank Leni.

We tried to do this without her,

but it was a disaster.

- What do you mean,
you tried to do it without me?

- Uh, yeah.

We're sorry, Leni.

We were afraid
you'd spoil the surprise.

We didn't realize
you're the only one of us

thoughtful enough to make
a party really special.

- In fact, from now on,

how would you like to be
our official party planner?

- Yay! Thanks, you guys.

You hear that, Dad?

I'm planning
your surprise party next.

But don't worry,
I'll send an invitation.

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
- ♪ Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with kids ♪

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪