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01x26 - Cover Girls

Posted: 08/08/22 18:40
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like ping pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach
the bathroom on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles

♪ Diapers you can
smell for miles ♪

♪ Guy's gotta do
what he can to survive ♪

♪ In the Loud House,
in the Loud House ♪

♪ Duck, dodge,
push and shove ♪

♪ This is how
we show our love ♪

♪ In the Loud House,
in the Loud House ♪

♪ One boy and ten girls

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

♪ Loud! Loud! Loud!

♪ Loud House!
- Boo boo.

- ♪

- [thunder crashing]
- [doors slam open]

- [thunder crashing]

- [suspenseful music]

- [eerie laughter]
- [door slams]

- Whoa, the ghost just
ran into the bathroom.

Tune in tomorrow when
I "flush" him out.


- That...was...


I'm so not gonna be
able to sleep tonight.

- I wanna go to the bathroom.
- [clock chiming]

- Oh, no, I've missed curfew.

If my parents find
out I'm not home, they'll--

- They'll blame me and they
won't let us be friends anymore.

I'll be banned
from your house.

I never got to say
goodbye to Lori.

I need you to tell
her some things--

number one, she made
me a better man.

- [door slams]

- Oh, Lori, I lost
track of time.

- Don't worry--
we've got your back.

Okay, people, Operation:
Cover-for-Brother is a go.

- Man your stations.

- MOM: I told Lincoln I'd help
him with his math homework.

- DAD: Oh? I'll be
your plus-one.


You get it?
- MOM: Oh, yeah.

- Hey, I had it first!
- You don't even like yarn!

- DAD: Girls!
This is so wrong!

- CLYDE's VOICE: Number two,
tell Lori I remember

every dress she ever wore.

- [loud thud]
- MOM: No more fighting!

- Okay, Mom and Dad!

I guess you're going to help
Lincoln with his homework then!

- [footsteps padding]

- Hey, there, know what
I'm jonesin' for?

A family sing-along.
One, two, three...

- Approach at
a -degree angle.

- ♪

- [heavy thud]
- LINCOLN: [groans]

- [heavy thud]

- LISA: Correction--

- Hi, parentals.

We were just wondering
how you two met?

- MOM: Really?

Your father has told that
story a thousand times.

- DAD: Not, now, honey,
if they insist.

- ♪

- DAD: ...and then
your mother walked by

in an outfit that
could stop traffic.

- MOM: It was my uniform.
I was a crossing guard.

- [heavy thud]


- MOM: Ladies, are you okay?
We're coming in.

- [crying]

- MOM: Oh, sweetie,
what's the matter?

- Thus, the trains
will pass each other

at precisely : p.m.

Homework done.

- MOM: Looks like you
don't need our help.

- [door slams]

- One of the great things
about having a big family

is someone's always
got your back.

I know I can count on
my sisters to save my butt,

and they can count on me.

- DAD: Was he wearing
a helmet?

- [door slams]
- [sighing]

- MOM: Kids, come on down.

I hope you didn't
forget what today is.

- [feet screech like brakes]

- MOM: That's right--our annual
Spring Cleaning Day.

Who's excited?
- KIDS: [grumbling]

- MOM: That's the spirit.

- [door slams]

- Hey, can you cover
for me today?

The batting cages got
a new pitching machine,

and if I don't hit
the first ball,

I'll have bad
luck all season.

- I get that. Sure.

- Ah, thanks. I'll do
my cleaning when I get back.

- Lincoln, can you
cover for me?

I'm bringing Lily on
a picnic with Bobby

to see how he handles babies--
you know, for the future.

- Um, I don't get
that...but sure.

- [suspenseful music]

- MOM: Lori, can you
check on Lily?

- [imitating Lori]
I'm literally already on it.

Uh-oh, who made
a stinky surprise

for her big sister?

- [imitating Lily]
Poo-poo! Poo-poo!

- Lori, you changed your hair,
and Lily's invisible now?

Nobody tells me anything.

- [smacks face]

No, Leni, it's me, Lincoln.
I'm covering for Lori and Lily.

- Oh. Then you won't
mind covering for me

while I hit the Spring
sales at the mall.

- Fine, but four sisters
is my limit.

- Of course.
No more sisters.

Oh, one thing--

I'm covering for six sisters,
so I guess now you are, too.

- What?
- Don't worry.

I wrote down where
everyone's going.

- "One floral crop
top, $ . "? Oh.

Lucy's at a poetry reading,
Lisa's giving a lecture,

Lana's checking out
the first mud of Spring.

Leni, how am I supposed to--
- Thanks, Linky. Bye!


- MOM: Lucy? Lynn?
How's the cleaning coming?

- This calls for...

"The Trunk!"

- ♪

- [imitating Lucy]
I scrub and scrub,

yet the stain of human
suffering remains.

- MOM: Okay.
- [imitating Lynn] Not me, Mom.

I'm knocking these
dust balls outta the park.

- MOM: Good to hear.

- [sighing]

- MOM: Leni, how's your
spring cleaning coming?

- [imitating Leni]

As soon as I find those
springs, I'll clean them.

- MOM: [laughing]
- Whew!

- DAD: I hear a lotta talkin',
but not a lotta cleanin'.

- [vacuum cleaner whirring]

- [test tubes clacking]

- [motor whirring]

- DAD: Ah, that's what
I like to hear.

- And they said it
couldn't be done.

- MOM: Time for
a break, kids.

Pop-Pop's on video chat.

He wants to say hi
to all of you.

- [footsteps padding]

- Well, if it isn't
my look alike.

Still got snow on
the roof, eh?

- [laughing]
Sure do, Pop-Pop.

We're all doing
our Spring cleaning,

so the sisters nominated
me to say hello.

- I tell ya, Spring always puts
me in the mood for a song.

Why don't you
bring Luna down?

- [door slams]
- S.O.S.!

Come home now!

- [imitating Luna]
♪ How I wonder what you are

Stage dive!

- [heavy thud]

- Bravo! A tough
act to follow.

But I'd love to see
some comedy from Luan.

- [imitating Luan]
What does a nosy pepper do?

Gets h'all-up-in-yo-business.

Get it?
- [laughing]


Now go get those twins.

- I wanna talk to Pop-Pop first!
- No, me first!

- Girls, girls, there's plenty
of Pop-Pop for everyone.


- LINCOLN: You can
make fun of me later.

Right now I've got
Pop-Pop on video chat

and he wants to
see all of us.

- I'll go say hi right now.

- Hello. I already was you
and I was you, too.

I need a Lynn
and a Leni--stat!

- [footsteps padding]

- And I got a new
outfit for half off--

which was weird because
none of it was missing.


- Pop-Pop wants
to talk to Lisa.

- Lisa's not home yet.

- She is now. Go!

- But I knew I was missing
one key component

and that was sodium, uh...

soup for cookin'.

- ALL: [chattering]
- [objects clattering]

- Have I seen Lori yet?

Bring me the, ha,
the funny one again.

- ♪

- [snoring]

[startles] Uh, I forgot
to tell Lily something.

- ♪

- No, it was Leni.
Or was it Lisa?

- ALL: [chattering]
- [objects clattering]

- Who are you
supposed to be?

- Uh,

- ♪

- So, Ace Savvy was like,
huh, huh, huh!

And then One-Eyed Jack
was all cool! Huh, huh!

- Pop-Pop. White hair.
New hip. Traction shoes.

Never slip. Pop-Pop.

[screeching like bat]

- OMG, Pop-Pop,
Bobby looked so cute,

I literally forgot

we were all hurtling toward
imminent oblivion.

- [crying]



I think that's it!
We're done!

- Uh, nope, Pop-Pop wants
to say bye to all of us.

Together. Now.
- [door slams]

- ALL: [chattering]
- [objects clattering]

- POP-POP: Well, you kids
really made my day.

Talk to ya soon.

- ALL: Bye, Pop-Pop!

- Oh, boy, that was great.

Next time, I must
use my glasses.

- ALL: Whew!


- Awesome!
- Guys, we did it.

We actually--
- DAD: Ahem!

You wanna tell us
what's goin' on here?

- KIDS: Nothing.

- DAD: Nice try.
You're all busted.

- Mom, Dad, the truth
is we all had things

we really wanted
to do today,

and, so, we were
covering for each other.

- But just for a little while.

- And we were totally going
to do our Spring cleaning--

pinky swear.

Wait a minute.

Okay, there it is.

- I know this looks bad,
but on the bright side,

isn't it great how we all
look out for each other?

- MOM: Yes, that is great,
but deceiving people is not,

so, here's what
we're gonna do.

Spring cleaning will
be moved to tomorrow,

so, you can all do those things
that were so important today.

[excited chattering]

- MOM: There's just one catch.

You all have to wear what
you're wearing right now.

- So, if you look at the
coefficient on line five--

- [flowers "pop"]
- [water squirting]

- [groans]

- ♪

- AUDIENCE: [booing]

- [bats screeching]
- GUESTS: [screaming]

- ALL: [knees knocking,
teeth chattering]

- [discordant music]
- [string snaps]

- [heavy thud]

- Uh, no girly-
girls allowed.

- But, guys,
it's me, Lana.

- [door chime bings]

- But, guys, it's me, Leni.

- Babe, I got you this.

But now I'm afraid it might
be a choking hazard.

- [barfing]


- BOBBY: [retching]
- [sighing]

- Well, I guess we all
got what we deserved.

But, honestly,
I got off easy.

I'm just hanging out at home,
watching "Arggh!" with Clyde.

- Uh, hey, buddy.

I thought this episode
was gonna be so awesome,

why not invite
our whole class?

- KIDS: [laughing]
- [cameras clicking]

- Oh, poo-poo.

- ♪