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01x37 - A Tattler's Tale

Posted: 08/08/22 18:41
by bunniefuu

[playing, laughing]

- So then, bam!

My remote controlled plane

smashed right into
Dad's disco ball

and it broke into
a million pieces!

- [gasps] Oh, no!
- [screams]

- The one he got
for winning the Royal Woods

"Dance Your Pants Off"

He's so proud
of that thing.

- I know.
If he ever finds out,

I'll be as dead as disco!

- Don't worry,
you're not the only one

hiding something from Dad.

all: Ooh!

- I accidentally scratched the
car with my rhinestone purse.

[engine shuts off]


[metal scraping]

- You think that's bad?

Remember the
blackout last week?


[strums guitar]

[power surges]

- I rather enjoyed the darkness.

Speaking of which,
does anyone know

how to get black paint
out of lace?

I painted Mom's wedding dress
for my dark betrothal to Edwin.

[organ music]

- What can I say?
We're not angels.

Sometimes we mess up,
but the great thing is,

if you need to
get something off your chest,

you can always
trust your siblings.

[knock at door]

Well, not all of them.

- What you guys
talking about?

- Quantum physics.
- Monster trucks.

- Bobby.
- Politics.

- Baseball, jokes.
- Global warming.

- You're telling secrets again,
aren't you?

It's not fair!
I never get included!

- That's because
you're a tattletale, Lola.

- [scoffs]
I am not!

[crickets chirping]

Okay, I'll admit,
I used to be a tattletale,

but I've changed!

- Uh-huh.
- Sure.

- Yeah, right.

- [screams]

- Mom, they won't let me

in their secret
secrets club!

- Mm, so where were we?

- I broke Dad's disco ball,

Luna caused the blackout,
Lori scratched the car,

and Lucy ruined Mom's
wedding dress.

Who's next?
- Ooh! Ooh!

So you know how Dad
was yelling at Charles

for chewing up
his boots?

That was me.

[all laugh]

- Wait a second.
Weren't those steel toe?

- [screams]
- Morning Linky.

I need a butler for
my tea party.

You're it.
- Yeah, that's not happening.

- Oh really?

I'd hate for Dad
to find out

who broke his
precious disco ball!

- [gasps]
Who told you about that?

- [slurping]
Ahh, top me off, Linkington.

I don't hear any tea.

- [sighs]
[imitates liquid pouring]

- Hey Luce!
Wanna play "drive me around

while I practice
my pageant wave"?

- Hard pass.

- Okay. Maybe I'll go
play dress up

with Mom's wedding gown

[crow caws]

Oh, wait, I can't.

Because someone ruined it.

- [gasps]
Who told you that?


- Luna, can I have
the middle?

-Sorry, little dudette,
I snagged it first.

- Oh, okay.
I hope your show doesn't,

ya know, like,
end suddenly.

I hear there have been
a lot of blackouts lately.

- Who told--

- Lori, can I have
head scratchies?

- No.
I need both hands for texting.

- Oh. I just thought
you wouldn't mind

since you've been scratching
a lot of things lately.

- [gasps]

- Two hands, please.

- ♪ With a moo-moo here,
and a moo-moo there-- ♪

- Uh, I believe I said
he had a pig.

- ♪ With an oink oink here
and an oink oink there ♪

- How's my homework
coming, Lis?

- I'm up to the letter S.

- Hmm, make the macaroni
a little crooked.

I don't want my teacher
getting suspicious. [laughs]

[claps] Jester!
How about a joke?

- Why do chicken coops
only have two doors?

'Cause if they had four,
they'd be chicken sedans!

Ha ha ha ha ha.
Get it?

- Yes!

Isn't this fun, everyone?

[all grumbling]

- Well, I think we all know
why we're here.

Lola knows our secrets and
she's literally torturing us.

- Clearly, we've got a rat.

- Ew! Where?
- No, Leni.

A rat is an informal term
for a snitch.

So which one of you
low-lifes is it?

[all fighting]
- It wasn't me!

No, way!

[screaming, thud]
- [grunts]

What the?

Guys, stop!

I know who the rat is!

And her name
rhymes with granola.

- Lisa?

- No. It's Lola!

She put a microphone
in her tiara

and eavesdropped
on our meeting!

- [screams]

Mom! They won't let me
in their secret secrets club!

- Well, now we know

who the rat is,
but what do we do about it?

- Yeah.
She still has all our secrets!

- But what if we had
one of hers?

- Fat chance.
Lola's a pro.

She covers her tracks.

- Everyone makes mistakes.

Even Lola.

- Just ten more minutes,
and I'll have all your cereal

separated for you, Lola.

- Oh, good job, Lisa,
don't let any of that icky bran

mix with those yummy

Uh, smooth jazz, Luna?
[laughs] Nice try.

How about a little
adult contemporary instead?

- Sure!

Anything for you, sis.
[plays bass]

- Almost done
with the second coat!

Then onto the third!

[dramatic music]

- Aha!

"If you're reading this,
you must be snooping.

Get out of my room. Or else.
Signed, Lola."

"I said, get out of my room.
Signed, Lola."


Lola's diary!

"Today I broke
Mom's most prized possession.

"Just kidding, only a moron
would write secrets in a diary.

Now get out of my room!
Signed, Lola."

Man, she's good!

What is your secret,
Lola Loud?

- Lola, come back!

Don't you want me to put more

of that pink crud
on your toenails?

- [gasps]

- [gasps]

I said,
no sweets before dinner,

Mr. Sprinkles!
Burr, it's cold in here.

- [screams]


Where the heck

did this cactus
come from?

"If you landed here, it means
you were snooping in my room.

Enjoy the pricklies.
Signed, Lola."


- Nice tiara, Loud.

What are you doing?
Training for a beauty pageant?

- No!

Actually, yes!

- Oh. Well, good luck
with that!

- No one has dirt
on Lola Loud?

[all scream]

Sheesh. What did she
do to these girls?

- Psst, over here.

I'm gonna help you.

Not because I like you,
but because I'm tired

of always coming in
second place to Lola.

- Wait, is this
Lindsey Sweetwater?

- Do you want
the dirt or not?

- Sorry.


- [gasps]

- Shamoley!

- Man, that is juicy!

[chomps, munches]

And you got some really good
dirt on Lola, too.

- [snaps]
- Yep.

And now it's time
to take her down!

[all cheer]

- Holy shamoley!

Who told you about that?

- If you tell
Mom and Dad our secrets,

we'll tell them yours!

Now if you'll excuse us,
those of us

who can trust each other
are going to go hang out.

- So then, kaboom!

Mom and Dad's bedspread
was burnt to a crisp.

- Guys! I just saw Lola marching
into Mom and Dad's room!

I think she's
ratting us out!

[all talking]
- She wouldn't dare!

- If she's taking us down,
we're taking her down with us!

[heavy footsteps]

- Thank you for telling
the truth, sweetie,

but you know
I have to punish you.

You're grounded
for a month.

[sad music]

- You're grounded?
Wait, what's going on?

- [sighs]
You guys are off the hook.

I took the blame
for all the stuff you did.

[all gasp, talk]
- What?

Why would you do that?

- [sighs]
'Cause all I really wanted

was to be included
in your group.

- Then why'd you thr*aten
to tell on us

and make us
do all that stuff?

- It was the only way I could
get you to hang out with me.

But then I realized
I went about it the wrong way.

Instead of using
your secrets against you,

I should have tried
to earn your trust.

So from now on, that's what
I'm gonna work on.

If anyone needs me,
I'll be up in my room

for the next thirty days.

Care packages welcome.

[door closes]

[harmonica playing]

[knock at door]

- Hey Lola, you know,
we talked it over and decided...

You're in!
You've earned our trust!

- [gasps]
Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes!

[all chattering]

- Aw, so you guys
won't believe

how bad I messed up
the other day!

I was in the living room,
practicing my pile driver

with Mom's ironing board.

[light music]

[all chattering]
- Oh, you guys!

That was so fun!

Everybody get home safe!

So, you'll never believe
what Lynn did!

[gasps, whispers]

Well, what did you expect?
I'm Lola Loud.

It's not like
they'll tell anyone!

So, anyway...

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house
- ♪ Loud house

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee

♪ Never any privacy

♪ Chaos with kids

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house