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04x04 & 04x05 - Roll Model with the Casagrandes/No Show with the Casagrandes

Posted: 08/10/22 16:12
by bunniefuu
- ♪ In the Loud house

♪ In the Loud house

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud, Loud house

- Poo-poo.

- Hey, it's me, Ronnie Anne.

If you like The Louds,
come meet my family...

My mom, my brother, abuelo,
abuela, tíoCarlos,

tíaFrida, my cousins Carlota,
CJ, Carl, and Carlitos.

And out pets, Sergio and Lalo.

We are...The Casagrandes!

[upbeat music]

- Help! Help!
I can't hold on!



- [screeches]

- I'll save you!

- [gasps]
El Falcón de Fuego!

- Has anyone seen my skateboard?
- Hey!

There's a hero on the screen.

Have some respect
for the Falcon of Fire!

- Oh, there it is.

Thanks for keeping it
warm, buddy.

And covered in drool.

- Whoa! [gasps]

- [grunting]


- You okay, little guy?

- [sniffles] Yeah.

- I know what always makes me
feel better.



- [gasps]
Roasted corn, my favorite!

Thanks, Falcón de Fuego!

- No problemo!

- Oh, Ronnie Anne, if you're
going to the park,

do you mind taking Carl
with you?

He's been glued to that TVall day.
- I have not!

- [groans]

Go, go! Outside!

- Come on, dude.
In the park, there's real birds.

- [grumbles] Bet they can't
roast elotewith their wings.

[children laughing]

- Hey, want to take turns?
You can borrow my board.

- I'll pass. El Falcón
and I have other plans.


- Hi, Nelson.
Hi, Mr. Nakamura.

How's obedience school going?

- I think we're making
some real headway.

- [barks]
- Oh, easy, Nelson.

- [blows raspberry]

- Whoa!
- [barks]

- Nelson, come back!

- Got you covered,
Mr. Nakamura.

- [barks]
- [shrieks]

[dramatic music]

- Aah!

- Aah!

- Oh!


- [imitating whooshing]

- [barking]

- Huh?

- Oh, no!

He's allergic to bees!

- [gasps]

- [gasps]
- [barks]

[bees buzzing]

- That was the greatest rescue
I have ever seen.

- Pfft.
It was no big deal.

- [grunting]
You saved my baby.

Thank you so much,
Ronnie Anne.

- No problemo.

- [gasps] That's exactly
what El Falcón said.

[heroic music]


[birds chirping]


- What would you like
for breakfast, mi'ja?

- Huevos rancheros, please.

- Ooh. I'll have that,
too, please!

- Oops! I guess you didn't see
me there, big guy.

- No, no. I did.

- Huevos rancheros,
just like you asked.

And to be sure you don't go
hungry, chorizo, hash browns,

y unpancake.

- Hey, want to see
something cool?


- Ooh, let me try.

- You'll get there, buddy.

- But first, you clean
my wall, buddy.

- [barks, pants]

- Good boy!
But you missed a spot, though.

- And now back
to "Rank Our Prank!"

- Okay. I can change it
to "El Falcón" if you want.

- And miss our favorite show,
the "Prank t*nk Rank" thing?

[upbeat music playing on TV]

- [sighs happily]

- [sighs happily]

- [laughs]

- [laughs]
- [laughs]

- I give that an . .

- Yeah. Definitely an . .

- [slurps noisily, sighs]

- [slurps noisily, screams]

Brain freeze!

[upbeat music]

- [both whistling]

- Ugh!

[yawns] I thought this day
would never end.

Finally, a break from...

Carl, what do you think
you're doing?

- Oh, I'm sorry. Would you
rather I slept on the floor?

- No. I'd rather you sleep
in your own bed.

I already share this room
with a bird.

That's my limit.

- [squawks]
I'm right here.

- Here you go.
Don't make me strap you in.

[heroic music]

Did you put my face
over El Falcón?

- Of course.
You're my hero now.

Get some sleep, cuz.

We've got a big day tomorrow.

And the day after that
and all the rest after that...

- Ugh, I'm never going to be
able to shake Carl now.

He literally thinks
I'm a hero.

- [squawks]
If only he knew the truth!

- Ha ha.
Very funny, Sergio.

You might be onto something.

[suspenseful music]

Hey, little guy,
I got a job for you.

I don't want you to take
any of this personally.

I just need to get Carl
off my back.

[clears throat]

[screams] Help!

- [panting]
What's happening?

- Spider!

- Wait. You're afraid
of a spider?

- Yeah! Terrified!

- Hey, where should we put
tíaFrida's latest sculpture?

Aah! Spider!

- [grunts]

- Great catch.
Thanks, Ronnie Anne.

- Aw, so brave!

She faced her fear
to save my mom's art.

A true hero!

- Look at the trash.
What a mess!

The heroic thing to do would
be to take it out for abuela.

But I'm not going to.

- Please tell me nobody
has taken out the garbage!

I think I accidentally dropped
one of my rings in there.

Whew! That was
a close one, mi'ja.

- Amazing!
The instincts of a hero.

Always two steps ahead!

- Hey, Carl. Want to see the new
trick I've been working on?

- Yes, obviously!

- Whoa! Whoa!


Guess I'm not as good
as I thought I was.

- Holy mustard!

You saved my cart,
Ronnie Anne.

First fire in years, and you
just happened to be there.

- Of course I was.

- Have you ever been called
a hero before?

- Just a few times.

[upbeat music]

- So what's next?

Are you gonna stop
a bank robbery

or--or save some endangered
sea turtles?

- No, I'm just going
to the bathroom.

- Cool! Let's do that!

- Seriously, dude?

- Oh. Right.

Uh, you can take that one solo,
but hurry back.

- [sighs]
I'll never shake him.

[cell phone ringing]

Ugh. If that's Carl,
I swear I'll--

Oh, hi, Dad.

- Hey,amorcito!

- How's Peru?
Did you get the clinic set up?

- Yep. We're up and running.

What's new with my girl?
I miss you.

- I miss you, too, Dad.
Thanks for the care package.

I love the alpaca hat.

Can't wait to wear it
this winter.

- Hey! I hear you talking
in there.

Are you having
a hero meeting?

- Private call, Carl!

Sorry, Dad. Carl's been driving
me crazy lately.

He's following me everywhere,
copying my every move.

- [chuckles]
Kind of reminds me of someone.

- Who?
- You,chiquita.

- Me?
What are you talking about?

- When you were
about Carl's age,

you did the same thing
to Bobby.

Everywhere he went,
you were on his tail.

- Pfft! No way!
I never did that.

- Don't take it from me.
Ask your brother.

- It's true. And I've got
the videos to prove it.

Look, Mom.
I'm a zombie!


- Look, Mom,
I'm a zombie, too!


- Dad, check out
my sand castle!

It's got four turrets!

- I made a sand castle, too!

Mine doesn't have
turtles, though.

- Ya!

- [grunting]

- Wow, I had no idea
I was such a pest.

An adorable one, but still...

How did you handle it?
- It really wasn't so bad.

It's just part
of being a big brother.

Sure, every now and then,
I'd have to lock myself

in the bathroom
to get a break.

- Been there.
- But mostly,

I was flattered that you
looked up to me so much.

- I still do, even
if I don't follow you around.

I guess I grew
out of that part.

- Just like Carl will
with you.

I know you've never expected
to take on a big-sister role,

but you're getting
pretty good at it.

- Thanks, Bobby.

Well, I should go
talk to Carl.

- And I should talk to Lori.

If I'm late
for my hourly call with her,

she won't speak to me
until our next hourly call.

- Hey, Carl.
- Hmm?

- I was thinking of heading back
to the park to skateboard.

Want to come with me?

I'll grab us some snacks
at the mercadoon the way.

- Count me in!
I'll get our boards!

- So, Carl, about the way
I've been acting...

I'm sorry if--Whoops!
- Ma'am, watch out!

- [shrieks]

- [spits]
- Oh, thank you, young man.

- That was the greatest rescue
I've ever seen!

- No problemo.

- [gasps] That's exactly
what El Falcón said!

Uh, what were you saying?

- Uh...nothing.

[heroic music]

[upbeat music]

- Hurry, hurry!
"Adiós, Ana, Adiós" is on!

- Whoo! Yes!

- [squawks]
Mystery! Drama! Romance!

- Don't forget style.
Obsessed with Ana's outfits.

- I'm gonna have to watch it
in the mercado.

My shift's about to start.
- It's okay, mi'jito.

We'll shout out the window
about the juicy parts.

- Yes!

- Did I miss it?

Ooh, sorry, mi'ja.

- I'm glad you could tear
yourself away

from your gossip long enough
to be here, viejito.

- Who was gossiping?
I was dealing with Maybelle.

And you know what
a difficult customer she is.

- Are you sure you don't want
to join us, mi'ja?

The novela'sgetting
really good!

- Mm...
- Come on.

Just give it a chance.
It's a family tradition.

- You can sit by me.

- Guys, I told you already.
I'm not into telenovelas.

Call me when
the soccer match is on.

- Shh! How can you say
no to this?

That's our hero, Ana Ronalda.

She's an orphan
raised by her grandparents.

- [gasps]

- Oh, oh!
Here come the bad guys!

- [laughs]
Danos todo el dinero.

- Pero somos pobres.

No tenemos nada.

- [grunts]
- [screams]

[horse neighs]

[all gasp]
- The bad guys want money,

but the family doesn't have any,
so they're taking Ana Ronalda.

- [gasps] This is why I make you
kids carry a whistle!

- You guys,
this show is so cheesy.

Sorry, but you wouldn't catch me
watching it in a billion years.

Thanks, guys. I knew you weren't
into that corny junk either.

- Pipe down!
Watching my novela.

- [whimpering]

- Ugh. I'm going back in.

[family gasping]

- Can you believe it, Bobby?
- No, that was crazy!

- What, did she crochet
a new bonnet?

- [yells]

- [growls]

- [grunts]

- Oh, nice roundhouse kick!

- Soy la campeona
de los pobres!

- She's the defender
of the poor now?

- Wow, what a leg sweep!

She is so cool!

[men grunt]

That's it?

I need to know
what happens next.

- [squawks]
Somebody's hooked!

[upbeat music]

- Yes, new episode!

Can't wait to see Ana Ronalda
kick some more butt!

- I can't wait to see
what she wears.

- Oh, yes, the attention
to detail

in her revolution-era
wardrobe is--

- And that's my cue
to go to work.

- So, listen, guys,
about the novela--

- We know.
It's too cheesy for you.

- Well, actually--
- Come on, mi'jita.

Let's take your bad energy
to your bedroom.

- No problem.

We can just watch
the show across the alley.

Easy peasy.

- [squawks] Spoke too soon.

- What? Why is she blocking
the TV?

It's almost showtime!

- [squawks]
Mercado! Mercado!

- Hey, Bobby, just thought
we'd come down here

to keep you company.

You must be so lonely
here by yourself.

- Thanks, sis, but I'm good.

I like my alone time
with the show.

TíoCarlos has a lot
of historical facts to share.

- Oh, look at that!

I should probably stay here
and clean it up.

- No, I got it.

I know how much
you hate the novela.

I don't want
to t*rture you.

- "Adiós, Ana, Adiós."

- But, but, but--

Come on, guys, we've got to find
somewhere else to watch.

- "Adiós, Ana, Adiós"
is about to start.

- [squawks] Bingo!

- [shouts]

[static crackles]

- What?

- Vito Filiponio,
what are you doing?

- Ah, come on, the game's tied,
and my TV's broken.

- Fine, have it your way.

We'll just watch it over
at the Laundromat.

They have a TV over there.

- Ha!

- Yah! That's Ana Ronalda.

She defends the poor
from the greedy bad guys.

She's pretty cool and probably
reminds you of someone.


- Hey, if you're gonna stay
here, you better wash something.

- Uh...

[adventurous music]

[dryer clatters loudly]

- Ha!
[men grunt]

- Really, dude?

Can't you wait
until my show's over?

- [squawks]
Problem solved!

- Ooh!

[adventurous music]

- Let me get this
straight, chula.

You want whatever haircut
you can get for $ ?

- Yep. Just keep it on this
channel and cut really slow.

- Ay, mi'jita,
that's not a problem.

I love "Adiós, Ana, Adiós."

- [breathing heavily]

- What is she doing?

- [whimpering]

Así nunca me reconocerán.

- Ooh.

- She gave herself
a disguise!

- Can you give me
that haircut?

- I don't have any swords,
but I'll do my best.

[both gasp]
- Oh!

- [screams]

[breathing heavily]

- Wow. Excited for tomorrow's
finale, chula?

- Yes! Can I watch it here?

- Oof, I wish you could,
but I have four quinceañeras

and a funeral
to do tomorrow.

The salon's closed.

- Ugh.

- Ooh! This will be
the best finale party ever!

- I've got a feast for us!

Conchas, horchata,
nachitos, todo.

Hector, save some
for tomorrow!

- [gulps] Bobby, this is such
a special occasion.

You should watch with us.

I think we can close
the mercadofor an hour.

- [gasps] Oh.

Actually, abuelo,why don't
I watch the mercado

during the show
so you don't lose any money?

- You would do that
for your abuelito?

- Sure! I got nothing
better to do.

- Whoa! Loving the new hair.

Who do you remind me of?

- Uh, no one.
[laughs nervous]

[car horn honks]

Finally, no interruptions.

[door opens, bell chimes]
- Excuse me.

[dog barks]

- Oh, hi, Maybelle.

- I need your help
with everything on this list,

and I'm very particular.

Two pints of strawberries.

Make sure you check
the bottoms for mold.

Seven cans of cat food.

No! I want the fresh ones
from the back.

I'll need everything

And don't you bruise
my bananas!

- Okay, thanks!

- [clears throat]

Hector always brings
my groceries home for me.

- Of course.

[door opens, bell chimes]
[breathing heavily]


- [squawks]
Best finale ever!

- Thanks, but slobber can't give
me back the last hour.

- Regresen mañana
para otro estreno

de este capítulo final.

- Your lucky day!
Playing again tomorrow!

- Seriously?
That's amazing!

I'll watch it then.
Okay, now you can slobber on me.

[upbeat music]

- Can you believe
that ending?

- Such a perfect finish!

- Oh, Ana Ronalda
really went--

- Stop!
- What's wrong, mi'ja?

- Um. I saw a lizard.

- [squeals]

- Ah!

I didn't think about spoilers.

I just have to avoid them
for hours.

I can do this.

- You know, I can't stop
thinking about the finale.

That part when Ana Ronalda
fell down a--

- Here! Eat it before
it gets soggy!

- You know,
I would have never guessed

Ana Ronalda was really--

- Can you fold these, sweetie?

Ah, doesn't this scarf
remind you

of when Ana Ronalda took
her scarf and--

- [chuckles nervously]

Can't believe I made it!

Spoiler free and just minutes
till show time.

- [barks]
- Don't worry, Lalo.

We're going to find a place
to watch the finale.

If Margarita's
is still closed,

we'll try the pizza place.
- [barks]

- Already thought of that.

If Vito is still
watching soccer,

I'll bribe him with his favorite
tooth-whitening gum.

Let's go!

Oh, hi, abuelo.

- Are you going out, mi'ja?

Promise you'll be careful.

I don't want you stepping
in front of a runaway carriage

like poor Ana Ronalda
did in the finale.

- No!

[all talking at once]

- Uh, uh...

Abuelospoiled the novela
for me.

- What are you talking about?

You hate
"Adiós, Ana, Adiós."

- No, I don't.

I'm actually obsessed with it.

I just couldn't tell you guys
after being such a snob.

I'm sorry for acting that way.

- Oh, honey!
It's okay.

- We forgive you.
- Seriously?

I should have told you
I liked it sooner.

Then--then we could've watched
the finale together.

Man, I blew it.

- We have something
to tell you.

- What?

- We knew you were obsessed!

Abuelogot the intel
from Margarita.

- I am the gossip king,

- We pranked you!

- Yeah, abuelo even gave
Maybelle a $ gift card

to keep you busy
in the mercado.

- And the spoilers?
All false.

- What?
You guys are terrible!

But also evil geniuses.

That's the best prank
of all time.

Still wish I could've watched
the finale with you, though.

- There's one last secret.

- When we heard you loved
the show,

we recorded the finale
so we could all watch it

together as a family.

- Oh. Cool.
- You're touched!

- You're right.
I am.

[adventurous music]

- [grunting]

Mi gemela?

¿Pero cómo?

- Oh, my gosh!
It's her long-lost twin!

- It's so beautiful

when family's brought back
together again.


- Well, guys, that was fun
while it lasted,

but it's probably time to dust
off the old skateboard and...

- Ooh, a new novela'sstarting!

- "Mi Madre Luchadora."

- [grunts]

- Um, my skateboard can wait.

[all talking excitedly]

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad,
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house
- ♪ Loud house

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee

♪ Never any privacy

♪ Chaos with kids

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house