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04x28 & 04x29 - Don't You Fore-get About Me/Tough Cookies

Posted: 08/10/22 17:44
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house

♪ In the Loud house

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud

♪ Loud house

- Poo-poo.

- Okay, you answered "A"
for nine questions,

which means the color
of your aura is teal!

- Oh, it so is!
Look at my dress.

- Heyo!
Mail call, people.

Lana, mud of the month club.

Nice grab.

bone of the month club.

Lisa, bacteria
of the month club.

- [grunts]

- Ooh, Lori.

Something from
Fairway University.

- Oh!
This says the deadline

to officially enroll
for fall semester

is next week.

- Why the bummed look, dude?

Thought you were psyched
to go to Fairway.

- I am![laughs]

I think.

It's just--it's such
a big decision

and I'm not totally sure
it's the right school for me.

- I know what might
help you decide.

Why don't we visit the campus?

- Great idea, hon.
We could make a day of it.

- Yeah, let's do it!
- Why not?

- Ooh.
Ronnie Anne said her Tio Carlos

has been guest lecturing there.

Maybe she can
meet up with us.

- I'm sure you'll decide
to go to Fairway, Lori.

Moving away from
this podunk town is my dream.

[overlapping chatter]
- Follow your heart.

- I can't wait till I get
to go to college, dude.

- Aw.

Hey, do you have a sec?

I usually go
to Lori for advice,

but this is about her, so...


I'm really worried

about Lori going to Fairway.

How am I supposed to survive
without her?

Ugh, you're such
a chatterbox with Luan,

but the one time I need you,
you're silent?

I'll talk to someone else.

[door slams shut]

I mean, Lori and I do, like,
everything together.

We've been BFFs since
before I was even born.


If there's no Lori,

who am I going to take
magazine quizzes with?

Or gossip with?

What should I do?

- [grunting]

- You think I
should fight Lori?

- Uh-uh.Uh-uh.
[speaking gibberish]

- Ew!

Oh, I get it.

I just need to show Lori that
Fairway is actually terrible.

And this campus tour is
the perfect chance to do it.

Lily, you're a genius.

- [chuckles]

[overlapping chatter]

[all gasp]

- [squawks]
Reunited and it feels so good.

- Hey, guys.

I didn't know
Sergio was coming.

- Neither did we.

- I'm a stowaway.

- Bobby's sorry
he couldn't make it.

He's kind of stuck
at the mercado.

- Aww, Boo-Boo Bear.

- Oh, great seeing you, Louds.

I have to get to
my guest lecture

on the maturation
of Bermuda grass

and its utility in creating
an eco-friendly golf course.

I'm in Hall B
if anyone wants to see it.

[overlapping chatter]

- Oh, oh!

Who wants to check out
the campus store?

[affirmative chatter]

- Have fun!

Ronnie Anne and I are gonna go

make skate videos.

- Hi.
Welcome to Fairway University.

I'm your tour guide, Raj.

We'll be puttering
around the campus together.

[both chuckle]

Now, which one of you

is the famous Lori Loud?

I heard a lot about you.

Coach Niblick said you're
the most promising golfer

he's seen in a long time.
- [giggles]

- Now, are you ready
for the tour?

- Okay.
- Let's check it out.

- And this to our left
is Wedge Hall.

- [gasps]

O-M-gosh, Lori.

They make you wear
a uniform here,

and it's so ugly.

- Um, Leni,

I'm literally wearing
the exact same outfit.

- [speaking indistinctly]

- [laughs nervously]

- Oh, that's not a uniform.

It's just what the students
like to wear.

- Wow.
I already fit in so well.

- [sighs]

- Fairway is a golfer's dream.

We've got an -hole course,

par ,
and three putting greens.

- Ew, Lori!

The swimming pool here
is so gross.

- Oh, Leni.
That's not a pool.

That's a water hazard.

- [squawks]
- Huh?

- Brought the party!

- We do have a bird problem.

But we like to think
they help us

get birdies on the holes.

- [snorts laughing]

That is literally

the funniest thing
I've ever heard.

- [breathing heavily]

both: Whoa!

- Perfect.
Start filming.


[birds squawking]


Did you get it?

- Got it!

[frog ribbets]

- This is our freshmen hall.

You'll share this bathroom

with nine other women
on the floor.

- [gasps

That would be so hard.

Sharing one bathroom
with nine other people!

Who could even?

- Um, Leni, you do realize
our family of

shares one bathroom, right?

Three sinks?


This bathroom is
a serious upgrade for me.

- [groans]

- [gasps]


- Got it.

- Eh?

Aw, come on, Lola.

You can't hate all of these.

- Maybe your head just isn't
the right shape for hats,

how about a Fairway pencil?

- Eh?

- Fine.
- Yes!

- And here we've got
a great selection

of T's, tees, and teas.

[both giggle]
- [scoffs]

- So funny.

- This day hasn't gone at all
like I thought it would.

Lori wants to go
to Fairway more than ever.



But what if Fairway

didn't want Lori
to go to it?

[upbeat music]

- Hi!
Can I, Lori Loud,

have a glass
for a free cup of water?

- Sure!

- Look at me.
Stealing lemonade.

Lori Loud is such
a rule-breaker.

- Oh, actually,
all the fountain drinks

in the cafeteria are free.

- [gulping]

- [sighs]

- Whoa.
Looks like Lori Loud

is stealing
these banana nut muffins.

- Hey!
- Oh, no.

Am I in trouble?

You should probably
call the campus police.

- [giggles]

I just wanted to tell you

that it's
Pastry Palooza Week.

The muffins are free.

Do you want a to-go box?

- Forget it.
I lost my appetite.

What do I have to do
to mess up Lori's reputation?

- [chewing noisily]

- Coach Nibbles.

The guy who gave Lori
her scholarship.

He could keep Lori
from coming here next year.

- [grunting]

- Whoa!

- Is that Lori Loud?

- Why, yes!
It is her.

I mean she.

I mean, I'm Lori Loud.

- Why don't you
take the first swing?

- With pleasure.

Oh, oh, I mean,

oh, no.

[frog ribbets]

- [gasps]

You just got
a hole-in-one, Lori.

- [laughs nervously]



[alarm blares]

- [gasps, grunts]
- [grunts]

- [gasps]

That is the most incredible

hole-in-one I've ever seen.

You will be a credit
to our fine institution.

- [laughs nervously,groans]

I can't risk getting
another hole-in-one.

[yells, groans]

- Keep your eye on the ball.

- [grunts]

- Now, your hands
must be sweaty

from the excitement
of those hole-in-ones.

[person yells]

- Eh, Lori?
Are you feeling well?

- I think I suddenly have


I don't remember how to golf.

- Are--are you sure?

Take this.

Perhaps it'll jog your memory.

- [eating noisily]

- No, no!
That's not food!

- Actually, I don't recognize
any of this stuff.


If I can't do golf,

maybe I shouldn't
come to golf school.

- Are you certain?

Well then, I'll have
to make the call

to offer your scholarship
to another student.

Oh, I was really
rooting for you, Lori.

- [squeals]

- Wow, Lincoln.

This footage is amazing.

Sorry if you got
a little banged up.

- It was worth it.

- Oh, Leni.

Look what I found
in the book store.

I was thinking we could set up

a time to chat
on the phone every night.

So we can still do
our magazine quizzes together.

- Won't you be
too busy for that?

- [laughs]
No, of course not.

And I talked Mom
into getting us

an unlimited texting plan,

so we can still have
non-stop gossip sessions.

- Oh.

- Leni, is everything okay?

- [sighs]
I messed up!

I pretended to be you,

and I lost
your golf scholarship.

- What?


- [squawks]

- Why would you do that?

You know how important
that scholarship is to me.

- I do,
but I was worried

that if you went to Fairway,

we wouldn't be BFFs anymore.

- Leni, I need you
just as much as you need me.

We'll always be close.
I promise.

- Ugh.
I totally blew it.

Fairway is
the perfect place for you.

Don't worry.

I'm getting
your scholarship back.

Dad, I need to run
back to campus.

- Oh, ho, no can do,

We're supposed to be
on the road ten minutes ago.

- But I--I need to, uh--

- Go buy you
a "Fairway U Dad" hat.

I totally forgot
to get you one.

- Oh, goody.

Just don't tell Lola.

- Do you know
where Coach Nibbles is?

- Uh, Niblick?

He just went to his office
to make a phone call.

He said it was urgent.

[both gasp]
- We have to stop him.

- Don't worry.
I got this.

- [yells]
Wrong way!


[dialing phone]

- Wait!

[phone disconnects]

- What is the meaning of this?

- Coach Nibbles, I have
something to confess.

The person you saw playing
golf earlier wasn't Lori.

- What?

- It was me, her sister Leni.

I was worried about
Lori going away next year.

So I dressed up like her

and pretended to be awful
so Fairway wouldn't want her.

But now I know that
just because

we'll be far apart in distance,

doesn't mean we won't be close.

I'm sorry for what I did.

Can my sister
still have her scholarship?

- So, Lori,

do you still know
how to use this?

- "Fore" sure.

- Well done!
- Go, Lori!

- We'll see you
next fall, Loud.

Now, young lady,

I don't blame you.

When my sister was off
to university,

I popped the tires on her car

in the hopes it might
stop her from leaving.

But those years apart
only made us closer.

Hm, I should give her a call.

- Uh, let me just...

- [squawks] Party bus!
[both laugh nervously]

[upbeat music]

[bell rings]

- Hey, buddy.
Do you wanna try

my latest baking creation?

- Do I?

I mean, yes.
I definitely do.

These are amazing, Clyde!

- Thanks.
You gave me the idea, actually.

Oatmeal and butterscotch,
together at last.

[sliding on floor]

- Whoa!

Who's been dirtying
my freshly-waxed hallways?

And on the day
of the school board meeting!


Do I smell butterscotch?

- Yes!
Would you like a cookie?

- Ah.

These are quite exquisite.

Look, I know it's
rather short notice,

but could you make
a few dozen of these cookies

for the school board
meeting tonight?

Superintendent Chen
has quite the sweet tooth.

- Eh, I don't know.

We were going to get started

on our history project tonight.

- Please!
I beg you.

Superintendent Chen
can always tell

when baked goods are

I'll pay--handsomely.

[cash register dings]

- We'll totally help.

- Excellent.
Thank you, boys.

[humming tune]

both: Aw, yeah!

[mixer whirring]

[timer clicking, chirping]

- [sniffs]

- We have a lot to discuss,
Principal Huggins.


Like all the money you've
been spending on floor wax.

- Well, I uh...
Oh, good.

The refreshments are here.

- Ouch.
- Care for a cookie?

- Oh, these are delicious.

[chewing noisily]

And definitely
not store-bought.

Now, what was I saying?

- Oh, who can recall?
Have another.

- [chewing noisily]

- You two just saved the day.

Here's your payment.
Plus, a little extra.

- Mm.

These are so good.

Oh, do you boys
have a business?

I'd love to place an order.

both: [giggle]
Oh, we don't have a--


We should totally start

a cookie business!

We'd be the cookie kings
of Royal Woods.

[camera shutter clicks]
[crowd cheering]

both: Cookies!
Cookies for everyone!

- Mr. McBride, Mr. Loud.

You're needed
in the tasting room.

- [grunts]

both: Whoa! Whoa!

[both grunt]

- Ooh!

Which of these new flavors

should we release?

Caramel Crunch?
Mocha Fudge?

Marshmallow Swirl?

- All of them!

- [breathing heavily]

I'm so sorry,
Mr. McBride and Mr. Loud,

but we've run out of room

for all the money
you're making.


- It'll be perfect.

We've got everything we need.

You're a baking genius.

- And you're great
at getting people to buy stuff!

Like this shirt.

I never thought
I could do stripes.

- Now let's get out there
and start taking orders.

- Yeah!

Oh, but shouldn't we get

that history project
out of the way first?

- Homework can wait.

When we're the cookie kings
of Royal Woods,

will anyone care how we did
on some history project?

- [chuckles]
What history project?

Let's do this!

[both grunt]

- Hm, should I get her roses?

Oh ho, those are played out.

- This anniversary, why not
give her what she really wants?

- Cookies!
- [screams]

- Here.
Try a sample.

- Hm.

[chewing noisily]

These rule!

Oh, I'll take two dozen.

- Great!
We'll just get your info and--

- Hey!
Quit stealing my customers.

[both yell]

- [grunting]
Hey, guys.

Whatcha doing
at my soccer practice?


Need me to open a jar
or something?

- Actually, we thought
your team

might like to order
some cookies.

- [imitates sport buzzer]

Come on, Stinkin'.

Athletes can't be
slamming sugar.

- Actually, these are made
with unsweetened applesauce,

whole grains, and
protein-packed peanut powder.

- Wow, wow!

We'll take six dozen
for our next match

against Fern Valley.

- Looks like you've got a lot
on your plate there, Mr. Loud.

Why not let us
handle the dessert menu?

- Hmm.


Dang exhaust fan.

Anyway, these cookies
are out of this world.

You've got yourselves a deal.

You know, running a business
is a big responsibility.

You boys want some pointers?

It's not all a piece of...cake.

- Thanks, Dad,
but we're all set.

- Plus we've got a hot lead
on another potential sale.

- [chuckles]
Have fun, boys.

Ding dang it.

[overlapping chatter]

- Katherine Mulligan,
reporting to you live

from Sunset Canyon,
where a riot has broken out.

The cause?
A clogged pudding dispenser.

[overlapping angry chatter]

- Fear not, senior citizens.

- We have the solution
to your pudding problem.

both: Cookies!

[all chewing noisily]

[overlapping pleased chatter]

- These are fantastic.

Looks like
we've got a new story.

These delicious cookies.

- That's right, Katherine.

We are Clincoln McCloud
Cookie Company.

- And we're open for business!

- All right,
time to start cooking.

First up, your Nana Gayle
ordered a dozen

for her skydiving club.

- Let's do this.

[upbeat music]

Ooh, nice label.
- Thanks.

I'm drawing
a mini-comic on each one.

Keeping it fun, you know.

both: Ooh!

Nice, our first dozen down.

And it only took us...
[watch clicking]

both: Four hours?

- How many more orders do we
have to make for tomorrow?

- Ten orders for a total
of dozen cookies,

which will take, um...

[phone ringing]


- hours or . days.

And that's
with no potty breaks.

- You were listening?

I'm at Clyde's house.

Your surveillance measures
have gone too far.

- I heard it through
your walkie talkie, you boob.

- Huh?

Well, thank you.

- You're welcome.
Here's another tip.

Hire employees.

If two nincompoops can make
a dozen cookies in four hours,

think how many cookies
six or seven nincompoops

could make in that time.

- Hey.
- One last tip.

Maybe look for
a bigger work space.

- How do you know
the layout of my kitchen?

- [gasps]
Gotta go.

- So do we know anyone with
professional baking experience?

- No.

But I can think
of some other people

who might be available.

Thanks for coming.

My sisters were
too busy to help,

but you guys will get
to share in the profits.

- Plus, you get all the
leftover cookies you can eat.

- Sounds great.
- Hot dog.

- I don't know, man.
A hair net?

These locks can't be tamed.

[all grunt]

- Just put it on, Rust.

- [grunting]

- Whoa.
Easy, tiger.

[laughs nervously]

That rolling pin is vintage.

- Oh, sorry.

I'll be more gentle.

- Still a little rough there.

- I'm barely pressing it.

- Here.
Why don't I just do it?

- [groans]

- Well, the label looks great,

but are these bite marks?

All the cookies have them.

Zach, what the heck?

- [gulping]What?
I'm doing quality control.

- Bad news, bud.
We're out of butter.

- Dang it.

I already used up my allowance

on the first round
of ingredients.

- And I used up mine
on that vintage rolling pin.

- Oh, don't worry, fellers.
I'm on it.

Now, which one of you's
got a gentle touch?

- [moos]

- Hey, guys.

Come look at the conveyor belt
I rigged up.

I think it'll make things
go a lot faster.

I made it out of a treadmill

your parents
were getting rid of.

See, we can do
an assembly line, and--

[alarm rings]

- [roars]

- Annabell, no!

- Turn it off.
- Watch the hair, man.

- Save the cookies.

[machine activates]
- Whoa, hey!


[all yell]

- [sniffs, moos]

[chewing noisily]

- Sorry, but no amount
of free cookies

is worth this hassle.

- Uh, I'm with Rusty.

- Same.
- Likewise.

- Come on.
We should probably go finish

our history projects, anyway.

[both groan]

- [gasps]

both: Our history project!

- We haven't even started.

- But we promised cookies
to all those people.

- Well, I guess we just have
to buckle down and get baking.

- Baking powder,
cinnamon, oats!


[mixer whirring]

- [grunting]

Gah, hand cramp!

- [panicked breathing]

[alarm ticking, failing]

[both sigh]

- There.
Last one.

We did it.

[both sigh]

- Here are the cookies
for your anniversary, sir.

Sorry they're so awful-looking.

- We got you these
as backup, too.

- Oh!
Well, thanks.

[overlapping excited chatter]

- Also, we fixed
the pudding machine.

These were clogging it.

- [gasps]
Those are Scoot's chompers.

- [laughs]
You can't prove it.

- Ah, I get it, boys.

Bit off a little more
than you could chew.


- [laughs awkwardly]

- Yeah, we definitely did.

We thought we'd be the
cookies kings of Royal Woods,

but there's so much more

to running business
than we realized.

- Managing employees,
tracking inventory,

wrangling dairy cows!

- [chuckles]
Well, don't worry.

There'll be plenty of time
to figure it all out

when you're older.

Anyways, enjoy being a kid
while you can.

- Will do.

- Bye, Mr. Loud!
- Bye, Dad!

I'll see--

Dang it.

- Hey, guys.

We're sorry
for putting you through

all that mess.

- We made you
these apology cookies.

- No worries.
- Forget about it.

- Sorry you guys weren't able
to finish your history project.

- Oh, we did.

We had some dough scraps
left over,

so we made cookie Stonehenge.

- Huh?
- What happened?

- [chewing noisily]

- Sorry.

I thought these were
the apology cookies.


- [laughing]

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house
- ♪ Loud house

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line
to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy

♪ Chaos with kids

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house