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04x40 & 04x41 - Friends in Dry Places/Coupe Dreams

Posted: 08/10/22 17:49
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles ♪

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls ♪

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud ♪

♪ Loud house ♪

- Poo-poo.

♪ ♪

- [grunting]

- Hey, Lynn!
- Yeah?

- Uhh!
- Oh, sorry, bro.

- I'm okay.
Can I borrow your sleeping bag?

Lana's snake gave birth
in mine.

- Ugh, gross.

Yeah, no problem.
[grunts] All yours.

- Uhh, maybe I'll just
sleep on the floor.

Tomorrow is
the fifth grade trip

To Big Bear Dunes
National Park.

- Ah, yes,
Michigan's Gold Coast,

the most baller
of all the coasts.

- I can't wait. It's the last
field trip of elementary school

and my friends and I are really
gonna go out with a bang.


Can you move that sleeping bag?

- Oh, I remember that trip.

So many fond memories.

- Who's that girl
you're bench pressing?

- My bunk mate, Sherry--

no, no, no, Shirley--
wait, Toni, maybe?

Yeah, I can't remember
the names of people

I'm not friends with anymore.

We were close in fifth grade,

but once you get
to middle school,

everything changes,
even your friend group.

- [scoffs] That won't happen
to me and my friends.

We're like siblings.
We're gonna be close forever.

- That's if you make it out

Better take this for the bears.
- Bears?

Wow. It's so beautiful.

And it's so peaceful.

[loud chatter]
[grunts, moans]

- Okay, y'all little

Your cabin assignments are
going up on the activity board.

- Uh--huh?

[loud chatter]
[grunts, moans]

- Come on, buddy.
- [groans]

Did Cheryl say
cabin assignments?

I thought we get to pick
who we bunk with.

Let's see
who I'm bunking with.

Mmm--Principal Huggins?

You gotta be kidding me.


- Thanks, guys. Let's do
another coat in an hour.

- Okay, let's not panic over
the assigned bunk sitch.

I'll work
some of my Loud magic,

and we'll all be
bunking together in no time.

- Actually, I'm happy
as a skeeter in a sauna

to bunk with Trent.

He snuck in a whole mess
of juice boxes with him.

- Shh.

both: Ooh!

- I'm rooming with Hassan.

He takes security
as seriously as I do.

Check out what he brought.
- A vacuum?

- Threat detected.

- Ahh!
- No, it's the latest

in home security technology.

- I'm with Richie,
but I'm actually okay with it.

He brought an air purifier,

and you know how I am
with pollen.

Sorry, buddy.

- And I'm in the girl's bunk
with girl Jordan.

- Hey, look what
Lance and me found in our bunk.

Someone left a crate
full of awesome random stuff.

Huh? Check out this hat.

[all exclaim]

- Great. So I'm not rooming
with any of my friends.

- But once you get
to middle school,

everything changes,
even your friend group.

- Nah, that wouldn't happen
to us.

- Chop, chop!
Y'all need to meet up

at your first activity station
in ten minutes.

- Sweet.
At least we all signed up

to go sand boogey boarding

- Yikes! Not a hat!
[raccoon chittering]


- Where is everybody?

I'll just boogey my own board.

[thrilling music]



Where could they be?

[light music]

- Clyde? I thought we were
all gonna go

sand boogey boarding together.

- Well, yeah, but then
Richie sold me

on making cherry jam.

It's a real hoot,

if you can stand the pain
of the cherry pits.

Ow! Ow!
You should taste some.

It's delicious.

- Uhh! I'm not eating
your toe jam.

- Come on.

- Actually, that's not bad.

[rock music]

- Stella? I thought we were all
gonna hang out.

- Well, we found out Cheryl
used to drive in Daytona, so--

- Sorry about coming in hot,

There is something about
an all-terrain vehicle

that makes ol' Cheryl
crave the need for speed!

Whoo! Let's ride!


- [sighs]

- [laughs]

[turtle chitters]

- [sighs]


- Spy detected.

- Ahh! Uh!

- [laughs] Oh, delicious.

- Finally.

We've been at the park
a whole day,

and this is the first time
we've been together.

- Wait, where's Rusty?

- I know I'm late.
Let's just say

I had a run-in
with a hungry turtle.

Sorry, Lance.
- It's okay, just--

Wait, did you call me Lance?

- My bad, bro.

Must've forgotten your name
for a second.

- I can't remember
the names of people

I'm not friends with anymore.

[dramatic music]

- [snoring]

- [grunts]

- Lincoln?
- Hey, buddy.

- Shh. You'll wake up Richie.
- [snoring]

- What are you doing here?
And sorry for the whack.

- Normally, I wouldn't dream
of waking you,

but it's an emergency.
- Are the cats missing?

[gasps] Did my dad sell
the house without telling me?

It's Nana Gail, isn't it?

- Worse.
We're losing our friends.

- [gasps]
- Think about it.

No one wanted to bunk together,

we all did separate activities,

Rusty forgot my name.[sighs]
Lynn warned me about this.

Once you hit middle school,
your friend group falls apart.

- This is bad news.
But what can we do?

- I'm thinking a hike
to the dunes tomorrow.

We'll make some memories and
bring the group back together.

- But everyone
has already signed up

to do other activities.
- Not for long.

[thrilling music]

Clyde, you cross everybody off
their activity list,

and I'll sign 'em up
for our hike.

♪ ♪

Job well done, buddy. Huh?

Clyde, your knuckles
are very hairy.

- Um, Lincoln.
That's not me.


[both scream]

- Wait, Lynn's lacrosse stick.

- Go on! Get those bear buns
out of here!

What are y'all little hoot owls
doing out of your bunks?

- Just, uh...

Looking for my lacrosse stick.

Oh, it's, uh,
it's over there.

- And now we can
sleep in peace.

- Mm-hmm.

- All set, Clyde?
- Packed and ready.

Oh, ah, oh!

- Oh, hey, guys. I didn't know
you signed up for this hike.

- I didn't sign up for
this hike, and yet I'm here.

- Same.
- Me too.

- Well,
look on the bright side.

Now we can all spend
the afternoon together.

Should we get going?

- Whoo-hoo! Let's do this.

Uhh, uhh, oh!
Little help?

- Ugh, I'm sweatier
than a sow in labor.

- Yeah, my fair skin isn't
meant for this brutal sun.

- I hate hiking.

- Uh!
- Not again!

- At least we're together,

Don't worry, guys.
There should be a path this way

that'll take us
back to the bunks.

Or is it that way?

- You sure you know
where we're going?

- Yeah. Everything around here
looks exactly the same.

- Hmm. Now that you mention it,

I'm not entirely sure
where we are.

- Okay, let's draw straws
in case we have to eat someone.

- No one is eating anyone.

We just have to work together
to find our way back to camp.

The good news is...

[all grunt]
We'll always remember

this exact moment
that bonded us forever.

Should we take a picture?

Got it. Not the right time.

Liam, I need you
in charge of hydration.

- Just call me the juice daddy.

- Stella, I need you to look
for familiar landmarks.

Anything that'll
lead us back to camp.

Clyde, I need you to--

- Uhh! Uhh!

- Uh, we'll come back to you.

- Zach, you're in charge
of collecting food.

- Wait, you're telling me
Clyde doesn't have

anything to eat
in that ginormous backpack.

- Just bug spray, sunscreen--
[grunting] lip balm.

- Huh. What flavor lip balm?

- Rusty, I need you to find a
way to send out an SOS signal.

- Initiating
Hair-tennae Protocol.

- Huh! Ahh!

- Isn't this exciting, Clyde?

We're gonna remember thisforever.

Look, bud, keep this
between the two of us.

We're not actually lost.
- We're not?

- No. I just thought
working together

would bring us back together.

Don't worry, I have the map.


Don't worry.
I'll just go grab it.

[bird caws]

Uhh, okay.
Now you can worry.

We're actually lost.
- What do you mean "actually"?

- So I may have pretended
that we were lost

because I may have been trying
to bring us closer together.

But now we may actually
be lost.

all: What?

- I promise this wasn't
part of the plan.

Tell 'em, Clyde.
- Clyde?

You were in on this?
- I didn't know

he was gonna get us lost,
I just helped him

cross your names off
the activity list.

- You crossed our names
off the activity list?

- [grunting]
- Very uncool, Lincoln.

- I can explain.
- You've done enough.

I'm getting out of here.

Anyone who wants
to go back to the bunks,

follow me.
- My luscious locks

say this way.
- Well, Meemaw always says

if you're lost in hot sauce,
the North Star's your boss.

- Uh, it's daytime, dude.
- Meemaw never lies.

- Guys, wait!
- I'm going this way.

The pollen count seems lower.

- We should stick together.

Stella, come back.


[bird caws]


The map!

Ahh! Uh!

Dang it.

Help! Help!

all: Lincoln!

- Hopefully, someone sees
my distress signal. Uh!

- [grunts, gasps]

I'd recognize this underwear

- Clyde!
- Guys, he's over here.

Hold tight, buddy.
We'll get you out.

Initiate J formation!

[thrilling music]

♪ ♪

I got him!
Bring me up!

[all grunting]

- Ahh! Uh!

- You okay there, fella?
- Better,

now that you guys are here.

I'm sorry for scheming
behind your backs.

Lynn told me that when
you go to middle school,

you lose all your friends,
and I was afraid

that was happening to us.

- [scoffs] No way.

But everyone was doing
their own thing this weekend.

- We were just trying
new stuff,

but that doesn't mean
we won't be friends.

- Sure thing. We'll always be
tight as a gaggle of geese.

- Thanks, guys.
Now bring it in.

Not to ruin the moment,
but, uh,

technically we're still lost.

- Huh?

- There you are,
my little sand crabs.

Hop on. I'll give y'all
a lift back.

- But we can't all fit.

- I have the solution.

[all gasp]

[all cheering]

I'm so glad
we worked things out, guys.

Nothing can separate us now.

Whoa! Uh.

Guys, wait up!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- I can't believe
our little Lori Lu

is buying her very own car
for college.

[gasps] It seems like
just yesterday

you were toodling around
in your trike,

diaper filled to the brim.

- Aw, Dad, stop.
Seriously. People are looking.

- Now remember, sweetie, all
you need is something sensible

that will get you
back and forth from school.

- [sobs] 'Cause you're coming
home every weekend, right?

- OM gosh.

That is literally the most
gorgeous thing I've ever seen.

- Hmm.
- He's cute,

but kind of a weird dancer.
- No, not that.

- This car is beautiful.

And it's totes your color.

both: Whoa!

- [gasps] Whoa.

- Cool!

both: Ahh.

- I can put my iced chai here,

my golf clubs in the back--

It's like this car
was made for me!

- Can you imagine pulling up
to Fairway University in this?

- [sighs]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

- That ride is so nice,
I'll park it for free.

[laughs] Whoo!

- Guh.
- Yikes.

That's a lot of moolah.

The entire family could
go to Fiji for the same price.

- This car is beautiful,
but are you sure

you don't want something
closer to your price range?

No. This is my dream car.
I have to have it.

I'll find a way to buy it.

Oh, and we gotta think
of a good name for her.

- [gasps] How about Lydia?
- Love it!

Eee! I still can't believe
I'm gonna buy my first car.

- Hey, Loud!
If you need a car,

I got an old clunker
that I'd love to get rid of

for the right price.

- Thanks for the offer,

Mr. Grouse, but I've already
found my dream car.

I know the car's expensive,

but I already figured out
how to pay for it.

I'll just get a second job

on top of working
at Dad's restaurant.

- That's a great plan, Lori.

Oh, no! Mr. Grouse, your car!

- Huh? There it goes.


- That's so sick.
- Rad, dude.

- I need one of those
for my room.

- Tada!

You are looking at Royal Ride's
newest shuttle driver.

Check this out.

♪ We thank you
for your loyalty ♪

♪ We'll treat you
just like royalty ♪

- Ugh.
- A skosh off key.

- So profesh!

- And this will track
all the money

I'll be making
toward my new car.

- Customer pickup
at the Royal Woods Mall.

- Eeh, my very first customer.

- Okay, bye.
[tires squeal]

- [panting] Where's Vanzilla?

I got band practice
with K-Dog.

- I got you, Pops.

- Ahh!

- Hey, Scoots.
- [grunts]

- Oops, one sec.

- [grunts]

- ♪ We thank you for your
loyalty ♪

- I don't got time
for your nursery rhymes.

Step on it, blondie!

- Huh?

[siren wailing]

- We got the fuzz on us.
Lose him!

- Please tell me you bought
that pudding machine.

- Just drive!
[engine revs]

♪ ♪


- Step on it.
You nose we got a gig.

[honking, laughing]


- Customer pickup
at the Royal Woods Cemetery.

- Uh, the cemetery.

Well, more money
for my new car, I guess.

Oh, don't worry,
I'll drop you guys off

at your party gig after.

- Hi, I'm Dinky.
- Greetings, Dinky.

- [laughs]

- [hisses]

- [laughs]


- Come on, guys.
Just try to get along.

It's a short ride.

- Clowns terrify Boris.

[horn honks]

♪ ♪

- Hi, Liam.
Hi, Liam's Meemaw.

Do you guys have any luggage?
- Nope.

But Virginia, Clarence
and Carol Ann sure do.

[pig squeals]
[chicken clucking]

Okay. Everybody in.
Teeth and talons to yourselves.

♪ ♪

- Ahh, turkey!

- Aw, don't mind Clarence.

He's just sad vacation's over.

♪ ♪

[rooster crows]

- Hey, how did
your first day go?

Did you rake it in?
- I don't know. Let's see.

[beeps, chimes]

$ ?

Royal Rides must take
a huge cut of my earnings.

- At this rate, it'll take you
millions of years

to save enough money.

I think. I'd have to have Lisa
check my math.

[car approaching]
- Huh?

♪ ♪


No. I've got to have
that car now.

[gasps] I know.
I'm just gonna have to

pick up a few more jobs.

- [gasps]
- Whoa.

Hey, what's all that stuff?

- Well, in addition
to being a shuttle driver,

I'm also delivering food
and doing mobile babysitting.

- [gasps] You get to babysit
people's phones? Fun!

- No, Leni, you babysit kids
in the car.


- Food pickup
at Burping Burger.

- Time for my first
food delivery.

Wish me luck.

- Bye, Lori. See you later.
- See you later.

- Where's Vanzilla?
I need baking powder!

[expl*si*n booms]
[fire alarm beeping]

And a fire extinguisher!
- On it!

- Ahh!

- Babysitter needed

at Charles Street
and Oakhurst Drive.

- Have a great time
at the zombie escape room,

Mr. and Mrs. Fox.

I'll drop the kids off later.

Okay, I just need
to deliver the burger, then--

[kids screaming]

[metal music]

Guys, get down from there.

[kids clamoring]
- [gasps]

- Lori, hurry up!
What are we paying you for?

[all fighting]

- [sighs]

- Food pickup
at Gus' Games and Grub.

Let's go.
- Wait, you're getting that?

What about us?
- Don't worry.

I'll drop you guys off after.
It'll be super quick.

- Oh, it better be.
I need to get in

at least two hours
of bicep curls before the game.

Gotta get these babies
in prime condition.

[both yelp]

[tense music]


- Uh, uh!
- Oh, finally.

I got a house full of hangry
party guests to feed.

Hey, half of these pizzas
are gone.

Your boss is gonna
hear about this.

[kids clamoring]

- I am so sorry. I'll make sure
you get a full refund.

- What the heck?
There's a turkey in here.

[turkey gobbling]


- Oh, great. You're my driver.

I seem to recall
you running me over once.

Hey, don't forget my goods.

- Seriously, Flip?
- You want a tip,

you gotta earn it.
- [grumbles]


- Holy nachos. You can kiss
your five stars goodbye.


And your upholstery.

[all grunting]

- I'm so glad that you're doing
mobile mani-pedis now.

It's so convenient.

- Not for us.
How long's this gonna take?

- And done. Okay,
now hold your feet by the vent.

♪ ♪

- [screams]
- [gasps]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- Uh, well, I ordered the gravy
and cornbread poke bowl,

but you're just as cute
as a button.

- [laughs]
[tires screech]

♪ We thank you
for your loyalty ♪

♪ We'll treat you just like-- ♪

- Hm. No sign. This punk club
must be super underground.

- Wha--who are you?
Where are my children?

- You guys got ID?

Right this way.
[crowd clamoring]

- Lori, what's wrong?

- I was literally fired
from every one of my new jobs.

And the worst part is
after all that hard work,

I only have $
to show for it.

[sighs] Now there's no way
I'll be able

to buy my dream car.

[sighs] Maybe I should've been
more realistic.

- Well, $ isn't nothing.

You could buy half a car.

Or take the bus five times.

I think. I'd have to have Lisa
check my math.

- [muttering]

Well, here she is.


[both gasp]

- Mr. Grouse, this literally
has so much cute potential.

- Don't look so surprised.

How do you think I got Mrs. G

to go out with me back in
the day? [clicks tongue]

- OM gosh, I thought of a name
for your car.

She's totally a Liza.
- [squeals]

Love it. Do you think Lana
would fix it up for me?

- A cubic inch V ,

with four on the floor.

Oh, yeah, I can have
this baby running in no time.

[both shriek]
Ooh, a opossum.

I'll take that as payment.

- Hey, Loud,
you want the car or what?

I'm missing my judge shows
for this.

- How much are you
asking for it?

- I'll take $ .

But I ain't going
any lower than that.

- [sighs] All I have is $ .

- Hmm. Eh, maybe we can
work something out.

♪ ♪

[slurps, mumbling]

- So where would you like me
to drive you now, Mr. Grouse?

- Ehh, take me
to the barber shop.

I need to get
my 'stache trimmed.

And then we'll hit up
the bingo hall

and after that,
the bowling alley.

Nothing like having
a personal driver.


Where'd you learn how to drive,
the internet?

And crank up the AC.

I'm sweating like a bull
in Orlando back here.

Do something about that sun,
it's right in my eyes.

How much longer? I need to use
the little Grouses room.

- It's just till

the end of the summer.

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
- ♪ Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line
to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with kids ♪

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪