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01x01 - Sleep of the Just

Posted: 08/12/22 07:47
by bunniefuu
[Dream] We begin

[enchanting music playing]

in the waking world,

which humanity insists

on calling the real world

as if your dreams have no effect

upon the choices you make.

You mortals go about your work,

your loves, your wars,

as if your waking lives

are all that matter.

But there is another life which awaits you

when you close your eyes

and enter my realm.

For I am the King of Dreams


and Nightmares.

When the waking world

leaves you wanting and weary,

sleep brings you here

to find freedom and adventure.

To face your fears and fantasies

in Dreams and Nightmares that I create

and which I must control,

lest they consume and destroy you.

That is my purpose and my function.

Or it was,

until I left my kingdom

to pursue a rogue Nightmare.

My Lord, you are coming back, aren't you?

[Dream] Why would I not return, Lucienne?

I don't know, a presentiment.

As powerful as you are here in your realm,

Dreams rarely survive in the waking world.

Nightmares, on the other hand,

seem to thrive there.

Wake up, sir, we're here. Fawney Rig.


I must have dozed off.

Thank you.

[suspenseful music playing]

[engine starts]

[doorbell rings]


Good afternoon, lad.

My name is Dr. John Hathaway.

Of the Royal Museum?

Are you here to see the Magus?

Well, I've come

to see Mr. Roderick Burgess.

Father likes to be called Magus.

It means sorcerer.


[door creaks]

[door closes]

[people chanting] Here in the darkness.

Here in the darkness.

Here in the darkness.

Here in the darkness.

The Magus will receive his guest

in the study, Alex.

Yes, Mr. Sykes.

Have you come to join Father's Order?

The Order of Ancient Mysteries.

Dr. Hathaway, what an unexpected pleasure.

Alex, tea for our guest.

Please, sit down.

You must be exhausted from your journey.

Thank you.

I take it you've reconsidered, then?

After our meeting at the museum

I know what I said.

I received a telegram this morning.

My son, Edmund,

his destroyer was

sunk last week, off Jutland.

Oh, my condolences, Doctor.

We are bonded

then, in our grief, you and I.

As you know, I lost my son Randall

recently at Gallipoli.

Forgive me, I

I understood that

Randall was your only son.

[Roderick] Randall was my greatest joy.

All this was meant to be his. [chuckles]

So, have you brought it,

the Magdalene Grimoire?

If I give you the book

can you really

Capture the Angel of Death?

Oh, yes.

With the spells recorded in this book,

we can compel Death

to return our sons to us.

Your Edmund

and my Randall will live again.

[eerie music playing]

It's all right, Dr. Hathaway. Here.

Tonight, we will achieve

what no one before us has even attempted.

We will summon and imprison Death.

Here in the darkness.

[disciples] Here in the darkness.

[engine idling]

[man groans]

[Dream] Corinthian.

My creations stay in The Dreaming.

They do not walk amongst the living,

k*lling mortals for pleasure.

Isn't this why you created me?

Why should we confine ourselves

to their sleeping minds?

Here, in the waking world,

we're unstoppable.

There is nothing preventing us from taking

whoever, whatever we want.

[Dream] There is though.

My Lord

Please, no.

No, no, no, I beg you.



[Dream gasps]

[disciples chanting] Here in the darkness.

[Dream groaning]

[breathing heavily]

I give you a coin made from a stone.

[disciples] Here in the darkness.

I give you a knife from under the hills,

and I give you the blood

from out of my vein.

[disciples] Here in the darkness.

I give you a song I stole from the dirt,

and I give you a feather

pulled from an angel's wing,

for you to lift up into the heavens.

[disciples] Here in the darkness.

Here in the darkness.

Here in the darkness.

Here in the darkness.

[louder] Here in the darkness.

Here in the darkness.

I summon you with poison.

[disciples] Here in the darkness.

Here in the darkness.

I summon you with pain.

[disciples] Here in the darkness.

Here in the darkness.

I open the way, I open the gates.

[disciples] Here in the darkness.

Here in the darkness.

I summon you

in the names of the old lords.

Namtar, Allatu, Morax Maborym calls you.

Horvendile calls you.

We summon you together. Come!

[disciples gasp]

[disciples murmuring]

[tense music playing]



Get that pouch for me.

But be careful.

Don't break the binding circle.

Hmm. Sand.

Now the jewel. There.


Well, let's see

what other treasures you have for us.

- [bird cawing]

- The bird!


- Father!

- [Roderick] No! No! Stop.





We'll let our guest recover

before we tell him our demands.

Guards, watch him.

[Dream] I was powerless,

trapped by a spell cast by an amateur

with no concern for the damage

he had done to my realm

and to his own.

For the following morning,

there were some sleepers

[man] Unity.

[Dream] who could not wake up.


Rise and shine, dormouse.

Can't have you late to school, can we?

Luvvie? Wake up. Unity?

- What's wrong?

- Call the doctor.

Hello, operator.

[people clamoring]

[Dream] The sleepy sickness,

as it was called,

affected nearly one million men,

women and children

in every city, town

and village in the world.

[doorbell buzzing]

Sykes! Alex!

[door opens]


[Corinthian] Good morning, Magus.

Do I know you?

No, but I know all about you, Roderick,

and the being

you've trapped in your cellar.

Blackmail then, is it? A shakedown?

Not at all. I'm here to help you.

You're gonna need

all the help you can get.

There are benefits

to keeping one of The Endless close.

The Endless?

Did you think Death

was the only one in charge?

The Reaper has family, you know.

Desire, Destiny, Despair.

Which one have I got then?


What's the good

of a god who governs dreams?

Not a god.

More than a god.

And are men not governed by their dreams?

You've taken his vestments?

The ruby, the pouch and the helm?

- They can lend you an aspect of his power.

- [sniffs]

Extend your lifespan,

allow you to manipulate others.

But you must ensure that he never escapes.

The binding circle is intact.

The circle will not be enough.

You must construct

a sphere of glass inside the circle

to contain Dream's physical manifestation.

No one must be allowed

to fall asleep in his presence, no one,

or he will escape into your dreams.

And you don't want that.

There are Forced March tablets.

Stimulants used to keep

trench soldiers awake.

See that your guards

use them at all times.

Um Why are you helping me?

What what is he to you?

Well, you could say that

he made me what I am today.

And if he ever gets free,

he could take it all back.

We're being observed.

What? There's nobody here.

[bird cawing]

[Corinthian] Well,

you'll have to deal with that one.

Her name is Jessamy.

She belongs to him.

Best of luck to the both of us.

Will I see you again?

You should hope not.

[car engine starts]

[car door opens, closes]

[door opens]

You can go.

[cell door closes]


Are you awake?

Are you listening?

I know who you are

Dream of The Endless.

I captured you

according to the laws of magic.

But it wasn't you I wanted.

I wanted Death to return my son Randall,

who died in the Gallipoli Campaign.

If you give him back to me,

alive and well,

I'll release you.

Is that in your power, Lord of Dreams?

No, I suppose not.

So, then, what can you give me?

If I let you go,

if I promise to give you back your things.

What, power? Wealth? Immortality? Hmm?

Is there nothing you can offer me?

Well, have it your way then.

And until you're ready to speak,

I'll enjoy the gifts

you've already given me.

[Dream] Day after day,

he pleaded for gifts

that are not mankind's

to receive nor mine to give.

So I remained silent.

And ten years later

- Enjoy yourself.

- Of course.

though my presence there

remained a secret,

my ruby, sand

and helm brought youth and prosperity

to Roderick Burgess and his followers.

[Sykes] Enjoy yourselves.

But for the rest of the world,

the suffering continued.

[Sykes] Alex.

[jaunty music playing]


You're supposed to be working,

not reading.

Don't let your father catch you.

[indistinct chatter]

Good evening.

Excuse me, I'm afraid that there's

no more room inside this evening.

- But if you'd all come back tomorrow

- Been out here for hours. We're not goin'.

But, I'm afraid that the Magus insists.

Oh, the Magus insists, does he?

And who are you to speak for the Magus?

Who the f*ck are you?

[woman] He's the Magus' son.

[chuckling] You f*cking twat.

And he can do magic too.

Can't you?

Do you want him to put a curse on you?

Hex you and all your unborn children?

No? Then you should leave right now.

- Can we still come back tomorrow?

- Can they?

Yeah. If they bring cash.

Well, you heard him. Cash only.

Now, piss off.

[people murmuring]

Thanks for that.

You didn't need my help.

I'll bet you can do magic, can't you?

Can't do much of anything, really.

That's not true.

You're more powerful than you know.

You can get me in to see the Magus.

[Alex chuckles softly]

[door opens]

[man 1] I'm not staying with that thing

one second longer than I have to.

[man 2] We can't just leave him alone.

[man 1] Why not?

He's in his cage, isn't he?

[man 2 sighs] Sometimes

I wonder about this job.

[man 1] Really, "sometimes"?

- I do not have the

- [Alex] Morning.

- You seen Noel and Maurice?

- No.

They're nearly half hour late.

Uh, I could watch him,

until they get here, if you wanted to go.

- See you tomorrow.

- Cheers, Alex.

[door opens and closes]

[eerie music playing]


It's Alex. The Magus' son.

See, I don't know

whether you can speak or

or even understand me, but

I just wanted to ask

Are you all right in there?


No, of course you're not.

I'm I'm sorry about all of this.

He's not a bad man,

my father, he he just

See, if you could bring Randall back,

or or just give him something, anything.

Or even just speak to him.

Then I am sure he would let you out.

See, I I would let you out

if I could.

[Roderick] You would, would you?

[both grunt]

- What were you doing down there, huh?

- Nothing.

You were plotting his escape, weren't you?

Conspiring against me?

- Hmm?

- No, Father.

- What did he say to you?

- He didn't say anything.

Know what would happen if you let him out?

I won't, Magus. I promise.

He'd slaughter you.

He'd slaughter all of us.

Is that what you want?

Is it? Do you wanna die, Alex? Do you?

'Cause if you do, it's relatively simple.



[Roderick groans softly]

[Ethel] Roddy?

What is it? What's wrong?

It's Jessamy.

Who's Jessamy?

I've been trying to sh**t

this wretched bird for ten years now.

It can't be the same bird, can it?

- Did he tell you to say that? Did he? Hmm?

- No, Father. He didn't say anything.

Prove it to me.

sh**t the f*cking bird.


[tense music playing]

[dramatic music playing]

f*cking hell.

- Shall we call the fire brigade?

- We are the fire brigade. Come on.

[dramatic music continues playing]


Idiot. You could have shattered the glass.

Clear that mess up.

[Dream] The savagery

of my captors bespoke a world

whose dreams in my absence

turned darker still.

A world which would soon be at w*r again.

A world still ravaged by the disease

which doctors named

encephalitis lethargica.

I just want to sleep, please.

[Dream] Some begged for sleep

that would not come.

Others lived as perpetual sleepwalkers.

Most slept without waking.

[Alex grunts]

[Paul] Sorry, sir.

What's that you're reading?


I'm afraid I'm doing much more sleeping

than I am reading at the moment.

Have you read Vile Bodies?

Now that'll keep you awake.

[glass shattering]

[Ethel crying]

[door closes]

You all right?

Well, I'm going to have a baby. [chuckles]

[chuckles softly]

That's wonderful news.


He wants me to get rid of it.

In fact, he's

calling the doctor right now.


[clears throat]

I'll be fine.

Not your worry.

[Roderick] What is it? What's wrong?

She's taken it all.

The helmet, the pouch,

the ruby, the grimoire,

and 200,000 in cash.

She's taken far more than that.

Find her. Bring her back here now.

Where are you going?

To see how badly Dream of The Endless

wants out of his cage.

The woman who lives with me has gone

and robbed me of my fortune.

She's also robbed you.

She's taken your helm,

your sand and your ruby.

Now, I can unlock this,

you can go after her

if you give me what I've been asking for.

Wealth, youth, immortality.

Oh, you're a god.

These things are nothing to you.

Don't you want your weapons

and your freedom?

Speak to me! Speak to me! Speak to me!

- Come on! Speak to me!

- It's all right, Father.

Get away from me.

If you were any kind of son to me

[Alex grunts]

If Randall were alive today

If Randall were alive,

he would hate you as much as I do.


[Maurice] Sir?

You're never getting out of there.


Sir, can you hear me?


He's not moving. Is he

[Noel] He's dead.

[suspenseful music playing]

[Maurice] Don't do it, sir.

He'll k*ll us.

What would your father say?

I need to think.


Are you all right?

My father, he, uh

He's dead.

I'm so sorry, sir.

I'm so sorry, Alex.

[Dream] Out of loss, new love was born,

as was new life.

For nine months later,

Ethel Cripps gave birth to a son.

My mum used to say that if I was good,

when I went to sleep, a man would come,

sprinkle sand in my eyes.

Make all of my dreams come true.

But the Sandman's not coming.

From now on, Johnny,

you and I are going to have to

make our own dreams come true.

And nothing and no one

is going to stand in our way.

[thunder rumbling]

[door opens]

[Alex] How is he today, Rogers?

Buggered if I know, sir.

Moved his hand this morning. Right hand.

Oh, my God.



This is my friend, Paul.

Paul, this is our unwilling guest.

Look, we've been talking, Paul and I,

and if I let you out,

will you promise not to harm us?

If you could just speak to us.

[Alex] You see, I told you.

I'm telling you, you have to keep trying.

Show him that he can trust you.

Show him that you mean it.

I do mean it.

Just promise that

you won't harm me or Paul,

and I will let you out.

[Dream] Should I have

believed him this time?

Should I have forgiven him

for murdering my raven?


But in the end

I could not.

[elderly Alex] I could have

asked you for wealth

or power, like my father did.

But all I ever wanted

was to be free of you.

Surely you want that too.

Alex, darling, please.

Take me upstairs, Paul.

I won't be coming down here again.

[cell door closes]

Old Dracula here's not givin' an inch.

- Why do you call it Dracula?

- 'Cause I think it's one of them Draculas.

What do you think it is?

I try not to.

You know what I think about?


Four days and I'll be on a beach.

- Stinking of suntan lotion.

- [Ernie] Lucky bugger.

I was on Corfu on holiday once.

I met this right fit type

at the hotel in the morning

[indistinct chatter]

[dramatic music playing]

[Ernie] Fred!

Fred, stop it! You'll Fred!

Don't move! Stay where you are!

[Ernie] What what's he got in his hands?

Oi! Open your hands, now!


- Well, hello.

- [meows]

Where did you come from?

[Dream] Hello.

It's it's you.

You're you're free.

[Dream] I am.

And you have any idea what it was like?

Confined in a cage for over a century?

Do you understand the damage

you've done to your world?

I'm sorry. I I didn't know. Please.

Your punishment, then, shall be a gift.

I give you this,

the gift of eternal sleep.

- Alex. Alex, wake up, please.

- [shuddering]

[Dream] More than a century

of tortured sleep,

of Dreams and Nightmares running riot

was coming to an end.

[Corinthian] He's free.

He's out of his cage.

[clears throat]

So, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to run.

And I'm not gonna stop

until I've reshaped this world

to look just like me.

[Lucienne] Sir. Sir!

Oh, my goodness.


It's me.

It's Lucienne.

[Dream gasps]

[weakly] Lucienne.

You're home, my Lord.

I am.

[enthralling music playing]


Forgive me, sir, but the realm,

the palace

they are not as you left them.

What happened here?

Who did this?

[Lucienne] My Lord, you are The Dreaming,

The Dreaming is you.

With you gone as long as you were,

the realm began to decay

and crumble.

And the residents?

The palace staff?

I'm afraid most have


- Gone?

- Some went looking for you.

And the others?

They thought, perhaps,

you'd grown weary of your duties

- and

- What?

Abandoned them?

Had they so little faith in me?

Do my own subjects not know me?

If I may, sir.

It wouldn't be the first time

one of The Endless had just


I will not have Dreams and Nightmares

preying on the waking world.

I will bring them all back.

I made this realm once, Lucienne.

I will make it again.

I knew you would return.

The Dreaming must be restored.

You want me to k*ll the King of Dreams?

[Corinthian] You just have to trust me.

[woman 1] Whatever's happening,

however it's happening,

your dreams are coming true.

[woman 2] I'm worried about my brother.

I need your help. If dreams disappear,

then so will humanity.

You have to do something.

[Matthew the raven] f*ck it!

Let's go to Hell.

What power have Dreams in Hell?

Nightmares do not belong

in the waking world, Corinthian.

Oh, turns out I fit right in.

Can I get you anything you desire?

Your kingdom is my birthright.

Can you imagine the damage he could do?

[Dream screaming]

You don't think Dreams can die.

Let's find out.

- Boss!

- Still with us, Dream?

[Matthew the raven]

Dreams don't f*cking die.

[theme music playing]