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01x04 - The Keepers of the Keys

Posted: 08/12/22 07:56
by bunniefuu
[lively instrumentals]

[song fades to silence]

- [boots thud]
- ["Don't k*ll My Vibe" by Sigrid plays]

♪ Oh, don't k*ll my vibe ♪

♪ Oh, don't break my stride ♪

♪ You think you're so important to me,
Don't you? ♪

♪ But I wanted you to know ♪

♪ That you don't belong here ♪

♪ You think you're so important to me,
Don't you? ♪

♪ Don't k*ll my vibe ♪

♪ Say I'm young, I don't care ♪

♪ I won't quit,
No, no, no, ho ♪

[hangers clink]

♪ Say I'm young, I don't care ♪

♪ I won't quit,
No, no, no, ho ♪

[bacon sizzles]

♪ And oh, you're acting like you hurt me,
But I'm not even listening ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

[loudly] Good morning!

Think you could turn that off?

[chuckles] Sorry.

- [music stops]
- [Nina sighs] Wow.

- You're great.
- [clinks pan]

Is it weird that I think

you look more like yourself
when your hair is dyed

- in that unnatural color?
- Well,

I'm actually starting to feel
more like myself.

For the first time since moving.

- Did you meet up with Scot with one T?
- No.

But I decided to make some changes.

Since when do you cook?

Since today.
I got an amazing night's sleep.

I woke up at, like, five raring to go,

and this is the result.

- Smells delicious.
- Have a seat.

Oh, bacon me, please.

[Nina] Does this mean

you picked a drawing
for the application?

That's fantastic.
I can take it to the post office tomorrow.

- I got it, Mom.
- [papers rustle]

Well, I really don't mind.

I need to get it there by Tuesday

and this kind of organizational stuff
isn't really your thing.

Oh. I... didn't realize that.

Dad took care of these things
'cause you were always busy with your art

and fixing up houses.

That's what you're great at.

You don't have to try and do everything.
It's cool.

[utensils clatter]

Right, sure. Okay.

Bye, Mom.

[utensils clink plate]

What was that?

[ascending footsteps]

What was what?

Your attitude towards Mom?

- What attitude? I was just being honest.
- So,

instead of being passive aggressive
like always,

you woke up this morning and thought,

"I'm just going to be
straight up aggressive"?

I'm not being aggressive.

You're not being normal.

[Bode] Hey!
No fighting in front of the bacon.

[plate slides]

[distant chatter]

All right, tell me what's going on.

You really want to know?

That's why I asked.

It's simple. I took out my fear.

What do you mean you took it out?

The fear monster.

I went back inside my head
and finished it off.

And then I buried it.

[loudly] What?

Are you kidding? You...

You have no idea
what kind of damage that could do.

If you haven't noticed,
I'm completely fine.

Better than fine, in fact.

[laughs] It feels like
a huge thousand-pound rock

- has been lifted off my chest.
- Love the hair, Kinsey.

[laughing] Yeah, it looks like
Easter came early.

Thanks, girl!

[sighs] This isn't a game.

Dad used the keys.


And how'd that work out for him?
He ran away from here and never came back.

We don't know if that had anything to do
with the keys.

I doubt he would've done anything
as stupid

as take an entire emotion out of his head.

I finally feel good for the first time
since he died.

If you wanna hold that against me, fine,

but you're not gonna k*ll my buzz.

- [distant chatter continues]
- [birds chirping]

Damn. This is next level, Kinsey.

Yeah, you did this yourself?

Normally I'd worry it wasn't good enough
to show anyone,

but this time I thought screw it!

- Yeah, that's definitely good enough.
- It's awesome.

Hey, so does that mean
you're back in the movie?

If you guys'll have me.

[video game plays]

- [phone dinging]
- Hey.

- [phone screen clicks closed]
- Hey.

Look, I'm sorry for standing you up.

It was shitty of me.

Ah, it's... not as shitty as the band.
Ears are still ringing. [laughs]

I should've let you know
one way or another.


Let me make it up to you.


Look, Kinsey, I...

I just want you to know that I'm...
I'm not gonna be...

sulking and weird about you or this, okay?

I'm completely and a hundred percent fine

with just being friends
if that's what you want.

It's not what I want.

I like you and I think we should hang out.

Right, then yeah. Let's...

- Let's definitely do that then.
- Great.

Why don't you come over
after school?

[stammers] To Key House?

- To the most haunted place in Matheson?
- [laughs]

Don't tell me Scot Cavendish is scared.

Yes. I mean, no. Of course not.


Cool. See ya later then.

As you wish.

[cheery instrumentals]

[door squeaks open]

Hey, something seemed a little different
about her, right?

Yeah, she definitely looked brighter.

- Well, her hair certainly did.
- [Scot laughs]

- [birds chirping]
- [insects trilling]

- Hope I'm not keeping you from your work.
- [Nina] Oh,

not at all.

Though if you ask Kinsey, that's...

apparently all I'm doing right
these days. [chuckles]

I'm sure she doesn't actually think that.

I wanted to ask if you could help me
with something. [takes a deep breath]

I'd like to get in touch
with some of Rendell's old friends,

try to learn a little more about him.

These two, Erin...

- and Mark.
- [dramatic instrumentals]

[Ellie] Erin still lives around here,

but I doubt she'd be much help.

She's in a psychiatric hospital.


She had an accident a while back.

She hasn't spoken in 20 years.

Like a... stroke?

- [sighs]
- That's awful.

I'm so sorry.

And Mark?

[Ellie] He died in a house fire

a few months back.

I'm kinda the only one left. [chuckles]


I'm an idiot.
I'm sorry for bringing all this up.

Don't worry,

you didn't know.


it's weirdly therapeutic being back here.

I can't tell you how much time
we all spent in this house.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Rendell's parents were never around,
so it was kind of an adult-free zone.

[Nina chuckles]

We were almost always down
in the ping-pong room.

The what?

The room in the basement.

Have you not been down there yet?

There's a room back there?

[sighs] Somebody must have boarded it up.

- [loud bang]
- [Nina] Oh!

- [giggling]
- [loud bang]

- [crunching and ripping]
- [Ellie] Oh!

Get after it, girl. Ooh!

- [wall pieces rattling]
- [Ellie coughs]

[crowbar clanks on floor]

[continued coughing]

[curious instrumentals]

[light clicks on]

Oh, wow.

I feel like I just stepped back in time.

[chuckles] No shit.

[sighs heavily]

[Nina] Looking for something?

[exhales] Nothing in particular.

This is a strange question, but...

you ever remember Rendell drawing
the omega symbol?

Like from the Greek alphabet?

No, I don't ever remember him doing that.

[Nina] Hmm.

I'm sure it's nothing.

Mm. This is a cool piece.

I think it's late 1800s.

[panel rattles]

Don't suppose you know where the key is.

[sighs] Afraid not.

[Nina dusts off hands, sighs]

That was Rendell's chair.

He always liked to be
in the middle of everything.

I wish I'd known him back then.

[birds chirping]

- [lighthearted music plays faintly]
- [door opens]

[approaching footsteps]

[door closes]

Miss Erin, I have a surprise for you.

You have a visitor.

[phone rings in the background]

[nurse] This is a special day for her,

She doesn't get many visitors.

Have fun with your friend, okay?

[dubious instrumentals]

Hi, Vossie.

It's been a while.


Don't you have anything
you wanna say to me?


The hell happened to you?


you wouldn't believe the bad luck
I've had.

- First, your old boyfriend Rendell.
- [clips]

You know, he's dead, right?


Not my fault, by the way.

- Then your old pal Mark went up in smoke.
- [clipping]

Also not my fault.


And now you...

you're really not making this very easy,
are you?

[phone rings in the background]

It's all right.

[deep exhale] New plan.

Just have to figure out a way
to get in here.

[taps forehead]

[Dodge hums]

[hushed] I'll be back soon, Vossie.

[indistinct chatter]

Hey, Tyler.

Can I help you?

Sorry, I was...

- looking for Jackie.
- Oh,

well, I'll try not to be too offended.

No, Jackie's at choir practice,
she asked me to fill in.

Listen, how's that hand of yours healing?

It's fine.

That was a pretty good right hand.

You box?


Walk with me.

You know, my dad...

he was a boxer in the Navy.

Taught me when I was old enough.

Are you good?

Ooh! Yeah.

- Well, I thought I was good. [laughs]
- [phone rings in the background]

I practiced, I trained, and...

worked out on the speed bag.

I was gonna be the next
light heavyweight champion of the world

There was this gym where one of the guys
who worked out there

was ranked 15th in the world, right?

And he was looking for sparring partners,

so I signed up.

A couple of weeks later,

I get in the ring with him, right?

And we are shuffling around, right,

and he's throwing jabs,

[grunts] and I'm dodging.

[grunts] Yeah, can't touch this.

- [imitates dodging]
- [laughs]

And I'm thinking to myself, "This is easy,
let me see what I can do here."

So I'd been working on this sneaky combo,

So I fired that baby off.

[imitates jabbing]

Oh, yes! Yes!

Except everything misses.


And all of a sudden, pow!

I'm on the canvas.

And as I was laying there,

that's when I decided
that what I really wanted to do

was be an English teacher.

[both laugh]

- That makes total sense.
- Yeah.

So, where are your shadows today?

Brinker and Javi?

Flying solo.

- Thought I'd try something new.
- Ah.

That's exactly my point, Tyler.

New can be very good.

- [spirited instrumentals]
- [footsteps crunching on dirt]

[crow caws]

[broom swishing leaves]

Afternoon, soldier.


How'd those traps work out for you?
You catch the enemy?

Negative. [sighs]

That's too bad.

- [dubious instrumentals]
- [swishing continues]

Hey, Rufus?

Has your mom ever mentioned

anybody named Lucas?

- Sure. Yeah.
- [wind rushing]


Who is he?

He was her first love.

Oh. [stammers] Where is he now?

He... He died.


She still gets sad about him sometimes.

What do you know about the well house?

[crow caws]

My mom won't let me go near there.

[Rufus exhales]

Bad stuff happened here.

The British used Key House as a base

during the Revolutionary w*r

and they would hang defectors
in the well house.

- [dramatic instrumentals]
- [door slams]



"Key House is one of the oldest
remaining structures in Matheson.

Used as an intelligence base
in World w*r II."

[Dodge, echoing] Bode.


You can't protect them.

- [crescendo]
- [book slams and thuds]

[indistinct chatter]


When do you wanna meet up?

For... what?

To get sponsors for the 5K?

Mr. Ridgeway said you wanted to volunteer.

[Tyler] Uh...

- If you don't want to, it's fine.
- No, I do. Uh...

I was just thinking that

we could hit up some downtown businesses
later before they close.

I think that's a great idea.

Way to go, Tyler.

You just saved the 5K.

I will see you at the car, Jackie.

Uh... [chuckles] Sorry.

If she doesn't have her afternoon
sugar-free Red Bull, she gets cranky.


Put your number in my phone.

Cool case.

Thanks. [laughs] I'm a total anglophile.

I'll see you after school.


[bell rings]

[Tyler] Mr. Ridgeway?

Oh, Tyler. Good, I need your help.

I want you to hold this chair

while I water my streptocarpus.

[spritzes water]

I just talked to Jackie, and apparently,
I've, uh...

signed up to volunteer for the 5K.

Well... you did say

you wanted to try something new, right?

Yeah, but...

High school is the perfect time

to try on a bunch of different hats.

You get to decide who you are,

- [spritzing continues]
- who you surround yourself with.

Feels like people pretty much
made their minds up about me.

New kid, dead dad, weird house.

Yeah, well...

[sighs] Look...

I know firsthand
that grief never gets any smaller,

so you have to make yourself bigger
around it.

The best way to do that is to open up.

Let people in.

I don't even know where to start.

Mm... Now when I met my wife, Callie,

I thought we were as opposite
as you could be.

And then I learned
that she had a thing for gardening.

Fiddle figs were her favorite.

Ficus lyrata.

And once we could talk about that...

then we could talk about anything.

- You play Cupid with all your students?
- [laughs] Nah,

just have a soft spot
for the underdog.

[lively instrumentals]

- [gum snaps]
- [grunts]

[lock rattles]


Take that! [chews]

- [rattling]
- [grunts]

[items rustle]

She keeps it in her sock drawer.

Don't say anything.


What's in it for me?

[door opens]

[door squeaks closed]

[Tyler] What the...

It's to stop the well lady from coming in.

Did she come back?

No, not exactly. [sighs]

But you won't believe me
until you see her yourself.

Okay, so...

Kinsey took her fear out of her head.


And I was thinking

if she can take something out...

- [neck opening crinkles]
- [key crunches in opening]


[suspenseful instrumentals]

[Bode] Whoa,

it's the front door of our house
in Seattle.

...maybe I can put something in.

Hold on.

Let me see the book.

[Bode whispers] There's the well house.

[page slowly tearing]


[Bode crumples paper]

- [rushing effect]
- [instrumentals intensify, then soften]

- [book thuds]
- [door creaks closed]

Was something supposed to happen?

Ask me something about Matheson.

When was Matheson founded?

Matheson was settled in 1639,
incorporated in 1658,

and officially became a township in 1741.

- Was that right?
- I don't know. You took the book.

Do we have anything on England?

- [instrumentals fade]
- [swish of sanding paper]

- [sighs]
- [gloves whack table]

- [soda cap hisses open]
- [soda pours and fizzles]

[sentimental instrumentals]

[staple g*n clicking]

It's hard to believe you pulled that out
of the trash just a couple of days ago.


it wasn't in the trash,
it was next to the trash.

Whatever you say.

It's beautiful.

[birds chirping]

In recovery, they advise
against trading one addiction

for another, but...

I think they'd make an exception
for home improvement.

Brought you a little something.

[dog barks in the distance]

[both laugh]

[Nina] Perfect.

I love it.

One year, Nina.

- That's a big deal.
- [chuckles]

Thank you.

Different places, different faces.

You know, uh...

you helped me, too.

When I left home, all I wanted
was different places, different faces.

I found the best one.



Okay, so next on the list is Harbor Cafe,
but it's all the way across town.

It's too bad
there's no public transportation here.

Ah, yes. For the thriving metropolis
that is Matheson.

Did you know that, um...

London is home to the oldest section
of underground railway in the world?

- [seagulls cawing]
- It opened in 1863.

- [car engines hum]
- I did not know that.

Have you been to London?

I went once as a kid
and I've always wanted to go back.

Did you also know that York

was the first English city
to be settled by Vikings

in the year 866 A.D.?

- [door bell rings]
- Are you into Vikings?

Uh... You said you were an anglophile...

- Um...
- Oh. Yes, I did.

Yeah, yeah, um... honestly though,

the reason I say that is
because I'm such a huge Jane Austen fan.

Pride and Prejudice, right?

- Yeah, uh...
- [indistinct street chatter]

That's everyone's favorite.

And don't get me wrong,
I love me some Mr. Darcy,

but my favorite's actually her last novel,

Have you read it?

- Can't say I have.
- Well,

she got sick before she could complete it
and then after she died,

other writers tried to mimic her writing
and finish it,

but there is no mimicking Jane Austen,

and I'm so fascinated by the whole story.

Never... never met anyone else
who's read it, so...

I'll have to check it out.

It's probably not your thing.

[seagulls continue cawing]

[horn blows in the distance]

[car rumbles to a stop]

- [breaks whine]
- [engine idles]

[Scot] Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

[Scot guffaws]

Allow me.

- Very gentlemanly.
- I'm English.

- [crow caws]
- [Scot blows air]

- I've always wanted to see this place.
- [door slams]

[birds chirping]

[Scot] Have you been out to the cliffs?

Yeah, my brother and I went out there
when we first got here.

So you've seen the sea caves
where them three kids drowned

back in the day.

Kids drowned down there?

- Oh. Yeah. [exhales]
- How is it you know all this?

- You're not even from Matheson.
- Well... [chuckles]

I went down a little bit

of a local lore rabbit hole

doing research for The Splattering.
You'd be surprised

what people tell you
for a free scoop of salted caramel.

Trust me. [laughs]

Come on.

- [doors squeak open]
- [pleasant instrumentals]

[laughing] Whoa.

So is your family around?

Nah. Tyler's out and Bode's with my mom
at the hardware store,

which is basically like her second home.

Guess we have the whole place
to ourselves.

So, what should we do?

[Scot stammers]

- How about a tour?
- Brilliant. Yes.

This is the drawing room,
and just past it is the winter study.

I see.

And could you point me in the direction
of the autumnal study? [laughs]

How about I point you in the direction
of my room?

- Are you coming or not?
- Yeah, definitely.

- [ascending footsteps]
- [Scot blows breath]

Hadouken! [laughs]

Sorry, it's stupid. [chuckles]

[pleasant instrumentals continue]

[Russian dolls rattle]

So, I, um...

I'm always... I'm always fascinated
by how many... how many things

[stammers] you ladies have.

- Definitely.
- Yeah, like,

what's, uh... what's this, for instance?

That's an eraser.

Knew that. [laughs]

[laughs] Come sit down.

I want to show you something.


[birds chirping]

What's that?

[sharp inhale] But if I show this to you,

- [drawer rustles open]
- you can't tell anybody

and you have to promise not to freak out.


[neck opening crinkles]

[key crunches in opening]

- [whoosh]
- Okay, whoa,

what's going on here? Uh... [laughs]

And who might you be?

- It's me, Kinsey.
- No,


I'm hallucinating, right?
I must be hallucin...

You... You're not real.
I must be hallucinating

because that would mean...

[stammers] Am I dead?

- Wait, am I dead? Am I...
- Scot! Scot, Scot. Trust me.

Steady on, mate.

[rotating doors whir and thud]


- [doors chime]
- [whimsical instrumentals]

[Scot, echoing] How is this even possible?

[Kinsey] We're inside my head.

I know, I know a mall is lame, but...

[Scot] Yes, so, how exactly

are we... are we inside your head?

[door closes]

Key House is full of these keys
that let you do magical stuff.

This one lets you go into people's heads.

Right, so what you're saying is...
[sharp inhale]

I am dead.

[scoffs] What I'm saying...

is the magic is real.

For us.

I figured you of all people
would appreciate it.

[blows lips and laughs]

You're taking the piss.

- Where have you taken me?
- I know it sounds crazy.

Crazy? No,

this is beyond crazy, okay?

This is absolutely bloody barmy.
This is completely mental.

[laughs] Wow.

You get a lot more English under stress.

[laughs] Come on. This way.

[Scot] What... [scoffs]

These are all filled with my memories.

Course they are. Why a candy shop?

My dad had a sweet tooth.

It kind of brushed off on me.

- This was my favorite birthday.
- [cube dings and clicks outward]

I didn't have a lot of friends,

so my dad planned this whole day
at the aquarium just for us.

I was eight.

Can I see?

[rushing effect]

- [Rendell] Knock, knock.
- [young Kinsey] Who's there?

[Rendell] Fish.

Fish who?



[Scot chuckles]

- He was a bit of a comedian.
- He certainly thought so.

[both laugh]

[Nina] Hey.

They even have live sharks over there.

Pretty creepy, huh?

[rushing effect]

[Scot sighs heavily]

[scoffs] Wow.

Scot, are you okay?

I knew it.

I freakin' knew it.

I always knew. I knew magic existed.

This universe is way too complex

and random for it not to exist,
you know?

- [Scot laughs]
- [chuckles] Totally.

I mean... Ah!

[mellow instrumentals]

Are you okay?

I always thought it was just me
and my dad that day.

How come?

I don't know.

I mean, she isn't really
the traditional parent type.

Not like my dad was.

She's always been there.

I can't believe I blocked her
out of that memory.

Whoa, hey, hey... Hey, hey.

Don't be so hard on yourself, all right?

Our brains are...
they're imperfect machines.

They do all kinds of crazy stuff
all the time.

I mean, Kinsey, look at this place.

This is mental. [laughs]

All right?

[swelling instrumentals]



[book slides]

- Hey.
- And here I was thinking

I was the only
loser at the library

- on a Saturday.
- [soft chatter]

Whatcha got there?



For what?

I know you said
it probably wasn't my thing, but...

[Jackie exhales]

I didn't mean for it to come off that way,
I just...

I felt like a complete assh*le
the whole ride home.

Some people consider this stuff chick lit
and I hate that term, it's so sexist.

Almost as sexist as thinking a guy
couldn't possibly enjoy the work

of a feminist romance novelist?

I didn't realize you were so funny.

You didn't pick up on that
when I was boring you to death

- with facts about the UK?
- [laughs]

I was just about to go
and grab some clam chowder at Phil's.

Wanna come?

Absolutely not.

Bill's is so much better.

- They're different?
- Very different.

It's the best chowder in the country.

Clearly you've never been to Seattle
because Duke's is the best in the world.

You do not know what you're talking about.

Well, prove me wrong then.

[clicks tongue]
Prepare to have your world shaken, Locke.

- ["Behave" by Festive People plays]
- [receding footsteps]

[keyboard clacking]

- [knocking at door]
- [door opens]

I brought a peace offering.

Oyster crackers.

Are they from Phil's?

Phil's is trash.
Don't let anyone tell you different.

These are from Bill's, which is the best.

- Better than Duke's?
- [bag crinkles]

No, but... don't tell Jackie that.

Oh... So, you were there with Jackie.


It's just chowder.

Mm-hmm. That's how it starts.

- Next thing you know, it's a lobster roll.
- [laughs]

I'm happy for you.

You know, for the record,

I like the new hair.

Or, the new version of the old hair?
Whatever it is.

- [laughs]
- And taking that thing

out of your head
made you feel so much better.

- Guess it can't be too terrible.
- Really?

What about the "keys aren't toys"
and all that?

Guess I should tell you,


- used the Head Key yesterday.
- Really?

I mean, it didn't really have
the desired effect,

but the upside is I now know a ton
about Big Ben.

- Why would you wanna know a shi...
- [door slams]

[door slams]


- Is that you?
- [suspenseful instrumentals]

[door slams shut]

[door slams]

What's going on?

- It's her.
- What?

The Well Lady! She's back!

Where'd you get that?

The yard. To defend myself.


[door squeaks and slams]

[door slams]

[door slams]

[instrumentals intensify]

What does she want?

The keys.

[lights shorting and shattering]

- Shit.
- [lights continuing to short and shatter]

[glass shattering]

[glass shatters]

Oh, my God.

[instrumentals intensify]

[light shorts]

[flames roar and hiss]

[smoke alarm beeps]

Mom's downstairs!

[dramatic instrumentals]

[Bode gasps and groans]

[stick rattles on floor]

You thought you could stop me?
With Dubble Bubble and a tree branch?

Give me what I want.

- Never!
- Fine.

[Bode, yelling] No!

- Tyler! Help me!
- [lock clicks]

[Tyler] Mom?

[fire crackling]

[Kinsey coughs]

[Nina] Watch out! Stand back!

[extinguisher hisses]

[Nina exhales deeply]

- [heavy breathing]
- [extinguisher rattles]

What happened?

I don't know.

Well, did you see anybody?

What do you mean? Why would I see anybody?

[sighs] Where's Bode?

[dramatic instrumentals continue]


[fire roars]

Give me the Head Key.

Why do you want it so bad?

I need it to find something.

[Tyler pants]

[wind and flames whipping]


[flames hiss]

So why haven't you just taken it from me?

I'm done playing games!

Give me the key.


You can't take it from me, can you?

You need me to give it to you!

[flames hissing and whipping]

You think you're so clever.

Well, I can be clever, too.

Stay tuned...


[flames whip]

[key clicks and cranks in lock]

[flames whoosh to silence]

[exhales] Bode!

[Tyler pants]

Are you okay?


[heavy breathing] Okay.

Let's go inside.

I just don't understand.


there was a gas leak or...

I left the stove on. [sighs]

I just don't remember even using it.

It wasn't your fault.

[gloves whack table]

I wish your father was here.


I was wrong.

About what I said yesterday.

You were always there for me.

I'm sorry.

It's fine, honey.

Don't worry.

[heavy sighs]

[doors squeak open and slam walls]

[doors slam shut]

[echoing footsteps]

["Lost My Mind" by Dillon Francis
and Alison Wonderland plays]

How did you get in here?

Really, Sam?

You wanna talk about
the mechanics of how I get around,

or do you wanna talk
about how I'm gonna get you out?

I've been waiting.

You're here because of your own mistakes.

But I'm back,

like I promised.

I always keep my promises, Sam.

The question is, can you?

- I'll do anything you want.
- Okay.

Because you can't stray from the path
this time.

If we're gonna be a family,

I need to know that I can trust you.

Can I trust you, Sam?



Because I'm gonna give you a chance

to prove yourself.

♪ Can't sleep at night ♪

♪ Not breathing light ♪

♪ Trying to find ♪

♪ Where I lost my mind ♪

♪ Going insane ♪

♪ It's all a game ♪

♪ Don't know my name ♪

♪ 'Cause I lost my mind ♪

[song fades]

[lively instrumentals]