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02x03 - Small World

Posted: 08/12/22 09:25
by bunniefuu

What are you doing in here?


Look, this is private property.

You can't just be...


Can you hear me?



What in the...

Wake up.

Come on! Wake up!

Come on! Wake up!

911, what's your emergency?

Yes, hello?

There's... I'm the housekeeper.
There's a girl here.

I don't know what's wrong,
but we need help!


Looks exactly the same...

- Hey.
- Hi.

...but fixed up.

Yeah, my mom does renovations.

You can look around if you want.


I know it must be
a little weird for you to be back here.

Yeah, but in a good way.

Thank you for letting me stay here
until my trust fund comes through.

Of course.

It shouldn't take too long.

How's she doing?

She didn't say much on the drive.

She remembers the keys and magic, right?
We need to find out how...

Yeah, but we need to take it easy.

She needs time to process.

We can't just start
hammering her with questions.

Hi, I'm Bode.

Hey, I'm Erin. It's cool to meet you.

And this is gonna be your room.



Is that you?

Hey... Erin.

Welcome. I... I heard that you were
gonna be staying with us.

Uh, sorry, I'm on Tokyo time.


You're old now.

Uh... I'm, um... I'm sorry.


In my head, you're still
this little kid, you know, running around.

I was actually just gonna have a shower,
so I'm gonna... I'm gonna go do that.

Okay, but we'll, uh... we'll catch up later.


Okay, um, hopefully,
you're all set in there.

Bode and I are heading out
for a few hours,

but Kinsey and Tyler will be here.

Let us know if you need anything else.


Are you okay?

I know you found the keys.

I need you to give them to me.

All of them.

Yeah, I should have gotten rid of them
right after it happened.

- Right after my friends died.
- We...

We're being careful.
We... We know how to use them.

We thought we did too.

We thought we knew what we were doing.

I'm sorry.

Look, I know a lot of bad things happened,
but it's different now.

You know, we got rid of Dodge.

Oh, it's not just about Dodge.

The keys,

their... their power, it seduces you.

Oh, you have to listen to me.

Erin, with all due respect,

we're Lockes.

The keys belong to us.

We get to decide what to do with them.

Then you are not gonna survive.

Um, so much for
"she needs time to process."

I get that she's freaked out.

This is a lot for her.

I... I get that too. I just...

We're not giving her the keys.


Hello, tiny key.

Hey, Bode, where are you?

We gotta go to Jamie's.

The hospital
was going to move her into a motel.

Uh, that just seemed cruel.

She should be in a place
with positive associations.

Right, and what's more positive
than her old boyfriend's house?

I'm kidding. It's...

No, I think it's great. I think it's great
that you took her in. I do.

But you don't have to be a saint about it.
You can feel weird about it.

Oh, I don't feel weird.

Yeah, okay.
I... I feel a little weird.


All right.

One, two, three, four...



Ugh, spiders are
my second least favorite bug.

Maybe he can help you with the rent.

Seventeen hundred smackers.


Oh no.

Oh my God.
I can't believe you got that.

- These playdates have been great.
- So great. Um...

But I was thinking, um,

how would you feel about having a playdate

but where the kids stay home?

That sounds good.


I wanna show you something.

Whoa. Is that a new one?

Yeah, I found it today.

I haven't been able to figure out
what it does just yet.

Come with me.

See that door?

It has the same initials as the key.

Whoa. This is freaky.

That's my house.

- It is?
- Yeah.

The "KH" stands for Keyhouse.

Where did you find this?

My dad collects a lot of weird,
old history stuff,

especially if it's connected to Matheson.

Think it does magic?

There's only one way to find out.


The roof comes off.
Do you wanna see?

All right.

This is amazing!

That's Tyler's room, and that's...


Hey, Tyler!


So, it shows you
what's going on in your house.

Yeah, I... I guess so.

Which one's your room?

This one.


I can just pick up my wardrobe.

Look at how tiny my bed is.


Um, I...

I kind of broke it.

Bode, where are you?

We have to head home in a minute.

Jamie, we should let the Lockes go home.

Is that


Yeah, isn't it cool?


Um, what is this?

I can explain.

Explain why you have a...
a model of my house?

When I first moved here, I was hitting up
a lot of the antique stores,

and I picked up this piece for a song.

I should have mentioned it
when I found out that you were a Locke,

but we had such a... a bumpy introduction...

Yeah, I can see now, though,
I should have mentioned it.

It wouldn't have been weird
if I just mentioned it at the time.

Yeah, it still would've been weird.


You should take it.
You should have that. It's your house.

Seriously, I insist. You should have it.


No, no, you keep it.

I have a hard enough time
taking care of the big version.

Are you sure, Mom?
I mean, it is our house.

I'm sure. It's time to go, bud.

- Can I just take another look?
- Another time.

Come on, Bode. Let's go.

All right, thanks for a lovely time.

- Keep it safe.
- I will.

- Bye, Jamie.
- Bye.

- Bye, Josh.
- Bye.

Okay, that's gotta be done by now.

Chamberlin said
the iron had to be free of impurities.


- You see those little black flecks?
- Mm-hmm.

Those look like impurities to me.


What are you gonna do?

Kinsey's pulling away from me.

- I need to fix that.
- Why?

We can make our own keys now.
What's the point?

She's a Locke.

She's special.

I don't see you fawning
over Tyler and Bode.

Someone catching feelings?

We all gotta be thinking
about ways

we can make our sequel even better.

I was thinking we could sh**t
at the North Shore Maritime Museum.

I went over the summer.
It's kind of a perfect location.

Oh yeah. I'll see any movie
with a scene in a maritime museum.

Abby, my phone's dead.
See if there's any pictures.

Wow, this place looks great.
k*ller production value.

Here. Scot, do you have anything
in the script that could work here?

Hmm? What?

Uh, sorry, what we talking about?

The movie.

Right. Yeah.


Um... Yeah. No, I was thinking...

About your new school and the friends
you'll have that aren't as cool as us?


Yeah, he's gonna be rubbing elbows
with all these insane film prodigies.

Probably just forget all about us.

Well, until then,

stuck with you lot.

I did my bimonthly rewatch

of Attack of the Crab Monsters
last night for inspiration.

Wanna come in?

This is my dad's old room, right?


Oh my God.

Rendell used to wear this all the time.

Seriously, who...

who puts a fishing lure on a baseball cap?

He said he had it there just

in case of emergency.

Can I ask you a question?

Yeah, sh**t.

How are you all able to remember magic?

You, and... and Ellie, and my dad?

We made a key.

Made a key? Uh...


Doesn't matter.

We never should have done it
in the first place.

Where is it right now?

I don't know. I really don't.
I mean, that's the truth.

- Where was the last place you saw it?
- Tyler, we're home.

I could use a hand with dinner.

Please just forget about the keys.

What the...

Holy crap!

Jamie, look at my bed!

It's broken.

How did you break your...


It's just like...

The dollhouse.

Look, my wardrobe fell over too.

It doesn't just show you what's going on.

Whatever you do in the dollhouse
actually happens in Keyhouse.

Whoa. Good thing
you didn't smoosh your brother.

- Quick. Put something in the dollhouse.
- Like what?

- I don't know, something small.
- Okay, one minute.

I have to roll the dollhouse into my room.

- You still have the key, right?
- Of course I do.

Just making sure.

Oh jeez.

Did it work?

Oh my God.

It did!


And it's delicious.

Tomorrow we'll start working
on the script

and come up with a schedule. Sound good?

Gabe can you gimme a hand
getting the Nephropidae outfit

out of my mom's van?

- It's starting to creep her out.
- Uh...

- Yeah, sure.
- Just two seconds.

Yeah, I got you.

Be right back.

I'm sure everyone at Rochester
isn't a prodigy.


Maybe just, like, 80%.

Besides, you were the visionary
behind The Splattering

and soon to be The Splattering 2,
better title forthcoming.


Yeah, you wanna see what this visionary
has actually written of The Splattering 2?

That's it.

Okay. So you got a scene.

I've got half a scene, Kinsey,
and it's crap.

Sorry, I just...

If I can't handle this, how the hell
am I gonna handle film school?

- If I even get in.
- You're too much in your head.

If you have complete confidence
in your art all the time,

you're probably a sociopath.

That is true.

Look, you don't have to do this
on your own.

Let me help.

- Really?
- Yeah!

Let's not overthink it.
Let's go with the flow.

Okay, cool.

Okay, act one, scene one.

Eerie music plays over sh*ts.

- Spooky maritime museum.
- Abandoned maritime museum.

Oh, I like it.

I'm taking over.

Thank God.

Because you are going to Keyhouse.

For what?

Tip the scales back in my favor.


- Hey.
- Morning.

You want some cereal?

No. Um...

I'm actually just heading out
to work on my car.

You don't remember much about me, do you?

Not really. No.

Yeah, that whole time
is a bit of a blank for me.

I'm really sorry.

What are you sorry about?

I just am.

I better get to work.

Scot, this opening museum scene
is awesome.

Very Corman-esque.

Seriously, sequels are tough,

and this has the potential to be
more Aliens less Grease 2.

Uh, excuse me, Grease 2 is a masterpiece.

See? And you thought you'd lost your mojo.

Thanks, guys. Thank you.

Where's the rest?

Ah, it's coming.

Wait. This is it.
You've been writing this for weeks.

I know. Uh, I had a little bit

of a creative existential crisis
to contend with, but don't fret.

I promise. It's all up here.
I just gotta get it down on here.

Okay. Well, maybe we can get an outline?

That way, if you're gone,
we have something to work with.

No, there's no need.
I promise I can do this.

No, she's right.

I mean, whoever is gonna fill in for you
is gonna need it.

I'm assuming that's you, right?
You have been running this whole thing.

- Hold on.
- I'm not up for consideration?

- Hold on.
- Didn't know you wanted to direct.

I don't. I just wanna be considered.

You don't have
the obvious leadership qualities...

You're throwing Zadie out there.

- What about you? What about Kinsey?
- Whoa! Hold on!

You're acting like I've already left!

I'm still here,
and I'm still the director.

Dude, if you get into
Rochester, which I'm sure you will,

you don't wanna leave us hanging, do you?


It might actually be a good idea
to discuss other scenarios. Just in case.

- I'm being cut out of my own film, am I?
- No.

You're trying to keep one foot
in the movie

while the other one's already in England.

You're being a little...
You're being a little selfish.

- Scot, what the hell?
- Whoa!

What are you doing?

I don't know.

- Dude!
- Whoa!


- Scot.
- Whoa.

Yo, chill out.

- Scot, walk at Gabe aggressively.
- What the hell?

Can we just... Relax.

Scot, punch Gabe.

I'm not doing anything.

Oh my God, stop it!

Get off him!

What the hell, Scot?

I didn't do anything.
I didn't do that. That wasn't me!

- It wasn't me. I didn't do that.
- Cavendish! Let's go. Outta here.

Come on. You're outta here.

- Kinsey, I didn't do that.
- Come on.


What's the matter with you?

- Are you okay? That was crazy.
- I'm... I'm fine. Seriously.

We should go see him.
Make sure he's not strangling Mr. Bennett.

- Okay.
- Glad you're all right.

I've never seen him do
anything like that.

- Hey, are you sure you're okay?
- Yeah, I'm... Seriously, I'm fine.

Can we just forget about it?

Why would he do that?

Oh my God.

What if someone was controlling him?

The music box.

Didn't you lose that key?

Maybe somebody found it.

And what?
Broke into your house and brought it here?

I guess anything's possible.

Let's go. sh**t! sh**t!

I'll be right back.

- Did you see that?
- Yeah.

Was a hell of a break.

Hey, what's up?

Uncle Duncan, can you do me a favor
and go up to my room?

Sure. What am I looking for?

Can you see if my music box
is still on my dresser?

You're welcome.

Now's not the time to gloat.
You need to get that back to Keyhouse.





The music box?


The one with the creepy
headless ballerina?

Yeah, it's here.

You sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

You gonna be home for dinner?

Your mom's going out,
and I was gonna make cacio e pepe.


Yeah, should be good.

It's one of my specialties.

He says it's there.

Maybe it is my fault.
I did call him selfish.

He was being selfish and stubborn.

You know, enough about Scot.

Do you wanna?



This place is great.

Gotta love this small-town charm.

Yeah, I do.

It's in the blood.

You know that some of my ancestors
spent time in Matheson.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

So you've been burying the lede here.

Local Matheson boy comes home.

To a place he's never been before.

My wife liked to go
to warmer places when we traveled.

That makes sense.

I mean, when Chicago is your baseline.


What was she like?

Well, Jamie is a lot
like Nicole, actually.

No tolerance for bullshit.


Quick to tell me when my lecture
is getting boring.

She was a wonderful mom.

Did she, um, get sick?


Car crash.


My God.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, well...

I think when you lose someone suddenly
like that, well, you know.

You know better than anyone.

It leaves a lot unsaid.


I find myself talking to Rendell

out loud.

It's pretty crazy, right?

Well, if you're crazy,
I'm crazy.


No more sad stories.
It's time to show me what you got.



It's gonna be very unimpressive.

A less secure man may feel bad
that you beat him by 50 points.

Fifty-four, but whatever.

Even though you tried to foul me
for throwing too slowly.

I don't make the rules.



...this is me.

Oh, I'm parked over there.

I had a great time.

Me too.

- Um...
- Uh...

Oh God.

Why do I feel like a nervous teenager?

Well, speaking for myself,

I was a teenager
the last time I was doing this.

And, um, what are we doing exactly?


Where the hell have you been?

Where have I been?

I had to walk from Keyhouse

through the forest in my heels.

I tried calling an Uber,

but no one would pick me up
because I have a 1.3-star rating.

And you walked because?

Because of that little fetch quest
that you sent me on,

Kinsey's uncle now has the Anywhere Key.

That's on you.

Doesn't matter.

Soon enough,

we'll have the only key that we need.

Thank you.

- Hup.
- Hup?

- Is that your name?
- Mm-hmm. Hup!

Oh, let me help you.

Thank God.

- I'm a Gelfling.
- I'm starving.

Ha ha, Tyler. Very funny.

What the...

Uh, Tyler?

I know. Dinner.

Can you come out here?

I'm coming.

What did you do?

It wasn't me.




Okay, we can't stay here.

What's going on up here?

Come with us!

The... The Small World Key.

- You know about this key?
- What... What key?

Maybe it's gone.

How do we stop it?

- Come on! Go!
- Run!

Come on!

Close the door!

Why is there a giant spider in our house?

I'll explain later!

Pick up, Jamie! Pick up!


Jamie, pick up!


Hey, Jamie, there's a giant spider
attacking us right now,

which means
there's a spider in the dollhouse!

Take the key out


Did it work?

No! Just smash it! k*ll it!

No, no! The key has to be
in the dollhouse for it to work!

Put the key back in,

then smash it!


Is it dead?

Oh no.

Yeah, it's dead.

Now we...

we just have a spider
the size of a Volkswagen in our kitchen.

Uh, Jamie, could you maybe help out
with the cleanup?


Well, Mom is going to k*ll us.

Okay, can someone explain
how that was even possible?


I'll just give you a few seconds.

What do you mean?
Why would that make a differ...

What happened to my cacio e pepe?

And the rest of this place?

Hey, Duncan.

Listen, you remember your old dollhouse?

I never had a dollhouse.

Yeah, you did. It was in your old bedroom.

What are you talking about?

I don't even know you, Erin.

Please, stop pretending like you know me.

Holy shit! What did I miss?

The giant rat skull.


The giant rat skull
Bode found on the third floor.

Think that was a dollhouse incident too?


- Hey.
- Hey.

I know what I said about the keys,
but this is an exception.

I need to borrow the Plant Key.

We lost it to Dodge.

But I know what you're looking for.

We found them a few months ago.

We understand why you had to do it.

We were about to turn 18.

We didn't wanna forget magic.

Right, so you made a key, but how...

Tyler, let her explain.

Rendell became obsessed
with opening the Black Door.

He thought it was the source of the magic,
and by opening it,

we could get what we needed
to make another key.

He wasn't wrong.

When we opened the door,
there were these b*ll*ts.

One of them hit Lucas.

Turned him into one of those things.

But there were other b*ll*ts
that didn't find a host.

Pieces of metal that can be melted down
and turned into...

another key.

The keys are made from
the same stuff as demons?

Now you get why they're so dangerous.

What are you doing?

There's one more thing

that Chamberlin said we needed.

That old man...

...lied to me!

Rendell tried,
but he couldn't make the magic work.

So... So then, who made the key?


And then afterwards,

we took away all of his memories of magic.

I know what it's like
to be robbed of time.

I can't live
knowing I've done that to Duncan.

If we put the memories back, that means
he's gonna remember Dad k*lling Lucas.

Look, I have to fix this.

I owe him this.

Maybe Tyler and I should do it.



Hey, Uncle Duncan.

What's going on?

Can you trust us?


You guys are family.


What is this?

It's gonna be okay.

♪ Came home from somewhere, somehow ♪

♪ Covered in myself ♪

♪ Came home from nowhere somehow ♪

♪ Now I'm someone else ♪