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Luck (2022)

Posted: 08/12/22 12:05
by bunniefuu

You must be my lucky star

'Cause you shine on me
Wherever you are

I just think of you
And I start to glow

And I need your light
And baby you know

- [CHILD] Uh-huh. And look to camera.
- ♪ Starlight, starbright...

Work it and work it.

Lucky leprechaun
coming in for the chorus.

Starlight, starbright
First star I see tonight

And hup, and hup,
and double to the left.

You got it!


Oh, my goodness.

- Cut, cut, cut.

You sure have bad luck,
Sam Greenfield.

Who, me?

[CHILD] Sorry, Sam.

Before we go again,
we gotta get you some good luck.

Come on.

Maybe one of these will help.

Whoa! I see you've added
to your collection.

- Yep. [CHUCKLES] My lucky crane...
- [SAM] Ooh, nice.

- ...lucky German pig.
- [SAM] Aw.

- Oh, my Japanese waving cat.
- Ooh.

- That one's super lucky.
- [SAM] Cool.

My doll horse from Sweden. I put
all my good luck charms together

so that my weekend visit
will go just right.

Smart thinking.

- They're picking you up on Friday, right?
- Yep.

And I see you've got your
lucky penny spot ready to go.

Yeah! It's the last one I need.

Find a penny, pick it up...

[BOTH] ...and all day long,
you'll have good luck.


Let's go finish the video.

- Let's do it.
- Sam? Oh, there you are.

- The social worker's waiting for you.
- Oh.

Bye, Sam. Good luck!

Where's she going?

She's aging out.

Well, we're all
gonna miss you around here.

What if I just stayed
a couple more days?

- Sam, we talked about this, and..
- I know. I.. I know.

I just thought,
for Hazel's sake,

maybe I could stick around here a
bit longer, see her off for her visit.

If it were up to me, yes,
but you're now.

- This is how it works.
- Just two more days.

I know you're nervous,
but you're moving into your own place.

It is gonna be great.


And you can come back
Friday for visiting hours,

see Hazel before she goes.

Yeah, okay.

I'll see you downstairs.



Not sure I'm ready for this.



I love hugs.

I know.

[SIGHS] Don't think my leaving
means we won't finish that video.

In the meantime, I'll keep
practicing those dance moves.

- [LAUGHS] - I'll see you
Friday before your visit.

And if you find a lucky penny?

I'll bring it for sure.

Hi, Samantha. Big day.

Those are your records.

My life in a box.


- All set?
- All set.



I guess we weren't lucky enough
to find you that forever family.

Yeah, sure missed the boat
on that one. [CHUCKLES]

On the upside, now I can
put all that hoping behind me.

Well, I hope
you like your new place.

You have to be in school or working
full-time to keep the apartment.

I started my online classes
last week,

and I start my new job
tomorrow at : a.m.


I suppose
you'll be needing these.

- [SIGHS] Thank you. Oh!



I guess that's why Ms. Rivera
suggested I bring a spare.

This is probably safer.


So, will you be
checking in on me weekly, or...

Someone from the agency
will call you next month,

but otherwise you are
officially on your own.

- Oh. Thanks.

- Good luck.









"Don't be late." [GASPS]





Ow. Ow!






Okay. Okay, universe,
think you're pretty tough?


Take that, universe.

Aw, thanks, Bill. Did you
remember to water the daffodils?

Oh, and if you could,

unbox the unicorn night-lights
and restock the birthday balloons.

[CHUCKLES] Lastly,
I promise you this is it.

Go to the bathrooms and give
it a once-over before we open.

Just keep making
my store look pretty.

[PANTS] Good morning,
Mr. Hammond.. Oh, Harmon.

Sam! [LAUGHS] Right on time.
I love that.

I hope you're taking notes,

[CHUCKLES] And, please,
just call me Marv.

Marv, got it.

You may be the best
decision I ever made.


- Oh!
- Uh, hi, Marv.

Hey, Sam,
you never mentioned that... [CHUCKLES] had circus skills
on your résumé.

Unless I read past that
or something. [LAUGHS]


[SAM] Sorry to bother you.

Oh! How did it get on your..

Y-You know something?

Don't sweat it. I got
the perfect task for you.

Here we go, Sam. [CHUCKLES]
A job you can do outside.

Cart patrol.


You'll have better luck
tomorrow. I'm sure of it.

- I keep hoping, Marv.

I'm really glad you're here.

- Did something happen?
- Her weekend visit just got canceled.

Oh, no.

Yeah, she was waiting
on the porch when they called.

Did they reschedule?

No, but there's a couple who wants to come
for a first visit on Sunday afternoon.

Hey, you.

They're not coming.

I know. I'm so sorry, Hazel.

What if I never find
a forever family?

This was just a little bad luck.

Of course you will.

You didn't.

Yeah, but you're not me.

You're the lucky leprechaun,

You always find the pot of gold,
and this will be no different.

You'll find
your forever family too.

Who knows?

Maybe the couple
coming on Sunday.

Maybe it'll be them.

Yeah, maybe.

And maybe you'll find
me a lucky penny before then.


Beat it, cat.
Take your bad luck with ya.



And now it's a table for two.

[GROANS] Why couldn't it
have just worked out?

Oh, sorry, I didn't
tell you the first part.

My friend Hazel could have been one
step closer to getting adopted today,

but it didn't happen.

Her weekend visit got canceled,

which probably
doesn't sound like a big deal,

but believe me, it is.

You only get so many chances
to find a forever family,

and the older you get,
the harder it is.

She's meeting
a new couple on Sunday.

If I could just give
her a little good luck...

But you can't give someone
something you've never had.

Still, if I could,

and if good luck was something
you could actually hold in your hand,

I'd give it all to Hazel.

So that maybe she could
find her forever family

and not end up alone like me,

sitting on a curb,

talking to a cat.


You're welcome!

Well, what do you know, Hazel.

Find a penny, pick it up,
and all day long, you'll have good luck.




- Huh. [GASPS]








Lucky pennies are real.

Ms. Rivera, hi. Is it okay
if I stop by after work later?

I have something special for
Hazel for her visit tomorrow.

Oh, great.

Oh, and please don't tell her.
I want it to be a surprise.


Yes! Yes. Yes, yes, yes!

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.


Hi, Marv.


- Well, somebody found their groove.

No cart patrol for you tomorrow.

I got a pallet of glassware
with your name on it.

- Sounds great.
- Have a nice night.

Thanks. I will. I'm off
to surprise my friend Hazel.









[GRUNTS] My stupid bad luck.


You're back.

[SIGHS] So, remember I told you I
wanted good luck for my friend Hazel

for her visit tomorrow?

Well, guess what?

After you left last night,
I found some.

That's right.
I found an actual lucky penny.

And what did I do?
I flushed it down the toilet.

You did what?

You flushed my penny
down the toilet?

What did you do that for?

You just talked.



It was you.

You gave me that lucky penny.

Please, I just need one more.


Wait! Come back!

- Whoa!







[GRUNTS] Whoa!

[PANTS] Huh?

I just need a penny
for my friend Hazel.










[CAT] How was my day? Oh, it
was lovely! Thank you. Just brilliant.

Lost my travel penny
and was chased across the city

by an unrelenting human zombie.

Ugh. Always with the
obnoxiously long password.

- Oh, got it.




Now, about that penny problem.
Why you talking to yourself, Bob?

Oh, just practicing so when I'm banished
forever, I'll have someone to talk to..


No, no, no, no.


[SCREAMS] What manner
of crazy human are you?

What kind of a crazy
talking cat are you?

A lucky Scottish one, obviously.

But black cats aren't lucky.

Ha! In Scotland, black cats are considered
very lucky, thank you very much.

- Is this Scotland?
- No!

And humans cannot be here.

- Where's "here"?
- You need to leave. Now.

Oh, I'll leave, no problem,

as soon as you give me
another lucky penny.

I did not give you a penny.

It fell out of my collar when you lured
me over with that tasty meat bread.

It's called a panini.

Whatever. It was all just a
ploy to steal my travel penny.

Travel penny?

We creatures from the Land of
Luck aren't lucky in your world,

so we carry some with us
just to be safe.

Did you just say,
"Land of Luck"?

- [YELPS] Hide, hide, hide!

Good afternoon, gentlemen.

Welcome back, Bob. Arrived back
hundred hours and six minutes.


Anything unusual
happen on the other side?

- Nope.


[LEPRECHAUN ] Oh, I see you
located one blocked luck line.

That construction site.
No wonder.

Yep, looks like Paulie's popcorn
pop-up is putting down roots.

[CHUCKLES] Not a problem.
Two ticks and around she goes.

[LEPRECHAUN ] I'd wager
three might do the trick.

Right you are, Quinn.

Luck flowing freely once again.

Say, you guys seen Gerry around?
He's usually here to check me in.

Oh, he's down at the Penny
Depot. They needed an extra hand.

Penny Depot?

[QUINN] So we're covering
his line cat returns.

Oh, and Gerry said he always
turns in your travel penny for ya,

so we'll be taking that now.

- Uh-oh.
- You know what,

I'll just turn it in
myself today.

Uh, if you say so, Bob.
Good luck with that.

Yeah. Say hi to the Captain for us.
We know how much she loves you.

But she doesn't love him.

- [QUINN] I was being ironical.
- You're so clever.

What have I done?

I wasn't supposed to
stop and eat human food.

I definitely wasn't supposed
to talk in front of a human.

And I sure as heck wasn't supposed to
let the human who lost my travel penny

follow me through the portal!

Okay, but those leprechauns just
said something about a Penny Depot.

Maybe we could get one there.

Only leprechauns are allowed inside,
and you are not a leprechaun!

But maybe I could be.

[LAUGHS] What?

You think you're just gonna march
down to the leprechaun locker room

and.. And.. And
borrow some clothes?

- Brilliant idea. Let's go.
- No, wait. Stop!

Just stop!

Hey, Bob. Everything okay?

Aye, just, uh,
stretching my legs. [GRUNTS]



Even if you could masquerade
as some freakishly big leprechaun,

I can't get past the Captain
without turning in a penny.

What if you turned in this?

This is a button.

And at some point,
they will discover it,

and if I don't have a lucky
penny in hand when they do,

I'll be banished.

Okay, but maybe the button
buys us a little time

until we get a lucky penny
from the Penny Depot.

- Then I'll borrow it for my frie..
- For your friend Hazel.

Yes, I've got that part.

What? You said it, like,
a hundred times.

We'll go to the Penny Depot
to get one penny.

I use it first,
and then it's all yours.

And then I'll leave.

You'll never see my face again.

Great. I'm Sam, by the way.

This is strictly business.
Names are unimportant.

But I already heard them
call you Bob.

Oh, fine. Yes, it's Bob.

Whoo. Welcome back, line cats. Now,
drop your pennies and move along.

That's it. Let's go, kitty cats.

Drop your travel pennies.


Keep it moving.

Ah, sector today, Joanie.

Oh, Nigeria.


Catch you on the flip side, Cap.

- That's the Captain?
- Aye, that's her.

She really doesn't like me.

Maybe she's not a cat person.

Well, she likes
the other cats just fine.

So, what's the plan?

Right. You sneak out that door
over there. I'll keep the Captain busy.

When you're clear, I'll drop in the
button and meet you on the other side.

Simple. Good luck to us both.

Ooh, the sweet
clankety-clack of lucky pennies.

There's no better
sound in the world.

Bob, what are you waiting for?
Drop your penny.

Aye, I got it right here, Cap.

But first,
how's your day been so far?

Okay, Bob, what are you up to?

[CHUCKLES] Why can't a cat
ask how his boss's day is going?

Because it's weird, Bob.

Because you never
have asked me anything, Bob.

Because we don't
even like each other, Bob.

Because you give me the heebie-jeebies,
and you always have, Bob.

Oh, is that all?
All righty then.

Say, Captain, do you like jokes?

Only the funny ones, Bob.

[CHUCKLES] Right. Well,
then you'll love this one.

Why did the penny
arrest the nickel?

I don't know, Bob. Why?

Because she was a copper.




Wasn't funny.

Yeah, not my best.

- Catch you later, Cap.
- Not if I catch you first, Bob.

Leprechaun locker room,
here we come.

[CAPTAIN] Welcome back,
Shirley. Keep it moving.

[SAM] Not to pry,
but do you have fingers?

Thumbs. I'm polydactyl.

That's your friend, right?

Eh, he's more like my assistant.

You sure he won't mind?

[SCOFFS] Gerry never minds.

And enough with the questions.

Strictly business, remember? We
don't need to get to know each other.

- Yeah, okay.

[LEPRECHAUN] Then he says,
"Are you a River dancer?"

[GASPS] We forgot to
check the lavvy.

- Hurry, before somebody sees.

- And then he did a little jig.
- A jig? No. [GASPS] You have..

- Good afternoon, ladies.

What are you doing in here, Bob?

Aye, line cats have
their own locker room.

Oh, I.. I.. I was just,
uh.. Well, I was, um..

- You know..
- [SAM] He was helping me.

He's my Land of Luck
leprechaun orientation guide.

- Deary me, you're a big lass.
- Aye.

I'm Sam.

Where ya from?

She, uh.. She's from, uh..
Uh, you know, uh..

Latvia! That's right.
She's from Latvia.


Hey, Saoirse, didn't Clodagh say she met
a Latvian guy down at the Hairy Lemon,

and that he was
a real big fella too?

Aye, she did.

Well, cheers to Latvia for
growing 'em big. [CHUCKLES]

Guess not all lucky creatures are
teeny-toaty like us, eh? [LAUGHS, SIGHS]

- Nice meeting you.
- Enjoy the rest of your tour.

Don't do anything
we wouldn't do.

Oh, you're shameless.

They were so sweet and tiny.

And surprisingly
less clever than usual.

They totally bought it.

Next stop, lucky penny.

- Right.
- And then, you leave.

- [SAM] Right.
- Say it with me.

- And then you leave.
- No, you leave.

Yeah, I know. It was a joke.


Welcome to the Land of Luck.

[SAM] Incredible.

Hey, there.



This way. We'll be at
the Penny Depot in no time.

- Follow me right onto the disc.
- Okay.

Here we go.

Just smile and wave.

- Hey, Bob. Lunch this week?
- Aye, let's do it.

Okay, it's transfer time.


- Morning, Bob.
- Hi, Betty.

So far, so good, Sam. No one's
even noticed ya. [CHUCKLES]

[GASPS] Sam? Sam?



You hear about Joe? He just
joined the luck makers' union.

That's great. He's hilarious.







Just how unlucky are you?

Yeah, super-duper unlucky.

Well, I wish you would have made that
clear before we shook on our little deal.

Hi, guys. Hi, there.

Just checking on
the rail grips. [GROANS]

- There is no unlucky here.

So if you want that lucky penny for your
wee friend, you best start blending in.

Uh, that's what
I was trying to do.


Well, that was
your first mistake.

Lucky creatures don't try.

They don't have to.

And stop sweating.
They don't do that either.

Right, okay.

- I'll try my best.
- Uh-uh.

I mean, I'll try to
act like I'm not trying.

Good answer.

We've got to find Gerry.

He'll know how all
this penny business works.

He'll be the super cheery one
in green.

They all look like that.

Slainte, friends.
What is the story?

There he is.

- O'Neill!

O'Reilly, O'Donoghue.

- Barry.

And I didn't forget you,

- I've got your microbrew right here.
- Thanks, Gerry!

- Is he thoughtful or what?
- Gerry!

Sam, Gerry.

Oh, you're grand.

Um, are those my clothes?

Sorry, Bob said
you wouldn't mind.

Uh, Sam's visiting from Latvia. Her
clothes got all messed up on arrival and..

you live in the human world?

Uh, usually.

Oh, man! Have you ever
tried grilled cheese?

- I have.

Right. So, Ger, as you know,
cats aren't allowed inside the Depot,

and Sam's a wee bit
nervous about her first shift.

So I was thinking maybe you could escort
her in and, you know, show her the ropes.

Lucky me. Of course.

So, it's super easy.

You sit in the chair,
the penny comes to you,

you polish it up
and send it on its way.

Sounds like something
I can handle.

Of course you can.

Lucky leprechauns were
made for this kind of work.


Ooh. That's us.

- Uh-uh.
- [CHUCKLING] Go ahead. I'll catch up.

[GERRY] Okeydoke.

Um, I think we should abort.

What, why?

You're not a
lucky leprechaun, Sam.

You're an insanely
unlucky human.

- Or maybe you've forgotten.
- Trust me. I haven't.

You'll cause a disaster.

Maybe not. Gerry said we sit
in chairs and polish pennies.

And I imagine to polish a penny,
you need to hold a penny.

And if I'm holding
a lucky penny..

I get it. You'll be lucky.

Pocket one penny.
How hard could it be?

[GERRY] Sam, over here.

- You'll sit right next to me.
- Thanks, Gerry.

Okay, leprechauns, let's get
these pennies in tip-top shape.

The Captain is depending on us.

- [BLOWS WHISTLE] It's penny time!

Remember, there is nothing
to it. Just stay in your chair.

Grab a penny, Sam.



[ALL] Whoa!





[STAMMERS] Uh, don't panic.


You think it was
a bad luck speck that did it?

More like a whole boot full.


I told you this
would be a disaster.

Well, I didn't expect to get
the button. You saw that, right?

Oh, yes, I saw it.

And now that button's headed straight
back to Arrivals and Departures,

where the Captain
will see it for sure.

So, where are we
gonna find a penny now?

[STAMMERS] We're not!

This was it, our one chance.

And now you leave.

No, no, no. The deal was
I leave after we get a penny.

The deal is off. There's
nowhere else to get a penny.

Someone need a penny?

Bob does.

He lost his, and then
I flushed it down the toilet..

- Sam!
- What? He's your friend.

- Assistant.
- This is terrible, Bob.

You stopped to eat human food
again, didn't you?

- Yeah. My human food.
- Sam!

What do you mean,
your human food?

I'm not a Latvian leprechaun,
Gerry. I'm a human.


Humans cannot be here!

Yeah, Bob mentioned that.

So, you lost your travel penny and
brought a human through the portal.

Oh, the Captain is
not gonna like this.

And if she finds out,
you'll be banished to Bad Luck!

There's a Bad Luck here too?

Well, not here, here,
but down there, here, yeah.

It's the other half
of our world.

Good Luck on top and
Bad Luck on the bottom,

only their half isn't so nice.

Of course, it isn't. Bad luck
ruins everything it touches.

Why didn't you tell me that's
where you'll be banished, Bob?

- You never asked.
- Because you said no more questions.


They called in the hazmats.

[SCREAMS] It's the Captain.
Quick, hide.

That might be tough.

All right, everyone, clear out.

Evacuate the area so
the rabbits can do their work.

Bob, is that you?

Ah, no, Cap.

It's me, Gerry, from Arrivals
and Departures, remember?

I've been working
for you for years..

Gerry. Gerry.
When did you grow a tail?

- Is the.. Is there a tail there?
- Captain, what a delight!

And so soon. Lucky me.

What are you doing down here?

Oh, just visiting
my leprechaun friends.

You don't have friends, Bob.

They've scanned the crime scene,
Captain, and found no bad luck specks.

Scan it again.

One speck can de-luckify
an entire pile of lucky pennies.

Let's get outta here.

So, there's really no
other place to get a penny?

- No!
- What about the ones

like Bob's that go missing
in the human world?

If they're so valuable,
why don't you go retrieve them?

- Oh, we do.
- We do?

Well, we used to.

But not one has been lost since
the Captain took over security.

The old days, if a travel penny
went missing in the human world,

- we'd send in the bunny drone.
- "Bunny drone"?

Yeah. Clever little robot. They
keep it at Arrivals and Departures.

So, let's go get it.

Okay! But it hasn't
been used in a decade.

So, first, we'll have to grab
a good luck crystal to power it.

- And where do we get one of those?
- The Luck Floor!

Whoa, whoa. Hold up a minute.

I'll head to Arrivals and Departures
and fire up the bunny drone

while you two sneak
into Mission Control.

Wait. Why?

That's where they keep the
joystick that controls the drone.

Great! But crystal first.

So, Luck Floor, here we come.

Ooh, but the crystals are up high.
We'll need someone tall to reach it.

- I'm tall.
- Not a chance.

- She's way too unlucky.
- It's true.

Oh, she only has to grab one.
I think she can do it.

Oh, fine. I mean,
what could go wrong?

That's the spirit, boss.

[WHISPERING] Sounds like
our little deal is back on, Bob.

- [WHISPERING] Yes, and then you'll leave.
- True to my word.

So, where do we get
the luck crystal?

[GERRY] We'll just walk
down the hall and snag one.

Piece of cake.

They're all staring right
at Sam. What do we do, boss?

She's from Latvia. Tallest leprechauns
in the world come from Latvia.

And we're her Land of Luck
leprechaun orientation guides.

Lead on, Gerry.

Uh, right!

So, this is Good Luck R and D,
where good luck is created.

Finding your lost
wedding ring in the brownies?

Shirley always comes
up with the best stuff.

Wait. They actually
think up the good luck?

Yeah. Those two
work in Happy Accidents,

one of the many Good Luck
departments like Lucky in Love,

Front Row Parking Spot..
Ooh! Right Place, Right Time.

You humans love that one.

And by "humans," you mean the
ones who live in the human world,

don't ya, Ger?

Exactly right.

Next, the lucky ideas
are stamped onto an idea leaf,

and then sent to the Luck Floor.

And luck passing through
in five, four, three, two...

Let's take this tour to
the upper level, shall we?

[GERRY] The ladybugs deliver
the leaves to the Pig Foreman.

And he makes the crystals?

Nah, they do.

She's from Latvia. Latvia.

For the crystal.
Janice said I could borrow it.

All right, luck makers!

We've got a full docket today!

Good morning, magical swine!

- A dragon?

Yeah, she's the CEO
of Good Luck.

And the only creature that can
sniff out bad luck specks.

Probably why she's here.

She must've heard what
happened at the Penny Depot.


Uh, with your luck,
I wouldnae get too close.


There's not a speck
of bad luck here.

means it's that time again.

Time to open your hearts
to do what only you can do.

- Let me hear it!
- Bring hope and joy to the world!

- That's what good luck does.

The luck you create today
could change a life tomorrow.

Have a lucky day, Phil.

You too, Boss.

[PHIL] Okay, you heard her!

Let's make some good luck, you
prosperity-making wonder pigs!

[BOB] Duck down!


[SAM] They're doing it.
They're making the crystals.

And we just need
one for the bunny drone.

- This is it, Sam. Get ready.
- Ready.

- Now, Sam! Grab one!

I can't quite reach. [STRAINS]

- Jump!
- No, she's too unlucky!


Whoa! [GASPS]



[SIGHS] Nice move, Bob!

Way to go, team!

I'll go to Arrivals and
Departures and find the drone.

You guys head straight
to Mission Control.

Because of you,
Bob has a real chance.

You can keep my
jacket if you want!

You have nice friends.

Yeah, like I said,
he's just my assistant.

I know we'd still need
to get you a lucky penny,

but why couldn't
I just take Hazel one of those?

[BOB] It doesn't work that way.

The good luck idea is stored
inside the crystal until it's released,

and there's only one thing
that can release it.

- What's that?
- The Randomizer.

It smashes the crystals
into lucky dust,

then sends it randomly through
the luck lines into your world.

Wait. You're saying
luck is random?

Aye. Hence the name, Randomizer.

Look, it's happening right now.

- [SAM] What are those?
- [BOB] The ancient luck stones.

Like the batteries
that keep the arms spinning.

The good luck stone draws in
the good luck from above,

and the bad luck stone draws
in the bad luck from below.

And those must
be the luck lines.

[BOB] Aye, that's them.

Like the power cords
connecting our worlds.

So, who makes the bad luck?

Roots and goblins, mainly.

Roots and goblins?

I should have known
it would be monsters.

Gerry, are ya there?

[GERRY] - . Reading
you loud and clear, boss.

[BOB] Where are you?

[WHISPERING] Entering Arrivals
and Departures right now.

[BOB] Good. Make it quick.

- Oh. Hey, Gerry.
- [CLEARS THROAT] Gael. Quinn.

- [GERRY] I found the drone.
- Good. We're here.

- Mission Control.
- [GERRY] Great.

- All the bunny desks have a joystick.
- Perfect!

We'll use that back one. That
way no one can see my screen.

But how are
we gonna distract the bunny?

- Ooh! Maybe I could try..
- Uh-uh!

No trying, remember? We've
seen what happens when you do.

Oh, okay.

I've got this one covered.
You wait right here.

I mean it. Don't move a muscle.

[SAM] Whoa. They're tracking
luck all over the world.

That's one lucky grandma.


Now, that looks familiar.


It doesn't feel random, does it?

So, how's your day so far?


[GASPS] Ooh, carrot.


Dropped your keyboard.

Guess you better run off to
IT and grab a new one.


Joystick activated, Gerry.

We're nearly there.

I'm putting in the crystal.


She's ready for takeoff, boss.

The target's been located.

Let's get that bunny in the air.


Operation "lucky penny" is a go!

- [GERRY] She's all yours.


[GERRY] Just get her within
striking distance of the target.

When she's close enough,
she'll lock onto it.

I'll open the portal.

Oh, no! [WHISPERING] Bob,
look up. Look up. Bob, Bob.

[SAM] ♪ Oh, you must be
My lucky star


'Cause you shine on me
Wherever you are

I just think of you
And I start to glow

And I need your love
So baby you know

Starlight, starbright
First star I see tonight

Starlight, starbright
Make everything all right

Starlight, starbright
First star I see tonight

Starlight, starbright
Ooh, yeah!

[GRUNTS] ♪ Come on!

Whoo! Let's go!



It's flashing! That means
she's located the penny.

[BOB] How will
we know when she's got it?

[GERRY] She'll do a little
dance. Bunnies love to dance.

You don't say.


Shine your heavenly
Body tonight...

She's dancing!
She's got the penny!

'Cause I know...

[GERRY] Now,
press the "home" button.

...gonna make
Everything all right

[GERRY] I'll wait for
the penny. You get out of there.

You may be my lucky star

Oh, what you do to me, baby?
Oh, come on

I'm the luckiest by far

Why didn't you tell
me you could sing?

You never asked.
No questions, remember?

Right, because we don't
need to get to know each other.

Attention, all citizens.

A very suspicious item was
turned in to the penny drop.

A button.

A line cat used this button,
thinking it was a lucky penny,

and was run over by
a tricycle in the human world.

- Oh, don't worry.

Magical creatures
heal at the speed of light.


Whoever turned in this button
did not turn in their travel penny,

which means there is
a penny thief amongst us.

Oh, crikey, I didnae steal it.
I just lost it.

Mm-hmm. And the culprit
is one of these three cats.


Everyone knows the punishment
for stealing good luck,

is banishment to Bad Luck.

So I'm coming for you,
penny thief.

And, Bob,
if it turns out to be you,

I'm really going to enjoy this.

We gotta turn in that penny.

- [GERRY] The drone's back!
- Does she have the penny?

Do you see the penny, Gerry?

Yeah, I-I see it.

[BOB] Grab it, Gerry! Grab it!

Uh, I just gotta get my gloves.

[BOB] What? No! What you doin'?

Get in there and grab
it before the vacuums turn on.

Did you get it, Gerry?

- Are you on mute, Gerry?
- [GERRY] No.

I'm here but the penny is gone.

- What?
- The whole drone got sucked right out.

I'm sorry, boss. You were right.
I should've just grabbed it.

Oh! But you could still
get it from the In Between.

- "In Between"?
- Where the human debris goes.

[GERRY] Exactly! The
drone will be in bin six.

You just gotta get
to it before Jeff does.

Who's Jeff?

Hopefully, you won't
have to find out. Come on.



So, why do they
call it the In Between?

It's the space between
the lands of Good and Bad Luck.

- Kinda like a basement.

Now we're talking.

Hit the button, would ya?

Uh, what button did you press?

BL, basement level. Why?

I said it was like a basement. You're
supposed to push IB, In Between.

So then, what's BL stand for?

Bad Luck! And thanks to you,
we're headed there right now.

What's happening?

Gravity shift. Bad Luck's gravity works
the opposite way of ours. Climb the wall!

- [STAMMERS] What?
- Now!




Sam, hurry.
Get back in the lift.

- Yes, please. Ow!

No! No, no. No!



If the lift takes off,
just meet me in the In Between.

What? Oh, no you don't. You
are not leaving me down here.

There's a tiny door.
You just have to find it.

Go to Luck Tower , right
past the Lost Sock Dispensary.

- What are you talking about?
- Listen to me.

Tower to the Dog Poop Research
Center, then find the purple light.

Tiny door will be there,

somewhere between "Stepped
in It" and "Tracked It in the House."

Piece of cake.

But I'm not from here.

Ugh, right. Okay, this will really
help. The Bad Luck world is a mirror..


Great. Okay, uh, Tower , Dog Poop
Research Center, purple light, tiny door.

- Hey! Leprechaun. What are you doing here?











[SAM GASPS] Tower .

Whoa! Whoa!












Okay, he said it was
somewhere between.

"Stepped in It" and
"Tracked It in the House."


Three stories?

That's a lot of
dog poop research.

"Slipped on it.
Smell it but can't find it."

"Left the house without
a poop bag. Torn poop bag."

"It's a wet one."
[GROANS] Gross.

[GASPS] "Stepped in It."

And "Tracked It in the House."
[GASPS] Purple light!





[PANTS] I can do this. [GRUNTS] I'm
almost... [PANTS] ...there! [GRUNTS]

[SCREAMS] Oh, no.








Bob? Is that you?

[GASPS] It is you.

Bob! Hey, it's me.
It's Sam. Look down here.

[SHOUTS] Sam, you made it!

- Yeah.
- Watch out.


Okay, so now jump.


Bad Luck gravity works
the opposite of ours, remember?

Oh, right. [EXCLAIMS]


Down to go up,
that's just weird.

- So, how did you know?
- Know what?

How to get here
through Bad Luck?

Well, simple. Bad Luck is
a mirror image of Good Luck.


- And this is the In Between?
- Not quite.

Come on, give me a hand.

This is the In Between.

- Gerry said the drone would be in bin six.

[GASPS] Bad Luck dust!

Shake it off.

- Ugh, it's Jeff.

[STAMMERS] Forget that! Hide!

He is a total blabbermouth.

If he sees us, we'll never
have a chance to find the penny.

[GASPS] Jeff's a unicorn?

Ah, warming up the muscles.

[GASPS] Heiliger Strohsack.

Oh, it's like a
strasse of bad luck.

Hmm. What's happening, guys?

- Hello.

Oh, you surprise
my heart to stop.


Mighty leprechaun Fräulein!
Okay. Well done, nature.


Robert, is that you?

Hi, Jeff.

Oh, guten Tag.

So you two are friends?

Robert doesn't want friends,

but lucky for him, I wouldn't
take nein for an answer.

Zip, zip, zip and whisk, whisk, whisk.
[SCOFFS] They are stuck to your shoesy.

Sometimes a little goes psst, psst,
? From my homemade bad luck apparat.

It's my one-of-a-kind
mixer machine

that feeds the bad luck
straight into das Randomizer.


- Will you show me how it works?
- Oh! Ja, komm.

Oh! Es ist sehr exciting to have visitors.
[CHUCKLES] I'm excited. I can't hide it.

Oh, um, I'll catch up. I need
to, uh, find some kitty litter.

[JEFF] Sounds gross,
Robert. Bye.

So the thing is,
the bad luck sticks to itself

like the butter of nuts
to the roof of your mouth.

So, you're saying bad
luck attracts more bad luck?

- 'Cause that would explain a lot.
- Ja.

Like glue. See?
That's what used to happen.

So I made eine mixing machine,
and voilà! No more clogs.

The bad luck flows
right to das Randomizer.

- That's some top-notch engineering, Jeff.
- Danke schön.

Oh, and I no longer go

Ja, recently I have reverted
to my birth name, Heimdall!

Heim-dall. Like, you know, the little
doll but first with a "Heim" in front.

Okay, ja, sure, the name
fit better when I was younger.

I get it.
You don't have to say it.

Is that the Dragon?

Ja, that's her.
Meine one true love.

She smelted me this locket,
and she saved my life.

What happened?

Before my mixing machine, I had to
clean out the bad luck clogs by hand.

And one day the pipe, it plätzen!
And gesprüht bad luck dust all over me.

The Dragon heard and sent for
me sofort. It was love at first look.

She borrowed me a lucky penny
to counteract the bad luck.

But bad luck can really linger.

It took four months to recover, but they
were the beste four months of my life.

And then she broke my heart.


Sometimes I would track a
little bad luck into Good Luck

on my shoesies.

She was so terrified of what bad luck
might do to her creatures and her world,

so she broke it off.

And now we're both alone.

How sad.

[JEFF] If I could leave
meine work, I would.

But we einhorn have cared for the
Randomizer since the buttocks of dawn.

- Oh, goody! A delivery!

Oh! Da bist du, Robert!

Guess what? Earlier, I found a
bunny drone in the pile. Mm-hmm.

Ja, just one. Ja,
I wanted a set of six.

Do you still have it?

Und here she is.

- Was there a penny?
- Ja, Robert.

But it was so stinky, so
I sent it up to the Penny Depot

to be disinfected and
put back into circulation.


I heard the Captain interrogated
poor Edna for hours about that penny.

She was clean as
a whistle, of course.

So now it's down to
just two cats, Ernie and Bob.

I'm doomed.

Maybe not. You lay low.
I'm going to see the Dragon.

You can't, Sam. She'll
sniff out your bad luck.

That's exactly what I want her to
do. And I'm not taking any chances.

If the Dragon helped
an engineer unicorn,

maybe she'll help
an unlucky leprechaun too.

If she discovers you're a human,
she'll never let you go home.

I have to risk it.

I can't give up on Hazel.
Or you, Bob.

Don't go far.

If I get a penny,
we're back in business.

Good afternoon,
I'm here to see the Dragon.


Leapin' rabbits!
It's the tall leprechaun.

Send her in, Hopsberg.

And the memos too.

Twice in one day.

You were on the Luck Floor
this morning, right?

Yes, that was me.

I thought so.

Aha. Luck levels
looking excellent as usual.

See you next week.

Oh, I'm so happy.

There are so few creatures
here I can actually look in the eye.

We lucky ladies of stature oughta
stick together, don't you think?


[SNIFFING] What's this?



Under the.. The shoe.




[SIGHS] Much better.

You see, the tiniest amount of bad
luck can shut down our entire operation.

[SIGHS] We work so hard
to keep it out, but, you know,

every so often, bad luck
manages to find its way in.

I'm really sorry. I didn't
mean to upset you. I just..

It's not you, dear. Oh,
no, no. It's bad luck.

It's a cruel, corrosive agent of
sadness and destruction that..


I agree. And it explains a lot.

Why it all went haywire
at the Penny Depot for one.

Ah, so that was you.

Yeah. It's been a bit of a day.

Oh, poor, innocent leprechaun.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
And you only experienced one speck.

Think of the poor souls in the Land of
the Unlucky tasked with making the stuff.

Can you imagine dealing with bad
luck every single day of your life?

- A truly miserable existence.
- Yeah.

And I don't suppose it's much fun
for the humans who receive it either.

It isn't.

I've seen them when
I'm out leprechauning.

These unlucky humans, who,
no matter how hard they try,

bad luck always shows up just to
beat them down and make them feel so...



Which is why we make
the good kind of luck,

and as much as we possibly can.


'Cause when you have good luck,
it feels like anything is possible.

- I guess it's because..
- Good luck is joy.


And hope. It's like you said,
it's the good kind of luck.

And were I the queen of the universe, and
I suspect it's a job I would excel at,

I'd rid the world
of bad luck altogether!

- Eradicate it completely.

Good luck all the time,
what could be better?

Not a single thing.

And you can bet those
humans would like it too.

Yeah. Then their world
could look like this.

They should be so lucky.

You did the right thing coming to
see me. You.. What was your name?

Oh, Sam. My name is Sam.

Sam. Call me Babe.

You know a lot of creatures are
intimidated by tall women, Sam.

Carry it for a few days. You'll be
back to your lucky self in no time.

The last creature I helped
needed four months with a penny

until his bad luck was gone.

I've heard it can really linger.

They were the best
four months of my life.


Thank you, Babe.

Just return it to
the Depot when you're done.

I will.


You're about to make a little
girl and a lucky cat so happy.

[BOB] Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Take it easy!

Get off me. I won't
be cat-handled like this.

We traced the missing
penny back to you, Bob.

You have no proof.

This button is
all the proof we need.

It's got your polydactyl
paw prints all over it.

- [BOB STAMMERS] I can explain.
- It's too late.

You'll be banished to
Bad Luck where you belong.



Obstructing justice?
I oughta arrest you too.

I was just catching up
to Bob to give him this.

You got it.

Yes, Bob. I did.

Must've fallen right out
of his collar.

Maybe when you stopped
to try that tasty meat bread.

And you're absolutely
sure this one is mine?

I'm sure.

[CHUCKLES] She's a real lifesaver,
this one.

[GRUMBLING] If you had your travel penny,
why did you turn in the button, Bob?

Silly mistake. I just threw
the wrong one into the drop.

When I discovered the mix-up,

I was heading straight
back to Decon to turn it in,

and then I guess that's when the
little bugger just slipped out.

[CHUCKLES] Just like that,
no travel penny. You know,

I'm starting to think that maybe the
equipment rabbits issued me a bum collar.

This isn't the first time
it's got loose, you know.

Oh, I see. I see.

Well, faulty equipment is unacceptable,
Bob. You're right.

Aye, it most certainly is.

Here you go, Captain.

I can't believe you just did
that. I mean, thank you, like, a lot,

but you could've taken that
penny straight to your friend Hazel.

Her first, then me,
that was the deal.

I could never let you be sent to Bad
Luck so that Hazel could have good luck.

- It doesn't work like that.
- [BOB] Well, how does it work?

Because I don't want you to go
home and leave me here feeling guilty

that she doesn't get
to use a lucky penny now.

You think I'm going home?

Wait. You're not?

I came here to help Hazel,

and I only have one hour left
to do it before her visit.

If you're actually feeling
guilty, then you can help me.

But there's no way
to get another penny.

For what we're doing,
we won't need a penny.

What are we gonna do?

We're gonna turn off bad luck.

If we shut down
Jeff's mixer machine,

the bad luck should stick
to itself and clog up the pipe

so it can't travel
to the Randomizer.

And if no bad luck
gets to the Randomizer...

[SAM] No bad luck
gets to the human world.

Wait. What about Jeff?

Und schneller. Und schneller.
Und steil. Ja, steil.

Go down that berg.

I have no words.

Yeah, I think
we're good for a bit.

You know we can't do
this permanently, right?

Of course not.
That's where you come in.

I'm gonna turn it back on.

All Hazel needs
is two hours tops.

And then I flip
the switch. And that's it.

We're even. Fini, complet.
Case closed. Deal done.

You'll never see my face again.

Great. Here goes.

[BOB] Look at that.

It's starting to stick.

[SAM] It's working.

I wish I could see Hazel.

I think I can handle that.

Really? She lives two miles
east of the café.

Tell me again why
she needs good luck so badly.

If her visit goes well, she
could find her forever family.

Which is what exactly?

It's the people who are always
there for you, no matter what happens.

The ones who don't leave,
they stick.

[SAM GASPS] There.

- [BOB] Is that her?
- [SAM] Yeah.

It looks like the couple will be
there any minute. It's all I hoped for,

a little good luck for Hazel,
and we did it, Bob.

I swear I could
hug you right now.

Cats aren't really huggers.

Well, I love hugs.

[SIGHS] So, that's it then.
Deal finally done.

Please thank Gerry for me.

And I'm sorry
I stretched out his clothes.

Hey, Sam. I'm curious.
What do you hope for now?

Are you asking
me questions, Bob?

Now that you're finally leaving,

it seemed like a good time
to get to know you better.

[CHUCKLES] In that case,

I guess I just hope I can
do something good with my life.

That my bad luck won't
get in the way, you know?

Aye. I think I do.

Right. Well, that's us.


[SAM] Huh?

It's coming from the In Between.
There must be something wrong.






I didn't think
that was possible.

Oh, no. Hazel!

Hazel. No.




[GASPS] The good luck stone!

Oh, this can't be happening. I
need good luck to forge a new one.

The clovers are shriveled. The
pigs cannot create good luck.

[PANTS] What about the pennies?


Just one lucky penny
would be enough.

They're all contaminated!

Try this one.

Is it lucky or not?


Why do you have that, boss?

Does this mean you're not lucky?

I was right all along.

You're a liar and a thief.
I bet you're not even Scottish.

I'm not.

I'm English, actually.

And I lived eight lives in bad
luck before I found that penny.

It was the penny
that made you lucky.


I'm a bad luck black cat.

And I always will be.



[SAM] What does that mean?

The connection between the
human world and the luck world

has been severed for good.

[SAM] But there must be a way
to fix it! To reconnect.

Without good luck,
there is no way.

But I have to get to Hazel!
I have to go home.

You're a human?

Yes. And I have to go home.

[SCOFFS] And what about
our home, Sam?

We exist to make luck for your
world. What will happen to us now?

You should never have come here.

She was only following me.

I'm so sorry.
I never meant for any of this.

I was just trying
to help my friend.

[SCOFFS] And instead,
you've made sure that she

and no other humans will
ever experience luck again.

We should just banish
both of them to Bad Luck.

Oh, what does it matter?
It's all bad luck now.

See, I knew there was
something off about you, Bob.

I knew it deep in my soul.

Only, I didn't stop you in time.

And I have to live with
that for the rest of my life.

I should've been better, Sam.

I should've given you
the penny for your friend.

If I had, none of this
would've happened.

[SAM] But you were afraid I'd
lose it or flush it down another toilet.

I was afraid to
lose my lucky life.

And too selfish to risk it.

Well, you made the right choice.

- I make things worse. It's what I do.
- Sam..

You'd think I would have
learned my lesson by now.

To just lay down for once,

stop trying so hard,
stop sweating, like you said.

I should never have said that.

It's true.

Even here, in the luckiest
place in the universe,

I still found
a way to screw it all up.

[SIGHS] And that's how I know.

Know what?

That it's not my bad luck
that's the problem. It's just me.

And there's no amount of
good luck that can ever fix it.

I don't believe that.

Well you should.

Not only did I doom Hazel,
and you, and..

And everyone else to a life of bad luck,
but now I can't get back to her.

I'm just another adult
who broke another promise.

The kind that
leaves and doesn't stick.

I swear, she'd be better off
if she never met me.

Well, I wouldn't be better off.

You're not bad, Sam.

You're the opposite of bad,

like some kind of pure goodness I
didn't think was possible for a human.

Your first instinct is to share,
like the tasty meat bread.

Or to help, even if helping might stop
you from getting what you want the most.

And what's crazier is what you
want the most isn't even for you.

You want good things for others
in a way that I can't comprehend,

and you'll endure the worst
bad luck ever to make it happen.

I was wrong to ever tell you not
to try because every time you do,

you make things better.
And that's how I know.

Know what?

That your friend Hazel
doesn't need good luck.

She's already the luckiest girl
in the world 'cause she has you.

You said you wanted to do
something good with your life.

You already have.



I didn't mean to make you cry.

Don't worry, Bob.
It's a happy cry.

Humans are so weird.



There's gotta be a way
to fix this!

Yes, and get you back to Hazel.

fat chance of that happening.

Unless you have some good luck
hidden in there, which, uh..

Wait. What did you say?

"Unless you have some
good luck hidden in there"?

- That's it.
- What is?

There's good luck
down in Bad Luck.

How do you know that?

Because I've seen it!

And you're planning to go right
back down to Bad Luck and fetch it?

- That's your plan?
- Bingo.

- [GRUNTS] - Welcome back
to the Land of Bad Luck.

Oh, it's like I never left.


The good luck is somewhere between
here in Dog Poop and the elevator.

Okay, describe
what you saw exactly.

Monsters were gathered around this
green light that had to be good luck.

And then a bell would ding,

and they'd start shouting,
and there was fire and..

- Fire?
- Yeah.

It could only be one place.

I must have come in
the back door last time.


Wait! Don't go in yet!





- Hi.

Oh, this is it.

Bob? Oh, is that you?

Where the heck you been,

Hey, Rootie, how's it going?

- [PATRON ] It's Bob.
- [PATRON ] Long time, no see.

- Monsters, huh?
- You said monsters.

I said roots and goblins,
which they are.

[BLEATING] Hey, Bob.

- Oh, and goats.
- How do they know you?

Oh, I, uh, spent
a couple of hours here.

Yeah, try eight lifetimes.

Just sitting here sipping
my famous tangerine tornado

and talking about how if he
could just find a little good luck,

he could finally be happy.

Oh, we thought
you were dead, Bob.

Yeah, Rootie even
retired your barstool.

Wow, that's.. Thanks.

But, uh, yeah, not dead.

Just looking for a little
good luck, like Rootie said.

Aw, where are my manners?

I'm Rootie, the proprietor
of this tropical juice bar

and the self-appointed
mayor of Bad Luck.


Nice to meet you, Rootie.
I'm Sam.

Hey, you're that leprechaun
who broke the elevator.

Human actually, and yeah.
Sorry about that.

Human, huh?
Well, that's a first.

Hey, Bob. We'll get your
stool down for ya.


- [EXCLAIMS] Duct tape, flying in!

Oh, don't worry about it, guys.
We.. We can't stick around.

- We need your help.
- Name it. What's going on?

Well, the luck lines have detached,
the Randomizer is broken,

and we're floating off into the
void with no real purpose to exist.

We thought we just
short-circuited a wire.

We didn't realize
we had broken the whole world.

Oh, it wasn't you guys.
It was us.

Something broke,
and it wasn't our fault? Amen, brother.


But there might
still be a way to fix it.

When I was here before,
I saw a green light,

which I'm really
hoping is good luck.

Oh, yeah, we've got some.
It's in the Lucky Shot.

[BOTH] Lucky Shot?




- [ROOTIE] Yeah! Way to go, Stinky!

All right, follow me.

Happened after you left, Bob.

I was out fixing cracks
when I backed into this pipe

and a little
good luck floated out.

So I gathered it up and dropped
it straight into the Lucky Shot.

Figured that way everybody
could experience a little good luck.

- You know what I mean?
- But what about them?

Oh, you're kidding? [CHUCKLES]

They'll just find
something else to rally around.

It's one of the benefits of bad
luck. It teaches you to pivot.

I never really thought about
it that way.


- [PATRON ] Come on!
- [PATRON ] Something must be broken.

- [PATRON ] Bummer.
- Huh.

Okay. Frisbee golf, anyone?

See what I'm saying?

And once you've fixed
the Randomizer,

I have no doubt, one day,
I'll find some more.

Thank you, Rootie. Oh,
and we'll need some bad luck dust too.

Oh, have at it.
Plenty of that around.

And if you could use our help
up there, just say the word.


[CHUCKLING] Well, giddy up!

We gotta get this to the Dragon.

She won't be happy to see us.
We just wrecked her world.

I think we know someone
she will be happy to see.



How could I miss
that she was a human?

Oh, a tall leprechaun? Ha!

How dare they show up here?

[BABE] Who is it?

It's Bob,
the girl and a unicorn.


I don't remember it being that tough.

Of course, last time
I was a stallion.

It has been a hundred years.

Schön dich zu sehen, Babe.


[SIGHS] You got a lot of
nerve coming here.

Hear them out, Babe.

A little good luck. It might be
enough to fix the Randomizer.

Where did it come from?

Bad Luck.

Somehow it made its way down there,
and they were kind enough to share.

We need you to forge
two new stones.

Just like when you made this.

[GASPS] You still have it.

I never took it off.


Your ancient dragon flames
have the power, Babe.

I trust you remember how to
wield your burning hot Feuer?

Was that a dare?


Let's see if I've still got it.


[STAMMERING] Was ist das?

You said you needed two stones.

But you made three.

Oh, the bad luck stone
was just a warm-up.

And these are
for the Randomizer.

Have you lost your
brain marbles, Babe?

Because you know very well that
Randomizer needs a good luck

and a bad luck stone.

Does it though?
Two stones, sure.

But show me where it says
they can't both be lucky.

This is the moment
we've all been waiting for.

[GASPS] With these two stones,
we can eliminate bad luck

and all that goes with it. The
frustration, the loneliness, the..

- Wait. But..
- You said it yourself, Sam.

Without bad luck, your world
could look just like ours.



Down to go up.


I can't let you
place two good luck stones.

Nonsense. Good luck
for everyone all the time.

We can make that happen, Sam.

You, of all people,
should want that.

I know bad luck can be terrible,
especially when it keeps coming.

- But we still need it.
- [SCOFFS] Need it?

The only thing bad luck ever did for me
was break my world and break my heart.

No. It was me
who broke your world.

It's Bad Luck that's here
helping put it back together.

- Hey, these things happen.
- Not here.

- Oh, there we go.
- Don't worry.

I know you're afraid
to let bad luck in.

You think it's the reason
you're alone. I did too.

I blamed bad luck for everything
that went wrong in my life.

But coming here, I realized that it
also made some things go very right.

Without my bad luck,
I wouldn't have met Hazel or Bob.

And you would've never met
the love of your life.

What are you talking about?

You only met Jeff because
he'd been doused by bad luck.

Which means,
it didn't tear you apart.

Bad luck brought you together
in the first place.

You think your creatures
can't endure bad luck,

but they can, and they will.

And so can you.

You don't have to fear bad luck
because you have each other.

And that makes you the luckiest
creatures I know.

Why, if.. If good and bad luck
can at long last live side by side,

then I would love nothing more.

Far be it from me to take
all the mystery out of life.

Both it is.







We lucky ladies of stature oughta
stick together, don't you think?

Oh, yes.

Thank you, Sam.






[ROOTIE] All right! One bad-break
banana banshee coming down.

- [CHUCKLES] Sorry, Root.

No problem, Fred. You know
I always make two, just in case.

- [BLEATING] What was that?


Knock, knock.


We miss you already.

- "We"?
- [PATRON ] Sam!

- [LAUGHS] Sam. Bob.
- Hey, Rootie.

- [ROOTIE] Good Luck in Bad Luck.
- Oh, and Hairy Lemon.

Now, this is
a good-looking juice bar.

[CHUCKLES] Yeah. First tropical
juice bar in the Land of Luck.

We come bearing gifts.
Or, well, gift rather.

It's for the Lucky Shot.


She sure is a beauty.

Oh, it's a small token of
thanks for coming to our aid.

It was our pleasure,
Ms. The Dragon.

And we sure do appreciate
you dropping in for a visit.

I should have come long ago.

Und we have our unlucky Freund Sam
to thank for bringing us all together.

Way to go, Latvia!

Latvia! Latvia!

Sam! Sam! Sam! Sam!

Speaking of my bad luck,

I'd like to thank you guys
for sending it all my way.

The flat tires, the toast jam-side-down,
the keys in the sewer.

- Hey, that was me!

It wasn't all fun, but I
wouldn't change a single thing.

Fire her up.
What do you say, Sam?


- Take a shot, Bob.
- [PATRON ] Come on, Bob!




Hey! So, what do you say, Bob?
Ready to come home?

Sounds like the guys
got your barstool fixed

and ready for
your little cat butt.

[CHUCKLES] Thanks, guys.

Well, we were actually hoping
Bob might stay in Good Luck.

The Captain said
you could have your job back.

Yeah, despite your growing rap sheet,
Gerry claims you're a good line cat.

So, come on back.

Oh, and we made you this,
your very own lucky penny.


A lucky life just like
you always wanted, Bob.

I'm so happy for you.

Good for you, Bob.

Thanks, Captain,
but, uh, I can't accept.

- Boss?
- Bob?

You're all better friends
than I deserve.

- Oh, well, that's true.

Especially you, Gerry.
And friends we will stay.

But as for where I live out
the rest of my days..

If I can, I'd like to spend
them with Sam, in her world.


Be your forever family?

Me and you, a forever family?

I'd really love that.


You realize you're
hugging me, right?

Yes. And you better
get used to it.

Juice drinks on the house!


Yes, ma'am. Heat it up. We're
gonna call that the Lucky Dragon.

Mini palm tree. Some bulk beans.

Oh, I'm making bean bags,

and I thought a mix might be nice,
you know, in your hand.

And one soap-on-a-rope
brings your total to $ . .

Let me just find my credit card.

- Oh, found my card!
- [GASPS] Great.

Here you go, Ms. Charles.


Hey, I got this,
Sam the manager. [CHUCKLES]

Bless you, Marvin.

- Have a great time!
- See you Monday!

I should never have
gotten you a cell phone.

I can't stop. I'm sorry. I have a
problem. I was born to thumb-type.

Map says nine minutes,
but we'll take the shortcut.


They're here!


- Come here, Bob.
- I say, Hazel. This is a tight one.

Hi, Sam. Hi, Bob.


Ah, ah. Sit.

Good work, Bingo.
Who's your master?

Who's your master? That's right.
Bob is. Bob is your master.


Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad.

She's just a little excited.

Yeah, me too.

Hazel's really
lucky she found you guys.

I'm pretty sure
we're the lucky ones.

Oh, and we'll see you here for
dinner on Sunday! Five o'clock.

We're having Bob's favorite.

We'll be here.

You hear that, Bob?
Paninis on Sunday.

Tasty meat bread.

- Bingo.

Not you!

[SAM] My new life is nothing
like the one I pictured.

It's better.

Things don't always go
as planned, of course.

Unless, well, you plan for them.

In the end, you might say that bad luck
led me to the luckiest thing in the world.

Or was it good luck?

Whatever it was,
I found my forever family.

The kind that doesn't leave.
They stick.

And I'd do it all
over again to get here.