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01x07 - Chapter Seven: Carnival of Souls

Posted: 08/13/22 06:37
by bunniefuu

♪ Got a secret, can you keep it ♪

♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪

♪ Better lock it in your pocket ♪

♪ Taking this one to the grave ♪

♪ If I show you then I know you ♪

♪ Won't tell what I said ♪

♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪

♪ If one of them is dead ♪

♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪

♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪

♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪
♪ If one of them is dead ♪



Coast is clear.

Just you and me.

Oh my god!

- Angela, what are you doing?!
- N-Nothing.

Did you see that, Davie?
How she att*cked me?


Well, don't think you can
come on to me next, Xena.

Come on, Dee. We're
gonna do the bumper cars.

♪ ♪


Faran texted us.

- Her mom got discharged.
- Oh, thank the Lord.


at school tomorrow,
we're gonna have to tell the girls

about our trip to Rosewood.

You mean about...

- Angela and how she was...
- Sexually assaulted.

Yes... which makes me wonder

if we're also gonna tell them about...

What happened to us.

What do you think?

Tabs, imagine the stigma...

not just on me, but on my baby.

Imogen, you don't have to explain.

I thought about going to
the police, but... didn't.

Maybe I'd go now if it
wasn't for Sheriff Beasley

being basically the Slender Man.

There's a... female officer.

Deputy Maroon, who showed up

when I called for my mom.

She was nice and understanding.

Could she be an option
for you to talk to?


What inspires me are...
When I meet someone...

FARAN: Morning, Mom.

Need anything before I go to school?

I'm good.

Where's Dad?

- At the garage...

getting my brakes checked.

Not that they'll find
anything wrong with them.

Despite what I told him,

they're not the reason I crashed.

- Why did you...
- Why do you think?

I couldn't think straight,
let alone see straight,

after that diva stunt you pulled.

Nothing to say?

Because you had plenty
to say with that picture.

So, come on. It's just you and me now...

and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.


You scarred me, Mom.

Literally and figuratively.

- I was in pain for years.
- Growing pains.

And what dancer doesn't
feel pain every now and then?


I stand by what I did.



IMOGEN: You have to admit,

the fact that all of our mothers

visited Mrs. Waters at the sanitarium

confirms a lot of guilt.

From all of them.

But if... A is avenging Angela

because she was... r*ped

and that's why Angela k*lled herself...

Then why is A targeting us?

Why isn't he going after her r*pist?

And not to logic-police the psycho,

but why k*ll Karen?

Don't forget that.

- Clearly, we are missing something.
- Yeah, like who the f*ck A is.

But what about Sheriff Beasley?

He went to school with our moms

and Angela.

Would Sheriff Beasley
k*ll his own daughter?

He loved Karen.

True... but he has demons.

- Demons like?
- Like, I caught him getting a blowie

from one of the boys I was
going to community service with.

Come again?

So, let's... definitely
keep him as a suspect.

Uh, what about your manager, Tabby?

Wes? A?

What about Angela's dad?

We don't know anything about
him. He could still be around.

It's crazy that we know all this stuff

and-and we can't tell anyone.

Unless... we can.

No. A's still keeping tabs on us.

how's your mother doing?

She'll be in a cast for six weeks,

but then she'll be fine.


Well, she will be thrilled to hear

that you're dancing Giselle
for me next semester.

- Giselle... really?
- You're ready.

Madame Giry, thank you.

You should also know

Kelly Beasley withdrew from
dance class this morning.




- Can we talk?
- Oh, so now you think I'm Kelly?

That's a relief. What convinced you?

Was it my screams or my tears?

What... are you talking about?

Right, now comes the
part where you pretend

that you didn't get your
boyfriend to terrorize me.

Or was it someone else under that mask?

Kelly, did something happen to you?

Is that why you, you quit "Swan Lake,"

why you're quitting dance class?

You made your point
pretty clear, I think.

You know, with the Kn*fe?


[WHISPERS] Did someone...

Did someone try to s*ab you?

[WHISPERS] I should have
my father arrest you.

Talk to me again...
and maybe I still will.


FARAN: What if I
accidentally set A on Kelly?

Maybe he thought she
was Karen, like I did.

Or maybe it's because

Kelly's a bully, just
like her sister was.

God... Everyone else at this school

gets to have fun and go to the carnival,

and here we are dealing with this sh*t.

Actually... I'm going.

Henry got us tickets.

- You are?
- f*ck it. Me too, then.

- f*ck A.
- FARAN: Agreed. We gotta live.

A is not going anywhere,
that's for sure.

This week, as a part of health class,

each of you will pair up
with a partner to take care

of an infant simulator.

From this moment on,
for the rest of the week,

you are all mommies and daddies.

top of everything else.



Uh, wanna team up?

Okay, sure.

- Tag-team or trade-off?
- Trade-off.

I'll watch it tonight.


For your final assignment
of the semester,

you'll all be working individually

to write, direct, and edit a short film

based on some aspect of your life.

Something meaningful
and important to you.


A story only you could tell.

- How do you feel about rollercoasters?

'Cause I was thinking

maybe we could go to
the carnival together.

Sounds... amazing,

but my moms would never let me go.

What's bad about a carnival?


It's... what happened
to me the last time

I was at the carnival.

I was five years old.

I had wandered off from my moms

outside the carnival,

when a man came up to me,

offering me some cotton cand,

and then he started leading me away.

But I wasn't scared.

At least, not until I saw my moms.
They looked terrified.

[YELLS] Mouse!

MOUSE: Then they saw me.

And the guy ran off, left me there.

They never caught him.

Who was he?

A stranger.

Now every year,

we go out of town
during carnival weekend.

Mouse, I'm so sorry
you went through that.




all right, let's go, let's go!

Come on! Pick it up!

Pick up that pace! Keep that pace!

- Work! Push, push, push!

- Take five.


How ya doin'? Are you
getting enough rest?

How's your diet?

Uh, not great, to be honest.

[SIGHS] My mom just got
a job at Pinball Pizza,

so it's been a lot
of pepperoni recently.

I have a trainer I want you to meet.

I bet he could get
you where you wanna be.

Thanks, Coach D.


- Hey!

Are you okay? What was that?

Nothing. A twinge. I'm fine.

Where's the pain?

My back.

When did the pain start?

Stop for a sec.

I've had it on and off for years.

Eight years.

You've been dancing with
pain for eight years?

Since your surgery?

Everyone thinks I outgrew it.

Most of the time, it's manageable,

but every so often I have a flare.

And then what?

I take Epsom salt baths and ice.

And if it gets really bad, I...

I get cortisone sh*ts at the clinic.

I'm dealing with it, Henry.

I've been dealing with it.


- WES: You think so?
- CHIP: Yeah, she's really gonna like it.

I think so. I mean,
they're two of my favorites,

- so, like, I know, obviously.

Hey, Tabs. Check it out.

So, I know

what our next double feature should be.

- You ready?
- Sure, Wes. What movies?

"Last House on the Left"
directed by Wes Craven,

and its unlikely inspiration:

"Virgin Spring," directed by Bergman.

Grindhouse meets arthouse.

What do you think?

I-I think both of those movies

depict incredibly graphic r*pe scenes.

[LAUGHS] I think
you're missing the point.

- Okay, which is?
- That, yes, these movies are violent,

but they're also highly moral.


- In what universe?
- Uh, look, you have to look at them

as products of their respective times.


[MUFFLED] "Virgin Spring," for example,

was based on the old folktale...




Tabby? Tabs? What's goin' on?

Where, where, where'd you go?

Uh, look, it's good that you're
thinking about these things,

but if you're gonna go to film school,

you gotta have critical distance, too.

My problem with these movies
isn't the fact that they exist.

It's that they're venerated
by you two bozos who have

zero idea what they're actually
saying about sexual v*olence.

Do you have any idea what it's like
to watch those scenes as a woman?

I mean, did our "Psycho" project

teach you nothing about trauma

and the female body, Chip?

Guess not.

Whatever. Program your
double feature of misogyny.

Taking my break.

Gonna go work on my project.


- _

Oh my god! Leave me
the f*ck alone, Steve!

♪ ♪

- _
- Bingo, dickhead.


- It's okay. Okay, so it's okay.
- Here, uh, let me take her.

Oh! Okay.

- Oh my god! What did you do?

- She needed to be burped, is all.
- Oh, thank you.

Imogen, this might not be the right
moment to ask the question, but...

are you planning on keeping the baby?

Your baby?


I don't know.

Imogen, you're .

You have so much ahead of you.
I want you to understand your options.

Have you considered adoption?

Uh, it's... it crossed my mind.

Nurse Simmons mentioned it to me.

I have the name of an agency.

Can I make you an appointment?


- Excuse me, Mrs. Bell.
- Mm-hm.

Could you do me a huge favor

and watch this fake baby?

Thirty seconds. I just...
I really have to pee.

Fine, but hurry.

- You're the best, Mrs. Bell.
- Mm-hm.


MRS. BELL: Mrs. Edmunson,
what's wrong with Timmy this time?



Mrs. Bell... where's my baby?

I didn't touch it.




Excuse me.

- Excuse me?

- Chip? Chip!
- Yeah... Hey.

Someone stole the baby.

What? Hey, no. It's-it's okay.
It's okay. We'll, we'll, we'll find it.

Her. Clarice. I named her.

Oh god. Where could she have gone?

Maybe, we just...

have to give it a minute to get quiet.


if I lost that baby, I will
be even more pathetic...

- You're not pathetic, Imogen.
- Than I already am.


- Wait, you hear that?
- Clarice... crying.

CHIP: Come on.

You look in there.

- CHIP: No.


- Oh, thank god. [CHUCKLES]
- See? It's just a prank.

Probably one of the jocks.

- Maybe Greg or...


Someone's just f*ckin' with you, Imogen.



Sure. Someone.


maybe we should
tag-team this assignment.

- Would that be okay?
- Of course.

In that case, [LAUGHS]
could you give me a ride

to this adoption agency after school?


Now, is this for the...

My real baby.

- Not the fake one.
- Gotcha.

MADAME GIRY: Don't be angry at Henry.

When I was in my s,

halfway through a
performance of "La Sylphide,"

I broke my ankle.

What did you do?

Wrapped it in an ACE bandage.

And the next day,

I took a sabbatical
from ABT for three months

because I couldn't put the
slightest pressure on my ankle.

There's a doctor I send
some of my older dancers to.

I'd like you to go see him.

Look, you can be pissed
at me if you want,

- but...
- I'm not pissed at you, Henry.

I know why you said what you said.

But it was messed up that you
just blurted out my business like that.

I'm sorry about that,

but I'm not sorry that
you're gonna get checked out.

Speaking of that...

you're coming to Giry's
specialist with me.

- It's the least you can do.
- Definitely.




♪ ♪

♪ ♪




♪ ♪

Well, I'll be damned. Tabitha Haworthe.

I've been meaning to
call you in. Come with me.

Actually, I'm waiting for Deputy Maroon.

That wasn't a request, Ms. Haworthe.

You and Tyler Marchand were friends?

Uh, definitely not.

Are you aware that Tyler hasn't
been seen since Halloween night?

I don't really run in
the same circles as Tyler.

I'm curious.

The last time anyone
saw Tyler, he was at a...

house party, hosted by
you and your friends,

full of underage drinking.

A witness reported seeing
Tyler in a heated argument...

with you.

An argument that ended in v*olence.

He was harassing one of my friends.

So, you assaulted him?

I was protecting my friend from Tyler,

who was being belligerent
and inappropriate with her.

And I haven't seen him since that night.

Sorry I can't be more helpful,

but I'm sure he's fine.

Guys like Tyler are always
fine in towns like Millwood

and with guys like you
looking out for them.

Now, I gotta go.

Ms. Haworthe...

what are you even doing in my station?

I was here to pay one of
my mom's parking tickets,

but I just realized I forgot it.

I'll check in with Deputy Maroon later.


IMOGEN: I had considered
keeping my baby...

but circumstances...

have changed, and now I'm
exploring all possibilities.

That makes a lot of sense,

and I can talk you
through some scenarios.

And I'm assuming since you're here,

you're also in support
of adoption as an option?

- Oh... No, he's not...
- % supportive

of whatever Imogen decides
is best... for the baby.

Chip, why did you do that in there?

- Pretend to be the dad?
- I don't know.

Felt like you needed some support.

I did.


Thank you.

Yeah, don't mention it.

And you don't have to tell
me who the real dad is.

That's nobody's business but yours.

Hey, you hungry?
You wanna grab a bite?


[LAUGHING] You're kidding.

- "Waterworld "?
- It is the sequel the world needs.

- Is it, though?
- I thought so.

Anyway, so I busted my dad's camcorder

- at the Millwood Community Pool. Yeah.

And he said if I wanted any more,
I'd have to buy it myself,

- so cut to The Orpheum.
- Mm.

Is that where you and Tabby bonded?

Yeah, there's so much
downtime between movies

- just to talk, and hang, and...
- Mm.

Hey, question, um...

do you think babies like carnivals?

♪ ♪

Dad's workin' late.

Where have you been?

Rehearsing something new?

- Already?
- No, Mom.

I went to... another doctor,

Giry recommended.

Why would you go see them?

Because I have chronic pain.

I've lived with chronic
pain since the surgery

you forced me to have
when I was eight years old,

which Giry's doctor
said was a huge mistake.

I have to do physical
therapy three times a week,

and start wearing a
brace as soon as possible,

and... I...

have to stop dancing.

- For how long?
- Six months, at least.

If you were in pain,

you should have said something.

Are you for real?

I did...

over and over, dozens of times.

You just didn't wanna hear me.

But hear this, Mom...

I'm not gonna let your poor decisions

affect the rest of my life.

I'm going to get better the right way.

♪ ♪

You have good knee drive,
strong turnover, but I think I know

- what your problem is.
- Pizza.

- Too much pepperoni.
- Well, maybe,

but also, you're struggling
with shortness of breath,

so I'm gonna give you an inhaler.

But I don't have asthma.

No, you have
cardiovascular shortcomings,

and this will help.

Take two hits daily before practice.

You'll notice a difference
right off the bat.

STEVE: What I'd recommend is the Gen .

You're looking at Bluetooth connectivity

and a significantly
quieter motor than the Gen .

MOUSE: What about tracking devices?

Do you sell those?

You know, to stalk people?


Will you excuse us a moment?


You're crossing a line.

This is my place of employment.

And you showed up at my school.

You won't stop calling or texting.

I tried to be nice. I
tried to be understanding.

But now I'm pissed.

Stop f*cking with me, Steve...

or I'll dox your ass.

That's right. I know
everything about you.

What would your, uh, coworkers think

if I told them that
you've been harassing me?

And I know all about you, too. Yeah.

I know why you do what you do...

reach out to parents who've lost kids.

You were almost snatched once.

- How do you know that?
- From your mother.

Elodie... right?

We're in a support group at the
community center in Summerville

for parents who have...
lost their children.

She showed us your picture
once. When you popped up

- online, I recognized you.
- But I...

wasn't taken.

Does she say that I was?

- That doesn't make any sense.
- Does what you do make any sense?


When does this group meet?

Every other Tuesday.

See, that's impossible.

My mom has her book club...

on Tuesdays... in...

Oh my god.

♪ ♪

♪ Give me kindness,
give me answers ♪

♪ Give me justice, give me peace ♪

Never again.

♪ Give me anything but silence ♪

♪ I need somethin' to believe ♪


♪ You can laugh, you can say ♪

- ♪ This has all been make-believe ♪
- _

♪ All been make-believe
in this dark world ♪

SHAWN: Hey, for the carnival tomorrow,

what do you think about
goin' with some of the guys?

NOA: From football? Sure.

- Oh, hey, how'd it go with Beau?
- Wait.

Do you know him?

Not personally, but
Greg's worked out with him,

Tyler, some of the other guys.

- They say he's awesome.
- Um.

Yeah, he, um, he gave me this inhaler

to help me out.

- I'm not sure how I feel about it.
- It's an inhaler, Noa.

Some might say it's doping, Shawn.

Beau's hooked up some of
the guys with inhalers.

- Are you using an inhaler?
- No. [LAUGHS]

All right, I'm, I'm
% all-natural talent.

- But there's nothing wrong

with getting a little extra boost

to help you be the best
version of yourself.

- MOUSE: Is that for your book club?
- Yes, as a matter of fact.

And is your book club

for all ages or just adults?

- Just adults.
- Hm.

Mom, Ash asked me out

to the carnival.

I'm gonna go.

What about our tradition?

We already booked the
cabin for the weekend.

Then you and Mom go...

and I'll go to the carnival
with Ash and my friends,

and everything will be fine.

What if he's there, Mouse?

The man who tried to take me?

Was he a stranger like you said, Mom?


As far as we all know, a total stranger.

Mm. In that case, he's long gone,

and there's nothing to worry about.

Where's your fake baby?

Chip took Clarice for the night.

Excellent name and intruiging re: Chip.

He went with me to the adoption agency.

Then we got pizza.

- Okay?
- And then, uh...

he asked me to the carnival,

- but I wanted to check with you first.
- Hang on.


are you crushing on Chip?

- What?
- Hm?

God, no. No, I...

I mean, he's... cute,
but def-definitely not

if it would be even a
little bit weird for you.

- For me?
- Mm-hm.

No! No, Chip is just a friend.

- Okay. If you're sure.
- Yeah.

- And you think he's a good guy?
- Yes, Chip's the best.

If you wanna go to the carnival
with him, you absolutely should.

- Would you come with us?
- Mm, I already have a date.

My mom got us tickets.

You too, but obviously
you should go with Chip.


- I'll text him.
- Okay.


Oh, uh, hey...

How'd it go at the station?

Sorry, I should've asked that first.

It... didn't. Had a run-in
with Sheriff Slender Man.


- Are you okay?
- Totally.

But I was thinking I might
talk to Nurse Simmons?

You like her, right?

Yeah, actually. She's great.

- Morning.
- Where's Mom?

She... went for a walk.

What's going on?

She canceled our trip to the mountains.


She's never gonna let this go, is she?

No. No, I don't think she is.


I don't know how long I can
keep doing this with her.

I have tried to get her to move on,

to not let what happened define us.

But you, you have to live your life,

and so do we.




can I do for you, Tabby?

I... uh...

was hoping to talk to you about

a health-related matter

that happened to me...

a few months ago.

And is this an ongoing condition?

Not really. It was more an...

♪ ♪

Wait, you're having a-a blood drive?


Right before Thanksgiving.

And who, exactly, gives blood?

[LAUGHS] As many students
as I can get my hands on.




♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

The carousel?

That's your favorite ride?

MOUSE: Hey, now.

- All good.

I'm just glad your mom changed her
mind and let you out of the house.

Yeah, me too.

Not that I gave her much choice,

and I still need her
to get real with me.

But in the meantime, I'm gonna have fun

at the carnival with my boyfriend.

Your boyfriend?

- Oh, I kinda wanna die now.
- Mouse...

I would love to be your boyfriend.


SIDNEY: I'm so happy we're doing this.

It's been a while since we've
had some mother-daughter time.

- Just the two of us.
- Agreed. It's nice, Mom.

- Very "Mermaids" of us.

So, tell me...

did ya figure out what
your short's gonna be?

I think so.

There's... a story I've
been wanting to tell,

- a personal one.
- Now I'm really curious.

Do I get to hear what it is,
or will that upset your process,

Ms. Scorsese?

No, no. I... I wanna tell you.




MAN: Dude, look at you!


So, you were saying, about your movie?

A-Actually, Mom, maybe it is too soon

for me to share.


Well, I'm here, whenever you're ready.

- Ooh, you wanna try the bumper cars?
- For sure.


I know.

Why don't we play cornhole,

like we used to?

We played that when there
was four of us, Martha.

Two teams of two.

Doesn't make much sense
to play it now, does it?

Right, because I'm not enough.

Bobbing for apples, then.

- As requested.
- Ah.

Thanks, Chip.

Sorry I can't get on any rides.

Probably should've said
that when you asked me.

- I didn't even think...
- It is all good.

Most rides make me
wanna throw up anyway.

Even the teacups.



Uh, Imogen...

would you ever want to, uh... ?

I don't think so.

Yeah. Yeah, totally. I-I get it.

No... I'm pretty sure you don't.

No, no, I do.

I spend all of my time

watching weird, esoteric
movies in my basement.

The past three years, I've
been crushing on my best friend,

even though I've always sort of
known it was never gonna happen.

- I'm not boyfriend material.
- That's not it...

at all. [CHUCKLES]

- But... my reality...
- I like you, Imogen.

More and more, you... you are a badass.

- And any guy would just

be so lucky to...


I like you, too, Chip.



RIDE OPERATOR: Watch your step, please.

You've been quiet.

What's on your mind?


It's my mom, and that
doctor visit, and Giselle.

I'm sorry.

I asked you to the carnival
'cause I thought it would

distract you, cheer ya up.

And it has! Look, I'm smiling.

I f*cked up.

If I hadn't gone to Giry,

she wouldn't have sent
you to that doctor.

You wouldn't be getting another brace.

- You'd still be dancing...
- Henry...

I'm upset at the
situation, but not at you.

You saw that I was hurting,
and you did something about it.

And as far as dancing goes,
don't worry about that.

I'm going to dance again.

Better for me to take steps to fix
what's wrong with me now

before it gets worse.

You're gonna do it, Faran.

And I am gonna be there
laying roses at your feet

your first performance at ABT.

Why don't we, uh, go
find a little place to go?

- _

Yo... assholes, do you
not see us standing here?

No, we do.

What the hell are you
doin' in Millwood anyway?

- You checkin' out the competition?
- What competition?

Far as I know, you guys
have never won a game.

What the f*ck are the
Steppenwolves, anyway?

Like that band my dad listens to?

- They're wolves, dumbass.
- Shawn.

SHAWN: So get the f*ck outta
here and out of our faces.

- Babe, can you not?
- CHRIS: Yeah, babe.

Save it for the Turkey Bowl.

SHAWN: All right, that's
it. Let's do this, bitch.


Back the f*ck up before I call the cops!

And believe me, I got
the sheriff on speed dial.

f*ck this. Let's go.

GREG: Yeah, you better run, pussies!

A fight?

Since when are you that person?




What is it, Dee? What's wrong?

We-We shouldn't have let her go.

It's too dangerous.
He's still out there.

- Who is?
- The man who tried to take her.

Dee, this paranoia has to stop.

Mouse has had enough. I've had enough.

I have to protect her.

Do not walk out that door.

If you do,

I don't know what's
gonna be waiting for you

when you get back.

♪ ♪



What do you say? Wanna check
out the hall of mirrors?

Oh... spooky.

But yes.




- [THUD]


Oh, by the way,

I'm... not really good at mazes.

[LAUGHS] Same.

♪ ♪



[GASPS] Can we get the f*ck out of here?



♪ ♪


Mouse! What's the matter?

- What is it?
- This way!



♪ ♪



MOUSE: This way.

Wait, Mouse!

I don't think we're
supposed to use that door!

♪ ♪




- Mom?!
- Mouse!

Oh, thank god you're all right!

I need to talk to you...

in private.

It's time I told you the truth.

Yeah, that might be good.

The man who took you, he...

he wasn't a stranger.

He was your father.


you said I... didn't have a father.

You said I had a donor.

After college, I needed money...


Then I saw a posting
at the women's clinic.

- A couple was looking for a surrogate.
- How?

How were you able to keep me

if you were his surrogate?

We didn't use an agency,

just did it ourselves.

Is that why he came up to me?

At the carnival?

- Because he was my dad?
- Maybe.

Was he even trying
to abduct me that day?

Or was he just hoping to s...

- Spend time with me?
- I don't know, Mouse.

And you turned... him
into the boogie man, Mom.

My father.

- Not your father.
- But he was.

He wanted to be.

Thank you, for finally
telling me the truth.

And sorry if my text scared you.

What text?

MOUSE: The text I sent
from a burner phone.

- "If you're not honest with Mouse,

your worst fears will come true."

That was from you?

I needed you to be honest with me.

And while we're being honest,

are there any other
secrets you wanna share?


I swear.

- TABBY: Okay.

So, tell me... everything.

How was the date?


- we kissed.
- Ooh!

[LAUGHS] I know.

Wow! Go, Drew Barrymore.

- Was it nice?
- It was so nice.

- Aw.

It made me feel...

next to normal.

You are normal.

But I'm not. Not really.

I've been thinking.

Maybe it's time to tell the girls...

at least about what happened to me,

so they can help with something.

With what?

Imogen, if the person
who att*cked us both

goes to Millwood High...

I think I know how to catch him.


[SIGHS] So, A is officially back.

So, what happened after A chased
you out of the mirror maze?

My mom finally, finally
told me the truth about...

this deep, dark family secret.

And then my other mom,
basically, kicked her out

for being... such a basket case.

Oh my god.


Uh, you guys,

there's something else
Imogen and I wanna tell you

a-about this thing that...

happened to us.


- Oh no.

It's from A.

- Holy sh*t.
- Oh no.

What are we looking at here?

♪ You're messin' with the boss now ♪

♪ You're messin' with the boss now ♪

Oh, sh*t. I think it's Tyler.

♪ You're messin' with the boss now ♪

A k*lled him?

♪ Shut your mouth, I want in it ♪
♪ Eyes red, tight chest ♪

♪ Lips that won't quit it ♪

♪ I'm sick to death
of this business ♪

♪ Who are you to
tell me I'm finished ♪

♪ I know you know I'm
gonna give it right back ♪

♪ There ain't no way that I'm
gonna give you the satisfaction ♪

♪ I left my conscience
burning in the tarmac ♪

♪ Load my a*mo, click it back ♪

♪ Bang, bang, and att*ck, yeah ♪

♪ You're messin' with the boss now ♪

♪ You're messin' with the boss now ♪

♪ You're messin' with the boss now ♪

♪ Hush, hush, legs crossed ♪

♪ Messin' with the boss now ♪

♪ You're messin' with the boss now ♪

♪ You're messin' with the bo... ♪

♪ You're messin' with the boss now ♪

♪ You're messin' with the boss now ♪

♪ Hush, hush, legs crossed ♪

♪ Messin' with the boss now ♪