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01x23 - Ghost Wolf

Posted: 08/13/22 07:11
by bunniefuu
Faster than a speeding b*llet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings
at a single bound.

- Look. Up in the sky.
-lt's a bird.

- It's a plane.
-lt's Superman.

Yes, it's Superman,
strange visitor from another planet...

...who came to Earth with powers
and abilities...

...far beyond those of mortal men.

Superman, who can change
the course of mighty rivers...

...bend steel in his bare hands...

...and who. disguised as Clark Kent...

---mild-mannered reporter
for a great metropolitan newspaper.

...fights a never-ending battle for truth,
justice and the American way.

And now, another exciting episode
in the Adventures oi Superman.

Organized crime in Metropolis
can be stamped out.

And it will be stamped out!

Inspector William J. Henderson
has promised...

...the full cooperation
of the police department.

And the newly organized
Committee for Clean Government...

...headed by Walter Canby.
prominent attorney...

...has thrown its full support
behind our campaign.

And now for the big surprise
I promised you.

The first citizen of Metropolis...

...has promised his aid in putting
the mobsters and racketeers behind bars.

Ladies and gentlemen.
I give you Superman.

Extra'. Daily Planet. Extra'.!

Superman declares w*r on racketeers.
Read all about it.

Extra'. Daily Planet. Extra'.!

Daily Planet extra!
Superman declares w*r on racketeers!

Read all about it!

This is Carlton Avery.
your midday reporter...

...bringing you the noon roundup
of city and state news.

Like an avenging angel.
sweeping all before him...

...the first citizen of Metropolis.
the one and only Superman...

...continues his sensational w*r
against crime.

Addressing a cheering crowd
of , irate citizens... a mass meeting in the Metropolis
auditorium last night...

...Superman named
the leading public enemies...

...and pledged himself to see to it
that each and every one of them...

...would either be run out of town
or put behind bars.

Five of the gangsters
have already been eliminated...

...and only a few hours ago...

---speaking at a breakfast meeting
of the Women 's Federation.

...Superman indicated
that Phil "Shortcake" Mitchell...

...long notorious
as a slot-machine racketeer...

...was no longer an enemy of the public...

...and further indicated that Duke Pizanno
was next on the list.

What are we gonna do. boss?

They picked up Pizanno yesterday
and Mitchell the day before.

They're filling the jails with our boys.
Superman says Ed and me are next.

- What are we gonna do?
- Hold it. Tony.

I wanted to see how far they'd go.

They've gone far enough.
They want a fight. we'll give them one.

Spread the word around.
From here on in. everything goes.

- Pour it on.
- Now you're talking.

- Come on. Nick.
- Okay. Tony.

The entire nation has its eyes trained
on Metropolis...

...where the mighty Superman is battling the
hoodlums. racketeers and strong-arm men...

...who have held the city
in a reign of terror.

The city jail is filled to overflowing...

...and those mobsters still at large
are cowering with fear... Superman continues his crusade
against organized crime with unabated fury.

Here's a bulletin which just came in:

Nick Marone.
public-enemy number three...

...has just been taken into custody.

And here is the latest news... Superman's sensational one-man w*r
against organized crime.

Big Ed Bullock...

...generally acknowledged the number-two
crime boss of the city of Metropolis...

...was caught in the dragnet today...

"Jess than an hour after Superman
brought public-enemy number three...

...Nick Marone. in for questioning.

It is understood
that Police Inspector Henderson...

...will put both racketeers
through a rigorous grilling.

Although the police admit having nothing
on either Marone or Bullock...

...they hope to learn from them
the identity of the number-one man...

...who controls the far-flung
city»and»state crime empire.

Up to a few minutes ago...

...reports from police headquarters indicated
that neither Marone nor Bullock would talk...

...and that efforts were being made
to secure their release on bail.

It is understood that Superman
is standing by at headquarters... the hope that one of the gangsters
will break...

...and reveal the identity
of the number-one man.

And that is how the situation stands
at the moment.

Although known racketeers
have been taken into custody...

...the identity of the number-one man...

...the big boss.
Is still shrouded in mystery.

You've done a wonderful job.
A miraculous job.

Thank you. Mr. White.
but the job isn't over yet.

Practically every important gangster
and racketeer has been arrested.

But we still haven't got
the number-one man.

We don't even know who he is.

I know you don't think there is
a number-one man. Mr. Canby.

But take my word for it, there is.

Well. can't you get any
of these mobsters to talk?

- Not yet.
- Don't worry. Mr. White.

It’ll find him. and I'll bring him in.
That's a promise.

We did like you said. poured it on.
and what did it get us?

- A lot of broken heads.
- We're practically out of business.

I never took such a sweating
before the mouthpiece put up the bail.

- You're not kidding.
- You fellows are getting panicky.

- Relax.
- Relax?

Yeah. Everything's gonna be all right.

We're gonna take care of Superman.

- We're going to k*ll him.
- k*ll Superman?

I got news for you. boss.
Superman can't be k*lled.

I say he can. and I know how.

All we have to do is contact Superman...

...and get him to come to a little place
that I've got rigged up.

Okay. Sally. Take over.

I'm gonna find out. if I can.
who's closest to him. who his friends are.

We know he has some connections
with the Daily Planet. I'll start from there.

- What about us?
- You lay low till Sally brings in her report.

See you.

Get a load of this. boss:

“Superman Has Lead
to Unknown Crime King!“

He's bluffing.

Superman don't bluff.
He's breathing down our necks.

Don't worry.
he's almost through breathing.

- Sally will be here any minute.
- She's here now.

Good. Tell her to start rolling.

The projector's all set up.
and I'll be dressed in a minute.

- The boss says--
- I heard him.

- Where's Tony?
- The boss sent him out for something.

- Get some good pictures?
- Not bad.

Pull up some chairs
and make yourselves comfortable.

I don't know what's on the boss's mind.
but it sure don't make sense to me.

It will make sense.

Switch the light off. Nick.

- Okay?
- Go ahead.

That's Jim Olsen.
He's a cub reporter for the Daily Planet.

He's one of Superman's friends.

- Who's the doll?
- Lois Lane. reporter for the Planet.

She's a friend of Superman's too.

White. editor of the Planet.

- What's that?
- A warehouse fire.

Superman made a rescue.
but I missed it.

That's a honey of a fire.

- You like fires, Ed?
- Yeah. I love them.

Inspector Henderson is the one
on the left.

You're telling us.

Crummy copper!

Relax. boys. Enjoy the show.

This big sweetheart is Clark Kent.

The rat that's been writing
all that stuff about us.

I know him. He a friend
of Superman's too. Sally?

Wait till you see.

That Superman gives me the creeps.

Wait a minute. Run that again.

I thought you'd like that one.

Okay. that's enough!

Turn it off, Sally.

Turn on the lights. Let me have the phone.
We're in business.

- You wanted me. chief?
- Yes. Inspector Henderson just phoned.

Kent. we can't keep on needling the police
to look for a man who doesn't exist.

- It's a waste of the taxpayers' money.
- That's what I say.

This number-one man is a myth.

But he isn't. I tell you. As a matter of--

Yes? Just a minute.

- For you. Kent.
- Thank you.

Clark Kent speaking.

You don't know me. but I’m calling
for the number-one man...

...the police and Superman
are trying to find.

Yes. Go ahead.

He'd like to get together with Superman
and make a deal.

Sorry. no deals.

Just a minute.

He says Superman won't make a deal.

I didn't think he would.

- Tell him I'll give myself up.
- What?

Tell him to have Superman on Dover's Cliff
near Willow Falls at : tonight.

- But--
- Tell him!

Listen. Mr. Kent...

Dover's Cliff near Willow Falls. : .

Right. He'll be there.

- Well...
- Well. what?

It may be a trap. or it might be the payoff.

- Hold page one till you hear from me. chief.
- Where are you going? Come back here!

- What time is it now?
- Three minutes to .

- You really think he'll show up?
- How do I know?

If he does show, who says
the professor's gimmick will work?

Professor' s no dope .

That coil he made to knock out
all those burglar alarms. remember?

Yeah. but knocking off burglar alarms
is one thing.

Knocking off Superman is another.

I have two minutes to .

That's right.

You really think you can
knock off Superman. professor?

I know I can.

Eleven o'clock.

Wish the boss was here.

He's too smart. He won't show until
this deal is over. one way or the other.

We're the patsies.

What was that?

Probably Superman.

Tell me when he comes into the room.

There he is now.

I had an appointment here.

Yeah. you wanted to see the boss.

This is him.

Come over and meet him.

- What's the matter, you afraid?
- No. I’m not afraid.

Here he comes. professor.

Look at that!

I can't believe it!

It's almost midnight. chief.

How much longer are we going to
hold the presses for Clark's big story?

Kent's never let me down yet.

We're an hour late
with our bulldog edition already.

I'm going to wait.
You two go home if you want to.

Not me. I’m parking right here
till Mr. Kent brings Mr. Big in.

All right. if that's the way you want it.

This is the end of Superman.

I think he's dead.

I'm going in. You boys keep back.

He's dead. Call the boss. Nick.

Composing room. Murphy.

We won't wait any longer. Murphy.

Roll the bulldog.

First time Kent ever let me down.

Look at him. boss.
Deader than a doornail.

He was gonna get me.

You stupid fools! He tricked you!

I'm amazed that any of you thought
that display of fireworks bothered me...

...or that I couldn't get out of this room
if I wanted to.


Come on. kid. Let's go.

Lois. come on.

I knew Clark would never come through
with that story.

- Would you sign for this delivery. Mr. White?
- What?

- What's that?
- Clark Kent's page-one story in the flesh.

- Walter Canby?
- You mean he--?

That's right.
Walter Canby. eminent attorney...

...chairman of the Citizen's Committee
for Clean Government...

...and the number-one man
behind crime in Metropolis.

Now you can print that statement
Mr. Canby wanted you to print:

There is no number-one crime boss
in Metropolis anymore!