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04x10 - Voices

Posted: 04/21/11 11:54
by bunniefuu
It was quite unexpected, sir.

The nuns were about to lay Sister St Ignatius to her final resting place when they noticed that her spot was, um, well it was spoken for, you might say, sir.

Oh, watch your step there, sir.

That's a Roman collar.

A Roman collar, sir?

George, if I'm not mistaken, this man was a priest. Dear Lord.

Sir, Father Hoobin was to conduct the burial service.

Father Hoobin is the convent chaplain. Father.


Reverend Mother? Come, quickly.

George, we'll need to dig this man out.

I'll get men on that straightaway.

How may I be of service, gentlemen?

Reverend Mother.

I'm Detective Will...




Constable, allow me to introduce my sister.

Father Logan. He arrived just last night, travelling to Winnipeg.

En route from? Halifax.

His train didn't leave until morning so we put him up. Were you acquainted with him?

No, but it's not uncommon for a travelling priest to stay the night.

Sir, perhaps, I'll take Father Hoobin's statement Yes, George. Thank you.


So you're a detective now, I see.


And you, a reverend mother.


Ah. Reverend Mother, Dr Julia Ogden, our coroner.

The Reverend Mother is...

Your sister, Susannah. The news has spread amongst the constables.

I'm so pleased to make your acquaintance.

And you.

You two have work to do. Doctor.

Reverend Mother. We'll speak later.

I thought she was in a cloistered convent in Montreal.

As did I.

KNOCK AT DOOR Come in, Will.

Dr Ogden found a fracture in Father Logan's skull.

I'll know more once the post-mortem is completed.

I must let the archdiocese in Halifax know of all this.

We'll take care of that.

At any rate, I'll need all of Father Logan's particulars from them.

How long have you been in Toronto?

Five months. Our order in Montreal was given special instruction to establish a mission convent here.

And I was given dispensation to leave the cloister.

You chose not to contact me.

It's been 20 years, Will.

I knew that you would want to meet and I was afraid that we would be strangers.

Strangers, Susannah?

I'm your brother.

The 17-year-old who...left for a logging camp to get his start in the world, that's how I remember you.

I don't know this Detective Murdoch at all.

We'll have to change that.

How may I be of assistance with your investigation?

What did Father Logan do once he arrived?

He offered to hear confession and since Father Hoobin was away, I agreed.

After that, he attended evening prayer.


Then so far as I'm aware, he went to bed.

Around half-past nine.

The grounds have been thoroughly checked and there's no sign of an intruder. But there must be.

No-one here had anything to do with this.

Of course not.

I just need to confirm that.

I made confession with Father Logan as we all did, God rest his soul.

Carry on, Sister. St Anthony.

Yes. Yes, I know.


Well, um...we had chores, of course, although not everyone gets theirs done.

I went to vespers, and then I helped Sister Theresa with her reading, she's Anglican, so she needs all the help she can get.

Sister Theresa, did you hear or see anything out of the ordinary last night?

None of us did.

Did Father Logan seem apprehensive or distracted in any way?


Do you think he knew someone was after him?

When I was accepted as a novice, I was so happy.

I knew that I'd be safe in God's house.

But how safe are we if a priest can be m*rder*d here?

Sister Bernadette, did you see Father Logan last night after confession?

Only at vespers.

Then you retired for the night?

No, I had kitchen duty, but I didn't hear anything outside.

Aren't chores before vespers?

Not all the time.

A Catholic priest gets m*rder*d at a convent run by the sister you haven't seen since...the Crusades.

Yes, sir. Hell of a family reunion, pardon the expression.

Have a seat, Murdoch. How are you holding up?

Oh, I'm fine.

We've interviewed everyone at the convent and no-one saw or heard anything that they're admitting to. You think they're lying?

They're nuns, Murdoch. They tell a fib, they go to limbo, don't they?

More likely purgatory, briefly... I don't understand these choices.

We Protestants have heaven or hell. No messing around. Yes, sir.

What about this Father Hoobin character?

He lives at a nearby rectory, only visiting the convent to hear confession and conduct evening prayer.

Last night he was at the home of a parishioner that is on his death bed to perform extreme unction. Extreme...

Last rites, so to speak. KNOCK AT DOOR Sirs, telegram from the archdiocese in Halifax.

They have no record of a Father Logan.

Perhaps my sister was mistaken about his home parish.

Also, sir, Dr Ogden called for you.

Father Logan suffered two blows to the head, the first with something flat and broad. A shovel perhaps?

Possibly, though the second blow was done with something small and heavy.

The second blow was fatal. It likely knocked him unconscious, but it's not what k*lled him.

The cause of death is asphyxiation.

There was a sizable amount of inhaled soil in the oesophagus and lungs.

I'm afraid he was buried alive.

So, how have you and Susannah been getting along?

Oh, I hardly know.

I haven't seen her or spoken to her since she was 14 and left our aunt's home for the convent school.

And later when she joined the cloistered nuns in Montreal, she wrote a final letter saying that the outside world was dead to her. At 14?

That must have been painful for you.

What do you have there?

Father Logan's stomach contents - beef stew.

Father Logan was k*lled on a Friday.

Catholics don't eat meat that day.

Perhaps he was not so devout.

Perhaps he was no priest.

And this one he invented to see in the dark. What on Earth for?

Have you no lanterns, Inspector?


I was providing Reverend Mother with insight into her big brother.

He built a contraption that can find sunken boats, under water.

Is that right?

Thank you for keeping my sister company, Inspector. Right. Well...

Pleasure to meet you. And you.

So this is your world now, Will...


Well, not entirely.

Mother had hoped you'd be a priest one day.

That wouldn't have been right for you.

Why do you say that?

You were forever asking how things worked, why they worked.

A priest, or someone like me, tries to comprehend God's ways, but doesn't question.

I suppose you were always a detective.

Choosing science over faith.

Judges and juries weigh facts, not my faith.

Besides, the Jesuits taught me mathematics, science. Of course.

Do you know if he's still alive?

Father? No.

Last I saw him, two years ago out west, he seemed robust.

You'd think the punishment for the grief he caused us all would have earned him an early grave. And damnation.

Is that what you came here to say, Susannah?


I have reason to believe Father Logan was not a priest.

Yes, I've come to the same conclusion. Why do you say so?

Sister Catherine told me.

Who is Sister Catherine?

Why did you not tell me about her before now?

She never goes outside now.

In fact she has no contact with anyone other than myself.

Why is that?

Reverend Mother. This is your brother? It is, Sister.

He has some questions.

Very well.

Sister Catherine, how do you know that Father Logan was not a priest?

God told me.

God told you.

Well, one of his angels, actually.

But angels are messengers of God, are they not?

Sister Catherine has been chosen by God.

To be a conduit to the divine.

It was Mary of Magdala who told me about Father Logan.

She said he was no man of God. She said... he was the devil.

And that took place in this room?

On my bed. The voices often come to me when I am at rest.

Last night I heard the voice of the devil himself.

The devil speaks to you as well? No, to Mary of Magdala.

He raged at her.

But she drove him out.

She must rest.

The angel that slew him is buried beneath him.

Mary spoke those words to me.

Sir, what is it exactly we're looking for?

I suppose we're testing a divine theory.


METAL THUD I believe this is an angel, sir.

It's buried beneath him.

The stone angel was exactly where Sister Catherine said it would be as instructed by Mary of Magdala.

I would think that you would be appreciative.

And I am, but Sister Catherine may have witnessed the m*rder, or be otherwise involved.

Involved? It's absurd to think that she fractured a man's skull, dragged him to his grave and buried him.

I haven't yet established that there was only one assailant.

You don't understand, Will.

Sister Catherine is far too frail to make her way to the gardens.

These past few weeks she's refused to eat. She's starving herself?

She's proving herself to God.

Her single concern is piety and I firmly believe that she has been rewarded with divine communion.

Be that as it may, I find it hard to believe that God intervenes in m*rder investigations, Susannah.

Who are we to assume God's priorities?

The fact is, William, the angels speak to Sister Catherine, or have you no faith in such things any more?

And then just as the chapter concludes, our heroes realise they must rush back to save the queen from Sekhmet's evil bio-cannon.

This m*rder mystery of yours is starting to sound peculiar, George. Oh, thank you, sir.

Although it doesn't hold a stitch to this scenario -

God having his angels talk to Sister Catherine.

It must mean that angels watch over this place.

In fact, they could be listening to our very words, right this minute. Sir, what are you looking at?

I think we know where our angel came from, George. Indeed. Sir...

I believe there's some blood here.

Yes, George. This is it.

This is the scene of the crime.

Very good, sir. Wait...

A crucifix.

A tin box.

It's empty.

You wanted to show me something, Dr?

It's a syphilitic lesion and in mind of the circumstances of this case, I had a thought.

Which is? Are you familiar with the virgin cure?

The mistaken belief that intimate relations with a virgin will cure disease.

What better place to find a virgin than a convent?

The virgin cure, I can't imagine anything more evil.

If our victim was attempting to avail himself of this cure, it could be why he was k*lled.

I will speak to the sisters, but I'm sure they would have come to me if there had been any attempt to molest them.

I found this in the garden as well, where I believe the victim was rendered unconscious.

Do you know who it belongs to?

No, but I'll ask and see if anyone has lost theirs.

Also...we found blood in the garden, no doubt the victim's.

But it's reasonable to assume that the k*ller was splattered during the attack.

And? I've sent some of my men to the convent to search for any items of clothing. You did what?

The k*ller is not among us, Will, and I insist that you stop this unseemly pursuit of yours.

I will have my men return to the station... once they have completed their duties.


..there's been a development.

Ah, sir, there you are.

We found it in the convent laundry.

A man's undergarment.

I believe I need to visit the rectory.

This was found in the convent.

Yes, that's mine. I usually leave my laundry at the convent for the nuns to attend to.

You'll note that there's blood on it.

Detective, it's my blood.

Here, I'll show you.

Self-flagellation is performed as a religious discipline, or as penance for wrong-doing.

Which is the case for you, Father Hoobin?

That is between myself and God.

No. No, that is between you and the constabulary. I will be needing your answer.

My answer is that I told you I was visiting the bishop.

Check with him.

Will, I'm so glad you're here. We left on unpleasant terms yesterday.

Don't worry about that. The angel spoke to Sister Catherine again this morning.


Sister Catherine.

The cross is lost.

What cross? Lost where?

The garden.

She must be referring to the crucifix that you found there.

But no-one told her.

Do you believe now?

Sister Catherine, whose voice did you hear?

Mary of Magdala.

And no-one else?


Sister Catherine?

My cross. Help me find...

Oh, dear God.


Sisters, we need help!

Sister Catherine.

You must convince her to eat. Starvation and lack of water will k*ll her.

I suppose you've reasoned that her condition explains her communion with God.

Susannah, she could die.

I should be taking her to a hospital.

No, we'll see to her.

Have you lost your faith, William?!

MUFFLED: You have a responsibility, William. I have a responsibility.

VERY MUFFLED DISCUSSION So figure me this, George.

These papists believe in saints...

Catholics, Henry. I think they prefer Catholics now.

OK. Well, these Catholics believe in abstinence for their priests because that brings them closer to God. Yes, correct.

But those practicing abstinence don't have children.

And so by Darwin's theory of natural selection, won't pass on their inclination towards taking holy orders.

Pretty soon, no-one wants to be a priest.

Are we running out of priests, Henry? Is this a problem?

I mean, are we entering some sort of world-wide priest shortage?

You're missing the point, George.

Henry! Can you hear my voice?

Yes, sir. Are you trapped underground, somewhere?

No, no!

Follow the sound of my voice until you see a clay pipe!

Just follow my voice.

Sir, I think we've found you! The pipe leads out here.

Are you where the m*rder took place? Yes, sir.

I hardly think that Sister Catherine's conduit to God was a drainage pipe.

It's part of an old plumbing system.

Very efficient at conveying sound.

It must have been covered up in the last renovation.

So all of this time she was hearing conversations in the garden?

And most likely the m*rder as well.

And the k*ller, or K*llers, speaking after the fact.

I need to talk to her again.

We're just nursing her back to health. She's in no condition.

Susannah, these divine messages could be the key to solving this m*rder.

Well, I keep a written record of the messages.

That will have to do.

KNOCK AT DOOR Detective?

Sir, I spoke with the bishop, he confirms that on the night of the m*rder he and Father Hoobin discussed a plan to repair the church in Millbrook -
Hoobin's home town.

So he can't be our k*ller. Yes, sir, but strangely Father Hoobin had with him $950 which he just gave the bishop to go towards the repairs.

Really. Where does a priest get money like that?

Well, good question, sir.

The other strange thing is that the wife of the dying parishioner that Hoobin had visited prior, said he left their house at 9pm.

The bishop said Father Hoobin didn't arrive until a quarter of ten. That trip should have taken 20 minutes, not 45. I wonder what delayed him.

After I left the parishioner's, I stopped here at the rectory to pick up some documents and then I carried on my way.

I see.

If I may, how is it you came into nearly $1,000 to give to the church in Millbrook? It was my inheritance.

I'd been saving it for a good cause.

That's very commendable. Detective Murdoch, I didn't k*ll that man.

I wasn't at the convent.

I believe you were.

You encountered Father Logan, realised that he was an impostor, so he att*cked you... to silence you.

Invent any scenario you like. What about the self-flagellation?

Wasn't it over the guilt you felt for committing m*rder?

I do have guilt, yes, but not for that reason.

I believe I've lost my faith.

Is your first name William?

Yes, it is.

You were in the convent garden earlier today.

A woman asked you if you'd lost your faith. Who was it? Sister Theresa.

No. A novice would never address a priest by his first name.

She and I became friends.

In the most ironic of ways, she is discovering her faith just as I am losing mine.

You and Father Hoobin had a conversation in the garden earlier today.


He says he found you there alone.

Were you looking for this?

That's not mine.

This is.

Sister Theresa...!

Sister Bernadette.

What seems to be the trouble?

Nothing important. I'll come back.

Thank you.

SHE SOBS Sister Bernadette... What has you so upset?

I received a scolding from the Reverend Mother.

Somehow she heard about us wagering on card games.

Excuse me.

Hello Detective...

Sister St Anthony.

We're burying Sister Ignatius later today, and this morning I went to see all was ready.

Her rosary is missing from her body, crucifix and all.

(I think someone stole it.)

What's this, then? Quotes from the drainpipe?

Yes, sir.

I'm convinced the solution to this crime is here, somewhere.

I believe Sister Catherine overheard a series of conversations, including one with the k*ller.

But before her seizure, Sister Catherine said, "My cross. Help me find...


In that case, perhaps it's referring to the crucifix that I found in the garden, and if so, she may have overheard the k*ller, still at the scene of the crime, looking for it.

And speaking to a third party? Exactly.

Sirs? We've had a response to the photograph that we sent around.

It seems our victim's name is Tommy Tasker.

He was arrested a month ago for bank robbery, but escaped while being transferred to court.

This was in Toronto? Uh, no sir, in Millbrook.

Father Hoobin's home town.

Millbrook's barely a hamlet.

Tommy Tasker and Father Hoobin must have crossed paths.

Father Hoobin, do you recognise this man?

All I know is he called himself Father Logan.

His real name is Tommy Tasker. Does that name sound familiar?


Father, I have a telegram here from the Millbrook Constabulary.

It pertains to an attempted robbery nine years ago, on July 17th, 1889.

Could you please read the names of the co-accused?

Tommy Tasker and Billy Hoobin.

We were altar boys, but we started getting into trouble. We ran together for a few years.

After I decided to become a priest I never saw Tommy again until... he showed up in that grave.

For the last time, I didn't k*ll him.

Why did you lie about knowing him?

Father William Hoobin, you are under arrest for the m*rder of Tommy Tasker.

KNOCK AT DOOR Susannah...

What brings you here?

It is true you've arrested Father Hoobin for the m*rder?

Yes, I'm afraid it is.


I can't let an innocent man hang for my sin.

YOUR sin?

Father Hoobin didn't k*ll that man.

I did.

It was dark. After vespers I... went for a walk before retiring.

Sister St Ignatius was very much on my mind.

She was like a mother to me.

Reverend Mother, please - the circumstances.

I was in the garden, when Father Logan or...Tommy Tasker, as you say, rushed up behind me and threw me down.


Did he interfere with you?

He tried.

I managed to push him off briefly.

I grabbed a shovel, and hit him with it.

He fell, but then he got back up again.

And the next thing I knew, I had a stone angel in my hand and he was on the ground.

Susannah... you acted in self-defence.

Why not simply tell me this from the beginning?

I k*lled a priest, Will.

Or at least, I thought he was one.

Who would believe that a priest could commit a sexual as*ault?

Not the Archdiocese, or the Holy See - and most certainly not the police.

So the voices Sister Catherine heard, were...?

Mine and Tasker's.

And in all this, your crucifix got torn off.


I looked everywhere for it, but...

So I took Sister St Ignatius's as a replacement, I'm ashamed to say.

So when you were searching for the crucifix in the garden, who was it you said "Help me find it" to, who wasn't Tasker?

There was no-one else there but me.

So no-one helped you carry Tasker's body to the grave and dump it in?



..I believe Sister Catherine heard a voice calling out to a third party for help, saying, "My cross.

"Help me find it."

There was someone else there with you.

Sister Catherine was delirious.

You said so yourself. It was just me.

I'd k*lled a man, Will, I was frantic.

I checked for a pulse, but... it was too late.

I didn't know what else to do.

Tasker wasn't dead when he was buried.

If you checked for a pulse, you would have found one.

Well, if he was near dead, then his pulse would have been weak. Reverend Mother... you're lying.

Listen, Murdoch - if your sister won't tell us who the accomplice is, we're just going to have to figure this out for ourselves.

Could be this third party's the k*ller, and that Susannah was only involved after the fact.

That distinction is less than comforting, sir, but...I agree.

Susannah appears to be protecting someone.

Tasker knew that Father Hoobin was Chaplain to a convent.

If Tasker really was after the virgin cure, it would make sense that he would go there.

He stole some of Father Hoobin's vestments from the rectory while Hoobin was at the parishioner's house.

That makes sense. So what's your problem?

Sir... What? A cross...

Sir, a Catholic nun loses her crucifix in the middle of a garden.

Why does she call it a cross?

Doesn't make sense. No. It doesn't.

Unless that nun was raised as an Anglican.

For my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed.

Blessed is the... KNOCKING Sisters...

Sister Theresa.

May I see your rosary, please?

Of course.


This has years of wear.

It belonged to Sister Ignatius, didn't it?

Sister Bernadette?

I was working the kitchen when I heard a noise outside.

I went out and found Theresa and the Father in a struggle.

He was on top of her, so...

I hit him with the shovel.

Then what? He still wouldn't stop - so I picked up a stone angel...

Bernadette - please.

I was the one who hit him with the angel.

He tried to r*pe me.

I thought he was going to go after me again.

And you both decided to bury him.

The Father would have simply disappeared, to catch his train to Winnipeg for all anyone would know.

But when we saw his hand sticking out of the dirt the next day, we realised... We thought he was dead when we buried him, Detective Murdoch.

You must believe that.

We're not monsters.

Why let the Reverend Mother take the blame for what you had done and surely go to the gallows?

She insisted.

That time you saw me crying, I had just told her the truth.

I pleaded with her not to confess to our sins - but she wouldn't hear it.

She said it was better this way.

This way, please.

Susannah, I don't understand.

Father Hoobin was entirely innocent of any crime, Will.

Sisters Bernadette and Theresa were faced with an agonising choice for survival's sake.

In each instance, my duty was clear.

We must sacrifice our own interests to protect the innocent.

What are you hiding from me?

I must go now. They'll be needing lawyers.

SOBBING Glad to see this case wrapped up - and with your sister no part in the m*rder and so on and so forth.

But the thought of two nuns swinging from a rope...well.

The case IS wrapped up, Murdoch - right?

I suppose so, sir. But it troubles me that once Tasker was knocked to the ground, they didn't simply run, or call for help.

Sister Theresa did not need to finish him off.

Well, maybe not, but with something like that... Sirs. Excuse me.

From the Millbrook Constabulary -
Tommy Tasker's complete file.

I've perused it and it is enlightening to say the least.

Especially...this part.

Tommy Tasker was arrested for seduction five years ago in Millbrook.

Seduction, huh? Promised marriage to a girl to win her favours and then backed out, did he?

Yes, sir.

And the man who brought the charges against Tommy Tasker was Billy Hoobin. What's going on?

Sir, the young woman that Tasker att*cked was a Mary Albert. From Bethany, Ontario.

"Mary of Bethany." What's Bethany got to do with anything?

Sister Catherine said that one of the voices she heard was that of Mary Magdala.

The biblical Mary Magdala was from Bethany.

Mary Magdala is Mary of Bethany.

And OUR Mary from Bethany... is Mary Albert.

So who's Mary Albert?

The young woman Father Hoobin lied to protect.

Have a seat. Why is Sister Theresa here?

Oh, I think you know, Father.

Five years ago, Tommy Tasker was arrested for seduction.

The complainant was one Billy Hoobin, and the alleged victim was Mary Albert.

Sister Theresa - that was the religious name you were given when you became a novice, yes?

Yes. Father Hoobin, the crime of seduction carries with it a prison sentence.

Alerting the authorities to an occurrence of seduction would be an ideal way of ridding oneself of a rival for a woman's affections.

Wouldn't it?

So what happened, then? Missy here was free and clear of Tasker.

I reckon you offered a shoulder to cry on.

But she didn't want you.

Still pining for Tasker, was she?

Alas, after a short stint in prison, Tasker reunited with Mary.

Right about the time you left Millbrook to study for the priesthood.

No-one likes being rejected, Father - but that seems a bit drastic to me.

So as the years went on, Tasker moved his way up - from petty theft to bank robbery.

With his lovely Mary by his side the whole time.

Most recently, Tasker stole nearly $1,000 from a Millbrook bank.

Strangely, the authorities were tipped off by an anonymous letter.

Tasker went to jail, Mary Albert vanished...and so did the money.

Why don't you two take it from here?

Tommy was a brute.

Not at first, but then it started.

I realised I should have been with Billy all along.

So you took the money and ran.

I needed to hide from Tommy, and I knew that Billy would take me in.

When Mary showed up at my door two months ago, I realised nothing had changed.

My love for her never died.

I wrote to the Holy Father to be released from my vows.

We were planning to marry.

But then Tasker showed up?

On the other side of the confessional.

He wanted the money, and...

I was going to give it to him just to make him go away.

It was gone.

I'd hidden it in a tin box in the garden, and when I took Tommy there he saw that it was empty, and he thought I'd lied to him. He att*cked me.

I'm sure if Bernadette hadn't come along, he would have k*lled me.

So you k*lled him first, while you had the chance.

It was him or me.

And fabricated the story of the attempted r*pe.

I needed Bernadette's help to hide the body.

She never would have if she'd known that I k*lled a man on purpose.

Which you wouldn't have had to do had I not...taken the money.

You took it?

What... That was our nest egg, Billy! Why would you do that?

To absolve me of my sins, I hoped.

And to ease the guilt of leaving the church.

I wanted Mary and I to have a fresh start, yes - but with a clean break from the past.

If you hadn't done that, none of this would have happened!

All Tommy wanted was the money!

SHE SOBS GENTLY Father Hoobin will be required to testify against Sister Theresa.

And Sister Bernadette? We'll petition the courts for leniency.

I doubt any judge will want to punish her too severely.

But there will be punishment of some duration.

This terrible business has quite crushed our spirit here.

My heart is heavy knowing the full truth.

It's not how I imagined our reunion.

I've spoken harshly to you at times these last few days, Will.

I regret that.

You were in a difficult position.

Thank you.

It's my hope that we can find time for each other now.

I know that there must be many demands on you...


..I will be returning to the cloister in Montreal.

But we've only just... found each other. I know.

I feel the same way.

Then why leave?

My reasons for confessing to the m*rder were not based solely on protecting those that I assumed to be innocent.

The truth is...

..God has called me home.

Called you home?

I've been unwell for some time.

And I haven't long.

You wondered why I hadn't told you that I was in Toronto.

I didn't think that God would give me the strength... No. tell my brother - whom I love so deeply.

I hope that you will forgive me for wanting to spend my final days in prayer and contemplation.

Can you forgive me?

Of course.


Pray with me.